View Full Version : Policy
- On Tosing my salad an givingme a reech around - woger faggot.jpg (0/1)
- Expert Warns of Economic 9/11 for U.S.
- Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the right thing.
- People ask me if RRAP had always been full of hams that act like retards.
- Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
- Unwanted Vile Profane Intruders
- Profane Vile Unwanted Inturders
- The Time Lord marched today
- G E T E H L P F U K C T R A D S ! ! ! !
- get help
- etl meshow u how todo teh Thorazine Shuffle
- Re: Guess again, retard!.
- Re: woger is famous at church - woger church.jpg (1/1)
- Re: Car Radio Weather Band
- Ham Radio Operators On Public Support
- Re: My Home Page
- Re: Are you interested in Ham Radio? Don't be fooled by the Lizards! Here's the FAQ!
- Flaming Mark
- Glendale Line Loss
- I am more gay than Bi
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicatewith other.
- Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicatewith other.
- Re: Are you interested in Ham Radio? Don't be fooled by the Lizards! Here's the FAQ!
- Re: Are you interested in Ham Radio? Don't be fooled by the Lizards! Here's the FAQ!
- Re: Are you interested in Ham Radio? Don't be fooled by the Lizards! Here's the FAQ!
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicatewith other.
- Re: Markie @ Work
- Are you interested in Ham Radio? Don't be fooled by the Lizards! Here's the FAQ!
- Expert Warns of Economic 9/11 for U.S.
- FIGHT THE SPEW! xnews / slrn score file update
- this place rocks!
- Re: Rob's CB Radio back online
- Re: Power plug standards and pin outs
- Morons on 20 Meters
- Re: Retard Markie
- How I picked Slow Code for a Nickname.
- Re:
- spealing me goot
- Re: Sorry, nobody home.
- Re: Latest RADIOMART ebay scam!!!
- Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
- Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
- Cats that look like Hitler !
- a note to wisemen
- Most stalkers do not live in castles.
- Oil Independence Day 2006
- Re: What is the purpose of beginners' licences?
- What is the purpose of beginners' licences?
- my/peoples
- swap my ass
- mark gets ass reamed
- a note to those claiming I am spending hours a day
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we cancommunicatewith other.
- NIM Busters - New and Improved! Woger-Free!
- Re: Mark Morgan's spew reaches 1083 posts
- Re: Think you might be interested? Then here's your FAQ!
- get help
- my personal ad
- How's the pool coming?
- Re: get help
- I HAVE MY OWN NEWSGROUPS IM FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Woger
- Happy Fathers Day!
- What is equivilent ?
- Ham Survey: How many Appliance Operator classes do we need after code goes away?
- looks like the Maj s done for the day
- Poorp Robeson ention his name and he must show up to answer even thought he posts hardly a word of truth
- Markie pegs the irony meter!
- some thoughts on spam
- my personal ad
- [The Right Perspective] Friday Night 10pm EST
- Re: Bush has a movement inspired by a movie - Yeah, right! LOL!
- Re: xnews test
- Did you pass?
- Woger plagiarizes again.
- get help
- Re: AKC here !
- No wonder Erica Oyen needs maximum strength Right Guard!
- The language of the internet
- Markie's neighborhood
- Re: get help
- [email protected] to send complaints about Markie!
- Re: DSB SC Mode
- Re: test
- did the libary close on you wisemen?
- FIGHT THE SPEW! xnews / slrn score file update
- Download and listen to lisping Lloydie Austin Davies' high pitched girly voice!
- a note to wismen
- a note to wisemen
- a note for wisemen
- a note for Wisemen
- Re: (OT) Stevens: Let Satellite Screw Up HDTV,Too
- [OT] Beer may prevent prostate cancer
- a note to wisemen
- get help
- Q. If I have the cash to pay off my mortgage and still have money in the bank, would it be smart to do so, then let the house payment become a monthly contribution back into savings/investments while I live debt-free?
- get help little boy
- Re: <*SPANK!*> <*SPANK!*> <*SPANK!*> <*SPANK!*> <*SPANK!*> <*SPANK!*>
- Re: Moderator Policy for proposed
- Re: DSB-SC
- Another RRAPper does good? Pennsylvania launch of balloon carrying Amateur Radio
- Re: get help *** daily -bozo_flush- update ***
- FIGHT THE SPEW! xnews / slrn score file update
- Re: Moderator Search for proposed
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- I got a big problem
- Re: any source for a plug and play phase arry "turning" system for 6m
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM'syet?
- mye eham pots
- Re: Why Keyclowns Fear N8WWM And His AKC Organization
- RRAPper Does Good!
- Re: Cruelty concerning a lost daughter.
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- Mark's beer enema video?
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- Re: FIGHT THE SPEW!: xnews / slrn score file update
- take it you will have a wait go for it
- Re: Have any of you mailed this to your ARRL Division directors and SM's yet?
- My personal ad
- any useful discussion here?
- jim the the troll
- Retard Markie spams again!
- Happy 666 Day !
- Re: Browns 8 wins
- Hello
- Dr Death
- Ping---Mark
- a note about "our Friend" Wisemen
- Re: Please help save the New Zealand Fairy Terns... they can't help themselves!
- Re: Houston's crookedest car dealer!
- Now here's a funny negro and fag site!
- You tards should be flaming the ARRL & FCC, not each other.
- Re: The RRAP get together at Dayton !
- Re: Houston's crookedest car dealer!
- get help
- Belmont Tech Broadcast Degwee
- Re: Cockatials
- I have a degree
- Re: here's a true radio post
- I hear Demons.
- Re: here's a true radio post
- Demented Otaku Magazine Coming Soon!!!
- Re: Ugly Cardinal
- Re: Tubes in TRAM D201
- Re: Idiots everywhere
- More Vile lies!
- Poor Markie low self esteem since he was assraped as a child!
- my daughter
- Echolink back up and running
- Wiseman lonely again?
- Don't any of you plan to grow up and stop acting like friggen retards?
- Re: Where is PorkButt
- PING TODD: I need a good email addy from you
- why is Robeson afraid to allow people to see this post?
- Re: I use my father.
- Re: Ping Steveo - Charger car show flyer
- what is Maj Robeson afraid of?
- Re: I use my father.
- ot but good for a laugh
- Re: Twist!
- Re: New fledgling pecked by parents
- Re: How to attract woodpecker?
- Look At The Positive View
- Re: Mark, use K-Y the next time!
- Re: Dr Death Closet Case
- get help
- Markie malarkie!
- More Morkie Mularkie
- why does the CAP use officer ranks and yet not hold it officers to the standards of miltary offiers?
- why does steve contiue to lie about the feds
- pity steve is lying about the feds
- some notes on the forging
- get help
- wismen libary boy it seems
- did wiseen get kicked out of the libary today
- Heil's hovel on top of a mining shaft
- a theory about Wismens posting
- get help
- K1MAN Wins Again
- scorecard
- Riley: "LIGHTEN UP!"
- Re: OT I found this amusing.
- Re: IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz. USB
- Re: IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz. USB
- Re: Guns N Roses
- Re: IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz. USB
- Re: IMMATURITY On 14.275 Mhz. USB
- Re: Hummers are here !
- FEMA detanement camps
- Great Liberty Net 3.950 LIVE
- Re: Drained in 24 hours
- Me and Mark
- Re: get help
- Re: Looking for some Ch 19 xtals
- heroin?
- Markie <hearts> drugs
- well any news out of CA on 220-222 mhz
- paxil
- Mark on 40 ??????
- Re: Hearing A.E. 352 working Ireland
- Re: amazing
- Re: make problem
- Woger still knows nothing about SWR
- Re: The Right Perspective - Tonight 10pm EST
- Re: Teen Sister Drunk Peeing Outside
- LIsten To Woger
- Tough Guy Roger?
- Knock Knock
- One of these days. Very Soon now.
- Re: get help
- Markie's father in law?
- Re: America 2009
- STFU, Markie!
- jeune fille 18 ans innocente
- Perhaps The Code Requirement Will Remain
- how mcuh you want to bet steve?
- These groups used to be great forums for technical and policy discussions.
- looks like robeson has completed another posting cyle still ducking his own words (as he should)
- Re: Taylor's Phone Lines Are Busy, Busy, Busy!
- My Son Markie
- Dance, Markie, Dance!
- Re: is doctor realy such a fool
- Re: some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed
- BTW steve where is your to my father inlaw
- steve lacks the gut (or has the good sense whichever) not to report me to the fed
- a balst from steve saner past that is a afrad to address
- markie and steveo shares perverted urges
- Is the little ball on top of my antenna the ionsphere?
- Why Markie Spams
- Everybody be sure to email rwiseman AT
- Markie's father is dying of CANCER! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
- "The Passion of the Code"
- "Katrina Failures and What We Can Learn"
- Re: some info for Fred and Dr death who are analy obessed
- Re: i do wish there there were more folks radio in the radio ngs
- well that the fcc has gotten through dayton without eing egged at it furom when will the R&O come out
- ah nothing more "Isis"
- ah I thought we wereto going to have some devine wisdom shared by Isis himself
- steve confesses that he has slandered me
- Great Liberty Net Broadcast
- Shalom
- Losers AKA Mark and Woger
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we can communicate with other.
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