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  1. Stevie the liar, as agreed to by Dave his buddy
  2. when will Dave Stop suporting Stevie in his gay bashing
  3. dave is a coward
  4. stevie is coward
  5. stevie ****
  6. When will steve and Dave face the truth
  7. Dave is afraid of the truth
  8. Stevie continues to refuse to answer a question shwoing Stevie is afraid of the truth
  9. Stevie and Dave contiue to show their cowardice
  10. 14100 ... beacons still there ???
  11. Sounds like something Steve and his buddies on here would do
  12. Re: weird ass hams
  13. Re: Swastika Xmas Bulbs Selling Fast!
  14. In Austria Amateurs protest against DSL over powerlines.
  15. blow the bejezzus out of aural fascisti, It's all part of a humid joke
  16. when will stevie come clean
  17. Electric Lines and Gas Pipes To Carry Internet To Princeton Illinois
  18. Re: Image crawlers have already grabbed Todd's picture
  19. stevie is coward
  20. when will stevie fess up
  21. FAQ - Is anyone interested in _REAL_ Ham Radio any more?
  22. Re: BgPL! Can you believe it?
  23. Re: I slapped illegal keyclowns off ebay today
  24. Re: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone..
  25. HF Net
  26. HF Net
  27. Todd's newest web site?
  28. He Is
  29. Holiday Blues?
  30. Thanks-Giving 2005
  31. Astro-net from the 60s (was: K1MAN ESSAY)
  32. N9OGL BBS Cleared
  33. Re: mopathetic kissing french men in WW2 movie starring all keyclowns!
  34. answer the question stevie the coward
  35. stevie is coward
  36. stevie is coward
  37. a confession
  38. steve is a coward
  39. steve is a coward
  40. steve is a coward
  41. stevie is coward
  42. steve is a coward
  43. steve is a coward
  44. steve is a coward
  45. steve is a coward
  46. steve is a coward
  47. steve is a coward
  48. steve is a coward
  49. steve is a coward
  50. steve is a coward
  51. stevie is coward
  52. slap illegal keyclowns legally
  53. OK, Brian...Let's See How You Dodge This One
  54. Re: Hams attempt to destroy GMRS!
  55. Markies spelling troubles
  56. Re: Hams attempt to destroy GMRS!
  57. Re: Hams attempt to destroy GMRS!
  58. Re: Attn: Woger, Buzz, Polly, Stevie, YZ, OGL, 'Old & New' Friend(s) and ALL da-rest of ya RF CLOWNS.... (OT ?? ;)
  59. The "newcomer quotient" --- a serious policy question
  60. Season Specials
  61. check this out
  62. Re: Galaxy Electronics Founder Leo Meyerson Asks FCC To Deny K1MAN Renewal
  63. when will dave and steve have the guts to answer a simple question
  64. Re: Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
  65. Glenn Baxter and Intimate Male Massage
  66. Re: (OT) New Orleans
  67. A Direct Question for Brian P Burke, N0IMD.
  68. Mewling Lennie
  69. Galaxy Electronics Founder Leo Meyerson Asks FCC To Deny K1MAN Renewal
  70. FRIEND: as are You, Brandon is Awesome.
  71. Regulation-by-Bandwidth Petition Filed by ARRL
  72. Todd...next show?
  73. steveo's lap dog
  74. Re: Congats Cecil W5DXP
  75. FAQ - Interested? Start here!
  76. hey steveo!
  77. Re: weird ass hams
  79. Re: BIG!! - Former FBI director calls 9-11 Commission a COVERUP
  80. Article in Electronic Design
  81. Re: BIG!! - Former FBI director calls 9-11 Commission a COVERUP
  82. WAS: Re: Here's A "Blast From The Past" Back In Markie's Lap! And He Wonders Why The Whole World Is Laughing At Him! NOW: The Whole World Is Laughing At Lennie Laughing At No One In Particular
  83. Re: Transformer
  84. A Special Thanks To Hans, K0HB
  85. A Practical Challenge For The Feeble Five...And A Bloody Nose For FoS
  86. What Are Your Plans For...
  87. Re: weird ass hams
  88. N8WWM, felon, coward
  89. Ping Brian Burke- was-Re: Enough about the hurricane allready
  90. Policy Stated GACW
  91. Windy Anderson's 11/14 Reply to Comments
  92. Two Kinds of People on RRAP
  93. first Gross task done
  94. Stevie claims he has no professional opinions
  95. Re: Reply comments
  96. stevie admits to lying to NG for the last 3 months
  97. looking
  98. Re: Return of old **** to the NG
  99. More Markie Mularkie to Muddle Men's Minds With Meaningless Markie Meanderings
  100. Re: Reply comments
  101. Tennessee Nurse
  102. Getting A Ham License
  103. Keeping Markie Mularkie In Markicentric Threads
  104. Set FCC
  106. FAQ, just what is Ham Radio?
  107. Why Do You Hams
  108. Getting Down To The Wire
  109. Re: Why KC8LDO harasses in cb ng's (Lelnad MAD)
  110. Getting Down To The Wire
  111. The reason for all the rrap "Liars"
  112. Re: nothing at all
  114. can't try to follow the anny mouse Mark will let you all know if when he going to sue
  115. can't try to follow the anny mouse Mark will let you all know if when he going to sue
  116. Re: More Markie Mularkie and he will sue!
  117. Carl Stevenson Elected
  118. More Stevie Lies
  119. Ignore ARRL
  120. Stevie please pay attention
  121. Naval connection? You qualify for RNARS membership!
  122. newsflash Stevei may have goten something right
  123. Re: AB8MQ Home Page
  124. Pottymouth N9OGL Beware
  125. Can Stevie be trusted to make professional treament of a pagan?
  126. 05-235 - Any new procode test arguments?
  127. AB8MQ Home Page
  128. Radio Legends Denounce Baxter
  129. Re: (ot) France
  130. Why illegal CB'ers harass KC8LDO in ng's
  131. Re: Lloyd's sad that Mr. Sulu the cock gobbler (like Davies) already has a boyfriend!
  132. K1MAN & AARA/IARU To Stop BPL
  133. Why Woger lacks social skills
  134. an update on Stevie
  135. I need a hug
  136. Re: KC8LDO is blameless - twisted and mopehole is mad
  137. Stevie doesn't get it is about HIS words such as these
  138. Re: Ya sabes donde tienes que ir, no me olvides CILI
  139. In Praise of Contesting
  140. The FAQ - because no-one has an alternative one.
  141. The Pool
  142. Thank You, David
  143. Question on AutoPatch
  144. "Scorecard" On Markie's Rallying Call To Arms
  145. amusing listening to rebradcast of an arrl message
  146. blast from the past Stevie says that did time or whatever should be left alone but attacks Frank bfor being courtmartailed in the past HYPOCRITE
  147. another blast from the past Stevie telling someone not to engage in a slander campiagn based on someone gramtical erros
  148. past K1MAN doing the same stuff as Current K4YZ?
  149. Testing for Dyslexia
  150. Cen Illinois pagan
  151. Re: Survey
  152. Re: Survey
  153. mildly interesting factoid
  154. Markie Assumes Role Of RRAP Moderator...Demands Others Do As He Says...OR ELSE!
  155. Re: I'M BAAACCCKKKK!!!!!!
  156. Four RRAP'ers Quoted in November 2005 "CQ" Magazine IRT WT05-235
  157. Re: Stevie in personals group?
  158. Survey
  159. Re: Ya sabes donde tienes que ir, no me olvides CILI
  160. Re: Ya sabes donde tienes que ir, no me olvides CILI
  161. I'M BAAACCCKKKK!!!!!!
  162. Re: NIMBusters is DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  163. Opinionated?
  164. Fred's Barn
  165. Frankie of Silliland "Stretches" For Something To Hold On To...But Can't Get A Grip
  166. Halloween Time at WT Docket 05-235
  167. found that post of stevie mocking pagaism and Hiram Maxwell my goodness the post he denies making
  168. Brain has Stevie paid up on the bet he made a few years ago
  169. Did You Know
  170. Re: A Quote from Len
  171. Re: Bust a move! - assclown_1.jpg (0/1)
  172. pinging Len Brain Todd and Frank
  173. a track record for Stevie
  174. a remider to Stveie of his own words
  175. Stevie in personals group?
  177. Lardass Davies the idiot plagiarizes!
  178. Did You Know
  179. Linked Repeaters Across Services
  180. The Lies And Wanton Deceit of Frankie Of Silliland
  181. Re: Create Your Own Monthly Income
  182. A, An, or The FAQ
  183. FYI CB radio in the aftermeth of Wilma
  185. A, An, or The FAQ
  186. A Quote from Len
  187. few thoughts on the score the coments and the ARS and ARRL
  188. Average Price
  189. Re: okay, here's the scoop... I guess I may need that dipole after all :-D
  190. Stevie ducks on another promise
  192. Lennie's Scorecard Backfires
  194. Re: Mark Still Doesn't Get It...And Probably Never Will
  195. Frankie of Silliland: A Coward Who Lied To And Stole From His Country Lectures About "Integrity"
  196. Former RRAP'er Callsign Available in February 2006
  197. Re: I am turning the asylum over to the inmates
  198. Favorite beatle tunes
  199. Sitting On The cock
  200. Bust a move!
  201. Re: I am turning the asylum over to the inmates
  202. I am turning the asylum over to the inmates
  203. Enterprise calling Earth
  204. Reference An Old Friend KB9RQZ
  205. Yet another oddity.
  206. Poor Wogie answers his own posts.
  207. to digital
  208. Mark bough a new wris****ch
  210. How do you lookup a ****stain on QRZ?
  211. Ahhhh I dono??
  212. Re: Ping N8WWM dogie adair the section eight sissy
  213. Putting the "Real" back into _REAL_ Ham Radio
  214. the FBI believe it or not as you choose Stevie
  215. FAQ
  216. Re: Is Whiny realy N0VFP
  217. Is Whiny realy N0VFP
  218. Stevie with your deparved indifference to human life you have placed someone completely inocent in danger
  219. Rockin!
  220. ROGER, need labor info
  221. My dick tionary
  222. It's a hit!
  223. Re: If I only had a brain like Lloyd
  224. Re: What's wrong with being gay with woger?
  225. I kicked my moms ass
  226. If I only had a brain
  227. My sister is HAWT!
  228. I'm a west virginia hick
  229. To all you A-H's in here...
  230. another blast Stevie accuses NCI of ploting HIS murder
  231. Len I need a favor
  232. a blast from the past the oldest a Google revaled for me of stevie's he sound almost reasonable
  233. how long will Stevie try to brazen out the latest lie "Bandplans are Laws" accorsing to KY4Z
  234. I Hate Being Me
  235. Re: Putting up an Imax
  236. New Public Database for BPL Systems
  237. My radio buddies are really pumped with this!
  238. Scorecard on WT Docket 05-235
  239. Re: Happy "K1MAN License Expiration Day" Everyone - 11/17/05!
  240. how a policy issue for a change...local bandplaning
  241. K1MAN=Bobo the Homo Hobo
  242. Re: What's the problem? - youwhinebaby.JPG (1/1)
  243. I beat my mom
  244. TRIVIA QUESTION Re: The SS Edmund Fitzgerald
  245. Re: AB8MQ has Abs!
  246. I seem to have forgotten the weekly FAQ, don't panic, here it is!
  247. Lennie Reveals True Identity of "Dudly"....And It Is HE!
  248. AB8MQ has Abs!
  249. K1MAN vs. FCC: The Real Deal
  250. Another Humiliating Toddism. Now Charitable Donations are "Pecuniary Interest"