View Full Version : Dx
- [QRZ] T88AQ Palau
- [QRZ] 6W/F5KKD Senegal
- [G6NHU] My new Hexbeam is broken and fixed
- [FOAR] Where is North?
- [W2LJ] Fox Hunt season started last night
- [W2LJ] Zombie Shuffle let down
- [FOAR] In pursuit of a challenge
- [QRZ] 3A/G4PVM 3A/OJ0Y Monaco
- [W2LJ] I can always count on KD2FSI
- [QRZ] 5Z4/G3AB Kenya
- ARLP043 Propagation de K7RA
- [W5KV] SOTA Activation 10/28/2019 (Updated)
- [QRZ] C6AGU Wood Cay Island
- [QRZ] H40KT H40TT Pigeon Island
- [VA3QV] Getting the #RV ready for winter
- [QRZ] T88KZ Koror Island Palau
- [W2LJ] Mt. Allamuchy
- [VK5PAS] 2019 Oceania DX Contest
- [QSO Today] k4FMH
- [G6NHU] Anderson Powerpoles
- [QRZ] S79CI S79W Seychelles
- [QRZ] 5R8VX 5R8KU Madagascar
- [QRZ] 5X8C Uganda
- [W5KV] Roving in the Texas QSO Party
- [QRZ] V47FWX Saint Kitts Island
- DXNL 2162 (Sep 11, 2019)
- [QSO Today] K0IR
- Ham Nation: HN 418: ICOM 705 & Route 66 On The Air
- [QRZ] 7I1TI Tunda Island
- [QRZ] D44CH Sal Island Cabo Verde
- [VK1NAM] SOTA - Tumorrama Hill
- [QRZ] E6AN Niue Island
- [QRZ] V31CC Belize
- [QRZ] Still need 4 CW Open Team Membrs
- [VK2TPM] WSPR Watch iOS app now reads from PSKReporter
- [QRZ] 8Q7XR Maldives
- [QRZ] 5K0K San Andres Island
- [RARC] Congrats to Andy & Deni
- [QRZ] YN2CC Nicaragua
- [W2LJ] Skeeter Hunt 2019 - Bittersweet?
- [QRZ] C56DF Gambia
- [QRZ] WH0RU Saipan Island
- [FOAR] What's in a Watt?
- [QRZ] VP2VEM VP2V/N5AQ Tortola Island
- [W2LJ] Uncharted Territory
- [TWIAR] Chinese Satellite Profiles Earths RF Spectrum as Seen from Lunar Orbit
- [VK5PAS] Warren Conservation Park 5CP-247 and VKFF-0941
- [QRZ] J68HZ Saint Lucia Island
- [FOAR] It broke and now what?
- [QRZ] V31JW Belize
- [QRZ] 3W9QR Da Nang Vietnam
- [QRZ] 3W9KJ Dao Ko To Island
- [QRZ] H44MI Malaita Island Solomon Islands
- [QRZ] C21W Nauru
- [VE2DPE] Brushing Up on CW
- [VK5PAS] Shepherds Hill Recreation Park VKFF-1744
- [QRZ] TO1J FM/JF2QNM Martinique
- [QRZ] 6O7O Somalia
- [G6NHU] Installing a radio into my car
- [QRZ] Worlds Largest Teapot
- [W2LJ] If you have a bug ......
- [QRZ] J6/K3TRM Saint Lucia
- [QRZ] 4L/G4ENL Georgia
- [QRZ] TR8CR Gabon
- [VK5PAS] WWFF Activator 253 certificate
- [QRZ] ZS9V Robben Island
- [QRZ] XV9DXB Vietnam
- [VK5PAS] Lowan Conservation Park 5CP-121 and VKFF-1052
- [QRZ] P4/PA7DA Aruba
- [N0UN] T33T Banaba Update
- [ETH] Tape Measure J-Pole Antenna
- [QRZ] KL7SB/VP9 Bermuda Islands
- [QRZ] XF3LL Cozumel Island
- [QRZ] 3DA0AO eSwatini
- [N0UN] The Rebel Catamaran
- [QRZ] TO5M LIle aux Marins
- [VK1NAM] 12v Battery Box for field ops
- [QRZ] T2AR Tuvalu
- [VA3QV] Its a small world after all
- [W2LJ] Summer is almost here!
- [VK1DA] South Black Range SOTA and park activation on 13cm band - 15th June 2019
- [QRZ] 5H3CA 5H3RRC Mafia Island
- [QRZ] 9G5W Ghana
- [VK5PAS] Nixon Skinner Conservation Park 5CP-165 and VKFF-0923
- [VK2TPM] Promised HF-6m Discovery TX-500 looks interesting
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1418
- [QRZ] N7GMH Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial SES
- [QRZ] WWFF-expedition
- [N0UN] 3D2CR Log, QSL Policy
- Tri-Bander for Small Condo Unit
- [N0UN] Wheres My Contact?
- [VK1DA] Qualifying a summit - making 4 interstate contacts - using the 500 milliwatt Pixie morse transceiver
- [VK5PAS] Myponga Conservation Park 5CP-157 and VKFF-0921
- [QRZ] FH/DJ7RJ Mayotte
- [N0UN] 3D2CR Conway Reef QRT
- [QRZ] T88TJ Koror Island
- [N0UN] Pictures From Conway Reef
- [W5KV] Planning for my first tower!
- [N0UN] 3D2CR Update. 0530Z. 4 June
- [MKARS] Exam Success!
- [RSH] GB6JUN on the air
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1416
- [M0JCQ] VHF Contesting with the ICOM 9700 (with video)
- [W2LJ] Hey! I almost forgot !!!
- [QRZ] KK5W
- [N0UN] 3D2CR Conway Reef On The Air!
- [QRZ] V49V Saint Kitts Island
- [QRZ] V63PSK Chuuk Islands
- [QRZ] VP8/VP8DXU South Orkney Islands
- [QRZ] TX7T Hiva Oa Island Marquesas Islands
- [ETH] Icom ID-31A Plus HT Review
- [QRZ] DigiFest 2019
- [VK5PAS] Radio Romania International
- [QRZ] Lighthouse Activation
- Riviera ARC
- [QRZ] PJ2/VA3ZC Curacao Island
- [QRZ] MJ/OQ7A/P - Minkies Islands
- [VE2DPE] My Dream SDR Receiver
- [QRZ] CY0C Sable Island
- [QRZ] D68CCC Comoro Islands
- [QRZ] K7Y - Khantaak Island
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1413
- [ETH] Icom ID-5100A Dual Band DStar Mobile Radio Review
- [VA3QV] 10m to 160m #hamradio in a Condo Townhouse
- [QRZ] FK/IK2YDJ New Caledonia
- [KE6MT] Mustang Mountain, W7N/EM-005
- [QRZ] 5W0VR Samoa
- [VK5PAS] Some 20m short path DX as AX5PAS on Anzac Day
- [VK2TPM] WSPR receive antenna comparison
- [QRZ] P4/DK6SP Aruba Island
- [QRZ] TX2A Raivavae Island Austral Islands
- [QRZ] XV9DXB Vietnam
- [VK5PAS] VKFF Hunter Honour Roll 1,225
- [QRZ] A82X A82Z Liberia
- [QRZ] KL7RRC/P Sledge Island
- [VK5PAS] Long Island Recreation Park VKFF-1724
- [QRZ] FS/AG5CR Saint Martin Island
- [MKARS] Upcoming Fast Track Foundation Course Date Set
- [QRZ] GB0BOC - Battle of Culloden
- [LSWC] Antenna Assembly, Hy-Gain AV-640
- [QRZ] J79BH Dominica Island
- [QRZ] S79AM S79ANR Seychelles
- [VK1NAM] SOTA - Lightweight Portable 2m - 70cm Dipole Antenna #2
- [VK5PAS] Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area VKFF-1685
- [KG3V] RTTY Transmissions Off-freq with MMTTY
- [VK2TPM] Ultra low noise HF radio in the outback
- [QRZ] JX7GIA Jan Mayen Island
- [QRZ] 5T2KW Mauritania
- DXNL 2139 (Apr 3, 2019)
- [QRZ] 4E8T Tawi Tawi Island
- [QRZ] How Do you know what contests are happening?
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1408
- [W2LJ] Just renewed
- DXNL 2138 (Mar 27, 2019)
- [N0UN] 160 Miles Out from Bouvet
- [WRC] Farewell West Midlands - Hello West Africa!
- [VK2TPM] New features in WSPR Watch iOS app
- [ETH] Who Is The New Idaho Section Manager?
- [QRZ] VP6R Pitcairn Island
- ARLP010 Propagation de K7RA
- [QRZ] 3Y0I Bouvet Island News 8 March 2019
- [QRZ] XZ2C Myanmar
- [QRZ] E6AF Niue Island
- [QSO Today] k4ZLE
- [ETH] FCC Universal Licensing System will be Down for Maintenance
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1404
- DXNL 2134 (Feb 27, 2019)
- [QRZ] Novice Rig Roundup 2019
- [QRZ] 9G2DX Ghana
- [KB6NU] 2019 No Nonsense General Class Study Guide: Antennas and Feed Lines, Part I
- [QRZ] Z22VC Zimbabwe
- [QRZ] FH/UA4WHX Mayotte
- [VE2DPE] Upcoming OCF Article
- [VK2TPM] Pi-Star hotspot getting started
- Ham Nation: HN 389: Test Equipment Basics
- [FOAR] Modern Tools for a Modern Hobby
- [QRZ] Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #1403
- [KB6NU] Presentation promotes POTA potentials
- ARLP007 Propagation de K7RA
- South Pole Radio
- [KB6NU] 2019 No Nonsense General Class Study Guide: Practical Circuits
- [KE6MT] BayCon 2019 Presentation: Successful SOTA Strategies
- [QRZ] 3D2AG/P Rotuma Island
- [FOAR] How effective is your station?
- [QRZ] J6/NG7E J6/NC7M Saint Lucia Island
- [KB6NU] ubitx V5 now in production
- [QRZ] TF/EB3GCP Iceland
- [QRZ] FO/OK2ZI Tahiti Island
- [ETH] Yaesu FT-8900R Quad Band Mobile Review
- [QRZ] V31GF Belize
- [QRZ] FJ/VA3QSL Saint Barthelemy Island
- [FOAR] Brand New Callsign
- [KB6NU] QSLs: BEG for RUM?
- [QRZ] FY/DK9PY French Guiana
- [QRZ] 3B8MU Mauritius
- [VK5PAS] An evening of short wave listening
- [QRZ] JW1QH Svalbard
- [QRZ] S70VB La Digue Island
- [DxCoffee] The longest awaited DXCC entities
- [FOAR] Fan Vertical Antenna
- [W2LJ] 40 Meter QRP Fox Hunt
- [VK5PAS] 2018 Top 44 WWFF Activator certificate
- [G6NHU] An unexpected new DXCC
- Weekly Highlights of Solar and Geomagnetic Activity, 24 - 30 December 2018
- [KB6NU] Operating notes: Gutter antenna, RAC contest, 161 countries worked
- [N0UN] Merry Christmas
- [MKARS] Getting ready for our varied and exciting programme in 2019
- [W2LJ] Mustel G600 microscope/camera thingy
- [QRZ] JD1BOW Ogasawara Islands
- [KB6NU] Use these apps to check your fist
- [QRZ] HC8GET Galapagos Islands
- [VK5PAS] 2018 KRMNPA Activator certificate
- [QRZ] FO/JI1JKW Fakarava Atoll
- DXNL 2124 (Dec 19, 2018)
- [CARA] Christmas Lunch
- [KB6NU] Just when you think it couldnt get any worse
- [KB6NU] How to "ragchew" on CW
- [QRZ] FK/F6OBD New Caledonia
- [KB6NU] New QSLs: Here comes the SUN
- [VK5PAS] Spring Creek Nature Conservation Reserve VKFF-2193
- [QSO Today] K7NJ
- [QRZ] Z66DH Kosovo
- [W2LJ] QRP Field Day is not as hard as you might think!
- [ZS6BNE] CW - Its what defines ham radio
- ARLP048 Propagation de K7RA
- [N0UN] ETO Alpha PA-77 Linear Amplifier
- [QRZ] 9N7AP Nepal
- [MKARS] Club Meetings in November
- [CARA] October Meeting
- [M0JCQ] Icom 7300 Contest Keyer
- Ohio/Penn DX Special Bulletin #1384.1
- [FOAR] Random bits of wire ...
- [KB6NU] CQ CQ: Welcome my new advertisers
- [KB6NU] HF still viable for commercial apps
- [N0UN] Yaesu LL-7 Phone Patch Manual
- The great FT8 debate: M0BLFs take
- ARLP039 Propagation de K7RA
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Friday 28 September 2018
- [W2LJ] BSA Camporee
- [VK5PAS] 2018 CQ World Wide WPX Contest certificates
- [SADARS] 27 Sept 2018 - A Historic CW Attempt from Henlow Signals Museum
- QRZ Forums - Contests, DXpeditions and Special Events for Thursday 27 September 2018
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