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Pages :
- ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA
- [MKARS] Tuesday 25th October 50 MHz UKAC Contest
- UK/EI DX Contest, SSB
- [W2LJ] New Tab
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 20 October 2016
- 5J0NA San Andres island NA-033
- PJ7/G4JEC St Maarten NA-105
- SI9AM King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Society
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 19 October 2016
- Video Juan de Nova Island FT4JA 2016
- [KB6NU] One-Day Tech Class videos: VHF/UHF Propagation III, HF Propagation
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 18 October 2016
- [MKARS] The Enigma Cipher Challenge
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 17 October 2016
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 10 - 16 October 2016
- 9G5AM Ghana
- 7P8EUDXF Lesotho
- [TWIAR] Proposed 40-foot ham radio antenna tower causing static in Marblehead (Massachusetts)
- [K0NR] SOTA Activation: Bald Mountain (W0C/SP-115)
- [QSO Today] K0NR
- Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1287.1
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 16 October 2016
- [IOMARS] RSGB 6m AFS Contest
- [SADARS] 13 Oct 2016 - Logging Q&A by Don, G4LOO
- [KB6NU] King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, HS1A (SK)
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 15 October 2016
- CE0Y/JA0JHQ Easter Island SA-001
- PJ4/N5JR PJ4/NT5V PJ4/K5JP Bonaire Island
- 9N7ZT, 9N7FD, 9N7XW
- KG4LA Guantanamo Bay NA-015
- ARLP042 Propagation de K7RA
- This Weekend: Worked All Germany and JARTS WW RTTY
- V6Z Island of Truk OC-011
- [MKARS] Tuesday 18th October 1296 mhz UKAC Contest
- FT5XT Kerguelen Islands AF-048
- TL8T Central African Republic
- VP9/AA1AC Bermuda Islands NA-005
- VK5GR/p Kangaroo Island OC-139
- This Weekend: Scandinavian Activity SSB Contest and Oceania DX contest CW
- Bill Moore NC1L Silent Key
- Hurricane Matthew Radio Amateur Emergency Network
- SN4KIDS Polish Hams to Help UNICEF Prevent Child Malnutrition
- FG4KH Guadeloupe NA-102
- PJ4B Bonaire Island SA-008
- The 4th HamRadioWeb Convention and the DxCoffee Party have started
- A message from Wayne N7NG for the Convention
- October 2016: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
- This Weekend: Oceania DX Contest SSB
- PJ4L Bonaire Island SA-006
- PJ4L Bonaire Island SA-006
- VP6EU Pitcairn OC-044
- S79PA Mahe Island AF-024
- 8Q7MD Felidhoo Atoll AS-013
- 5Z4/DL2RMC Kenya
- KH0UA Mariana Islands OC-086
- TC0MI Marmara Island AS-201
- D44TUL & D44TUN Santia;o Island Cape Verde AF-005
- J68SL & J6/WB2YQH Sain; Lucia NA-108
- XT2AW & XT2AFT Burkin; Faso
- 5H3PM is a pirate!
- KH0/AK4CE Saipan Island OC-086
- XW1IC Laos
- J68SL & WB2YQH Saint L;cia NA-108
- [DXNL] DXNL 2007 (Sep 21, 2016) (3/3)
- [DXNL] DXNL 2007 (Sep 21, 2016) (2/3)
- The ARRL Contest Update for September 21, 2016 (2/3) (2/2)
- A35JP/p Niuafoou Island OC-123
- T2R Tuvalu OC-015
- ZF2EZ Cayman Islands NA-016
- 5P8VW RØMØ Island EU-125
- F6KQJ/p Special Event Station
- T30COW Western Kiribati
- S79KB Praslin Island
- H44GC & H40GC Solomon ;slands and Temotu Province
- PX0F Fernando de Noronha SA-003
- VK9LN Lord Howe Island OC-004
- 5X8B Uganda
- T88QR Koror Island OC-009
- V633KS & V633ZH Chuuk (;ruk) Islands OC-011
- T42CH & HI3/HA3JB, Cub; and Dominica Republic
- 5X8C Uganda
- [K0NR] Slacker SOTA Activation in the Tetons (W7Y/TT-061)
- THREE TOWERS AWARD S.E.S. from San Marino
- FJ/KO8SCA Saint Barthelemy NA-146
- D44TUJ Boa Vista Island AF-086
- OY/ON6NB Faroe Islands EU-018
- [W2LJ] Who owns the frequency, Kenneth?
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 8 September 2016
- 5W0BOB Upolu Island OC-097
- MS0OXE Fair Isle EU-012
- SV8/SQ3RX, ZA/SQ3RX & Z38/SQ3RX Corf; Isl. EU-052, Albania
- This Weekend: All Asian DX PHONE Contest
- YF1AR Antenna performance testing, Java Isl. OC-021
- DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for September 2016
- September 2016: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
- OJ0JR Market Reef
- 5U7RK Niger
- JT5NH Mongolia
- PJ4/PA3BWK Bonaire Island SA-006
- T32AZ Kiritimati Island OC-024
- J68HZ Saint Lucia Island NA-108
- This weekend: YO HF DX Contest and CVA DX Contest SSB
- Earthquake in Central Italy, Press Release
- CE0Y/LU9VEA Easter Island SA-001
- A5A Bhutan
- R23RRC Ptichiy Island AS-091
- [KB6NU] Checklist for a GOTA station
- Mystery Relay
- Re: [MKARS] 70 cms UKAC this Tuesday
- Amateurs in German Parliaments
- spark training in bay area
- Correction to OPDX.1266
- Correction to OPDX.1252
- Correction to OPDX.1245
- ZF2PG Grand Cayman Islands NA-016
- ZZ90IARU special callsign
- S93DX Sao Tome and Principe AF-023
- Seeking nominations Intrepid Spirit Award 2015 [Press Release]
- TG5/W8ERI Guatemala
- 5th CCAE Anniversary
- ZL9 Entity Name Change
- FH/DL1RPL & FH/DL3RKS Mayo;te Isl. FR/DL1RPL & FR/DL3RKS Reun;on Isl.
- DU1/R7KW & DU1/YL3JM Mind;ro Isl. OC-244 and Lubang Isl. OC-126
- 5P8VW Romo Island EU-125
- 5P8VW Romo Island EU-125
- K1N Navassa DXpedition DVD Official Trailer
- 9G5XA Ghana
- EL2DW Liberia
- 3B9RF Rodrigues Island & 3B8RF Mauritiu; Island
- CO9CFA & CO3VK 178 anni;ersary of the Railroad in Cuba
- CY9C St Paul Island
- J6/K9AW Saint Lucia Island NA-108
- J3/KO8SCA Grenada NA-024
- VK9AW Willis Island 2015
- Cornwall to have optional Temporary RSL ‘K' for Kernow for 2016
- Z21MH Zimbabwe
- YN2CC Nicaragua
- CE0Y/RZ3FW & CE0Y/R4WAA Eas;er Island SA-001
- This Weekend: Ukrainian DX Contest
- PJ6/OH1VR & PJ6/OH3JR Saba;Island NA-145
- 3B9HA Rodriguez Island AF-017
- T2TT Tuvalu OC-015 & 3D2RJ Viti Lev; Isl. OC-016
- PZ5W Suriname SA-092
- FT5XT Kerguelen Islands AF-048
- XV2D Vietnam
- 9X0NH Rwanda
- SW9AA Crete Island EU-015
- T88WI & T88WH Koror Is;and OC-009
- VP2EAQ & VP2EAR Anguill; Island NA-022
- ZL1/G0KIK/p, E51KIK & VK6/G0KIK by G;KIK
- 6V1A Goree Island AF-045
- P40MH, P4/OH1MA Aruba SA-036 & PJ4/OH2BAD PJ4;OH1MA Bonaire SA-006
- 5Z4HW, 5Z4/DK1BT, 5Z4/DL4WK, 5Z4/DL7KL & 5Z4/DL7UFR Ken;a
- XT2AW Burkina Faso
- 5R8IC Sainte Marie Island AF-090
- VK5MAV/8 Croker Island OC-229
- November 2015: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
- T88ZE, T88KK & T88SH Palau OC;009
- 9H3EE Malta EU-023
- 4W/JI1AVY Timor Leste OC-148
- CN2AA Morocco
- V6AAA & V6WW Pohnpei I;land OC-010
- 4U70UN United Nations
- D4F & D4C Sao Vicent; Island AF-086
- VP5S VP5/K0MD VP5/K4IU VP5/W0BM VP5/AC0W Turks and Caicos Islands
- 4W/JE1CKA Timor Leste OC-148
- A35JP & A35JP/p Vavau;Island OC-064
- XV2CJB Vietnam
- S0S & S01WS Western ;ahara
- TO1E Saint Martin Island NA-105 [FS/VE2BWL FS/K9NU FS/W9ILY FS/K9EL]
- KG2A/KH2 Guam Island OC-086
- T32DX Kiritimati Christmas Island OC-024
- DX Alert, new app for Android!
- CR2X and/or CU2KG Azores CQWW SSB
- C91B & C91J Mozambiqu;
- TO4K, FJ/G4XUM, FJ/M5RIC, FJ/GM4AFF & FJ/N0VD Saint ;arthelemy Isl. NA-146
- D4D Cape Verde AF-086
- 5B/ON4BCV/p Cyprus island AS-004
- YF1AR/8 Barat Daya Islands OC-272
- T46BC DXpedition Story, Cuba Italy 2015
- IY7LE & IY7LE/P Specia; call for the 1st wireless message of G.Marconi 1895-2015
- DxCoffee meet OH2BH in Rome
- SHOW 6.0
- YB9KA/P & YB9GV/P Gili G;de Island OC-150
- Intrepid-DX Group news from Paul N6PSE
- A73A in CQWW SSB 2015
- FY/F5UII Guiana
- EI8GQB & EI1A Green Ene;gy
- [N0UN] JA0JHQ/VK9X Christmas Island On The Air
- [W2LJ] Of course!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 21 April 2015
- [N0UN] Observation, ESSB Audio and DX
- [DXNL] DXNL 1933 (Apr 22, 2015)
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 April 2015
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 April 2015
- [N0UN] Ham Radio Entertainment & TX5P
- [W2LJ] Rookie Roundup
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1211
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 19 April 2015
- [QSO Today] K3LR
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 18 April 2015
- [N0UN] TX5P Clipperton Island On The Air!
- ARLP016 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 17 April 2015
- 3846MHz Bucket Net -- Bigots and Militia Warning.
- Re: Yaesu FC-700 Antenna Coupler
- [DXNL] DXNL 1915 (Dec 17, 2014)
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 15 December 2014
- [QSO Today] K0BXB
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 13 December 2014
- ARLP050 Propagation de K7RA
- Ham Nation 176
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 11 December 2014
- [G0VQY] The Optibeam 11-5 HF beam is finally installed on the tower
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 4 November 2014
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 27 October - 02 November 2014
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1187
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 2 November 2014
- [K0NR] SOTA Activation: Kaufman Ridge HP (W0C/SP-081)
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 1 November 2014
- ARLP044 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 31 October 2014
- Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1186.1
- [Ham Nation] Ham Nation 171
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 30 October 2014
- Re: Crossposting Permitted to
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 26 February 2014
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 21 February 2014
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 18 February 2014
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 17 February 2014
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 10 - 16 February 2014
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 15 February 2014
- ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 14 February 2014
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 15 January 2014
- [DXNL] DXNL 1867 (Jan 15, 2014)
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 14 January 2014
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 06 - 12 January 2014
- Re: QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday2 January 2014
- ARLP047 Propagation de K7RA
- ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA
- ARLP032 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 May 2013
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 May 2013
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 19 May 2013
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