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- [QRZ] XT2MAX Burkina Faso
- A different kind of Field Day, but still a lot of fun
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1470
- [DXZone] 2 element Yagi for 20 meter
- [QRZ] JX0X Jan Mayen Island
- [G4AKC] Early Morning 22nd June 2020
- [W2LJ] Overwhelming!
- ARLP025 Propagation de K7RA
- [VA3QV] Best contact for VA3QV/m so far
- [W2LJ] NJQRP Skeeter Hunt 2020
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1468
- [QRZ] WW6RG/KH9 Wake Island
- [VK2TPM] Radio communication with friends in NSW
- Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1467.3
- [QRZ] P4/KM4VI Aruba
- Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1467.2
- [G4AKC] 1st June 2020
- [ZS6BNE] "My Project" - Obstacles along the way
- [DXZone] WSJT-X Drops Windows XP
- [QRZ] DigiFest 2020
- [QRZ] What is the contest happening now, 2020-05-30?
- [DXZone] IC7300BKT Icom IC-7300 CAT Control
- [HR 2.0] Episode 378: Bridgecom Systems Interview with N0REY for the YouTubers Hamfest Prequel
- [DXZone] New FT8 Frequencies with WSJ-X 2.2.0-Rc2
- [WaDARC] Weekly Bulletin - May 27 2020
- [WRC] Successes and fun in CQ World Wide contest
- [QRZ] YN5AO Nicaragua
- [DXZone] Elecraft K4 Update
- [W2LJ] Hoot Owl results
- [WB4SON] Success with RS-44
- [W2LJ] It's only an hour!
- [QRZ] KL7/KC1KUG Fire Island Alaska
- [VK2TPM] What WSPR signal to noise ratio is needed for sideband to be intelligible?
- [QRZ] CQ DX Hall of Fame 2020
- [KB9VBR] Center Loading the Wolf River Silver Bullet 1000 Antenna
- [QRZ] KL7RRC/P Kiska Island
- [KB6NU] Take the 2020 State of the Hobby Survey
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1465
- [W2LJ] I've got some good news and some bad
- [WRC] How to operate 160 - 10M from a small garden
- [VA3QV] Pleased with the new purchase
- [QRZ] XP2I Greenland
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1464
- ARLP019 Propagation de K7RA
- [W2LJ] Getting back on the horse.
- [DXZone] FT4 Frequencies
- [QRZ] OX3LX Aasiaat Island
- [DXZone] Narrow FM Contest 2020
- [W2LJ] Where the heck is Delaware?
- [TWIAR] FCC Adopts a New Official Seal in Anticipation of Relocation
- [KB6NU] A way back to relevance for amateur radio?
- [QRZ] Delaware QSO party this weekend!
- [VA3QV] HF Antenna work on VA3QV/m (Part 4)
- [VA3QV] Two antennas in one
- [DXZone] CW QSO Example
- [QRZ] SV2RSG/A Mount Athos
- [VA3QV] HF Antenna work on VA3QV/m (Part 3)
- [QRZ] QSL charge in a Hall of Fame.....
- [WRC] True spirit of amateur radio!
- ARLP017 Propagation de K7RA
- [KB6NU] New benefit for ARRL members
- [QRZ] 10-10 "digital" QSO party
- [KB6NU] Contest University 2020 will be free online
- [DXZone] Ecoflex-15 Degradation
- [QRZ] New activation T46W
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1461
- [DXZone] FT-857D Serial and Sound Card Interface
- [VA3QV] A return to Digital HF Modes
- [TWIAR] Fresh Crew Arrives on ISS
- [QRZ] XR0YHM Easter Island
- [W2LJ] The streak continues
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1460
- [QRZ] 8Q7QR Maldives
- [ARRL OTA] On the Air - Episode 4
- [VA3QV] Higher than usual Radio activity
- Wythall Easter Contest approaching fast!
- [QRZ] Anyone Remember Lloyd and Iris Colvin?
- [VK5PAS] European park activators
- [WRC] Hello Australia - Wythall short-wave radio reaches out!
- [QSO Today] ZL2CTM
- [W2LJ] A big thank you
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E1C - Rules pertaining to automatic and remote control; band-specific regulations; operating in, and communicating with foreign countries; spurious emission standards; HF modulation index limit; bandwidth definit
- [QRZ] E6AM Niue Island
- [HR 2.0] Episode 333: Parks on the Air Activation K-2996 Ham Radio
- [DXZone] SP DX Contest 2020
- ARLP014 Propagation de K7RA
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E2B - Television practices: fast scan television standards and techniques; slow scan television standards and techniques
- [QRZ] Announcement of the Phonetic Wars
- [TWIAR] USA Amateur Radio Direction Finding Championships Canceled
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E1A - Operating Standards: frequency privileges; automatic message forwarding; stations aboard ships or aircraft; power restriction on 630 and 2200 meter bands
- [QRZ] 3D2CR QSL Status
- [DXZone] VHF Baluns: Fact and Fancy
- [QRZ] Stay at home!
- [VA3QV] Mobile Antenna work delayed
- [G6NHU] Social Distancing
- [W2LJ] Stuff coming up.
- [WRC] New Zealand by radio from Wythall
- [DXZone] Yaesu FTM-300D
- [W2LJ] Another one bites the dust.
- [QRZ] Welcome to R3A-CUP-DIGI : RTTY Cup of MSK TIME 27 March 2020
- [WRC] News from the sunny South West!
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1457
- [WRC] Awards galore for Wythall radio amateurs!
- [QRZ] On-Air Meeting Conducted During ARCA Two-Meter Net
- [VA3QV] HF antenna work on VA3QV/m (Part 2)
- [QRZ] FT8 special experimental event: Getting the DXCC in the shortest possible time.
- DXNL 2189 (Mar 18, 2020)
- [QRZ] D4F Sao Vicente Cabo Verde
- Wythall radio friendships span the globe
- [VA3QV] HF antenna work on VA3QV/m (Part 1)
- [ZS6BNE] The end of the line
- [QRZ] VP2VB Anegada Island
- [W2LJ] Some stability, but chaos continues
- [KB6NU] Operating notes: CW percent sign, a silver lining?, IF tap for boat anchors?
- [QRZ] XR0YSP Easter Island
- [QRZ] CP6 Bolivia
- [G6NHU] Shack maps
- [KE9V] Cable Prep
- [QRZ] Romanian Royal Navy - Anniversary
- [QRZ] FT-8 experiment called-off
- [QRZ] XW4XR Laos
- [QRZ] New Cosack's Honor VHF/UHF contest starting in 2020
- [QRZ] VP2VB Anegada Island
- [W2LJ] Slow down in posts
- [SARS] 144/432MHz March Contest
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1455
- [QRZ] C6ATF Bahamas
- [QRZ] Centennial Celebration
- MKARS gets 2m and 70cm award in 2019 VHF NFD
- [QRZ] TT8RR TT8XX Chad
- [G6NHU] A quick tip for your hotspots
- [VE2DPE] Success comes in many harmonics !
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1454
- [QSO Today] WB4KTF
- [SKARS] Morse Competency
- [QRZ] TO7DL Reunion Island
- [KB6NU] Who says homebrewing is dead?
- [W2LJ] Quiet weekend
- [QRZ] ZC4MK Cyprus
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 17 - 23 February 2020
- [KE9V] Due to Pandemic
- [QSO Today] AB2RA
- [VA3QV] Sunday morning in the "Shack"
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1453
- [TWIAR] How Does Starlink Work Anyway?
- [QRZ] Go Green for St Patricks Day
- [W2LJ] Impressive!
- [QRZ] CP6/DK7PE Bolivia
- ARLP008 Propagation de K7RA
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E7D - Power supplies and voltage regulators; Solar array charge controllers
- [KB9VBR] Your Questions Answered- February 2020
- [QRZ] ZF2RJ Cayman Islands
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E7B - Amplifiers class of operation; vacuum tube and solid-state circuits; distortion and intermodulation; spurious and parasitic suppression; microwave amplifiers; switching-type amplifiers
- [QRZ] 4V5H Haiti
- [SADARS] 13 Feb 2020 - An Informal Meeting
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide - E6E Analog ICs: MMICs, IC packaging characteristics
- ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] V6TOPG2020 Federated States of Micronesia
- [QRZ] C6AGE Bahamas
- [QRZ] VU4R Andaman Islands
- [QRZ] Radio Australia Special Event or would you like to try a 20db HF antanna?
- [QRZ] CQ WPX RTTY. How did it go?
- [QRZ] 7Q7AO Malawi
- [QRZ] PQ0S Saint Paul and Saint Pierre Archipelago
- [QRZ] TN/UA9FGR Republic of Congo
- [QRZ] TZ/DK1CE Mali
- [QRZ] TI9A Cocos Island
- [QRZ] TO4A Martinique
- [W2LJ] For those of you out there
- [QRZ] Maine Bicentennial Special Event
- [WRC] Celebrating radio awards at Wythall Club
- [KB6NU] Amateur radio in the news: Australian hams track fires, club doubles hamfest attendance, club awarded $1,000
- [QRZ] Vermont QSO Party
- [WB4SON] Successful WFD Satellite Contact
- [W2LJ] A Shameless Plug
- ARLP004 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1449
- [WB4SON] Getting Ready for WFD/Satellite
- [KE9V] CSVHFS Conference
- [QRZ] FJ/N2IEN FJ/WW2DX FJ/WW1X FJ/W2RE Saint Barthelemy
- [QRZ] VK5KI Kangaroo Island
- [KB6NU] Should the ARRL CEO be a "real ham?"
- [QRZ] C6AKI The Bahamas
- [QRZ] CB0Z Alejandro Selkirk Island
- [W2LJ] Log4OM 2
- [QRZ] 9M2SAF/P Pulau Lalang Island
- [QRZ] PJ4/PA1KE Bonaire Island
- [QRZ] P4/K3DMG Aruba
- [QRZ] 8Q7HK Maldives
- [QRZ] FJ/OH2IS Saint Barthelemy Island
- [W2LJ] On The Air
- [QRZ] Results of the Saudi satellite event 2019 SAUDISAT 1C (SO-50)
- DXNL 2179 (Jan 8, 2020)
- [QRZ] J8/UR5BCP Saint Vincent and Grenadines
- [QRZ] 8P6DR Barbados
- [W2LJ] OK, so it wasn't a portable op
- [QRZ] V4/K3VX V4/W3WH Saint Kitts Island
- [QRZ] PJ5/KG9N Sint Eustatius Island
- [VK5PAS] Youngsters On The Air (YOTA)
- [QRZ] D44KF Sal Island Cape Verde
- [W2LJ] This works really well!
- [VA3QV] Maybe its NOT the antenna
- [QRZ] H44MS Solomon Islands
- [QRZ] E51DDG Rarotonga Island
- [W2LJ] I hope Santa was good to you
- [QRZ] S79JOE Seychelles
- [QRZ] WB9EAO/VP9 Bermuda Dxpedition
- [QRZ] TO7BP Martinique Island
- [QRZ] CE0Y/UR5BCP Easter Island
- [QRZ] New to CW? ARRL contest Sunday 22nd
- [QRZ] HB-OCWA open CW activity during the year 2020 (HTC)
- [QRZ] 3B9AN 3B9/F8AAN Rodrigues Island
- [VA3QV] Node back on the air
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1444
- [QRZ] 10 Meter Contest
- [W2LJ] 40 Meter QRP Fox Hunt - just as I expected!
- [QRZ] CE0Y/UR5BCP Easter Island
- [W2LJ] Tonight's the 40 Meter QRP Fox hunt
- [VK5PAS] Kiata Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2347
- [VK5PAS] Gerang Gerung South Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2320
- [QRZ] 4U1UN Why so little NA?
- [QRZ] A5B A50BOC A50BPC Bhutan
- ARLP049 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] K7UAZ - Pearl Harbor Day - U.S.S. Arizona Mall Memorial
- [ARRL DII] VHF/UHF Propagation
- [QRZ] 5H4WZ Pemba Island Tanzania
- [VK5PAS] Birdcage Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2268
- Wythall Beavers on the Air!
- [QRZ] H0 YOTA - does anyone have a way to contact?
- [VA3QV] A new arrival for the mobile
- [QRZ] HC2/EA1VE Puna Island
- [QRZ] 6Y/G0RNU - Jamaica
- [HR 2.0] Episode 261: HF Contests - Good or Bad? YouTubers Bunch, Parts 1 & 2
- [QRZ] 4S7DLG Sri Lanka
- [QRZ] XZ2D Myanmar
- [QRZ] XZ8X Myanmar
- [QRZ] VK9X/JO1AEC Christmas Island
- [FOAR] Putting a radio in a car.
- [VK1DA] Mt Gillamatong, 2nd Nov 2019
- [QRZ] flora and fauna wwff event
- [VK5PAS] Ni Ni Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2413
- [QRZ] 3Y0I - Polish DXpedition to Bouvet - preparations resumed
- [VK5PAS] Turriff Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2466
- [VK5PAS] Kattyoong Flora and Fauna Reserve VKFF-2346
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