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- Re: Another License Idea - n9ogl.JPG (0/1)
- Re: just some more stevei ****
- forgers answering forgers hope steve is proud of his handywork
- more forgeries more of stevie's handywork i hope he is proud
- Re: Another License Idea
- perhaps not a policy topic but ham radio at least
- poor frightened forgers terrified of me and Todd it is funny as well being sad
- Re: amszing the terror that stveie "friends and fellow traveler have for the 2 of us Todd
- Rose Parade Ham Club to disband after being rebuffed by parade officials.
- Re: The votes are all in. Woger Wiseman is Nimbuster, COCKSUCKER OF THE YEAR.
- Hams ruin welcome at Rose Parade
- FA: ICOM IC-275H Two Meter Band, 100 Watt, All Mode Base Transceiver
- Re: more forgeris the responblity of the ASShole of RRap - n9oglloser.JPG (1/1)
- Re: Really Hans, no call to be rude
- Is repeating stuff lost on net
- Great New Year's Liberty Net
- QRP is for sissies!
- on ending classism in in muliteeired license system, a thought
- more forgeris the responblity of the ASShole of RRap - n9oglloser.JPG (0/1)
- Re: amszing the terror that stveie "friends and fellow traveler have for the 2 of us Todd - n9oglloser.JPG (0/1)
- Re: amszing the terror that stveie "friends and fellow traveler have for the 2 of us Todd
- Worst e-bay of all
- nuge nudge say mo nore
- more proof that no act iis to low for stavei and his fellow travelers
- Re: happy kwanzaa!!!!!!
- still more forgeries from the handywork of the ASShole of RRAP
- more forgeris the responblity of the ASShole of RRap
- Nominations Sought For 2006 Dayton Hamvention Awards
- more of stevie hate filled handywork of foreries
- abe
- more stevie inpsired forrgery the handywaork of the assshole fof RRAP
- moreof the stevie inspried bs that he a famous for
- Re: i did it agian (1/1)
- hey tood
- Balloon Launch This Afternoon
- some fogeries defianetely tood's work
- "Vintage" On the Domestic Front!
- A Bad Week For Leonard
- some frogeries look like maybe tood's work
- Another License Idea
- Re: happy kwanzaa!!!!!!
- Re: happy kwanzaa!!!!!!
- Re: Time for the _REAL_ Radio Ham to make a stand?
- Open call sign database
- fortyfour swinging door
- Re: FAQ, just what is Ham Radio?
- Re: more Mularkie from the asshole master of RRAP
- Re: Time for the _REAL_ Radio Ham to make a stand?
- License -- how about this?
- such frighten forgers
- yet more forgeries inspired by the asshole of RRAP
- more frogeries all the handiwork of steve by his words against Todd
- I stil cant flush my tiolett
- I own grup now. stevi apolizse and I give back
- Censorship is painless!
- well stevei who have sued ofrom the interent
- Re: 2006 - The year that the RSCB goes bust?
- my new yirs eve costhume
- looking more and more like ole dave forging for his buudy stevie
- hmm a Forer that talke too himself now that sounds like sevie
- such flatery and such devoltion in a stalker
- bubba ray cums callin
- mobil home poast by stevi is lie
- Re: suc flatulance
- really this is too muh such flatery may do more than turn my head I might have heart failure ah I see the gaol now
- well stevei we have clear proff that I hold a lot of crediblity
- suc flatulance
- still more forgeries of me looks like dave is behiond it wor at least up to his neck in it
- Im in a badd mod
- wow the power I have here in RRAP that my every post most answered by a forgery?
- yet more forgeries of my name and choosen nick such power I msut have in the wolrd
- another forgery of a foregry post such wight my words must that peopel want to be Me even for a ment here i RRAP
- forgery of forgery post my word must be VERY imporatnt
- steve not man enuf to met me faice to face
- steve lies some more
- new lie from stevie Stupidity can be passed by physical contact? No stevie is just trying to deny he lied about my being infected with an STD
- 2006 - The year that the RSCB goes bust?
- stevei the pilot can't read maps?
- setvei the path asshole handywork
- this offer is authentic and still open to stevie diispite his misdeeds
- stevei can stopp the behavoir he says he find offensive anytime by just proising to stop engaging in what provoked it in the first place
- ah well my mistake guess i will to do it right this time
- why is my dad lie so much
- why is only stevie allowed to change titles
- I take over this fuking group you wait see
- hmm gues I was wrong steve is not going to stay online and provide us all the show he is famous for
- why is stvei so afraid of the word "****"
- What's it all about? - FAQ
- stveie askd me to poast this
- stveie dosn have a lawyer more lie from the stening plie os ****
- looking for action sat
- why does it matter how tough the old tests were?
- what will stevie do it is after midnight?
- a report to RRAp on the assholes last warning postsing
- please may tha gods grant that for once stveie is telling the truth about his last warning
- why dos stive lie about hving a lawyer
- stveie advocates Todds murder yep that is the assole of rrap
- stvevie the asshole contiues to be a lying asshole for rrap
- stevie the asshole prooves deserves his treatment as if it wee needed
- stvevie the asshole contiues to be a lying asshole for rrap
- msg from emergency manager
- How many licenses should there be, why and what privileges?
- Apology?
- more lies from K4YZ nerver was an lawsuite
- more lies from K4YZ nerver was an lawsuite
- more lies from K4YZ nerver was an lawsuite
- dave the fool
- why does dave lie so badly
- BTW dave if you rported to google various of the posts you claims to haev you lied to google
- why does stvei claim only he has the portectionn of law
- Re: It's time to abolish the Federal Communications Commission
- Re: Time for the _REAL_ Radio Ham to make a stand?
- more stive ****
- Time for the _REAL_ Radio Ham to make a stand?
- of stveie can stop what he sees as the abuse of his daughter's memery but he doesn't want to stop it
- stvei tell me who your attorney is
- steve you do need to respond to this But only in the unlikely event your are not lying again
- steve the asshole that cried worf
- why does stveie think repeating the same lie over and over is frighten me
- stvie **** filled threats
- will stvei ever growup
- stvei making threats again
- No link attitude!
- well it is a low blow but called for IMO head up stevie
- Holidays
- Re: Attn: Dave
- ER Nurse thinks Rape is Funny
- more stive ****
- Reality Check
- Season's Greetings
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- Cmdr. Buzz Corey exposed!
- The ten secrets of
- k4yz not forgot for 2005 lies and netKKKop liable
- Re: Disgraceful behaviour today - what do you think?
- FAQ - Repeated because the issues are too important to let the Mongolian Hordes of CBers shout them down.
- A Merry Solstice To All Our Readers
- Re: FAQ - Repeated again because I can't accept that I need professional help
- Re: FAQ - Repeated again because I can't accept that I need professional help
- Stamping out ignorance
- well the purpose served
- what a merial to my memory joking about rape
- New DXCC Country
- btw why does dave post in the thread er nurse think rape is funny not comdem or defend steve
- well it is a low blow but called for IMO head up stevie
- good thing I did not life to see my father post his jokes about rape
- prehaps I should be glad that I am not here alive to se my daddy make jokes about rape
- why does my father dishonor my memory by joking about rape
- steve can try to doge and evade all he likes but why does
- if I were truely here I would e ashamed of my daddy
- oh daddy why do you make joke about rape
- stevei sees plots everywhere
- will stvei ever apoligizing for claiming that rape is proper suject for humr?
- stveie jokes about rape what is next raping people himself or has he already done that
- when will stevie stop defednig jokes about rape
- despetable steveie makes joke about rape
- whay does the asshole stevei think rape is funny
- why does stegvie makes joke about rape
- steve make joke about rape
- stveie joke about rape
- why don't otehr find stevie making rape jokes offienseive
- why does stevie think rape is funny
- reposting to get past stevei effor to hide it stvei think rape is funny
- stevei contieus to claim rape is funny
- why does stevie claim rape is funnt
- Announcing The RRAP Crossdressers New Year's Ball Awards !!
- website
- FAQ - revised version
- stveie should think himself lucky I don't crospost his action to the rape surovioirs gruop
- why does stevie say rape is a matter for fun?
- stveie demans rape victum
- stveie the asshole of rape on rape
- steve on how rape is funny
- one the reason for the flemaewar Stevei sthink rape in funny
- does the asshole of RRAP think this is RAPE instaed
- the depiectable word of the asshole of rrap
- newflash Mark admits to making ero wrt to stevei stament
- the asshole of RRAP on the subject of Rape
- why does stevie try telling the lie that I drink
- when will the asshole of RRAP stop his forging
- sosry that sstevie is an ashole
- yet more from asshole ofRRAP
- i did it agian (0/1)
- When does channel changing DSSS become hybrid DSSS/FHSS?
- why does stevie want the flame war to ciontiue
- If the answer's, "M3", it must be a bloody silly question!
- stveive claims that 122 days after he contacted them that Michigan is going to sweep in and comit me on his say so
- stevie lies stil more
- hi there from the asshole of RRAP
- derected writing
- why does dave violate the 10 comndments
- about the N8dos posts
- hans makes fempty threats
- hans stop following my sons evil ways
- wondering at stvei reaction to my next set of posts
- rmmebr the past oh evil and deceitful son
- oh hans when can i expcet your suit
- oh son would I haunt you
- steve hear the typing of your father repent your eveil ways this christmas season
- soory about my son k4yz
- more aplogies for my asshole hubby
- does stevie think their ais a fee per thread chrage?
- Question for Techs not upgrading to General question
- my mom tells me this peom at bedtine
- when stevie start paying his debts?
- hans making threats
- yet more steve forgeris
- well I am off for bit a few more autopost
- General purpose logger
- Re: Todd is as stupid as Lardass Lloyd Davies - n9oglloser.JPG (0/1)
- Re: message sent to [email protected] - n9oglloser.JPG (0/1)
- Re: message sent to [email protected]
- Re: One of the Chosen speaks (the same old repetitive drivel)
- Re: Dear Santa
- i get **** faced bfreo i poast
- hey todd
- stevei supports the likes of Al capone
- delsuional behavoir
- when will steive learn the meaning of the words he itries to use on here
- why does stevie care
- why does Dave defile the "prince of peace"
- why can'tstevie be as usefull as broken clock
- why stevei contiue the flamewar when he could stop it
- KV4FZ Annual Christmas Message
- To all my rrap friends
- rrap is dangerous
- Re: Hi Just Saying Hello
- brian burke
- I get **** faced before I post
- Great Liberty Net 3.950
- Dear Santa
- Re: FCC Affirms Jack Gerritsen $42,000 fine
- Re: RRAP has gone to hell in a handbasket but orielly will fix it
- I get **** faced before I post
- Re: stebies booger picture is funny - n9oglloser.JPG (0/1)
- FCC rules need to be changed
- RRAP has gone to hell in a handbasket
- Pepper And Salt (Seasoned Greetings) to all our readers - the Xmas FAQ
- Ham Radio Discount
- stebies booger picture is funny
- I get **** faced before I post
- again stevie can end this anytime HE chooses
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