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  1. ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA
  2. [MKARS] Tuesday 25th October 50 MHz UKAC Contest
  3. UK/EI DX Contest, SSB
  4. [W2LJ] New Tab
  5. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 20 October 2016
  6. 5J0NA San Andres island NA-033
  7. PJ7/G4JEC St Maarten NA-105
  8. SI9AM King Chulalongkorn Memorial Amateur Radio Society
  9. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 19 October 2016
  10. Video Juan de Nova Island FT4JA 2016
  11. [KB6NU] One-Day Tech Class videos: VHF/UHF Propagation III, HF Propagation
  12. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 18 October 2016
  13. [MKARS] The Enigma Cipher Challenge
  14. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 17 October 2016
  15. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 10 - 16 October 2016
  16. 9G5AM Ghana
  17. 7P8EUDXF Lesotho
  18. [TWIAR] Proposed 40-foot ham radio antenna tower causing static in Marblehead (Massachusetts)
  19. [K0NR] SOTA Activation: Bald Mountain (W0C/SP-115)
  20. [QSO Today] K0NR
  21. Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1287.1
  22. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 16 October 2016
  23. [IOMARS] RSGB 6m AFS Contest
  24. [SADARS] 13 Oct 2016 - Logging Q&A by Don, G4LOO
  25. [KB6NU] King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej, HS1A (SK)
  26. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 15 October 2016
  27. CE0Y/JA0JHQ Easter Island SA-001
  28. PJ4/N5JR PJ4/NT5V PJ4/K5JP Bonaire Island
  29. 9N7ZT, 9N7FD, 9N7XW
  30. KG4LA Guantanamo Bay NA-015
  31. ARLP042 Propagation de K7RA
  32. This Weekend: Worked All Germany and JARTS WW RTTY
  33. V6Z Island of Truk OC-011
  34. [MKARS] Tuesday 18th October 1296 mhz UKAC Contest
  35. FT5XT Kerguelen Islands AF-048
  36. TL8T Central African Republic
  37. VP9/AA1AC Bermuda Islands NA-005
  38. VK5GR/p Kangaroo Island OC-139
  39. This Weekend: Scandinavian Activity SSB Contest and Oceania DX contest CW
  40. Bill Moore NC1L Silent Key
  41. Hurricane Matthew Radio Amateur Emergency Network
  42. SN4KIDS Polish Hams to Help UNICEF Prevent Child Malnutrition
  43. FG4KH Guadeloupe NA-102
  44. PJ4B Bonaire Island SA-008
  45. The 4th HamRadioWeb Convention and the DxCoffee Party have started
  46. A message from Wayne N7NG for the Convention
  47. October 2016: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  48. This Weekend: Oceania DX Contest SSB
  49. PJ4L Bonaire Island SA-006
  50. PJ4L Bonaire Island SA-006
  51. VP6EU Pitcairn OC-044
  52. S79PA Mahe Island AF-024
  53. 8Q7MD Felidhoo Atoll AS-013
  54. 5Z4/DL2RMC Kenya
  55. KH0UA Mariana Islands OC-086
  56. TC0MI Marmara Island AS-201
  57. D44TUL & D44TUN Santia;o Island  Cape Verde AF-005
  58. J68SL & J6/WB2YQH Sain; Lucia NA-108
  59. XT2AW & XT2AFT Burkin; Faso
  60. 5H3PM is a pirate!
  61. KH0/AK4CE Saipan Island OC-086
  62. XW1IC Laos
  63. J68SL & WB2YQH Saint L;cia NA-108
  64. [DXNL] DXNL 2007 (Sep 21, 2016) (3/3)
  65. [DXNL] DXNL 2007 (Sep 21, 2016) (2/3)
  66. The ARRL Contest Update for September 21, 2016 (2/3) (2/2)
  67. A35JP/p Niuafoou Island OC-123
  68. T2R Tuvalu OC-015
  69. ZF2EZ Cayman Islands NA-016
  70. 5P8VW RØMØ Island EU-125
  71. F6KQJ/p Special Event Station
  72. T30COW Western Kiribati
  73. S79KB Praslin Island
  74. H44GC & H40GC Solomon ;slands and Temotu Province
  75. PX0F Fernando de Noronha SA-003
  76. VK9LN Lord Howe Island OC-004
  77. 5X8B Uganda
  78. T88QR Koror Island OC-009
  79. V633KS & V633ZH Chuuk (;ruk) Islands OC-011
  80. T42CH & HI3/HA3JB, Cub; and Dominica Republic
  81. 5X8C Uganda
  82. [K0NR] Slacker SOTA Activation in the Tetons (W7Y/TT-061)
  83. THREE TOWERS AWARD S.E.S. from San Marino
  84. FJ/KO8SCA Saint Barthelemy NA-146
  85. D44TUJ Boa Vista Island AF-086
  86. OY/ON6NB Faroe Islands EU-018
  87. [W2LJ] Who owns the frequency, Kenneth?
  88. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 8 September 2016
  89. 5W0BOB Upolu Island OC-097
  90. MS0OXE Fair Isle EU-012
  91. SV8/SQ3RX, ZA/SQ3RX & Z38/SQ3RX Corf; Isl. EU-052, Albania
  92. This Weekend: All Asian DX PHONE Contest
  93. YF1AR Antenna performance testing, Java Isl. OC-021
  94. DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for September 2016
  95. September 2016: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  96. OJ0JR Market Reef
  97. 5U7RK Niger
  98. JT5NH Mongolia
  99. PJ4/PA3BWK Bonaire Island SA-006
  100. T32AZ Kiritimati Island OC-024
  101. J68HZ Saint Lucia Island NA-108
  102. This weekend: YO HF DX Contest and CVA DX Contest SSB
  103. Earthquake in Central Italy, Press Release
  104. CE0Y/LU9VEA Easter Island SA-001
  105. A5A Bhutan
  106. R23RRC Ptichiy Island AS-091
  107. [KB6NU] Checklist for a GOTA station
  108. Mystery Relay
  109. Re: [MKARS] 70 cms UKAC this Tuesday
  110. Amateurs in German Parliaments
  111. spark training in bay area
  112. Correction to OPDX.1266
  113. Correction to OPDX.1252
  115. Correction to OPDX.1245
  116. ZF2PG Grand Cayman Islands NA-016
  117. ZZ90IARU special callsign
  118. S93DX Sao Tome and Principe AF-023
  119. Seeking nominations Intrepid Spirit Award 2015 [Press Release]
  120. TG5/W8ERI Guatemala
  121. 5th CCAE Anniversary
  122. ZL9 Entity Name Change
  123. FH/DL1RPL & FH/DL3RKS Mayo;te Isl.  FR/DL1RPL & FR/DL3RKS Reun;on Isl.
  124. DU1/R7KW & DU1/YL3JM Mind;ro Isl. OC-244 and Lubang Isl. OC-126
  125. 5P8VW Romo Island EU-125
  126. HR5/G4IRN
  127. 5P8VW Romo Island EU-125
  128. K1N Navassa DXpedition DVD Official Trailer
  129. 9G5XA Ghana
  130. EL2DW Liberia
  131. 3B9RF Rodrigues Island & 3B8RF Mauritiu; Island
  132. CO9CFA & CO3VK 178 anni;ersary of the Railroad in Cuba
  133. CY9C St Paul Island
  134. J6/K9AW Saint Lucia Island NA-108
  135. J3/KO8SCA Grenada NA-024
  136. VK9AW Willis Island 2015
  137. Cornwall to have optional Temporary RSL ‘K' for Kernow for 2016
  138. Z21MH Zimbabwe
  139. YN2CC Nicaragua
  140. CE0Y/RZ3FW & CE0Y/R4WAA Eas;er Island SA-001
  141. This Weekend: Ukrainian DX Contest
  142. PJ6/OH1VR & PJ6/OH3JR Saba;Island NA-145
  143. 3B9HA Rodriguez Island AF-017
  144. T2TT Tuvalu OC-015 & 3D2RJ Viti Lev; Isl. OC-016
  145. PZ5W Suriname SA-092
  146. FT5XT Kerguelen Islands AF-048
  147. XV2D Vietnam
  148. 9X0NH Rwanda
  149. SW9AA Crete Island EU-015
  150. T88WI & T88WH Koror Is;and OC-009
  151. VP2EAQ & VP2EAR Anguill; Island NA-022
  152. ZL1/G0KIK/p, E51KIK & VK6/G0KIK by G;KIK
  153. 6V1A Goree Island AF-045
  154. P40MH, P4/OH1MA Aruba SA-036 & PJ4/OH2BAD PJ4;OH1MA Bonaire SA-006
  155. 5Z4HW, 5Z4/DK1BT, 5Z4/DL4WK, 5Z4/DL7KL & 5Z4/DL7UFR Ken;a
  156. XT2AW Burkina Faso
  157. 5R8IC Sainte Marie Island AF-090
  158. VK5MAV/8 Croker Island OC-229
  159. November 2015: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  160. T88ZE, T88KK & T88SH Palau OC;009
  161. 9H3EE Malta EU-023
  162. 4W/JI1AVY Timor Leste OC-148
  163. CN2AA Morocco
  164. V6AAA & V6WW Pohnpei I;land OC-010
  165. 4U70UN United Nations
  166. D4F & D4C Sao Vicent; Island AF-086
  167. VP5S VP5/K0MD VP5/K4IU VP5/W0BM VP5/AC0W Turks and Caicos Islands
  168. 4W/JE1CKA Timor Leste OC-148
  169. A35JP & A35JP/p Vavau;Island OC-064
  170. XV2CJB Vietnam
  171. S0S & S01WS Western ;ahara
  172. TO1E Saint Martin Island NA-105 [FS/VE2BWL FS/K9NU FS/W9ILY FS/K9EL]
  173. KG2A/KH2 Guam Island OC-086
  174. T32DX Kiritimati Christmas Island OC-024
  175. DX Alert, new app for Android!
  176. CR2X and/or CU2KG Azores CQWW SSB
  177. C91B & C91J Mozambiqu;
  178. TO4K, FJ/G4XUM, FJ/M5RIC, FJ/GM4AFF & FJ/N0VD Saint ;arthelemy Isl. NA-146
  179. D4D Cape Verde AF-086
  180. 5B/ON4BCV/p Cyprus island AS-004
  181. YF1AR/8 Barat Daya Islands OC-272
  182. T46BC DXpedition Story, Cuba  Italy 2015
  183. IY7LE & IY7LE/P Specia; call for the 1st wireless message of G.Marconi 1895-2015
  184. DxCoffee meet OH2BH in Rome
  185. HAMRADIO.es SHOW 6.0
  186. YB9KA/P & YB9GV/P Gili G;de Island OC-150
  187. Intrepid-DX Group news from Paul N6PSE
  188. A73A in CQWW SSB 2015
  189. FY/F5UII Guiana
  190. EI8GQB & EI1A Green Ene;gy
  191. [N0UN] JA0JHQ/VK9X Christmas Island On The Air
  192. [W2LJ] Of course!
  193. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 21 April 2015
  194. [N0UN] Observation, ESSB Audio and DX
  195. [DXNL] DXNL 1933 (Apr 22, 2015)
  196. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 April 2015
  197. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 April 2015
  198. [N0UN] Ham Radio Entertainment & TX5P
  199. [W2LJ] Rookie Roundup
  200. Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1211
  201. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 19 April 2015
  202. [QSO Today] K3LR
  203. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 18 April 2015
  204. [N0UN] TX5P Clipperton Island On The Air!
  206. ARLP016 Propagation de K7RA
  207. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 17 April 2015
  208. 3846MHz Bucket Net -- Bigots and Militia Warning.
  209. Re: Yaesu FC-700 Antenna Coupler
  210. [DXNL] DXNL 1915 (Dec 17, 2014)
  211. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 15 December 2014
  212. [QSO Today] K0BXB
  213. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 13 December 2014
  214. ARLP050 Propagation de K7RA
  215. Ham Nation 176
  216. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 11 December 2014
  217. [QSOT] K6BP
  218. [G0VQY] The Optibeam 11-5 HF beam is finally installed on the tower
  219. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 4 November 2014
  220. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 27 October - 02 November 2014
  221. Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1187
  222. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 2 November 2014
  223. [K0NR] SOTA Activation: Kaufman Ridge HP (W0C/SP-081)
  224. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 1 November 2014
  225. ARLP044 Propagation de K7RA
  226. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 31 October 2014
  227. Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1186.1
  228. [Ham Nation] Ham Nation 171
  229. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 30 October 2014
  230. Re: Crossposting Permitted to rec.radio.amateur.moderated
  231. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 26 February 2014
  232. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 21 February 2014
  233. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 18 February 2014
  234. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 17 February 2014
  235. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 10 - 16 February 2014
  236. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 15 February 2014
  237. ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA
  238. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 14 February 2014
  239. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 15 January 2014
  240. [DXNL] DXNL 1867 (Jan 15, 2014)
  241. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 14 January 2014
  242. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 06 - 12 January 2014
  243. Re: QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday2 January 2014
  244. ARLP047 Propagation de K7RA
  245. KC4AAA
  246. ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA
  247. ARLP032 Propagation de K7RA
  248. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 May 2013
  249. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 May 2013
  250. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 19 May 2013