View Full Version : Boatanchors
- Wanted: Hallicrafters S-72 knobs
- Re: Free book- pick one or all four free books from this site
- FA: old HP 130B oscilloscope, needs work (updated/current link)
- A bit more on WTB & FS posts??
- Kenwood TS-830S
- Heath Twoer and Sixer articles
- Comm Unit Group
- Only the old survive...
- FT-101 extension board project
- AR88 - the continuing saga...
- Thoughts on Stewart Warner R-390a and TMC CV-657 SSB ???
- Help on miiltary radio set
- Wanted: 5-inch dynamic speaker
- 5T4 Giveaway
- AR88 voltages
- AR88 woes!
- WTT: Heil Kenwood for Heil Icom.
- "Index to Surplus" by Roy Pafenberg
- AR88 sapres wanted
- 6F6 heat question
- WTB OK on here?
- Crystals anyone?
- Remote Unit MR-9B (for Bendix RA-10DB Rx) wiring info wanted
- AR88 PCB oil
- Wobbulator
- Want to buy: National Type "K" Dials
- Hallicrafters S-76 Alignment
- New addition to the collection at Radio Heaven
- Alignment Question on HQ 129X
- Help on a Bendix dynamotor type DA-TA 28 VDC in, 280 VDC out
- Bruel & Kjaer VHF Converter Type 2400: anyone know about it
- Old Schematics.
- Refurbishing my Galazy GT550
- SCR522
- AR88 enthusiasts in Australia
- Hammurlund SP600 S Meter Issues
- crystal socket
- WTD SP-600 Parts
- WANTED: HP 8640 Signal Generator
- B/A Equipment Available in MD/DC/VA
- loose glass in meter
- Vintage SSB
- Rotary wafer switch cleaner?
- More at Newington CT flea Saturday
- Newington CT Flea Market
- Boatanchors, tubes and more for pickup only in Rhode Island
- Boatanchors, tubes and more for pickup only in RI
- Hallicrafters S-38 loose lead question
- Drake TR-7 Manuals
- ham-com 2009 pictures
- National SW-3 B+ current
- Boatanchors and SolderSmoke
- Looking for a 35.52 MHz FT 101E crystal.
- RE Hy-Power HC-500 Tuner
- FS LS-454 Speakers
- FS: Hoffman RT159A
- WTB: 7' equipment rack, open sided OK.
- 16 volt pilot lamp for FT-101
- Tubes for 75A4 and S-Line
- FS Kenwood 820S
- neutralizing new tubes
- testing 807 on Philco 9100 tester?
- FA: Vibrator or Chopper, Hughes-Airpax, new listing
- New Book about Radio and Electronics
- Zenith 7S633 experience, anyone?
- WTB: Navy SB-315A/U
- BC-348 Info Request
- WTB: Mackay Information
- Need manual for HP-606A, S/N Prefix 842
- Test
- Armitron Women's Silver-Tone Bracelet Watch #75/2453BLU
- Nike Triax Swift ADX Mens Watch WC0035-006
- Invicta Women's Wildflower Diamond Stainless Steel Watch #5065
- Kenneth Cole New York Women's Borrowed From The Boys Collection Strap Watch #2514
- Pulsar Men's Alarm Chronograph Black Ion Plated Stainless Steel Watch #PF3547
- Kenneth Cole New York Women's Classic Bracelet Watch#KC4613
- TW Steel Men's "Grandeur Tech" Collection Chronograph Watch #TWS103
- Tissot PRS200 Steel Chronograph Silver Mens Watch T17.1.486.33
- Skagen Men's Black Leather Watch #233LSLB
- Citizen Men's Eco-Drive Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Watch #BL5250-02L
- Fish Tank Water Pump
- Decorative Bathroom Mirror
- Basketball Ball Bags
- Cape Cod Braided Rugs
- Help on RCA receiver
- CAPACITORS: multisection for all Zenith T/O, all hallicrafters S-38
- wtd: Cubic panel interface 2140-1116
- HVRA tailgate may 23 houston area
- Who is going to Dayton?
- Hallicrafters S-38D Volume Switch/Pot
- Re: ECHO Range King linear amplifier
- Re: ECHO Range King linear amplifier
- RCA AR88 or CR88 speaker
- Wanted: Color code for old inductors
- FS: Collins 51J3 R-388 / URR
- Weird Heath DX-60 plate problem
- FS Collins 51J-3
- Yaesu Paint Color?
- Swap Greenlee Radio Punches
- SCR-608/BC-604 Query
- Heathkit HW-9 Dial Error
- WTB: A.R.C. Type 12 receivers and tx's.
- Re: FS Hy-Gain Ham IV Rotor and Controller
- Morse code lives
- Bay Area Boatanchor Sale
- Rohde & Schwarz EK 085 VLF HF receiver
- Wanted - Manuals for Heathkit IO-4555 O-Scope
- SX-71 2nd IF cathode resistor differences??!!
- hx-500
- HQ-145 sensitivity
- Unknown Aerotron Receiver
- WTB: Collins 310B-3 exciter
- Article wanted
- S-38 Questions about alignment.
- Grundig GDO?
- Absolute Mint Heathkit DX-100B Will Bring to Dayton Hamvention
- who knows more of the bc191x .
- SX-101A question..
- Need Info on Mackay 3100A VLF
- FA: Barry shock mounts for radios or equipment
- Manson Labs CV1694 Manual
- SWL receiver
- 6146 VS 6293
- Q: Navy RBV-1 panadaptor (400KC)
- FA: Sencore LC53 Z Meter with Probe and AC Cord # 260388540185
- Hallicrafter's Tour on Film
- FA: 400 Hz equipment cooling fans, two types
- FA: Panel meter movement, 3-1/2" round rugged mil surplus
- FA: Power transformers, 22 volt 2.4 amps, unused
- FA: old HP 130B oscilloscope, needs work
- More S-40A stuff
- Supermarket Racks, India, Tamilnadu, chennai
- Collins HF-2050
- Repair of Nye-Viking MB-V-A tuner
- Boatanchors
- WTB: SX-101 front panel
- Johnson Matchbox 275W
- Charlotte Conference, latest update
- Help with a WA-44C
- FA: Military Boatanchor Manuals
- Manson Labs SSB Converter for R-390/R-1247
- Antenna Switch Power Rating
- B&W 5100, SX-101 combo
- RCA Tube Handbook HB-3 available for download
- Power supply identification
- Globe Scout Deluxe
- Eldico manuals
- Define "good condtion"!
- Comcraft CTS-50 Price??
- Two Eddystones.
- WTB R-390 knobs
- Boatanchor Humor!
- WW2 Lancaster Interphone amplifier: 6SJ7 operating point
- Vintage gear spotted at the Charlotte Hamfest
- General Radio 1604-B ?
- FS - L3 BAI-106G Battery Connectors
- 802 xtal transmitter
- Re: HALLICRAFTERS S-38C receiver (1953)
- WTB VHF (2M) AM Mil Equipment
- Wilcox Radios - surplus to my needs
- Paper capacitor and Hallicrafters S-40A notes
- FA: Collins 51S-1 HF Receiver for Parts
- Battleship anchor
- FS: HEATHKIT IM5284 Multimeter - UNBUILT -
- Fw: RCA Tube Manufacturing video
- Hallicrafters manuals
- Collins 75A1
- Collins Transmitter 32V3
- National NC 2-40
- Old brass variable condenser
- What happend to all the Clansman Auto HF tuners >>??
- Help with Identifying This Little Rig
- WTB: CBS Volumax 400
- Icom IC-781
- Velvet Verniers
- Any readers/posters from Australia here?
- Anybody know what this receiver is?
- eBay: some ARC-5 Command sets
- Collins Manuals (Original)
- S-40A Question
- Hygain 623 (Utopia)
- FA:EICO 1030 & PACO B-12 Power supply
- Source for Heathkit Paint
- World Radio Amateur Magazines
- RE: FS Heath and Halli - My Location
- How to a adjust a meter movement?
- FS/FT: Kenwood BS-5 Pan Display Module
- Want to buy Original Manual Johnson Viking II
- Sockets for 1920 Igranic coils
- Johnson Viking II meter needed
- Transformer color code quandry
- Local oscillator below the station frequency--why?
- Drake 2A Passband Tuner Issue
- daiwa LA2065R 2 meter power amplifier...
- R1155 advice and info wanted
- WTB Collins R-390 knob set
- Monitor crystal oven ID?
- Wanted IF Strip for R-390A
- SP-600 Hex screw all snockered up
- 3395 AM Filter
- FNB-70?
- Racal-Dana Frequency Counter 9914
- HP-23 - Anybody have a top and bottom cover?
- WTB: HP 8640B for parts.
- WTB: Collins 51S-1 Megacycles knob.
- HRO-5 name plate?
- FA: Rare Drake UV-3 w/all 3 modules & Heath HW-2036
- Wanted: RF ammeter
- Hallicrafters S-20R, S-40, etc.
- FS Gonset Communicator Back Cover
- FS Lettine 240 Meter, Chassis, B&W Coil
- R-390 Parts FS
- E.F. Johnson Knobs FS
- Historical and rare SSB package for sale or swap.
- Carbon microphone revitalization
- Looking for dead HP848x RF power sensor
- Wave Meter rare on eBay
- Re: FA: HALLICRAFTERS SX-115 receiver
- VHF FM converter circuit/s?
- S-20R Redux
- Dial For 210 Tr Geloso
- FS: RCA Model MCA39DA11ESP transmitter
- Hallicrafters S40A
- price query
- HamInfoBar - Free browser toolbar
- FS: B&W Model SCR05G Coaxial Antenna Switch $25.00
- FS: Shure Model 444D Dynamic Desk Microphone Wired for YAESU FT-101
- FS: NEW IN BOX - 2AP1A CRT Scope Tube
- FS: Vintage Radio Correspondence Course Books
- WTD: Collins KWM-2 or -2A
- More Hallicrafters S-20R Questions
- FS: Collins KWM-2A round emblem, cheap.....
- FS: Henry 2KW HF linear amp...
- FS: S-40B, S-38, SX-101 Re-Cap Kits
- 2009 Charlotte Conference news
- Newbie question: IF filters alignment
- WTB Weller Solder iron
- Hallicrafters S-40 Puzzle
- Stuck Setscrew in Aluminum Knob
- FS: Various pieces of equipment in excellent condition.
- Looking for Atlas 210x knobs
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