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- [SDARC] Construction Competition 2017 Results
- [KB6NU] 2017 Field Day public service announcements available
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 5 April 2017
- TM2H Houat Island EU-048
- W1JXN Gasparilla Island NA-069
- VP5/K3NK & VP5/W3HNK Prov;denciales Island NA-002
- T32AZ Kiritimati Island OC-024
- Ham Radio 360: A New Ham Surprise, Our Community and a SK
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 4 April 2017
- [VK5PAS] Deep Creek Conservation Park 5CP-054 and VKFF-0780
- [W2LJ] Product reviews
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 3 April 2017
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 27 March - 02 April 2017
- R71RRC Arakamchechen Island AS-071
- [VK5PAS] Our results from the 4th year anniversary weekend
- [VK2TPM] Built a 2m J Pole out of copper pipe
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 2 April 2017
- [CrARC] MSK144
- [QSO Today] G3BJ
- [KB6NU] Time to business card
- [N0UN] Midway and Kure DXCC Deleted
- April 2017: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
- [FOAR] Adding a stroke to your callsign ...
- ARLP013 Propagation de K7RA
- C5WP Gambia, Operations SmileGambia
- DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for April 2017
- [KB6NU] Operating Notes: My CW Technician
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 31 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 30
- AH0CO/KH6 Hawaiian Islands OC-019
- ETH062 - Northern California DX Foundation with Kevin Rowett, K6TD
- [ARRL DII] Speech Equalization, Compression and Processing
- This weekend: SP DX Contest
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 30 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 29
- WW6RG/KH9 Wake Island OC-053
- [W2LJ] New QRP Podcast
- Ham Radio 360: Workbench 20 Listener Projects part 2
- YJ0YM Efate Island OC-035
- OX/SM7RYR Greenland NA-018
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 29 March 2017
- [DXNL] DXNL 2034 (Mar 29, 2017)
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Tuesday 28 March 2017
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 28 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 27
- VP2MKX Montserrat Island NA-103
- 4W/YB3MM & 4W/YB3LZ Timor;Leste OC-148
- [N6PSE] Fun with 5U5R
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 27 March 2017
- [KB6NU] Speaking again at Dayton
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 20 - 26 March 2017
- P29VXG New Britain Island OC-008
- S79Z Mahe Island AF-024
- V73XG Majuro Atoll OC-029
- [W2LJ] Toothpaste works!
- Amateur Radio Roundtable
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 26 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 25
- CE0Y/W1MJ Easter Island SA-001
- J68HZ St Lucia NA-108
- [QSO Today] G4WIF
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 25 March 2017
- [VK5PAS] Kinchina Conservation Park 5CP-277 and VKFF-1764
- [VARC] Club Championship
- [FOAR] Life's too short for QRP...
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 25 March 2017
- [SADARS] 23 March 2017 - The AGM
- ARLP012 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 24 March 2017
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1310
- This Weekend: CQ WPX SSB
- [KB6NU] Clothespin keyer gives Boy Scouts a taste of ham radio
- [VARC] New VARC Chairman/Understanding HF Propagation
- Ham Nation: HN 292: Contest University 2017
- KO8SCA/VP9 Bermuda NA-005
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 23 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 21
- OF0KA Eckero, Aland Islands EU-002
- V51/TA1HZ Namibia
- CV5A Flores island SA-030
- KH2BY Guam Island OC-026
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 21
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 22 March 2017
- [MKARS] Centenary of Alan Turing's birth
- LA/SP7IDX Vannoya Island EU-046
- Ham Radio 360: Eric Guth 4Z1UG QSO Today, Allstar, Israel Ops
- [W2LJ] Mag loop success!
- [N6PSE] Unsung Heroes of DXing
- [W2LJ] Bands were crappy yesterday
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 20
- DxCoffee sponsors the Electronics & Hamradio Days ;ITALY)
- ZA/PA2LS Albania
- T2TT Tuvalu OC-015
- ZF2CJ Grand Cayman Island NA-016
- ZF2TC & ZF2FL Grand Ca;man Island NA-016
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 18
- [KB6NU] Operating Notes: 20m on Sunday afternoon, new key, shack reorg
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 March 2017
- MU/ON6EF & MU/ON4AFW Guer;sey island EU-114
- [VK5PAS] Totness Recreation Park VKFF-1754 and the John Moyle Memorial Field Day 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 17
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1309
- [VK1NAM] SOTA - VK1 SOTA DX Mount McDonald
- V633KS & V633ZH Chuuk T;uk Islands OC-011
- [MKARS] HF DXing. What can one expect to work?
- [QSO Today] K7AGE
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 18 March 2017
- PJ7PL Sint Maarten Island NA-105
- DXCC Approval E44CM Palestine
- [VK5PAS] Wiljani Conservation Park 5CP-274 and VKFF-1159
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Friday 17 March 2017
- ARLP011 Propagation de K7RA
- TX Factor Episode 15 Is On The Air
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 17 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 15
- [RADARC] Links from EME talk
- T2AQ & T2QR Tuvalu OC;015
- 9N7XW Nepal
- 5H3MB Tanzania
- V47JA Saint Kitts Island NA-104
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 16 March 2017
- ETH060 - QRP Operations
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Wednesday 15 March 2017
- [VK5PAS] Totness Recreation Park VKFF-1754
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 15 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 14
- AH2P
- [DXNL] DXNL 2032 (Mar 15, 2017)
- Ham Radio 360: Workbench 19 Listener Workbench Projects!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 14 March 2017
- [KB6NU] Operating Notes: Loooong callsign, a great demo, four days without a contact
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 13
- J88PI Palm Island NA-025
- [N6PSE] Blogging with Integrity
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 13 March 2017
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 06 - 12 March 2017
- KH6/DL3LUM Hawaiian Islands OC-019
- SI9AM Sweden
- [VK2TPM] QRP by the harbour report
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 12 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 11
- [QSO Today] W4DR
- [W2LJ] Another cold weekend
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 11 March 2017
- [VK5PAS] Mount Lofty VK5/SE-005 and Cleland Conservation Park 5CP-042 & VKFF-0778
- [FOAR] Checking your On-Air signal...
- [KB6NU] How to improve at bowling..errrr, ham radio
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 10
- [M0JCQ] Download The VHF/UHF DX Book for free
- [VK5PAS] Lowan Conservation Park 5CP-121 and VKFF-1052
- ARLP010 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 10 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest - Day 9
- This weekend: South America 10 meter contest and EA PSK63 contest
- CT9/DL3KWR & CT9/DL3KWF Mad;ira Island AF-014
- ZF2CA Cayman Islands NA-016
- VK3FY/p Phillip Island OC-136
- KL7/VE7ACN Prince of Wales Island NA-041
- VP2V/VE3AYR British Virgin Islands NA-023
- HL4/JA8COE Cheju Island AS-026
- 9G5X Ghana
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 9 March 2017
- ETH059 - QSL Cards and Services
- YS1YS El Salvador by DL9RMH
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 8 March 2017
- [MKARS] RSGB Contesting
- [VK5PAS] JARL awards
- J5B & J5W Rubane Isl;nd AF-020
- [KB6NU] I cant stop teaching!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 7 March 2017
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest Results - Day 5
- [W2LJ] C-c-c-c-old !!!!!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 6 March 2017
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 27 February - 05 March 2017
- [LSWC] Early Nineties Contest Group
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest Results - Day 4
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 5 March 2017
- [VK1NAM] 5 March 2017 - VK1AD WSPRlite at 100 mW
- [QSO Today] N6TV
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest Results - Day 3
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 4 March 2017
- [KB6NU] New book aims to help you get more out of amateur radio
- [MKARS] 144Mhz contests Tuesday 7th March
- [W2LJ] QRPTTF 2017 announced!
- [VK5PAS] Spring Mount Conservation Park 5CP-219 and VKFF-0789
- [IOMARS] New licence holder day
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest Results - Day 2
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 3 March 2017
- ARLP009 Propagation de K7RA
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1307
- ETH058 - Military Auxiliary Radio Service(MARS)
- This weekend: ARRL DX SSB Contest
- [KB6NU] Radio amateurs should know how radios work
- [VK5PAS] Updated VKFF logo
- [VK2TPM] ABC RN Tech - Mobile World Congress: Nokia and blackberry are back
- [CrARC] WSPR Contest Results - Day 1
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 2 March 2017
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Wednesday 1 March 2017
- [DXNL] DXNL 2030 (Mar 01, 2017)
- [WRC] Latest Club Newsletter out now!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 1 March 2017
- 7U1X Algeria
- [VK1NAM] VK1AD - WSPRLite 200 mW to Sweden on 30m
- March 2017: Ionospheric Propagation Predictions
- [N6PSE] TL8TT era splendida!
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 28 February 2017
- EA8BH Birthday On The Air (BOTA) Canary Island
- DXpeditions & Contest schedu;e for March 2017
- [SDARC] Construction Competition 2017 Rules
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 20 - 26 February 2017
- [VK5PAS] Greenhill Recreation Park VKFF-1712
- [VK2TPM] Wyong field day 2017
- [KB6NU] More QSLs - WA2LOT, KE0EK
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Sunday 26 February 2017
- Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1306
- [QSO Today] K1ZM
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Saturday 25 February 2017
- GT4BRS Isle of Man EU-116
- ZV2CV Couves Islands SA-028
- [VK1NAM] VK1AD - 24 hour WSPRLite at 200 mW
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Saturday 25 February 2017
- Celebrate Nebraska's 150th Anniversary
- ARLP008 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 24 February 2017
- This weekend: UBA DX contest CW, REF SSB and CQ 160 SSB
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 23 February 2017
- JW6VDA Svalbard EU-026
- TI7/K0BBC Costa Rica
- ETH057 - So You Want To Be A Ham?
- [KB6NU] From the trade magazines: AC safety, strain relief, woodpeckers
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Wednesday 22 February 2017
- [WRC] Christmas Contest Cartoon
- [VK1NAM] VK1AD WSPRLite 200 mW to Europe
- [DXNL] DXNL 2029 (Feb 22, 2017)
- [DII] HF Loop Antennas
- [VK5STU] Frankentenna (ormy mongrel portable antenna)
- This Week in Amateur Radio News for Tuesday 21 February 2017
- [KB6NU] ARRL Board Meeting considers membership issues, HQ positions, entry level licensing
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Tuesday 21 February 2017
- VP2MMF Montserrat Island NA-103
- 5X8EW Uganda
- ZF2SC & ZF2FB Cayman I;lands NA-016
- [VK1NAM] SOTABEAMS WSPRlite - 200 milliwatts VK1 to North America
- 8P9AL Barbados NA-021
- [KB6NU] ICQPodcast discusses new licensees and a possible new license class
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Monday 20 February 2017
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 13 - 19 February 2017
- E51KTA Rarotonga Island OC-013
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