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  1. [QRZ] World Radio Friendship Award
  2. [QRZ] FG4KH Guadeloupe
  3. [W2LJ] Another kit for your consideration
  4. [QRZ] 2 videos on HF Contesting and FT-8
  5. [SDARC] RSGB 144Mhz FMAC Contest (January)
  6. [KB6NU] Have more fun in state QSO parties with the State QSO Party Challenge
  7. DXNL 2233 (Jan 20, 2021)
  8. [VK2TPM] HF noise at my home
  9. [DXZone] Choking balun for 160-30 meter band
  10. [KB6NU] Dont answer this CQ
  11. [DXZone] CDXA Periodic Table of Contests
  12. [RADARC] 2020 Construction Contest
  13. [WRC] 2020 DX Challenge Results
  14. [QRZ] 8J1RL Showa Research Station Antarctica
  15. DXNL 2232 (Jan 13, 2021)
  16. [KB6NU] 2021 Field Day Logos Released
  17. [QRZ] 01-10 Digital Activity Days 2021 January, 1-10
  18. Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1498.1
  19. [QRZ] 3A/F5RBB 3A/F4FRL Monaco
  20. [DXZone] Replacing Yaesu FT857 IF filters
  21. [W2LJ] Virtual Hamfests
  22. [WRC] Six meters and up squares challenge results
  23. [DXZone] HF Arduino VNA
  24. [KB6NU] Register for next QSO Today Expo - March 13-14, 2021
  25. [DXZone] G3LIV Data Interfaces
  26. [DXZone] Improve your Antennas for Low Solar Activity
  27. [DXZone] Automatic HF Antenna Tuner with Arduino
  28. [KB6NU] ICQ Podcast Episode 341 - Listener Q and A
  29. [QRZ] Special station: PD112MKNN
  30. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1497
  31. Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1497
  32. [QSO Today] KJ8U
  33. [VK5PAS] Black Bullock Hill VK5/ SE-016 and an afternoon on the Fleurieu Peninsula.
  34. [QRZ] ARRL Kids Day 2021
  35. [KB6NU] Operating notes: Straight Key Night
  36. [WB4SON] Goals for 2021
  37. [QRZ] Straight Key Night
  38. [QRZ] VP8DOI Halley Research Station Antarctica
  39. [QRZ] 01-10 Digital Activity Days 2021 January, 1-10
  40. [QRZ] 8Q7MM Maldives
  41. ARLP052 Propagation de K7RA
  42. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1496
  43. [QRZ] FT8 Heavy Weights Event 2020
  44. [N0UN] Ham Radio Deluxe Review
  45. [QRZ] ARRL RTTY Roundup
  46. [DXZone] HF Multiband Moxon Antenna
  47. [VE2DPE] On My Ham Radio List
  48. [KB6NU] New ARRL CEO, NA2AA, on YouTube
  49. [DXZone] ApacheLabs Andromeda
  50. [KB6NU] Operating Notes: Heathkits on the air, 1929 rig, DX QRM
  51. [QRZ] Scuba Ham Award: we are looking for scuba divers amateurs radio
  52. [W2LJ] An early Christmas gift
  53. [VK1NAM] Antenna Project - 2m Halo for 144.2 MHz
  54. [QSO Today] KH6WZ
  55. [QRZ] Does QRZ 50 states award qualify for ARRL WAS award?
  56. [DXZone] Icom 706MkIIG Frequency Calibration
  58. [DXZone] WSPR MAP by WSPRnet
  59. [QRZ] 10m contest; 2logs; how to submit
  60. [OH8STN] Icom IC-705 & PowerFilm Lightsaver Max | Portable QRP
  61. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1494
  62. [N0UN] 4U75UN United Nations HQ
  63. [KB6NU] How to run a multi-station special event
  64. [QRZ] DM52 Ghost Town temp station
  65. ARLP050 Propagation de K7RA
  66. [QRZ] PZK Contest, CW, 80m, 10th December? - Good Contest Calendar?
  67. [VK5PAS] Nixon Skinner Conservation Park 5CP-165 and VKFF-0923
  68. [KB6NU] Operating notes: Flex down for Win10 updates, a CW QSO every day, all in the family
  69. [QRZ] POTA K-1065 activation 12/12
  70. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1493
  71. [OH8STN] Xiegu X5105 Xggcomms Digimode-4 HF WeatherFax App on Android
  72. [VK2TPM] uSDX QRP transceiver built
  73. [QRZ] Pearl Harbor Special Event
  74. [DXZone] W2NAP Ham Radio Manuals and More
  75. [ETH] Skywarn Recognition Day - 2020
  76. [QRZ] CQ WW CW 1948~2019
  77. [KB6NU] QCX Mini now available
  78. [DXZone] Yaesu FTDX-10 Video
  79. [QRZ] Maldives expedition
  80. [KB6NU] QSLs: W5TEN, KF0IN
  81. [QRZ] ARRL 160-Meter Contest: 2200Z, Dec 4 to 1600Z, Dec 6 (CW)
  82. [TWIAR] Iconic Arecibo Observatory Collapses
  83. ARLP048 Propagation de K7RA
  84. [WRC] Islands to the fore in November DX challenge
  85. [VK5PAS] Scott Conservation Park 5CP-206 and VKFF-0934
  86. [QRZ] RI01ANT Antarctica
  87. [VK5PAS] Results from the 2020 VKFF Activation Weekend
  88. [DXZone] Guide to QSLing
  89. [MKARS] Revised programme for November & December 2020
  90. [QRZ] P44AA Aruba
  91. [DXZone] HF Skeleton Slot Antennas
  92. [OH8STN] Portable Ham Radio RF Chokes
  93. [QRZ] JW7GIA Svalbard
  94. [QRZ] 5T3WW Mauritania
  95. [DXZone] Build your own HF balun
  96. [QRZ] C6AGU The Bahamas
  97. [QRZ] 8Q7ZO 8Q7RU Maldives
  98. [VE2DPE] Sunspot Cycle 25 to Be Strongest Ever
  99. [DXZone] Kenwood TS-590S for Digital Data or Digital Voice
  100. [ZS6BNE] Sids RaDAR Challenge - November 2020
  101. [QRZ] ARRL Sweepstakes (SSB)
  102. [DXZone] Preventing CW key clicks
  103. [KD8CEC] Release DVPI Version 0.95
  104. [QRZ] K1USN is QRV for Veterans Day
  105. [HR 2.0] Episode 482: Best HF Ham Radio Under $1000 - 6 Best HF Transceivers 2020
  106. [VK5PAS] 2020 VKFF Team Championship results.
  107. [W2LJ] Fox hunting
  108. [VK2TPM] Antenna noise canceller working well against bad switching supply noise on 40m.
  109. [QRZ] TZ1CE Mali
  110. [DXZone] Transforming the Elecraft K3 into a SDR with K3
  111. [QRZ] Remote Receivers during contests
  112. [DXZone] Yaesu FTDX10 on CQ Amateur Radio
  113. [KB6NU] What good is the ARRL?
  114. [DXZone] A Sneaky Look at the Yaesu FTdx101D Transceiver
  115. [VE2DPE] A 160 Meter Antenna Hybrid Design
  116. [KB6NU] QSLs: K5FLU, WB1LLY, ND0C
  117. [QRZ] 7Q7RU Malawi DXpedition - November 2020
  118. [WRC] Around the World in October DX Challenge
  119. [DXZone] Yaesu FTDX10 - New product Announcement
  120. [G6NHU] CQ WW SSB 2020
  121. [DXZone] OK7K Contest Team
  122. [HR 2.0] Episode 477: IC-705 vs KX3 vs X5105 vs G90 - QRP Ham Radio Comparison
  123. [DXZone] TH-3JRS Deconstruction
  124. [KB6NU] Who says CW isnt scary?
  125. [QRZ] Remote Receivers during contests
  126. [KB6NU] AMSAT 2020 Symposium now online
  127. [QSO Today] KR7RK
  128. [W2LJ] Saying goodbye to an old friend
  129. [QRZ] What is the exchange?
  130. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1487
  131. [KB6NU] How well do you know your radio?
  132. [M0JCQ] DXCC Finally Achieved (after 7 years!)
  133. [DXZone] 7Q7RU Malawi
  134. [QRZ] DT8A South Shetland Islands
  135. [QRZ] New Contest for DXers and Portable Operators
  136. [DXZone] HyGain TH3JR Improvements
  137. [QRZ] 5R8SS Madagascar
  138. [KB6NU] Made my first satellite contact!
  139. [QRZ] HD200C Cuenca Ecuador
  140. [DXZone] Modeling an 80/40/20M Fan Dipole for DX
  141. [DXZone] K3NG Arduino CW Keyer
  142. [QRZ] One enity for DXCC -- Yugoslavia and Montenegro??
  143. [M0JCQ] Upgrading my HF Base Station
  144. [QRZ] LU1ZG Antarctica
  145. [QRZ] 8J1RL- Antarctica Base JARE
  146. [DXZone] Mircules DX Cluster LITE for Android
  147. [DXZone] Aircraft Scatter Operations
  148. [QRZ] T88SS Palau
  149. [DXZone] Z-Match 100 and mini Z-Match
  150. [QRZ] RT 66 OTA Starts Saturday, Sept 12th
  151. [QRZ] 9G5FI Ghana
  152. [WB4SON] POTA - Brenton Point State Park
  153. [OH8STN] Lab 599
  154. [QRZ] JG8NQJ/JD1 Minami Torishima
  155. [QRZ] VP9/N1SNB Bermuda
  156. [DXZone] Yaesu FT847 Filter Modification
  157. [DXZone] Guide to HF Contesting
  158. [KB6NU] If my radio has an SWR meter, why do I need an antenna analyzer?
  159. [QRZ] JW6VM JW9DL JW7XK JW5X Svalbard
  160. [QRZ] ET3AA Ethiopia
  161. [VA3QV] Pleased with the new purchase
  162. [QRZ] MOVDL goes to Lundy Island - EU120
  163. [DXZone] Low Cost FT8 WSPR Monitoring System
  164. [W2LJ] QRP Afield this Saturday
  165. [QRZ] OJ0JR Market Reef
  166. [K9ZW] You have to have something to drink while running FT8
  167. [K9ZW] Six Bands of FT8 by Remote Background One Morning
  168. [KB9VBR] My 2020 HF Radio Portable Field Kit
  169. [QRZ] Special Call YH0AF. 7th aniversary Orari West Jakarta, Indonesia
  170. [WB4SON] Solar Cycle 25 OFFICIALLY Underway
  171. [QRZ] YI9WS Iraq
  172. [DXZone] High efficiency, legal limit, solid state linear HF amplifiers
  173. [QRZ] Anyone work anything new/cool/fun in the WAE contest this weekend?
  174. [QSO Today] NM5M
  175. [QRZ] JX2US Jan Mayen
  176. [DXZone] ZL2IFB Elecraft K2 K3
  177. [QRZ] VP9/N1SNB Bermuda
  178. [DXZone] Building the 10 meter Moxon Antenna
  179. [SDARC] All good things must come to an end
  180. [QRZ] Route 66 On The Air
  181. [DXZone] 17m QRP SSB Transceiver
  182. [QSO Today] AI6MS
  183. [DXZone] 40m 2 elements HQ Traps Yagi
  184. [QRZ] New Contest for DXers and Portable Operators
  185. [DXZone] QSL Label Printing in ClubLog
  186. [DXZone] Half Sloper Multiband Antenna
  187. [G6NHU] Getting up early to work DX is a great idea
  188. [QRZ] W/VE islands contest in full swing on 40 right now
  189. [DXZone] Proppy HF Circuit Prediction: Space Weather
  190. [QRZ] AF2F/W4 Hatteras Island
  191. [OH8STN] Discovery TX-500 by Lab599
  192. [QRZ] 5R8UX Madagascar
  193. [VK2TPM] A Telstra or NBN internet slowdown incident.
  194. ARLP034 Propagation de K7RA
  195. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1477.1
  196. [KE6MT] Activating in the Rain: Kelly Butte, W7W/KG-060
  197. [WRC] Out and About with Wythall RC Members
  198. [DXZone] 136 kHz QRP Transmitter
  199. [W2LJ] 2020 NJQRP Skeeter Hunt
  200. [TWIAR] Via the ARRL: IARU Announces HF Digital Mode Band Plan Review
  201. [DXZone] WWV numbers and F2 Propagation
  202. [QRZ] Bali Island Award
  203. [KB6NU] 8-meter band?? Who knew?
  204. [VK5PAS] 2020 Trans Tasman Low Band Contest
  205. [SARS] Icom IC-7300 Basic Operating
  206. [W2LJ] W3BBO to the rescue! Once again.
  207. [DXZone] 50 MHz F2 Propagation Mechanisms
  208. [QRZ] 5Z4VJ Kenya
  209. [WB4SON] When Trees Arent Our Friends
  210. [QRZ] XU7AKU XU7AKV Cambodia
  211. [WRC] Antennas sprout for DX challenge
  212. [VK2TPM] Logging noise floor with hamlib
  213. [DXZone] 80m Top Loaded Vertical Antenna
  214. [QRZ] EG4MS 50/144mhz MS dxpedition from IM79HL
  215. [QRZ] JD1BLY Ogasawara Islands
  216. [KB6NU] Do you have A WTH card?
  217. [VK5PAS] Bullock Hill Conservation Park 5CP-265 and VKFF-0873
  218. [G4AKC] New Modular HF Pedestrian Mobile
  219. [QRZ] 5H1FF Zanzibar Island
  220. [DXZone] How propagation works on VHF Bands
  221. [QSO Today] WB2MGP_reprise
  222. [QRZ] 4U1UN United Nations News 31 July 2020
  223. [DXZone] FieldLog Android Logger
  224. [QRZ] ZL7STU Chatham Islands
  225. [QRZ] 160m public log
  226. [QRZ] OJ0/OH3BRJ - OJ0/OH3BRK - Market Reef
  227. [VK5PAS] 2019 Oceania DX Contest plaque
  228. [DXZone] Lazy H Array Antenna for 40 meter
  229. [QRZ] 5H1RR Zanzibar
  230. [DXZone] Backyard Multi-Band Wire HF Antennas
  231. [QRZ] New England Wireless & Steam Museum
  232. [DXZone] Icom IC-7300 review by GM4FVM
  233. [W2LJ] This thing is a life saver!
  234. [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1473
  235. [VK5PAS] 2020 Trans Tasman Low Band Contest
  236. [ZS6BNE] ZS6BNE - My Morse Code (CW) Journey
  237. [QRZ] ft8 european contest
  238. [HR 2.0] Episode 413: Ham Radio Shopping Deals for Friday, July 10th
  239. [KB6NU] QSX: Better late than never
  240. [WRC] QRP anyone? Low power fun at Wythall Club
  241. [QRZ] 9G5GS Ghana
  242. [QRZ] IS0/DL8JJ Foradada Island
  243. [QRZ] Activation castle DFCF 49077 - WCA F-06964
  244. [KB9VBR] ARRL Field Day 2020 & Flambeau River State Forest Activation
  245. Map your contest QSOs
  246. [QRZ] 5Z4/PA1TS Kenya
  247. [DXZone] IARU HF Championship 2020
  248. [W2LJ] I gave it a shot.
  249. [QRZ] MRHS "Night-of-Nights XXI"