View Full Version : Boatanchors
- E-Mail Problems
- E-Mail Problems
- Collins 32RA Auction Closing Shortly!!
- Collins 32RA Auction Closing Shortly!!
- Re: FS/ trade 9 tube home brew receiver
- National Company S-Meters
- National Company S-Meters
- Clough-Brengle & C.C.C.
- Clough-Brengle & C.C.C.
- FS: Kenwood R-599 HF receiver
- WTB: Brass "Signal Electric" key
- WTB: Brass "Signal Electric" key
- FS- 2way Service/Maint/Operator Manuals !!!!
- FS- 2way Service/Maint/Operator Manuals !!!!
- FS: Kenwood R-599 HF receiver
- FA DRAKE PS-7 50 bucks, 3 hours left
- FA DRAKE PS-7 50 bucks, 3 hours left
- FA: National NC-57 receiver
- FA: National NC-57 receiver
- FA: Homebrew HF Amp RF Deck
- FA: Homebrew HF Amp RF Deck
- FS: Pair of Ameco TX-62 6 & 2 Meter Transmitters $75 for BOTH
- FS: Pair of Ameco TX-62 6 & 2 Meter Transmitters $75 for BOTH
- FS: Radio and Test Equipment, Transmitting Tubes and Parts
- FS: Radio and Test Equipment, Transmitting Tubes and Parts
- F.A MilitaryAntenna coupling unit - Antenna Tuner
- F.A MilitaryAntenna coupling unit - Antenna Tuner
- F.A EICO RECEIVER - Space Ranger DX 718
- F.A EICO RECEIVER - Space Ranger DX 718
- FS: Tubes
- FS: Tubes
- What is Collins 35A? Very early.
- What is Collins 35A? Very early.
- FA: Power Transformer for Collins 75S-3B Receiver
- FA: Power Transformer for Collins 75S-3B Receiver
- FA: Very Nice Hallicrafters S-120 Receiver
- FA: Very Nice Hallicrafters S-120 Receiver
- FS: Collins 51J-2 Receiver - Price Reduced
- FS: Collins 51J-2 Receiver - Price Reduced
- FA:BIG oil filled CAP for AMP
- FA:BIG oil filled CAP for AMP
- FA:NOS 872A rectifier tubes- still cheap!
- FA:NOS 872A rectifier tubes- still cheap!
- FA:NICE original COLLINS 312B4/B5 manual
- FA:NICE original COLLINS 312B4/B5 manual
- FA:500mA panel meters, nice
- FA:500mA panel meters, nice
- Vacuum tube technical question
- Vacuum tube technical question
- FA: Very Nice BC-348Q WW2 Receiver
- FA: Very Nice BC-348Q WW2 Receiver
- Valiant "Drive Pot"
- Valiant "Drive Pot"
- FA: Hallicrafters R-47 Speaker
- FA: Hallicrafters R-47 Speaker
- FA: Kenwood 6 and 2 meter converters
- FA: Heathkit SB-614 Monitor scope
- FA: Kenwood 6 and 2 meter converters
- FA: Heathkit SB-614 Monitor scope
- Re: Usage of 1L5 tubes, Zenith?
- F.s Collins 30L1
- F.s Collins 30L1
- Codar CR 70A circuit diagram and/or service manual wanted.
- Codar CR 70A circuit diagram and/or service manual wanted.
- Mast Problem
- Mast Problem
- Re: Wanted Heath DX 100
- FS: Excellent condition Kenwood R-599 HF receiver $135
- FS: PAIR of Ameco TX-62 6 & 2 Meter tube xmtrs $75
- FS: PAIR of Ameco TX-62 6 & 2 Meter tube xmtrs $75
- WANTED: US BC1000 pack radio
- WANTED: US BC1000 pack radio
- F.S Johnson Vilking 1
- F.S Johnson Vilking 1
- Usage of Johnson 6N2 Transmitter and VFO
- Usage of Johnson 6N2 Transmitter and VFO
- Johnson Thunderbolt Plug Needed
- Johnson Thunderbolt Plug Needed
- FS: Several radios - Local pickup ONLY
- FS: Several radios - Local pickup ONLY
- FS: Lot of FIVE 2-Meter handie talkies
- FS: Lot of FIVE 2-Meter handie talkies
- need dx-150 schematic
- need dx-150 schematic
- Midwest Antique Radio Service is no longer. Here's why:
- Midwest Antique Radio Service is no longer. Here's why:
- FS 1966 ARRL Handbook
- FS 1966 ARRL Handbook
- Need manual for RCA AVT-15B
- Need manual for RCA AVT-15B
- Wooden Boat Forum
- Wooden Boat Forum
- Boating Magazines
- Boating Magazines
- What is a fair price for a Heathkit Mohican rcvr?
- What is a fair price for a Heathkit Mohican rcvr?
- Drake and Johnson For Sale or Trade
- Drake and Johnson For Sale or Trade
- FS: Working Heathkit AG-8 Audio Generator $20
- FS: Working Heathkit AG-8 Audio Generator $20
- FS: Ten Tec Omni-D with Power Supply $225
- FS: Ten Tec Omni-D with Power Supply $225
- FA: Various Heathkit parts on Ebay
- FA: Various Heathkit parts on Ebay
- Computer Emergency Power Panel priced to move fast
- Computer Emergency Power Panel priced to move fast
- FS: Ampex Tube 351 2-ch & Ampex 300 mono... Tape deck
- FS: Ampex Tube 351 2-ch & Ampex 300 mono... Tape deck
- WTB: BC779 Name Tag
- WTB: BC779 Name Tag
- working unmodified ARC 5s etc, but ya have to buy the plane
- working unmodified ARC 5s etc, but ya have to buy the plane
- echolink san fran hf gateway 18157.5mhz kq6xa
- echolink san fran hf gateway 18157.5mhz kq6xa
- Johnson Viking Phone Patch + misc
- Johnson Viking Phone Patch + misc
- Help Required - Operation of Boatanchor Amateur Radio HF Station
- Help Required - Operation of Boatanchor Amateur Radio HF Station
- Pleasure Craft Operator Card A.K.A Boat License
- FA: SPRAGUE 12 MEGOHM 10KW Resistors
- Up and going fast Collins 32 RA Transmitter..nice!
- Sell and Buy Tube Gear!
- HW 7 marker oscillator
- FA Drake PS7 supply
- FA:STILL CHEAP! 872A tubes
- FA:HV oil cap for amp 4500v 32uF
- FA:10 meter tank coils - assortment for amp
- FA:500mA panel meters for amp/homebrew
- FA:Remote COAX switch, 28VDC N connectors
- to MaxxCoyote
- FA: COLLINS R388 R 388 R-388 51J3 51-J3 RADIO HF RECEIVER
- FA:Unique Collins WW2 Big Navy Rig Remote Control
- TRADE: Harris RF-102A
- Heavy Power Transformers, ETAL
- FS...QST, 1935
- FS...QST, 1935
- Radiogram
- WTB: Hallicrafters HT-32
- FS:RCA mod reactor & HV transformer KILOWATT BC Rig
- Fs Heathkit DX20
- What left out there for AM?
- Any older low-drive-power linear amps?
- Several Items FS
- BC-906-D Frequency Meter
- FS:Original manuals
- FA: Hallicrafter SX-43 receiver (final hours)
- fs: QST 1927-1997
- FA 4 lots of 1930s boxed NOS audio and receiver tubes
- FS: Radio and Test Equipment, Transmitting Tubes and Parts
- National NC-100A Dial Stringing
- Re: Need Service Manual DX-160
- FA: Ham-Key Deluxe Vibro Keyer (like new)
- National NC-100A dial cord stringing
- FA: ARRL Operating Manual 7th Edition (Like New)
- FA: ARRL Operating Manual 7th Edition (Like New)
- FA: DRAKE TV-1000 LP Low-Pass Filter
- FS- 2way Service/Maint/Operator Manuals !!!!
- FA: Tubes and More
- FS:Hammarlund HX50 and Heath Apache AM TX
- FA:- BIDDLE Impedance Bridge - very unusual !! see it !!
- W. CT Hamfest This Sunday
- SWAN 117C Power Supply info needed
- F.S.Hallicrafters SX 28
- Heathkit TC-2 settings for 6CH6 tube?
- WTB Drake AC-4/MS-4
- F.S. Radios & Books
- 1000's ofTUBES for sale
- For the Anniversary of Sept. 11th.
- HQ170-photo address
- Hammarland HQ170
- Heathkit Manual??????
- Re: Help Needed with a Realistic DX160 receiver
- WTB: Info on 75A-3 Product Detector ER
- Re: Looking for MRF390 transistors & 8236 tubes
- FS: Harvey Wells T-90, R-9A, matching spkr+PS
- FS-Hammarlund HQ-160
- Silvertone 90??
- Eddystone 750 1st Mixer
- B600 transoceanics
- Crystal swapping boards
- FS: Ten Tec SP-325 HF Military Comm. Receiver
- Re: April 1962 QST
- FS: Hallicrafters HT-33A Amplifier
- What's the difference between 4CX250B and 4CX250R?
- National NC-109 Need some help
- Re: Users groups for older gear - Swan
- FA: Halicrafter SX-43 receiver
- Re: Need Manual for HP8660A signal generator
- Collins 51X3 data?
- FS: CQ Magazines, Assorted issues spanning 1951 through 1972
- FS: ARRL Antenna Handbook - 14th Edition, 1984
- FS:ARRL Handbooks, 1974, 1975 & 1983
- FS Uniden HR2510 (President)
- FS Kenwood TW-4000A & Th-315A
- FS Kenwood TW-4000A & TH-315A
- FS: Heath HR-10B and HW-8
- FS Drake 2B/2BQ & MS4
- FS Collins 75S1
- free tubes from Ab5s
- free tubes AB5S
- For Sale: Various Items
- FS:huge HIGH VOLTAGE transformer for BIG amp!
- FS: Hi-Mound Morse Key
- Re: Users groups for older gear
- Need BC-610I parts for restoration
- SG-1144/U sig gen ??
- Tube Testers???
- Buffalo Tranformers
- Identifying a Supreme brans 6 meter tranceiver
- Running older radios (e.g. Collins, Swan) from an inverter
- WTB: Collins KWM-2A
- Antenna Suggestions
- KWM-2 vs KWM-2A
- National Radio Parts
- Power comsumption for tube-type SSB/CW transceivers
- Any recommendations for tube-type SSB transceivers?
- FS Johnson Invader 2000
- Hallicrafters SX-76 Help
- Elgin Radiofest updates
- R-1511 schematic
- Re: Hammarlund Test
- FA- TR-7 Drake- Please check out
- FS- "TON of Service/Maint/Operator Manuals !!!!
- FA: Heathkit GD-1A Grid Dip Meter
- FA: RCA "Magic Eye" Capacitance Tester
- FA: Hickok 752A Tube Tester
- FA: James Millen Model 90800 Transmitter
- W. Conn. Hamfest Sunday, Sept. 14th
- 651S-1 manual sources?
- Looking for LOCAL buyer to buy lots of my radios!
- need info on alfha amp
- FS: Hallicrafters SX-99 Receiver
- FS: Heathkit AG-8 Audio Generator on Ebay
- R390A to FAR hamfest
- FS: * NEW *Superior Powerstat Model 21 5 Amp VARIAC, in original packging
- WTD: Boonton 260A Q-Meter Meter Movement
- FA: 866A Rectifier tubes
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