View Full Version : Boatanchors
- More Manuals
- fs - 1950s police radio anyone? Motorola
- an/grr-5
- Odd resistors identification
- "tiger Radio" Tr200 Coils
- Collins R-188/51J-3 S-Meter Problem and Cure
- Ten Tec Omni D series C
- Heathkit from scratch
- Poor ART-13 performance on 80 meters
- Tubes, anyone interested?
- Re: you too can be part of the work of the kosher ham kb9rqz
- Help withh ART-13
- Re: GR-1650A
- Re: GR-1650A
- Five Gang Cap
- Hallicrafter Values
- FS: Rockwell Collins 851S-1 short wave receiver
- FS: Collins 51S-1 short wave receiver in excellent condition
- Heathkit MR-1010 Mariner 2 Schematic ?? Pdf?
- Items going to the July 11 SCARCNJ swapmeet
- Need B&W 5100 parts
- FS, LS-166/U speaker
- FS Collins 312B-5 RE Nice
- All tax related matters and International tax matters.
- ART-13 RF meter -Thermocouple
- HW-29 and HW-29A
- NC-57 deafness problem
- Breezeshooters hamfest
- Help with ART-13
- General Radio Bridge Part
- HP 200CD wide range audio oscillator manual (1965 edn) availablefor Rapidshare download
- Keeping old cloth covered cords healthy
- Ham Radio in the Movies
- HCRA Tail Gate Party - Feeding Hills, MA - June 4th
- Inter connect cables for 420/430 converters
- Lavoie Laboratories LA-71 Deviation Meter
- Repair or keep?
- Hammardland noise issue
- Bendix
- Noisy neigborhood and HQ-129-x
- Re: wtf
- National paint finish?
- SB-303
- WW2 Lancaster bomber radios, info wanted.
- hallicrafters sx-71 WTB
- SX-28 value
- Balun Transformer Identification
- AR88D - R10 resistor blows in the RF stage
- Wanted: Vintage Tektronix Gear
- Bad transaction with Radio-Mart on Ebay?
- Steampunk VFO?
- LA-400C Amp
- johnson viking valiant ii
- W2DU's Reflections III is now available from CQ Communications, Inc.
- S-meter for BC-348 / BC-312
- R-648/ARR-41 on Goodwill Auction site
- Hallicrafters SX-28 Bias
- D-104 mic -JFET amplifier for base stand
- Technical Books available for download
- Sweep generator recommendations?
- FS: Radio, Test Equipment Service Manuals and Catalogs:
- Lampkin 107c
- VIKING II microphones
- Hallicrafters SX-101 Mk III for sale
- Advice from SX-115 owners
- FS: HB Amplifier $300
- Giant nixies
- Hallicrafters SX-28 issue
- FA: Barry shock mounts for cushioning equipment from vibration
- Einstein's Biggest Blunder - - Wasn't????
- More NC-88 - alignment
- FS***CUSTOM DUST COVERS for most Ham gear***
- FS***CUSTOM DUST COVERS for most Ham gear***
- Drake R8B FS
- test
- FS***COLLINS 30K-1 and 310A-1***
- Scrounging for some old parts
- test - please ignore
- SX-28 Sensitivity
- B&W Model 80 T-R switch
- FA: Squirrel cage blower, Western Gear Corp, 200 VAC 400 Hz, NIB
- WJ 8617B not saving settings when powered OFF
- CODAN-9360 help
- Collins 651s1 audio card schematic
- Archer Space Cadet Walkie-Talkies
- National NC-88 questions
- Zenith 49CZ752 speaker
- Paying $50.00
- WTB CW Pitch Knob for Hallicrafters SX-71
- WTB Round 5-inch PM speaker
- AR88
- ADF indicator motorola 551A (ADF-T12C)
- FS Hallicrafters SX23 S meter
- Looking for Hammarlund Model C tuning condenser
- Modulation transformer load
- AM signals peak envelope power
- square pyramid net diagram
- Progress on a Bendix RA 10DB
- Home Made Coil Dope AKA Q-Dope
- WTB - trim piece for Hallicrafters SX-28 cabinet
- Hammarlund Historian website partially restored
- Stark 10-44 Tube Tester
- Help Need Manuals for Meissner Calibrator and HP-312
- SMX-52AC
- Class-C stage grid resistor
- WTB Hallicrafters SX-28A RF Amplifier Coils
- WTB Yaesu FT 817/ND
- Hams in Haiti
- Anyone in Virginia with a Wireless Set No. 19
- Still looking for TCS12 Tx anyone have/Know one for sale ?
- Dow-key DKC-TR
- BAs in the Hite collection auction
- Another SX-42 question
- AN/TNH-21 tape recorder schematic or manual needed
- Haiti
- Need old meter case (broken meter ok)
- Need schematic for TenTec PowerMite
- WTB Heathlit HR-20 Mobile Receiver
- sx-42 s meter problem
- Plate current measurement
- WTB 1950's Navy Radio Gear
- F.S Collins Mechanical Filter NOS
- Speaker for the Mosley CM-1 receiver
- Need manual for TS-1100 test set, transistor
- old tektronix manuals for sale 282 to 527
- Geiger Tube Anyone?
- restoring an SP-600
- Re: archer / radio - shack swr / f.s.m. meter schematic
- Advice on class-C modulated tube
- more boat anchor TEKTRONIX manuals for sale
- National NCX-1000 HF Transceiver Rare!!!!!!!!
- tektronix boat anchor test equip. manual for sale
- hammarlund sp-210 xformers
- Performance of Heathkit SB-610
- Re: archer / radio - shack swr / f.s.m. meter schematic
- power transformer question
- Heathkit What is it ?
- F.S. National Comapny S meter
- Henry 2K band switch problem
- Hammarlund SP-600 tags
- co-ax switch
- Sort of boat anchor
- Collins 51S-1 photos
- hallicrafters SX - 43 bfo pitch knob
- Collins 651S-1 Question - Retaining Frequency
- need co-ax connecter adaptors
- big RIDERS scope book 1959 1,355 pages for sale
- 7486 Tube
- 1938 Halicrafters SX16 manual...
- Knight StarRoamer Working Great!
- HQ 129 help needed
- Help needed with HQ 129X BFO
- AN/ALR-3 Radar Warning Receiver info wanted
- catalogs for sale 1970 to 1979
- RCA ETM-25
- stability SX100
- radio - electronic catalog update
- Help with T-368 VFO
- Tono 9000 cw/rtty decoder
- tono cw/rtty decoder
- 3599 kcs
- 3599 Vintage Calling Frequency
- What has happened?
- hallicrafters SX - 43 knob
- 1950's radio catalogs... all sold to curt
- WTB Heath VFO
- 3599 kc's
- arrl " hint & kinks " booklets for sale .
- CW Boatanchor Calling Frequency ?
- SCARS Annual Meet - Nov. 20 & 21
- Variable Capacitor
- out of topic,no tube...Collins HF-2050
- Halli SX 100 Problem found, Need help with cause
- FS: NEW IN BOX - 2AP1A CRT Scope Tube
- Help needed with Halli SX 100 repair
- HQ-120X Part Needed
- Clansman 5.4m mast
- WTB Neutralisation capacitor
- Anyone around from anywhere near Yorkshire?
- Spanner sizes
- Help on HT-32A transformer
- Dead Battery
- question concerning HARRIS RF355 amplifier
- Capacitor failure report
- Thunderstorm noise on SX 100
- Hammarlund SP-600, help me to identify which version is...
- HT-144 help please?
- HCRA Auction coming next Friday - November 6th - Feeding Hills, MA
- Lafayette HE-80 or HA-225 dial face removal
- Wollensak T1500 Power Cord
- Tapetone XC-144
- WTB: NC-183 S-Meter
- HCRA Auction - Feeding Hills, MA - November 6th
- Stuff for sale
- need info; linear using an 833A
- Need a Geloso VFO dial scale?
- Hallicrafters SX28A part needed
- Question for Hallicrafters SX-28A Experts
- Collins R392 and Stewart-Warner T-195 wanted to buy
- schematic for power supply
- YAESU filter question!
- Hammarlun SP-210 speaker
- Panoramic Radio Products Spectrum Analyzer Manual and Cable
- Model 15 Teletype
- TTY & crypto test generator - need manual
- FT 747 Backup Battery
- Racal MA7917B HF SSB/ISB Exciter Tecnical book ??
- Manual for Watkins Johnson DRO-309A or 333A
- Ocean State Electronics
- AR88 D/LF
- Do SOLAs go bad?
- R-390A troubles on 3 Mc/s
- Collins 30L-1 Power Switch
- SX-28 Power Transformer
- Service Manual or schematic for Watkins Johnson DRO 333 or DRO 309 counter???
- wanted :McElroy inked paper tape reader
- Manual wanted
- Standard Surplus, San Francisco
- WTB: Navy receiver and TTY multiplexer parts
- Marconi company, what is it?
- SX-28 image problems
- SP-600 JX-17 problem
- Grand Systems GD-6K Please Help
- Collins 32S-1 help
- New images
- Waters 334 Dummyload wattmeter
- WTB: Knight Knob
- BC 312
- boatanchor bonanza: N. California
- Ten Tec 243 External VFO Question
- Heathkit HW29A Info?
- Wanted: Homebrew or "Fixer-upper" HF Linear or Parts
- hex wrench size HRO-60 tone control knob
- Transmitter Bendix ATD CRR-52253
- New mobile VHF/UHF from Yaesu: FTM-350 (fixed)
- Wanted: Source for cotton covered headphone Wire (Tinsel wire)
- Looking for a nice SX-28A
- 2010 Charlotte Conference & Estate Auction
- Gonset G-63 Receiver Schematic
- Stancor DC3 not ST3
- AR88 -- help!
- All you ever wanted to know about the Hammarlund SP-600 series
- Wanted clean schematic of Hallicrafters SX-61a
- Hallicrafter info found (S20R)
- Hallicrafter S20R info needed
- Stancor ST-3
- FA: Squirrel cage blower, Western Gear Corp, 200 VAC 400 Hz, NIB
- FA: IMC Magnetics Corp 3" dia 400 Hz cooling fan
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