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  1. PUNCE Definition please.
  2. Who's Chris And Why Does He Fear Being Archived?
  3. Let's See If Monitoring Times Prints A Retraction
  4. Re: Monitoring Times Magazine reports on Omega One Radio...Proves Why Monitoring Times Is A Less-Than-Accurate News Source For Radio Hobbyists
  5. N0IMD and LennieThe Licenseless...Peas In A Rotting Pod
  6. ugh!
  7. and you are a crimnal
  8. Slow Code does TOO have friends!
  9. and you are a crimnal
  10. What does a person think when they hear 'ham radio operator'?
  11. Radio without CW is CB.
  12. Ham radio is CW.
  13. Re: Class C amps and saturation (again)
  14. 13.556 LSB is silent again.
  15. Re: Raymond Karczewski and plagiarism
  16. Mark going Greek?
  17. Re: 906 Golden Showers
  18. my dad
  19. : woger weekend
  20. Re: recap
  21. Re: excremnt on the loose
  22. LeChaim
  23. Re: i punce in agin
  24. Homobrew. Definition please.
  25. Wouldn't it be nice if Slow Code
  26. Homobrew
  27. Re: Tell your 4 imaginary lawyers, idiot
  28. Re: hy Gain Golden Super Penetrator
  29. Markie Punce in late today.
  30. I wonder if RadioDog errrr, I mean PapaGuy works at Radio Shack.
  31. Common courtesy
  32. 20 wpm code tested Extra's aren't evil.
  33. Still Searching For Homobrew
  34. moon bounce
  35. No-code logbooks.
  36. KB9RQZ has three lazy friends in RRAP now.
  37. Re: Identifying coax cable.
  38. I wish you people wanted good hams.
  39. I feel sorry for CB'ers.
  40. Chris AKA RadioGuy is following me around now like a little Papa Dog. Heee Heee Heeeeee!
  41. Anyone written the FCC and told them to keep the code requirement?
  42. Re: THIS PLACE..............
  43. Omega One Radio is back on the air
  44. Would a Code hater want to be saved, if you had to use CW to save him?
  45. I know what K4YZ feels like now.
  46. Hopefully now you people will see why keeping code is important.
  47. Everything N9OGL tries fails.
  48. Did we ever resolve this?
  49. Could PapaDog AKA RadioGuy really be Glen Baxter's ex-wife?
  50. 30 helpful ham tips for no-codes and new hams like RadioGuy AKA PapaDog.
  51. Re: excremnt on the loose
  53. Re: Newspaper special feature on CB radio...
  54. Show some respect.
  55. I would vote for George Bush again.
  56. we rule
  57. woger weekend cuming up
  58. Re: Michael Jackson's Chimpanzee
  59. You people that don't support CW are killing the service.
  60. Do you want CB'ers to get your Ham bands?
  61. Ain't no point in having any tests if code is eliminated.
  62. Re: Improving the overall quality of alt.fan.art-bell
  63. What's wrong with ham Tradition?
  64. Ham radio without CW is CB.
  65. Re: Coax Crimp Tool Recommendation?
  66. Amateurs used to be something special.
  68. recap
  69. Explosion Blows Out Back of Wiseman's House
  70. i punce in agin
  71. Re: MEOW MIX
  72. [OT] Letterman: Homophile ridiculer.
  73. Re: TR\TS find Male, Female find Male, Female find female
  74. Re: MEOW MIX
  75. Re: Response to SC
  76. Ping Pro-Code Hams, The future looks grim.
  77. I heard N9OGL trying to get Omega One back up on 13.556
  78. Having to learn CW torture.
  79. CW haters suck.
  80. New from Omega One Radio - The Lolicon Show!
  81. "obviously moirse fails to improve your abilitesi as an all round comicator"
  82. Mark new (self-appointed) Group Moderator
  83. Re: Georgia DX busting in at 11:06 pm
  84. Re: FS: Improved Roadtalker 10 Meter DX Transceiver
  85. We're all "liers"
  86. Move Omega One back to 13.556
  87. Re: Michael Jackson's Chimpanzee
  88. get over it
  89. I "Toppsot" and Mark takes offense
  90. slow code crapathon
  91. I "toppsot" and Mark takes offense
  92. Does Chris have a "slicense"?
  93. Mark going Greek?
  94. Why I don't use my call on usenet.
  95. Stamp collecting doesn't require taking a code test.
  96. If you had to learn morse code for a ham license would you stay on CB?
  97. I wonder if the same thing will happen again.
  98. How to spot a loser on the internet.
  99. Re: ans calculations/ fuel cell battery buffer or cap?
  100. Omega One Radio - The Tood Show Back!
  101. KB9RQZ Provides One And All With Yet Another Opportunity To Humiliate Himself With
  102. Re: GOODBYE ELVIS FREAKS!!!!!!!!!
  103. VE's should be allowed to use a cattle prod to make people take a code test.
  104. Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
  105. Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
  106. Re: RF gets into computer
  107. Ping Group, Queer bashing in RRAP is OK. Re: sc gay basher
  108. Know Code, not No code.
  109. How I picked Slow Code for a nick name.
  110. Re: Cushcraft Antenna Query
  111. Are CB'ers and no-coders interchangable?
  112. Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
  113. Re: 11 meter quad beam
  114. [email protected]
  115. sci.geo.earthquakes, Why doesn't Mark in the Dark post in that group?
  116. CW not CB.
  117. Re: 11 meter quad beam
  118. Omega One Radio on 6.950.00 MHz
  119. Re: 11 meter quad beam
  120. Re: SMM Even More Feminised
  121. Re: SC
  122. Re: excremnt on the loose
  123. recap
  124. LeChaim
  125. What's the average amount of semen for a 13-year-old boy?
  126. Re: The Heinrich conchairto
  127. Re: 11 meter quad beam
  128. Re: I wanna be a KKKATHY groupie!
  129. Re: SC
  130. I remember when there was a sense of pride in passing the 20 wpm CW test.
  131. whine whine whine. how about some cheese?
  132. Would you join the ARRL if you found out they were only interested in selling memberships?
  133. Maybe N9OGL should hire a 20 wpm Extra to get Omega One transmitter going again.
  134. Mark in the Dark can start his own forum and ban pro-coders.
  135. Lesser hams like no-codes shouldn't be allowed to post on QRZ anyway.
  136. If I ran RRAP.
  137. Email this to President Bush, Let's have good hams again.
  138. A well balanced ham knows and uses CW.
  139. Re: 10 meter 11 meter antenna interaction
  140. Re: only dumbass`s...
  141. well at least "chris is help get back to sleep from being rudely awakened localy
  142. my does this chris hang on my every word
  143. My dog wants to get a license after code is eliminated.
  144. Just remember, when things get dumbed down...
  145. Do you like listening to no-coders?
  146. CW helped keep lazy people out of ham radio.
  147. Be sure to welcome Woger back tomorrow.
  148. KB9RQZ the geophysicist
  149. you scak of ****
  150. you scak of ****
  151. woger weekend
  152. CQCQCQ de The Great Liberty Net
  153. Why are you people against good hams?
  154. Mark in the Dark
  155. Make a few CW contacts this weekend.
  156. Re: Hearing west coast....
  157. Re: Why so much niggativity?
  158. Re: more theats oh hum
  159. My fat homo
  160. LeChaim
  161. i took sum syrip
  162. i punce in aigain
  163. watch me punce with gav
  164. Unadulteraded Idoicy
  165. Re: Wherefore.
  166. Re: faggots and their dis-eases
  167. It's the weekend. Woger has returned to NR Jail
  168. Why does Mark keep ****ting on the newsgroup?
  169. If they're too Lazy to learn CW, they're too lazy to learn anything else too.
  170. I like being killfiled.
  171. Re: hi SC
  172. Re: Has morse code saved any lives recently?
  173. Do you think the FCC told N9OGL to cease and desist Omega One operations?
  174. i took
  175. my knew speel cechker
  176. Re: Another gay pedo nabbed
  177. warts on my pee pee
  178. recap
  179. woger weekend
  180. Re: Wilson 1000 magnet Mount Antenna
  181. I punced in aigian
  182. RE: Why Do People Hate Us Jews?
  183. ot but amsuing and relavant to RRAP in light of the obession with spell
  184. Re: Add another chicken**** TROLL alias to parasiticplagiaristjohntoilet gilTURD's mental meltdown dossier: Hoity
  185. Still no Omega One on 13.556
  186. Repeater ID speeds.
  187. Passing scores on the written exams should be raised to 85%.
  188. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  189. Most RRAPers want ham radio to keep going the direction it's going.
  190. Make no-code license one year non-renewable.
  191. Re: hi sc
  192. Everyone waiting for code to be eliminated doesn't want to be a real ham very bad.
  195. 5 wpm hams need to move if a 20 wpm Extra wants the frequency.
  196. Re: Anyone familar with....
  197. Re: GET OFF THE DAM COMPUTER, BOI ,AND MOUNT ME!!!!!!!!! BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  198. Re: i punce in aigain
  199. Re: Lids, Kids and Space Cadets
  200. Best of Best Radio Site
  201. Re: Always Follow FCC Rules & Regulations...
  202. Re: Woger on HF?
  203. Outcome based licensing.
  204. Len Anderson wants to be the second no-code Extra right after Markie.
  205. Jeez Markie, get a grip you tard. Do what Steve does.
  206. Re: FINALLY...I worked Jay
  207. CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio.
  208. Re: Announcing the new 2006 Slow Code awards
  209. Re: 14.195 usb
  210. Now robeson you can stop being the subject of this sort of posting very easily just aplogize
  211. Now robeson you can stop being the subject of this sort of posting very easily just aplogize
  212. a note to the group Hotughton couty is in the Eastern time zone
  213. well Robeson is back
  214. KB9RQZ: Your Incessant Lying Is Why You Get "Hjassed"
  215. Re: Glendale Drag Race
  216. Re: Announcing the new 2006 Slow Code awards
  217. Re: What Is Ham Radio?......The FAQ
  218. I don't hear Omega One Todd, turn up the power.
  219. kb9rqz, geophysicist
  220. Re: There are no true Christians
  221. geophysicsts who can't count
  222. Re: HOT ASS
  223. Re: You must read these " google groups " BEFORE you enlist for military service in any muslim country
  224. Re: Passed Tech Exam- Which HT??
  225. KB9RQZ takes a crap in every thread again.
  226. I'm not going to say, being a Canadian makes you a retard, but it helps.
  227. Re: Here the R&O-- FCC if interested.
  228. Re: ARRL Auction
  229. i punce in aigain
  230. why isn't Cw saving the Day in the big island
  231. Re: Beer is for drinking.
  232. kb9rqz, geophysicist
  233. Re: Who sent Roger the pizza??
  234. Eh?
  235. Mark's Blog has no visitors
  236. Wiseman Video?
  237. Omega One Radio Returning
  239. Member input WT 04-140
  240. FCC Releases "Omnibus" Act...No Change To CW Yet...FCC Says "We'd have Done It Yesterday But We Like Watching Mork Moron Squirm"
  241. Re: Plagiarism: Is this N9OGL's, K4YZ's, or N0VFP's high school pic?
  242. Re: No coders geting HF SSB privileges ?
  243. Re: New FCC Rules
  244. K4YZ is RRAP's Nurse Ratchet. ROFL
  245. id tteft is a cime
  246. Re: recap
  247. Re: Ham License
  248. Re: shamma lamma ding-dong
  249. Re: excremnt on the loose
  250. Re: tood made it on two my blog