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- [DX News] W1AW/KL7 Alaska. From
- [DX News] 5Z4/AK0SK Kenya. From
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 07 - 13 June 2021
- [QRZ] 5Z4/AK0SK Kenya
- [WB4SON] The Magic Band comes alive!
- [WRC] Commitment to learning Morse Code
- [IOMARS] GB2RS news this weeks links and contact numbers
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: ARDC Grant Will Support HAMNET Expansion in Europe
- [W2LJ] Impossible? Or am I hearing what I want to hear?
- [QRZ] Thank You !!!
- [QSO Today] WA9CWX
- [DX News] UA9BA 80 meter Band Spitfires Antennas. From
- ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA
- [W2LJ] Getting ready for Field Day
- [DX News] A44M A43MI Masirah Island. From
- [VE2DPE] Ham Radio - Amateur Radio Fascinating Secrets
- [DX News] J5T J5HKT Bubaque Island Guinea Bissau. From
- [QRZ] IL7/IZ5IUY and IL7/IK5AEQ from IOTA EU-050 on June and July
- DXNL 2253 (Jun 9, 2021)
- [DX News] OJ0C Market Reef. From
- [QRZ] OJ0C Market Reef
- [DXZone] Electronic Ionosonde to Monitor the Ionosphere
- [DX News] VP5/W3QP Turks and Caicos Islands. From
- [QRZ] VP5/W3QP Turks and Caicos
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 31 May - 06 June 2021
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2121
- [W2LJ] The bands were not the greatest today
- IOMARS Mad Sunday
- [DX News] TO11A Guadeloupe Island. From
- [QRZ] TO11A Guadeloupe
- [QSO Today] N6VI
- [QRZ] Muesum Ships Weekend
- [DXZone] QRP 20m Transmitter
- [W2LJ] A Couple of Things
- [VK5PAS] Some recent QSL cards received
- [QRZ] USS Midway (NI6IW) Special Event; Museum Ships Weekend
- ARLP023 Propagation de K7RA
- [WB4SON] Six Meters is Hopping!
- [DXZone] A Homebrew Yagi for 1296 MHz DX
- [KB6NU] Contest University and Hamvention 2021 forums now on YouTube
- [QRZ] VP2V/K3TRM - British Virgin Islands
- [DX News] SV2RSG/A Mount Athos. From
- [VK5PAS] Beaches On The Air
- [DX News] XT2AW Burkina Faso. From
- [DXZone] 4m QRP Transverter
- DXNL 2252 (Jun 2, 2021)
- [QRZ] 7Q7RU Nov 2020
- [VK5PAS] Contact with Mike G0WKH and Louis Stanley Doc Watson of the RAAF
- [M0IAX] Portable 2M FM and SSB operation with my IC705
- [DX News] OJ0MR Market Reef. From
- [QRZ] OJ0MR Market Reef
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 24 - 30 May 2021
- [DXZone] WSJT-X 2.4.0 new version available to download
- [VK5PAS] What is HEMA?
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2120
- [QSO Today] WB2D
- [QRZ] ft8 european contest
- ARLP022 Propagation de K7RA
- [KB6NU] Who knew that the FCC had a new seal?
- [QRZ] K6K: King Kamehameha Celebration - Special Event Station -Hawaii DX
- [W2LJ] Cookie are crumbling
- [VK5PAS] VI100AF for the last time.
- [VARC] The Radio Amateur Invalid & Blind Club
- [DX News] C7A 4Y1A Vienna. From
- [VK5PAS] HEMA Heatherdale Hill VK5/ HSE-009
- [DX News] HV0A Vatican. From
- [KB6NU] CVARC Uses ARDC Grant to Serve the Community, Promote Amateur Radio
- [QRZ] TO9W Saint Martin
- [DXZone] The Kenwood TS-590 Series Transceivers
- DXNL 2251 (May 26, 2021)
- [VK5PAS] VI100AF in the Stipiturus Conservation Park 5CP-220 and VKFF-0936
- [QRZ] Day of the YLs Contest
- [DX News] P40A Aruba. From
- [DXZone] 60m Mods for the Icom IC-756
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 17 - 23 May 2021
- [W2LJ] Things have been strange
- [IOMARS] Sunday 23rd May 2021
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1517
- [WB4SON] Winlink Pandemic Pause
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2119
- [QSO Today] WA7NPX
- [QRZ] Contesters: You've Been Challenged!
- [DXZone] How to calculate Bearing and great-circle distance between two points
- ARLP021 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] Digital Activity Days 01-10 May 2021
- [VK2TPM] A visit to Paul Taylor, VK3HN.
- [QRZ] Planned Activation of Battlefield for Memorial Day
- [SNADARC] Barry Walker G4PCL
- [VK5PAS] VK100AF in May 2021
- [DX News] S79LA Seychelles. From
- [QRZ] VK6NU/P Rottnest Island
- DXNL 2250 (May 19, 2021)
- [VK5PAS] VK100AF in April 2021
- [QRZ] The USS Turner Joy (Charter Member of the Tonkin Gulf Yacht Club) Amateur Radio Club, NS7DD
- [VK5PAS] WWFF Hunter 1,744 certificate
- [SDARC] Worked All Europe 2021 Award - Update 1
- [QRZ] VP2V/NC3Z British Virgin Islands
- [DX News] VP2V/NC3Z British Virgin Islands. From
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 10 - 16 May 2021
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Post-pandemic DXpedition, celebrating Minnesotas birthday, ham it up for hurricane season
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2118
- [VK2TPM] Low cost loop antenna for 40m from VK2BLQ
- [IOMARS] It Sunday !!
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1516
- [DXZone] Display Transplant into an Icom IC-756
- [QSO Today] WA2ROA
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1159
- [QRZ] JI3DST/3 JR8YLY/3 Awaji Island
- ARLP020 Propagation de K7RA
- [DX News] 8P1W Barbados. From
- [DXZone] ZCZ Cluster
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: Workshop for Attorneys Under Consideration for 2022 ARRL National Convention in Orlando
- [QRZ] WA1WCC Will Be On the Air This Weekend
- [DX News] TY5AB Benin. From
- [KB6NU] Light Hearted pocast features Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society
- [QRZ] K6K: King Kamehameha Celebration - Special Event Station -Hawaii DX
- [KB6NU] Heal yourself while operating CW
- DXNL 2249 (May 12, 2021)
- [DXZone] VHQ HEX BEAM Antennas
- [IOMARS] Whats Happening this week with IOMARS
- [QRZ] A91WTIS Bahrain
- [DX News] A91WTIS Bahrain. From
- [QRZ] 5R8RP Nosy Be Island
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 03 - 09 May 2021
- [W2LJ] Giving a helping hand
- IOMARS Activities today
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1515
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio videos: New ARRL CEO, Node Red for ham radio, teaching online classes
- [WB4SON] Armed Forces Day - Worked NSS & NFA
- [QSO Today] N6TR
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2117
- [QRZ] WM Special Event Minnesota Birthday Bash -- Tuesday, May 11, 2021
- [DX News] Video C92RU A25RU. From
- ARLP019 Propagation de K7RA
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: IEEE Committee Webinar "RF Exposure in the Time of Conspiracies" Set for May 12
- MKARS Members Run GB1SOE - 6th and 7th May on 7.035MHz
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Military HF radio making a comeback, ham radio on the ISS, Hill County hams get space for club station
- [QRZ] USS Midway Museum Ship (NI6IW) Special Event; Armed Forces Day and the Battle of Coral Sea
- [KB6NU] Registration open for Virtual Contest University
- [VK5PAS] Mallanbool Flora Reserve VKFF-2375
- DXNL 2248 (May 5, 2021)
- [QRZ] Contesting with DM780 and HRD (Ham Radio Deluxe) logger
- [WRC] Big scores in April DX Challenge
- [DXZone] QSL management in the 21st Century
- [VK5PAS] Day five and the Murray Sunset National Park VKFF-0373
- [DX News] Video 9J2LA Zambia. From
- [KB6NU] Operating notes: State QSO Parties, how do you decide who to call?
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 26 April - 02 May 2021
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2116
- [IOMARS] RTTY on Isle Of Man?
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1514
- [MKARS] Reminder of our Club Events in May, June 2021
- [QSO Today] k7OJL
- [LSWC] Centenary Competition
- [DX News] 7V7V Algeria. From
- [W2LJ] Two QRP-ARCI things
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: ARRL Executive Committee Nominates Joel Harrison, W5ZN, to be Next IARU Secretary
- [QRZ] 2021 QRP-ARCI Hoot Owl Sprint
- ARLP018 Propagation de K7RA
- [KB6NU] Got any Field Day plans?
- [WB4SON] Cranking out those Qs in LotW
- [VK5PAS] Yarrara Flora Reserve VKFF-2498
- [WB4SON] Slowly improving at CWT
- [DXZone] Fan Dipoles 10/15/20m and 12/17/30m
- [KB6NU] ICQ Podcast Episode 349: The Not So Simple Dipole
- [QRZ] Digital Activity Days 01-10 May 2021
- [WRC] Low power fun in Easter Contest
- [VK5PAS] Day three and the Meringur Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2383.
- [DXZone] FLEX-6400M DSP Review
- DXNL 2247 (Apr 28, 2021)
- [DX News] JW7XK JW6VM JW9DL JW5X Svalbard Islands. From
- [QRZ] JW6VM JW7XK JW9DL JW5X Svalbard
- [OH8STN] SKYLOOP Antenna | Hybrid Winlink Network Part 1
- [VK5PAS] Day two - Cooltong Conservation Park 5CP-046 and VKFF-0823
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 19 - 25 April 2021
- IOMARS todays activities
- [OH8STN] PowerFilm Lightsaver Max Radio Compatibility List
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1513
- [DXZone] Top Amateur Radio Websites - Issue 2115
- [QSO Today] VE7PS
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1156
- ODARS and International Marconi Day, 24 April 2021
- [TWIAR] FCC Exploring New Wireless Mic Technology
- ARLP017 Propagation de K7RA
- [DX News] TO5T Ile Aux Marins Saint Pierre and Miquelon. From
- [QRZ] HD8M Galapagos Islands
- [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: Upswing in Solar Cycle 25 Activity May Have Begun
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Ham helps locate missing hiker, club honors father-son connection
- [QRZ] JW0W Prins Karls Forland
- [DX News] JW0W Prins Karls Forland Island. From
- [DXZone] Daily Sunspots groups
- [W2LJ] QRPTTF this Saturday!
- [TWIAR] Space Weather Update: M1.1 solar flare
- [QRZ] KC4USV McMurdo Station
- DXNL 2246 (Apr 21, 2021)
- [VK5PAS] Marijas latest certificate - 875 VKFF references worked
- [W2LJ] World Amateur Radio Day 2021
- [VK5PAS] Trip to the Riverland, VK3 and VK2
- [M0IAX] Inflatable 2m/70cm Antenna
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 12 - 18 April 2021
- [DXZone] World Amateur Radio Day: At Home But Never Alone
- [TWIAR] Amateur Radio: Home but Never Alone
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1512
- [QSO Today] AK5TX
- [TWIAR] SpaceX Encrypts Falcon 9 Telemetry After Amateur Radio Operators Download Data
- [DX News] 6O1OO Somalia. From
- [QRZ] 6O1OO Somalia
- [DXZone] Real-time ionogram
- [W2LJ] Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans.
- [KB6NU] Operating notes: Basic operating procedures, last weekends QSO parties, Maritime Radio Day
- ARLP016 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] 5UAIHM Niger
- [VK2TPM] Monitor multiple digital modes simultaneously with Hermes-Lite and SparkSDR
- [QRZ] USS Alabama (BB60) ON THE AIR!
- [DXZone] HF communication prediction tools
- [QRZ] QSL'ing S.E. stations
- [N0UN] C92RU Mozambique
- [DXZone] Sunspot Index Since 1750
- DXNL 2245 (Apr 14, 2021)
- [DX News] P49Y Aruba. From
- [QRZ] V73RT Kwajalein Atoll
- [DXZone] Calculation of the Maximum Usable Frequency
- [KB6NU] International Museums Weekends is a good opportunity to hold a special event
- [QRZ] T5/IT9HRK - Somalia
- [DX News] T5/IT9HRK Somalia. From
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 05 - 11 April 2021
- [WB4SON] Added my FlexRadio 6600-M to DXLabs
- [DXZone] Build your own Windom Antenna
- [QSO Today] K7REX
- Re: Ham Radio Cameo in AMC's "Halt and Catch Fire"
- [TWIAR] PODCAST: This Week in Amateur Radio Edition #1154 - Expanded Edition
- [OH8STN] SPAIN EMCOMM test JS8Call 40M
- [DX News] JI3DST/5 JR8YLY/5 Shodo Island. From
- [DXZone] DARC Contest Calendar
- ARLP015 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] USS Midway (NI6IW) Special Event; Doolittle Raid
- [WB4SON] Finally using Vibroplex Paddle
- [MKARS] Carl Luetzelschwab - K9LA - Prospects and Predictions for Solar Cycle 25 Monday 12th April 2021 AT 19.30
- [SDARC] Worked All Europe 2021 Award
- [QRZ] WW6RG/KH9 Wake Island
- [M0IAX] Inflatable Antenna Pouch
- [DXZone] NanoVNA-H4 Vector Network Analyzer
- [M0IAX] The Inflatable HF Antenna from RadioGeeks
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