View Full Version : Policy
- PUNCE Definition please.
- Who's Chris And Why Does He Fear Being Archived?
- Let's See If Monitoring Times Prints A Retraction
- Re: Monitoring Times Magazine reports on Omega One Radio...Proves Why Monitoring Times Is A Less-Than-Accurate News Source For Radio Hobbyists
- N0IMD and LennieThe Licenseless...Peas In A Rotting Pod
- ugh!
- and you are a crimnal
- Slow Code does TOO have friends!
- and you are a crimnal
- What does a person think when they hear 'ham radio operator'?
- Radio without CW is CB.
- Ham radio is CW.
- Re: Class C amps and saturation (again)
- 13.556 LSB is silent again.
- Re: Raymond Karczewski and plagiarism
- Mark going Greek?
- Re: 906 Golden Showers
- my dad
- : woger weekend
- Re: recap
- Re: excremnt on the loose
- LeChaim
- Re: i punce in agin
- Homobrew. Definition please.
- Wouldn't it be nice if Slow Code
- Homobrew
- Re: Tell your 4 imaginary lawyers, idiot
- Re: hy Gain Golden Super Penetrator
- Markie Punce in late today.
- I wonder if RadioDog errrr, I mean PapaGuy works at Radio Shack.
- Common courtesy
- 20 wpm code tested Extra's aren't evil.
- Still Searching For Homobrew
- moon bounce
- No-code logbooks.
- KB9RQZ has three lazy friends in RRAP now.
- Re: Identifying coax cable.
- I wish you people wanted good hams.
- I feel sorry for CB'ers.
- Chris AKA RadioGuy is following me around now like a little Papa Dog. Heee Heee Heeeeee!
- Anyone written the FCC and told them to keep the code requirement?
- Re: THIS PLACE..............
- Omega One Radio is back on the air
- Would a Code hater want to be saved, if you had to use CW to save him?
- I know what K4YZ feels like now.
- Hopefully now you people will see why keeping code is important.
- Everything N9OGL tries fails.
- Did we ever resolve this?
- Could PapaDog AKA RadioGuy really be Glen Baxter's ex-wife?
- 30 helpful ham tips for no-codes and new hams like RadioGuy AKA PapaDog.
- Re: excremnt on the loose
- Re: Newspaper special feature on CB radio...
- Show some respect.
- I would vote for George Bush again.
- we rule
- woger weekend cuming up
- Re: Michael Jackson's Chimpanzee
- You people that don't support CW are killing the service.
- Do you want CB'ers to get your Ham bands?
- Ain't no point in having any tests if code is eliminated.
- Re: Improving the overall quality of
- What's wrong with ham Tradition?
- Ham radio without CW is CB.
- Re: Coax Crimp Tool Recommendation?
- Amateurs used to be something special.
- recap
- Explosion Blows Out Back of Wiseman's House
- i punce in agin
- [OT] Letterman: Homophile ridiculer.
- Re: TR\TS find Male, Female find Male, Female find female
- Re: Response to SC
- Ping Pro-Code Hams, The future looks grim.
- I heard N9OGL trying to get Omega One back up on 13.556
- Having to learn CW torture.
- CW haters suck.
- New from Omega One Radio - The Lolicon Show!
- "obviously moirse fails to improve your abilitesi as an all round comicator"
- Mark new (self-appointed) Group Moderator
- Re: Georgia DX busting in at 11:06 pm
- Re: FS: Improved Roadtalker 10 Meter DX Transceiver
- We're all "liers"
- Move Omega One back to 13.556
- Re: Michael Jackson's Chimpanzee
- get over it
- I "Toppsot" and Mark takes offense
- slow code crapathon
- I "toppsot" and Mark takes offense
- Does Chris have a "slicense"?
- Mark going Greek?
- Why I don't use my call on usenet.
- Stamp collecting doesn't require taking a code test.
- If you had to learn morse code for a ham license would you stay on CB?
- I wonder if the same thing will happen again.
- How to spot a loser on the internet.
- Re: ans calculations/ fuel cell battery buffer or cap?
- Omega One Radio - The Tood Show Back!
- KB9RQZ Provides One And All With Yet Another Opportunity To Humiliate Himself With
- VE's should be allowed to use a cattle prod to make people take a code test.
- Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
- Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
- Re: RF gets into computer
- Ping Group, Queer bashing in RRAP is OK. Re: sc gay basher
- Know Code, not No code.
- How I picked Slow Code for a nick name.
- Re: Cushcraft Antenna Query
- Are CB'ers and no-coders interchangable?
- Re: To cancel someone's posts, is the "Control: cancel" header sufficient?
- Re: 11 meter quad beam
- [email protected]
- sci.geo.earthquakes, Why doesn't Mark in the Dark post in that group?
- CW not CB.
- Re: 11 meter quad beam
- Omega One Radio on 6.950.00 MHz
- Re: 11 meter quad beam
- Re: SMM Even More Feminised
- Re: SC
- Re: excremnt on the loose
- recap
- LeChaim
- What's the average amount of semen for a 13-year-old boy?
- Re: The Heinrich conchairto
- Re: 11 meter quad beam
- Re: I wanna be a KKKATHY groupie!
- Re: SC
- I remember when there was a sense of pride in passing the 20 wpm CW test.
- whine whine whine. how about some cheese?
- Would you join the ARRL if you found out they were only interested in selling memberships?
- Maybe N9OGL should hire a 20 wpm Extra to get Omega One transmitter going again.
- Mark in the Dark can start his own forum and ban pro-coders.
- Lesser hams like no-codes shouldn't be allowed to post on QRZ anyway.
- If I ran RRAP.
- Email this to President Bush, Let's have good hams again.
- A well balanced ham knows and uses CW.
- Re: 10 meter 11 meter antenna interaction
- Re: only dumbass`s...
- well at least "chris is help get back to sleep from being rudely awakened localy
- my does this chris hang on my every word
- My dog wants to get a license after code is eliminated.
- Just remember, when things get dumbed down...
- Do you like listening to no-coders?
- CW helped keep lazy people out of ham radio.
- Be sure to welcome Woger back tomorrow.
- KB9RQZ the geophysicist
- you scak of ****
- you scak of ****
- woger weekend
- CQCQCQ de The Great Liberty Net
- Why are you people against good hams?
- Mark in the Dark
- Make a few CW contacts this weekend.
- Re: Hearing west coast....
- Re: Why so much niggativity?
- Re: more theats oh hum
- My fat homo
- LeChaim
- i took sum syrip
- i punce in aigain
- watch me punce with gav
- Unadulteraded Idoicy
- Re: Wherefore.
- Re: faggots and their dis-eases
- It's the weekend. Woger has returned to NR Jail
- Why does Mark keep ****ting on the newsgroup?
- If they're too Lazy to learn CW, they're too lazy to learn anything else too.
- I like being killfiled.
- Re: hi SC
- Re: Has morse code saved any lives recently?
- Do you think the FCC told N9OGL to cease and desist Omega One operations?
- i took
- my knew speel cechker
- Re: Another gay pedo nabbed
- warts on my pee pee
- recap
- woger weekend
- Re: Wilson 1000 magnet Mount Antenna
- I punced in aigian
- RE: Why Do People Hate Us Jews?
- ot but amsuing and relavant to RRAP in light of the obession with spell
- Re: Add another chicken**** TROLL alias to parasiticplagiaristjohntoilet gilTURD's mental meltdown dossier: Hoity
- Still no Omega One on 13.556
- Repeater ID speeds.
- Passing scores on the written exams should be raised to 85%.
- Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
- Most RRAPers want ham radio to keep going the direction it's going.
- Make no-code license one year non-renewable.
- Re: hi sc
- Everyone waiting for code to be eliminated doesn't want to be a real ham very bad.
- 5 wpm hams need to move if a 20 wpm Extra wants the frequency.
- Re: Anyone familar with....
- Re: i punce in aigain
- Re: Lids, Kids and Space Cadets
- Best of Best Radio Site
- Re: Always Follow FCC Rules & Regulations...
- Re: Woger on HF?
- Outcome based licensing.
- Len Anderson wants to be the second no-code Extra right after Markie.
- Jeez Markie, get a grip you tard. Do what Steve does.
- Re: FINALLY...I worked Jay
- CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio.
- Re: Announcing the new 2006 Slow Code awards
- Re: 14.195 usb
- Now robeson you can stop being the subject of this sort of posting very easily just aplogize
- Now robeson you can stop being the subject of this sort of posting very easily just aplogize
- a note to the group Hotughton couty is in the Eastern time zone
- well Robeson is back
- KB9RQZ: Your Incessant Lying Is Why You Get "Hjassed"
- Re: Glendale Drag Race
- Re: Announcing the new 2006 Slow Code awards
- Re: What Is Ham Radio?......The FAQ
- I don't hear Omega One Todd, turn up the power.
- kb9rqz, geophysicist
- Re: There are no true Christians
- geophysicsts who can't count
- Re: You must read these " google groups " BEFORE you enlist for military service in any muslim country
- Re: Passed Tech Exam- Which HT??
- KB9RQZ takes a crap in every thread again.
- I'm not going to say, being a Canadian makes you a retard, but it helps.
- Re: Here the R&O-- FCC if interested.
- Re: ARRL Auction
- i punce in aigain
- why isn't Cw saving the Day in the big island
- Re: Beer is for drinking.
- kb9rqz, geophysicist
- Re: Who sent Roger the pizza??
- Eh?
- Mark's Blog has no visitors
- Wiseman Video?
- Omega One Radio Returning
- Member input WT 04-140
- FCC Releases "Omnibus" Act...No Change To CW Yet...FCC Says "We'd have Done It Yesterday But We Like Watching Mork Moron Squirm"
- Re: Plagiarism: Is this N9OGL's, K4YZ's, or N0VFP's high school pic?
- Re: No coders geting HF SSB privileges ?
- Re: New FCC Rules
- K4YZ is RRAP's Nurse Ratchet. ROFL
- id tteft is a cime
- Re: recap
- Re: Ham License
- Re: shamma lamma ding-dong
- Re: excremnt on the loose
- Re: tood made it on two my blog
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