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  1. [W2LJ] We made the big time!
  2. RI0B IOTA Arctic Legend Dxpedition
  3. [KB6NU] Unearthing CW artifacts
  4. [N0UN] 4U1UN United Nations On The Air!
  5. [FOAR] Getting Started ...
  6. [W2LJ] Not holding my tongue
  7. July 2018: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  8. [VK2TPM] Sideband in GNURadio for an FL2K VGA dongle transmitting WSPR with the Weaver method
  9. [VK5PAS] Hacks Lagoon Conservation Park 5CP-085 and VKFF-0888
  10. [N6PSE] Fun with FT8!
  11. [WRC] Morse successes at Wythall Club!
  12. [KB6NU] RBN spotting FT8 signals
  13. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 14 June 2018
  14. ARLP024 Propagation de K7RA
  15. [M0JCQ] 2m QRP Contesting in the Sun and DX
  16. [VK5PAS] Desert Camp Conservation Reserve VKFF-1705
  17. [KB6NU] Third party communications - you learn something new every day
  18. [VK1NAM] VK1 SOTA QSO Party - Saturday 4 August 2018
  19. [WRC] GB3WL back on air
  20. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 6 June 2018
  21. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 5 June 2018
  22. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 4 June 2018
  23. [VK5PAS] VKFF Hunter Honour Roll 1000
  24. [N6PSE] Are you ready for KH1/KH7Z?
  25. [CrARC] VHF NFD 2018 (The Big One)
  26. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 28 May - 03 June 2018
  27. [N0UN] DXpeditions
  28. [DxCoffee] June 2018: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  29. June 2018: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  30. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 3 June 2018
  31. [QSO Today] 4Z1UG
  32. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 2 June 2018
  33. [VK5PAS] 2016 stats and highlights
  34. [SADARS] 31 May 2018 - SOTA by Gareth, M5KVK
  35. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 1 June 2018
  36. ARLP022 Propagation de K7RA
  37. [DxCoffee] DXpeditions & Contest schedule for June 2018
  38. DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for June 2018
  39. This Week in Amateur Radio News for Thursday 31 May 2018
  40. [VK5PAS] VI50IARU3 activation/s coming up
  41. [KB6NU] Will digital voice (on HF) ever be a thing?
  42. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 31 May 2018
  43. Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1364.1
  44. [KB6NU] Even appliance operators should understand radio/electronics basics
  45. [W2LJ] Another portable antenna from the QRPGuys
  46. [DxCoffee] April
  47. [SDARC] Mills on the Air 2018
  48. [VK1NAM] 12 volt 4-Way PowerPole distribution box
  49. [QSO Today] KW5GP Returns
  50. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 24 February 2018
  51. [KB6NU] A reader asks: How many are active?
  52. [QSO Today] NA7US
  53. Amateur Radio Roundtablefor Saturday 17 February 2018
  54. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 17 February 2018
  55. Ham Radio 360: Shopping List Show
  56. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 16 February 2018
  57. ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA
  58. [W2LJ] ARRL DX CW Contest
  59. [VK5PAS] Mutton Cove Conservation Reserve VKFF-2246
  60. [FOAR] How should I promote my contest?
  61. [IVARC] UKAC Final Results 2017
  62. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 14 January 2018
  63. [QSO Today] K1LI
  64. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 13 January 2018
  65. [W2LJ] Busy weekend coming up
  66. [VK2TPM] AirSpy HF+ review - a nice SDR receiver
  67. ARLP002 Propagation de K7RA
  68. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 12 January 2018
  69. [KB6NU] More QSLs: OH0AM
  70. VP6D Ducie Island 2018 [Press Release]
  71. 5P8VW Rømø Island EU-125
  72. Benin 2018 by KOP Team
  73. [KB6NU] What SWR meter should I buy?
  74. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 8 December 2017
  75. J70VR & &. by Heli DD0;R and Bigi DE3BWR
  76. H91IT Isla Taboga NA-072
  77. ZF2PG Cayman Islands NA-016
  78. 3B9HA Rodrigues Island AF-017
  79. V26K Antigua Island NA-100
  80. DU9/RZ3FW & DU9/R4WAA Sara;gani Island OC-175
  81. 9G5W Ghana
  82. EG1ET Salvora Island EU- 077
  83. YJ0JA Efate Island OC-035
  84. 9X2AW Rwanda
  85. V63PSK Moen Island OC-011
  86. 5N7Q Nigeria
  87. TO5W Martinique
  88. VK5CE/8 North Island OC-198
  89. 5K0T San Andres Island NA-033
  90. Wythall RC Newsletter out now!
  91. MKARS DXCC competition
  92. 5K1B Mucura Island  San Bernardo islands SA-078
  93. IZ2DPX on tour from Lanzarote AF-004 and Murter island (Croatia, no IOTA)
  94. [KB6NU] Catalogs are about possibilities
  95. PJ7T Sint Maarten NA-105
  96. VK9CZ Cocos Keeling Islands OC-003
  97. 4S7AYG Sri Lanka AS-003
  98. 4S7AYG, 4S7BHG & 4S7KLH Sri Lan;a AS-003
  99. T2AR Funafuti Atoll OC-015
  100. S21ZDC Saint Martins Island  Bangladesh AS-127
  101. V31WB Belize
  102. TI7/K5SGE, TI7/W5AP & TI7/WA0D Costa;Rica
  103. P29RR Papua New Guinea
  104. 6Y4V, 6Y4F, 6Y4J
  105. VP2ESM & VP2EHC Anguill; Island NA-022
  106. A25A Botswana
  107. FJ/AI5P & FJ/N0KV Saint ;arthelemy Island NA-146
  108. 7P8AO Lesotho
  109. 3C1L & 3C0L Republic ;f Equatorial Guinea
  110. Teams nominated for WRTC 2018 Competition
  111. 7Q7EI Malawi
  112. [QSO Today] 4Z4DX
  113. [SDARC] Talk - SOTA (Summits On The Air) by Michael Sansom, G0POT
  114. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 5 October 2017
  115. [N0UN] SU/DM4DX Egypt On The Air
  116. [KB6NU] CQ Girl Scouts
  117. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 4 October 2017
  118. [N0UN] VK9XI Christmas Island On The Air
  119. [VK5PAS] Porter Scrub Conservation Park 5CP-189 and VKFF-0787
  120. Sputnik 1, 60 years ago, the launch and start of the space age
  121. [W2LJ] Skunk for lunch
  122. [N0UN] What Happened Here?
  123. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 2 October 2017
  124. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 25 September - 01 October 2017
  125. [QSO Today] KE0OG
  126. This Week in Amateur Radio News for Sunday 1 October 2017
  127. [VK5PAS] Sandy Creek Conservation Park 5CP-204 and VKFF-0933
  128. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 1 October 2017
  129. Z370M S.E.S.
  130. October 2017: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  131. DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for October 2017
  132. This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 30 September 2017
  133. [VK5PAS] Nurragi Conservation Reserve VKFF-2247
  134. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 30 September 2017
  135. XT2AW Burkina Faso
  136. A5A Bhutan
  137. V63MLO Pohnpei Island OC-010
  138. V63FKR Pohnpei Island OC-010
  139. E31A Book, Eritrea DXpedition 2017
  140. 3D2EU Rotuma 2018
  141. PY0F/PP1CZ Fernando de Noronha Island
  142. J68GD Saint Lucia [Update]
  143. CY9C Saint Paul Island
  144. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 8 September 2017
  145. 8P9RN, 8P9SL & 8P9KZ Barbados;NA-021
  146. CN2HZ
  147. TA4/PH2M/mm Turkish territorial waters
  148. J88PI Palm Island NA-025
  149. EA8/IZ1UKX Lanzarote Island AF-004
  150. September 2017: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  151. JD1BON Ogasawara Island AS-031
  152. TC1LHW Terkos Karaburun Lighthouse
  153. DU1/KE0BRZ Palawan Island OC-128
  154. DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for September 2017
  155. J68HZ St Lucia NA-108
  156. HD8M Isabela Island SA-004
  157. PJ4/PA3BWK Bonaire Island SA-006
  158. [S&DWS] Foundation Course Material in PDF Format
  159. NCDXF announces major grant of $100,000 to the 3Y0Z Bouvet Isl.
  160. 3Y0ZÂ* Bouvet Team Response the NCDXF Contribution
  161. DxCoffee and the DXUniversity award VK0EK for Best Communication in 2016
  162. [IOMARS] RSGB UKAC Scoring Consultation 2018
  163. [N6PSE] More honors for VP8STI/VP8SGI
  164. [RAC-Bulletin] VY0RAC is on the air from VY0ERC for the RAC 150 award
  165. [VE3HG] ZN-QRP Paddles
  166. [VK1NAM] SOTA - 23 cm action at Bald Mountain and Big Badja
  167. S21ZEE
  168. [N6PSE] The Curmudgeon factor
  169. V47JA Saint Kitts Island NA-104
  170. YB1/PD1SA Indonesia
  171. Balkans Tour by IZ7GXB
  172. 9L1T Sherbro Island, Sierra Leone, CANCELED
  173. 4L0GF Georgia
  174. 3XY4D Guinea
  175. [W2LJ] Independence Day - 2017
  176. [M0JCQ] Working 6m Sporadic-E Using a Collinear
  177. [VA3QV] Now VA3QV/VY2
  178. [ZS6BNE] RaDAR - Assessing the QRO kit
  180. E29AU & E2T Chang Isla;d AS-125
  181. YJ0GA Efate Island OC-035
  182. 8Q7RN Maldive Islands AS-013
  183. VK9AA Christmas Island OC-002
  184. [VK5PAS] Marijas results in the 2017 VK Shires Contest
  185. [VE2DPE] Just bought a Raspberry Pi 3
  186. [VK2TPM] Lo-Key features QRP by the harbour
  187. [ZS6BNE] RaDAR - R2R Attempt with Tom G0SBW
  188. DL/OO6P & DL/ON4IPA Fehm;rn Island EU-128
  189. A25TVB Botswana
  190. IT9BDM/p Ognina Island EU-025
  191. Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 05 - 11 June 2017
  192. News From Association RadioClub Romania
  193. AH0CO/KL7 Alaska
  194. This weekend: Portugal Day Contest and GACW WWSA CW DX Contest
  195. SV9/YO9GVW Crete island EU-015
  196. T88RR, T88MK, T88VV, T88HY, T88FM & T88NC Koror Is;and OC-009
  197. TN5R Republic of the Congo
  198. IRAQI Kurdistan to hold Independence Referendum
  199. OX3LX Tasillaq island NA-151
  200. PJ7/W9DR, PJ7/W9KXQ, PJ7/KK9N, PJ7/K9UK & PJ7/W9AEB Sint;Maarten
  201. [KB6NU] Whats your version of the next generation of ham radio?
  202. [N6PSE] Kurdistan to hold independence referendum. Potentially new DXCC Country on the horizon.
  203. [KB6NU] Another perspective on copying CW in your head
  204. [FOAR] Getting an elusive contact ... fly-fishing style.
  205. OY/K2HVN Faroe Islands EU-018
  206. 3B7 St Brandon [Press Release]
  207. [VA3QV] And then it rained
  208. TE8DX Chira Island NA-116
  209. FR/F4HPX Reunion Island AF-016
  210. E51GHS Aitutaki Island OC-083 & Rarotonga Isla;d OC-013
  211. 5Z4/OZ1AA Kenya
  212. TX Factor Episode 16 is On The Air
  213. TK/F4GHS Corsica Island EU-014
  214. CT9/R7KW & CT9/YL3JM Made;ra Island AF-014
  215. Z25DX Zimbabwe
  216. This Weekend: King of Spain CW Contest
  217. ZA/OH2BH & ZA/OG1N Albani;
  218. GB4RME Royal Mint Experience S.E.S.
  219. OY/DF3MC & OY/DL8JJ Faroe;Islands EU-018
  220. VK9MA Mellish Reef OC-072
  221. Midway and Kure Island Reinstated as DXCC entities
  222. HD2RRC/4 & HD2RRC/p Salan;o and Puna Island
  223. ZA/OU2I Albania
  224. ED9T
  225. 8R1/KC0W Guyana
  226. CN2YM Morocco
  227. FS/K9EL Saint Martin Island NA-105
  228. May 2017: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
  229. 5Mhz access granted in Malta
  230. John Miller K6MM new NCDXF President
  231. VK5CE/7 Bruny Island OC-233
  232. V4/W1CDC Saint Kitts Island NA-104
  233. A25UK Botswana
  234. N4T Dry Tortugas Islands NA-079
  235. 2M0GUA Mull Island EU-008
  236. XV9G Vietnam
  237. IW7EEQ/mm Asia Tour
  238. H91IT Taboga Island NA-072
  239. T88IH, T88FT, T88TA & T88UW Koror Is;and OC-009
  240. VK3FY/p Phillip Island OC-136
  241. 9U4M Burundi [Press Release #1]
  242. 5T3MM Mauritania
  243. XW4XR Laos
  244. This weekend: OK-OM DX SSB CONTEST
  245. Ham Nation: HN 294: Secret of Ham Nation 300
  246. QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 6 April 2017
  247. FO/F6CTF French Polynesia
  248. [DXNL] DXNL 2035 (Apr 5, 2017)
  249. 9M8RC Besar Island OC-165
  250. ETH063 - Texas State Parks On The Air with Paul Estes, K5VOP