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  1. Mark, How's your code practice coming along?
  2. Is that really a photo of Markie with rabbit ears on his head?
  3. Re: Homebrew newsgroup
  4. Don't argue with N9OGL. If he's determined to get NAL'd, we can still have a good laugh about it.
  5. 1545 UTC Sunday. Might be hearing a new pirate on 13.556? Not!
  6. Re: Hey Todd, After the FCC shuts you down do you plan to Pod-Cast Omega One?
  7. More RRAP funny VIDEOS !
  8. Robeson the bully able to dish it out but can't take it
  9. what Code testing realy does to the ARS
  10. Mark "Oinks" without thinking
  11. funny how it only become sick and hurtfull when a nonextra types it
  12. I don't hate Robeson but I am tired of his pois bs
  13. his daughter, the dead one, is the love of his life
  14. Rejoice Mark! Woger got out of jail at around noon today.
  15. Winners! Civility Awards, August 2006 (Correction)
  16. Air America Goes Bankrupt
  17. Re: QRP-ARCI
  18. Day three of Woger's weekend incarceration begins
  19. Winners! Civility Awards, August 2006
  20. Programming idea for Omega One radio: Talk show format.
  21. Re: license rules
  22. I figured out why N0VFP likes to deliver pizza.
  23. Merizis
  24. Re: the watchman
  25. the watchman
  26. k9kxq
  27. hi
  28. punce
  29. Len Anderson, the Rodney Dangerfield of r.r.a.p.
  30. Joseph Bartlo is a FAILED WEATHER FORECASTER
  31. Joseph Bartlo is a LIAR
  32. What might N9OGL try next?
  33. PING Todd. Pod-casting Omega One should be a piece of cake.
  34. Markie, What make and model is your CB?
  35. Just exactly what do KB9RQZ and AB8MQ do for a living?
  36. I saved a song off Omega One and I'm going to play it over & over after Todd's ass gets NAL'd.
  37. Ham radio can help President Bush and America's war on terror.
  38. Woger back in Northern Regional Jail again?
  39. Below Space Reserved
  40. ICOM Sponsors IOTO - Heil/K8MN's Opinion on IOTA
  41. Hey Todd, After the FCC shuts you down do you plan to Pod-Cast Omega One? BWHAAHAAHAHAHA!
  42. Be sure to wish AB8MQ a nice weekend.
  43. Typical, just typical
  44. VOTE! Civility Awards, August 2006
  45. New Omega One party game: Pass the beer enema.
  46. Re: ANOTHER SICK HAM yep a sick ham the poster
  47. Re: A Real Stretch...
  48. Re: New SkyWave 2879ABTC Prototype Working Well...
  49. How can N0VFP deliver pizza with a limp wrist?
  50. Does AB8MQ talk with a lisp?
  51. Alpha and Omega, Would N9OGL whine?
  52. N0IMD Caught In Two-Faced Flames AGAIN
  53. All Of The Things That Leonard H Anderson ([email protected]) Is NOT.....
  54. If you hate President Bush, you deserve to get your throat cut with a box cutter.
  55. I hope Omega One is coming in really strong the day the FCC pulls the plug on it.
  56. Re: Has the CB lingo changed since the 70's?
  57. Re: Date of manufacture for CB radio
  58. PSK Contest
  59. New Radio Broadcast
  60. OMEGA Radio to Carry Rush Limbaugh
  61. VOTE! Civility Awards, August 2006
  62. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  63. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  64. Is the code requirement really keeping good people out of ham radio?
  66. Re: Brian Griffey spams his telstar
  67. Anyone ever hear KB9RQZ talk? Does he sound like a hare-lip?
  68. Here Woger, Woger, Woger! Here, boy!
  69. Woger back in jail today?
  70. Your Radio God K1MAN Publishes his Autobiography - Chapter 1- A Star is Born
  71. Re: Problems with Cobra 148GTL CB radio
  72. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  73. Re: HR2510 repair
  74. Wiseman Stays Home During The Full Moon...
  75. Lardass Davies in trouble again!
  76. Pontificating and Len Anderson
  77. Re: Marky-I-am, the Son-of-Spam
  79. They Are
  80. Marky-I-am, the Son-of-Spam
  81. Attn: OCD Marky and Screaming Steve
  82. When I saw all the CB like filth I thought AB8MQ was posting, but it was Markie.
  83. Re: The Steve Parks photo album
  84. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  85. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  86. Markie, You give a bad name to the Jewish people.
  87. KB9RQZ has a filthy mouth.
  88. Re: FAO Regulars
  89. Do you think they will revoke N9OGL's ham license or just fine his ass.
  90. Could you support making the No-code license one year non-renewable?
  91. Engage kill file; 157 posts die
  92. Re: What it's like to lick my excrement off of another man's genitals
  93. Well Mork...You've Been Proven A Liar Again...AND Incompetent in English
  94. Re: Psssst! Woger
  95. The Truth That Morkie Won't Quote Accurately
  96. The Original That Morkie Continues To Misquote
  97. Bio-TERROR in America: The Government of Torture!
  98. You Can't Argue With Logic Or Truth...But N0IMD Gives It A Try
  99. Morkie Says He Can Keep Up SPAM Rates On RRAP..Watch For These Tricks!
  100. More Morkie Misquoting Mayhem
  101. Mork Contunues Public Self-Humiliation Campaign
  102. Re: New SkyWave almost ready to fire up...
  103. Re: Welcome to RRAP Mr Death
  104. Re: Wilson 1000 Antenna Question
  105. Re: Wilson 1000 Antenna Question, ---->> ROFL, Too good not to share with RRAP.
  106. How about supporting an 85% passing score for written exams?
  107. Get your Omega One QSL card before its to late.
  108. Anyone know KB9RQZ's CB handle?
  109. N9OGL being set up by the FCC?
  110. Re: Be nice to Dr Death, he's had a hard week.
  111. Where's Lennie? (Subtitled: Ode to Lennie...Sing Along! You Know the Tune!)
  112. Lennie NoCall Vents Again
  113. 40% Of The Feeble Five In Yet Another Back-Slapping Contest
  114. A Month Later And CollegeBoy (Not) KB9RQZ Still Hasn't Fixed Screwed Up QRZ Listing
  115. Re: So where are these SSB and pirate stations?
  116. 30 help tips for No-code and Nickle hams. Monthly post.
  117. Re: Sandman digest, volume 2453954
  118. Northern Regional Jail confused Woger with "piso mojado" floor signs
  119. Re: FA: 4 100' rolls of Amphenol RG-58 cable
  120. I want more (Nominations for Civility Awards)
  121. then follow you own standards
  122. Re: Outer Filth Dustin Cook raves about "destroying" another poster Re: Dustin Cook, Foamer and CoTM nominee does cowardly group-snecking (Re: Does your computer need a breath of fresh air?)
  123. Speaking Of "Many Faces", Brain, Let's Talk About Yours
  124. ping Slow code
  125. Re: The crowd holds its breath as Woger Wiseman's reappearance is anticipated
  126. Re: Psssst! Woger
  127. N9OGL, Don't drop the soap in the shower if it's a Wiseman weekend.
  128. Wind Bag
  129. What Drives Woger Nuts?
  130. Roger released
  131. Re: Anybody get AIDS card from Slow Code lately?
  132. Re: Anyone ever hear AB8MQ on the radio?
  133. Will AB8MQ Be Released for Labor Day?
  134. Re: Anyone ever hear AB8MQ on the radio?
  135. Re: Hurricane John Frequencies
  136. Re: VOTE! alt.fan.art-bell awards, Summer 2006
  137. Re: OTDF Streaming Radio takes on Omega One pirate radio and EME pretenders tonite
  138. Mark, I'm a lot nicer that K4YZ.
  139. Is anyone recording the pirate activity on 13.556?
  140. If you saw on the ARRL website that N9OGL got a NAL, would you add the link to your favorites?
  141. Re: I-70 Radio - lardass davies.jpg (1/1)
  142. Re: cease and desist
  143. Be nice to Dr Death, he's had a hard week.
  144. ATTN Group, If Todd asks you to buy advertising on Omega One, don't do it.
  145. Any bets, Will AB8MQ have to spend labor day in prison too?
  146. 5 simple steps for better operators.
  147. Early "Hater" of Amateur Radio. Why didn't he turn in his license???
  148. Re: You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life. - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  149. I leik slinkeys
  150. bad rash - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  151. Re: OTDF Streaming Radio takes on Omega One pirate radio and EME pretenders tonite
  152. OTDF Streaming Radio takes on Omega One pirate radio and EME pretenders tonite
  153. bad rash - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  154. warts on my pee pee - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  155. trolling right along
  156. Re: I-70 Radio - lardass davies.jpg (0/1)
  157. Re: Ping Todd, Can You do code practice on Omega One between the ****ty music so Markie get his General?
  158. SSB is no good for Omega One music because of phase distortion
  159. Don't believe everything Markie says.
  160. I-70 Radio
  161. Nominations so far for Civility Awards
  162. bad rash - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  163. AB8MQ, N0VFP, KB9RQZ. What a waste of perfectly good callsigns.
  164. Re: Quick vote: Stop "thread masking" Post: Yes or No?
  165. Wiseman Reports Back To Work Release
  166. trolling right along
  167. Ping Todd, Can You do code practice on Omega One between the ****ty music so Markie get his General?
  168. Re: Anyone ever hear AB8MQ on the radio?
  169. Re: Anyone ever hear KB9RQZ on the radio?
  170. Re: Anyone ever hear N9OGL on the radio?
  171. Oh, the irony...
  172. Knock, Knock, Roger
  173. Re: NOMINATION: Thick As A Brick Re: the same old theist argument from ignorance
  174. Civility Awards: Seeking Nominations
  175. warts on my pee pee - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  177. Re: RESULT: soc.men.moderated will be created
  178. Re: I leik slinkeys - lardass davies.jpg (1/1)
  179. What did AB8MQ do to get thrown in jail?
  180. N0VFP has been doing pizza along time, you'd think he'd be store manager by now.
  181. Does N0VFP talk on 2 meters or CB when delivering pizza's?
  182. howmany keek does ti take to screw in a light bulb?
  183. Re: If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
  184. AB8MQ, N0VFP, KB9RQZ. What a waste of perfectly good callsigns.
  185. lardass davies.jpg (0/1)
  186. I leik slinkeys - lardass davies.jpg (0/1)
  187. bad rash - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  188. more bout markie
  189. warts on my pee pee - kb9rqz.jpg (0/1)
  190. Re: FAO Regulars
  192. strolling for flame
  193. Work, Work, Work....
  194. do you really want to save ham radio?
  195. Re: Spammers to NANAE can expect to go to prison
  196. warts on my pee pee
  197. Ethical question
  198. AB8MQ, N0VFP, KB9RQZ. What a waste of perfectly good callsigns.
  199. in re request HMC 47th CSB (provisional)
  200. More stalking and cyber harassment from KB9RQZ
  201. Re: OMEGMA ONE - Staff & station report, a little humour for the CBers.
  202. Re: RESULT: soc.men.moderated will be created
  203. kooks on parade
  204. kooks on parade
  205. why does steve contiue to insist he is not the one making trouble
  206. I am back from a weekend of nutsack goo collecting behind Papa John's
  207. Re: Breeds of sheep. There are so many breeds.
  208. "meltdown in progress"..."is amy fireproof"...The Actions Of A "Man" With Three College Degrees?
  209. meltdown in progress
  210. meltdown in progress
  211. meltdown in progress
  212. Re: More mikey jism
  213. meltdown in progress
  214. a discussion of fireproofing
  215. again a few words of explanation
  216. is Amy Fireproof?
  217. After Fort Sill...
  218. Re: If There Was Any Doubt As To The Kind Of Person KB9RQZ, Is, His Own Words Let You In On It
  219. One Thing Nobody Will Ever Say To Mark
  220. More Morkie Mularkie
  221. Why Does Mork Moron Persist On Embarrassing Himself In Public...?!?!
  222. forger
  223. Straight Up Questions For Morkie That Will Get the Usual Morkie Dodge
  224. Re: GAY GAY and more GAY.... WHY???
  225. Group To Be Modurated
  226. Re: Scott Gilbert begs for it
  227. Re: Steve Parks AKA Mopey Dopey uses US Postal Service to commit felonies
  228. Help me here people.
  229. Did Roger Wise-Ass really **** his pants when a ham knocked on his door?
  230. Anyone ever hear KB9RQZ on the radio?
  231. WANTED: 100 miliwat qrp rig to fixthe EME bsatards
  232. finaly figured it out the meow is just Paul effort to insure the his moderated nNG gets launched
  233. Re: kooks on parade
  234. Re: kooks on parade
  235. kooks on parade
  236. kooks on parade
  237. kooks on parade
  238. kooks on parade
  239. kooks on parade
  240. kooks on parade
  241. kooks on parade
  242. kooks on parade
  243. kooks on parade
  244. kooks on parade
  245. Re: Snarky-moron? Don't be a coward, coward.
  246. Re: GAY GAY and more GAY.... WHY???
  247. kooko n parade
  248. kooks on parade
  249. You'll probably never have to use CW to save a life.
  250. then why does CAP support it occicers lying on behalf of the Army and libeling n US Army vet