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  1. Help with Palomar 300 amp mod?
  2. Repeater question - serious answers please
  3. Where Is Everybody?
  4. Why Policy Is Good in Radio
  5. 5 upcoming school iss qso's 17/21/24/28/29 sept 2007
  6. The Dark Side of The Force Contest Group
  7. Glendale literacy
  8. Where was AB8MQ?
  9. 20M opening
  10. ISS School QSO over Nebraska USA 1603 UTC 145.8MHZ 8/29th
  11. Geophysical Alert 2007 August 22
  12. Any new guesses?
  13. The ARRL "Diamond Terrace" Abomination
  14. R.R.A.M. continues at unprecedented rate
  15. Average level of emotional maturity here
  16. Re: I'm a Chick Magnit
  17. 29 posts in one minute
  18. Re: Gav visits the Doc...
  19. Mark Morgan OWNED!
  20. Keep Flaming, Mark!
  21. More Nut Cases?
  22. Re: Hey 'Know' Coders
  24. Yet another 14313 BARFie takes a dirt nap
  26. more on Castleberry
  28. VHF
  29. Oddities
  30. Re: Dloyd the stalker
  31. dloyd the forger
  32. Silly True Story Illustrates Why FCC Regulations are Good
  33. IDIOT
  34. Re: thank you for letting me win another bet, actually you didn't win, I did.
  35. Re: Mark what is a "Balcmailer"?
  36. The Shortest Call Sign
  37. The Longest Call Sign
  38. crude homo beater morkie
  39. i get new doctur
  40. Mark will accuse us...
  41. Re: an ontopic post about code
  42. Mark Klaims Victory...LOL
  43. Element 4 - Extra Class Question Pool
  44. Dloyd how does Rape relete to radio?
  45. I lead men in battle
  46. sun off a gun
  47. he and she blogs
  48. Pagan Hams?
  49. indeed
  50. Mark, why all the spam responding to yourself? Talking to yourself again, time for another to the shrink?
  51. Mark, get capital one and get yourself a real ISP
  52. HughesNet outage - spam declines markedly
  53. 20M open again
  54. Hughes down?
  55. RE: (done happy dloyd) No, because you still didn't do what I asked.
  56. Woger wher do you watn to meat, i want to cal cq on you puple mancrophone
  57. I foold you idots, i hid my crime of eldr abuse by using gav as my father, LE couldnt tel the differnce.
  58. Re: Sasquatch in the Upper Peninsula ?
  59. I "yawn" so mcuh becase i am out all nigh wroking the purple mancrophone at the greenlight
  60. I nede mental help my doctor laughs at me when I cry from dlody
  61. Hepl me my anuls iit iching from pin worms, it turns me on whin i scratch it
  62. Dlody gte out of my head you onw me and make me dacne.
  63. Woger levae me alone oWr i will cry
  64. cowage on diplay
  65. Mark why call me a spammer, yet you just spammed the group ten times about me. "Reverse Homophobe Mark Spamming Ahead"
  66. I have again unleashed my Mark the Monkey on the NG...Go Monkey Go
  67. bruing throoug Marks post
  68. when will Dloyd fess up to his misdeeds?
  69. you canstantly refuse to answer this question Dloyd?
  70. I found this on rec.radio.amateur.moderated ...
  71. kw calling ...
  72. A first: rra.moderated has tied rrap
  73. CQ Field Day on 20 Meters
  74. We Punce
  75. New Ham Radio Website
  76. Re: 20 Meters AGAIN
  77. post
  78. woger beaten refuses to accept any evidence and refuses to meet
  79. God help woger soon
  80. Dloyd Lavies spams again
  81. Dloyd Lavies backpedals and lies once again!
  82. Re: 20 Meters open again
  83. Re: Mark C. Morgan, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacker, Butt-pirateand Supreme hypocrite
  84. Re: 20 Meters open again
  85. Re: 20 Meters open again
  86. Re: God please help woger
  87. Re: Mark Morgan, Liar, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacker, Butt-pirateand Supreme hypocrite
  88. Re: 20 Meters open again
  89. Re: 20 Meters open again
  90. Re: 20 Meters open again
  91. Re: Markie Morgan, Liar, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacker, Butt-pirateand Supreme hypocrite
  92. Re: 20 Meters open again
  93. Re: 20 Meters open again
  94. Re: 20 Meters open again
  95. Is "Morkisa" really Roy, aka A.Paul.Ing? INDEED!!!!!!
  96. god help woger
  97. brun through alert Why do you tell such wild tales dloyd and then thread jack the repsponse
  98. bruning through Dloyds jamming why do you claim recieveing a check in the maile is a crime asshole?
  99. why do you make up such silly stories Dloyd and enage in threadjacking BTW
  100. Site that allows you to make QSL cards online
  101. why is Dloyd Lavies mantining that a person is respoble if someone else uses their name to comit fraud
  102. God please help woger
  103. God please help woger
  104. My new toy is named Mark, I wind him up and watch him go. See Mark Lie, See Mark Spam, See Mark Cry, I don't give a damn.
  105. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie
  106. Dloyd Lavies stalker and hypocrite
  107. Happy Father's Day
  108. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie
  109. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie
  110. Dloyd lavies hypoctrite and stalker
  111. Want easy access? A few quick clicks and you can even embed the Desi Hits!
  112. god please grant woger relief from his torment and grants the rest of us that relief too.
  113. further on the subject of RRAP itself
  114. part 8
  115. now some coment on RRAPmod based on the reposts you should have just recieved
  116. part 14
  117. part 9
  118. part 10
  119. part 7
  120. part 12
  121. and now something dloyd never post something about radio (and itself a coment on the modded NG)
  122. part 13
  123. part 6
  124. part 4
  125. part 2
  126. part5
  127. part 3
  128. part 11
  129. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  130. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie
  131. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  132. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  133. My new toy is named Mark, I wind him up and watch him go. See Mark Lie, See Mark Spam, See Mark Cry, I don't give a damn.
  134. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  135. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  136. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrte
  137. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  138. Re: Mark Morgan, World Class Moron
  139. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrti
  140. test
  141. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie fess and be aman
  142. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie why do you advocate being a coawrd as a virtue?
  143. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie stop ostalking other mens wives
  144. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie be a,man and stop lying
  145. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie why are you unable to tle the truth
  146. Dloyd Lavies, Usenet Moron and Thread Hi-Jacke, Blackmailer and Supreme hypocrtie why are you such a hypocrtie
  147. Re: Rbull****
  148. Collective IQ
  149. Some of you RRAP Hams are truly pathetic
  150. Re: not even close to being spock
  151. markie at play tghesrg
  152. markie at play
  153. markie at play rdgesar
  154. markie at play refwear
  155. markie at play afdsfase
  156. markie at play uiouiu
  157. markie at play uiuoiuoui
  158. markie at play uioyuoyu
  159. markie at play uiouio
  160. markie at play iuyouoliuo
  161. markie at play ytiuyiyu
  162. markie at play rtytry
  163. markie at play rtyy
  164. markie at play rte t
  165. markie at play n bv bn m
  166. markie at play bn vbn
  167. markie at play bn n
  168. markie at play vbnbv
  169. markie at play c bcb
  170. markie at play bv
  171. The NG looks like hell, another successful tirade by the monkey.
  172. Dance Markie Dance
  173. Hey "Not Mark" tell us how 20 meters is open at 2 AM again!
  174. Re: why is dloyd afraid to be called on his actions
  175. Re: Wogger is gay
  176. Re: "woger" " frogery"?????
  177. Not as bad
  178. I crap on posts
  179. my bro can dance
  180. Canadian Amateur Experimenters Losing Frequencies...
  181. Wear yer leotards to The Greenlight Lounge this Saturday nite
  182. Cabal ...
  183. An alternative Primer --- challenging rec.radio.amateur.moderated
  184. woger's best
  185. alt.alt.alt.alt,alt.pizza
  186. A new poem I wrote
  187. Hamvention, Friday May 18, a travelogue...
  188. MARIE WAS ****ED OFF!!!!!!!
  189. woger represents glendale wv
  190. I got a big problem
  191. indeed
  192. Woger is SO funny!
  193. "Ham speak"
  194. Take a break from the flame wars, east coast Tropo DX looks hot
  195. Pagan Hams?
  196. woger steeled my blog wehn I no looking
  197. well that will about it for steve for today he wants the attnetion I will give it to him
  198. Here's One Morkie Can't Hide Behind SPAM or "Excrement" Claims
  199. When Does KB9RQZ Realize He's Making And Idiot Out Of Himself By Repeating The Same Misquote Over And Over?
  200. Re: dloyd the theif <<< dloyd the WHAT, CollegeBoy?
  201. too stupid to upgrade
  202. Belly up to the shipwreck woger
  203. dloyd please read this and think about wnat I am typing
  204. Re: where is the beef Dloyd?
  205. he and she blogs
  206. Hey, Woger
  207. Re: why this **** dloyd
  208. nice two see opening a furom for real conment
  209. he an she blogs
  210. sun off a gun
  211. trulY I am honored
  212. More Morkie Mularkie
  213. A RRAM Carry-Over Post For AF6AY
  214. be all you can be
  215. I lead men in battle
  216. Heard a ham radio advertisment on the radio yesterday
  217. OT Larry Have I pushed those posting numbers up yet?
  218. Mark's meds kicked in today.
  219. Stop the fraud yourself Mark
  220. polka punce
  221. Re: Ping Robeson
  222. steve sorts get something right
  223. desecting more of robeson raving's
  224. what were you raving about here Robeson?
  225. Re: more delsuion <<< More WHAT, College Boy...?!?!
  226. Morkie Moron Proves RRAP Trashing Is ALL ABOUT HIM!
  227. Re: dloyd cyver theif and terrist
  228. test
  229. kb9rqz admits he likes cock
  230. kb9rqz admits he likes cock
  231. Nice outhouse woger
  232. fcc rules cw id automatic
  233. i punce
  234. Re: hay john smith
  235. Re: Ping Robeson
  236. 60 Days Since Code Test Cessation Compared
  237. April 22 2007 ARS License Numbers
  238. ARS License Numbers
  239. Anagram
  241. Right click watch ignore addon for thunderbird.
  242. Re: Prepare for another flood. NIM Busters was just TOSed, and Wogerwill come here
  243. An odd thing happened on the way to the supermarket....
  244. Re: Charts 'n Graphs: kb9rqz 30 day summary for 4/19/07
  245. Lens' observations ...
  246. Re: excremnt on the loose
  247. Re: Ping Robeson
  248. Re: excremnt on the loose
  249. my punce is to punce you are not due one punce
  250. hay john smith