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  1. I am the one posting homo **** in the ng's,not wismen
  2. morkie ????
  3. Re: galaxy 2527 dx modulation problem
  4. Re: Remember
  5. Club Meating
  6. tes
  7. Re: 20 meter morons
  8. Lardass Lloyd the striped whale!
  9. bad rash
  10. Re: Day 220 (YAWN) no the date is 221 keep forger of his lawsut or about 3400 of his effort to lible me
  11. warts on my pee pee
  12. it was a not so dark or stromy night when KB9RQZ howled at the moon ....
  13. Day 225 (YAWN) of Mark whining that he has been "libbeled".
  14. what ever has happened to Hams
  15. SHOCK & AWE
  16. Re: (hURL) The Prayer Antenna
  17. Re: You're not a real ham if you never took or passed a Code test.
  18. Choices, Choices, Choices... CW or CB?
  19. for my freinds
  20. Day 224 (YAWN) of Mark whining that he's been "libbeled".
  21. I HAVE MY OWN NEWSGROUPS IM FAMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - woger faggot.jpg (0/1)
  23. more tard ****
  24. Re: forgive him his hate and may he find peace
  25. Re: YUM YUM EAT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - lardass scat.jpg (1/1)
  26. it was a dark and stormy night and kb9rqz howled at the moon
  27. ok heres is the pic you ask
  28. Day 223 (YAWN) of Mark whining that he has been "libbeled"
  29. WWM - A great Ham
  30. is there anybody out thereable to operate CW that would honestly confused a JT65 sig with cw?
  31. RE: YUM YUM EAT IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - lardass scat.jpg (1/1)
  32. Liberty Net Loons
  33. Gre8t Lib Net 3.950
  34. bless you and get a piece
  35. Does Bill Laterbach still sell the "Tiny-Tenna"
  36. I need a new Tiny-Tenna!!!
  37. Day 221 (YAWN) of Mark whining that he has been "libbeled",
  38. Day 220 (YAWN) of Mark whining that he has been "libbeled".
  39. Re: PNIG VAMPI....
  40. He shaved his legs, then he was a she
  41. Re: Hamfest this weekend!
  42. Re: i m sorry
  43. i m sorry
  44. sick,sick,tard!
  45. Re: Hamfest this weekend!
  46. spealing me goot
  47. etl meshow u how todo teh Thorazine Shuffle
  48. On Tosing my salad an givingme a reech around
  49. tard posting filth
  50. Free Radio America is on the air right now
  51. I said, Stop teasing the dip****!
  52. my freind billie
  53. Re: Ignorance Sucks!
  54. rock,rock,rock
  55. SAPM
  56. MEAT PLOW EXPOSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  57. Re: Will the great Radio and Flame Wars Ever end?
  58. Day 217 (YAWN) of Mark crying he was "libbeled".
  59. Re: RE:Re: Staying under the radar
  60. Lolicon station on 13.556 USB
  61. Re: The U.S needs to close the borders
  62. Don't tease the dip**** anymore.
  63. Re: Don't email me.
  64. Will the great Radio and Flame Wars Ever end?
  65. Maj Robeson lies and libels wether He knows the truth or not
  66. the tard has old friends allright
  67. Re: N8WWM is a hero
  68. day 216 of Robeson wild lies to sport his libel
  69. OH NO !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  70. Greetings to Mark from Roger, His Best Friend.
  71. WTF Tard?????????
  72. Re: I will destroy this newsgroup, just like I killed "Taylor Jimenez"
  73. Re: ITS 4:20
  74. stop the spamming of this group
  75. Re: Women as Undeveloped Men-> AKA Markie
  76. The colour combination & flash of this site is gd.
  80. Lisping Lloyd A. Davies lives in a world of make-believe....
  81. day 215
  82. dare to play the truth game Robeson?
  83. BTW Maj Robeson why have you avoided verifieing my wifes gender
  84. The Mighty K4
  85. great radio link
  87. running a station right now on 13.556 Mhz USB
  88. 30 Steps, Monthy post. Tips for Phonies.
  89. constans,markie on nimbusters
  90. constans,markie can't hlp it
  91. Re: Contest Cheats
  92. Mopey Dopey thinks only one person hates him
  93. Contest Cheats
  94. day 214
  95. Ralph Ennis, WA6GVG, and Paul McKesson, W7DVJ, Are So Great!
  96. New Sheriff, Paul Schreck
  97. Re: "OK Dimwits!!!," ...., "I expect $$$ for my assistance!!!..."
  98. more markie lies
  99. tards been busy
  100. stop tard
  101. Re: Further White Boxing
  102. markie
  103. Unwanted Vile Filthy Intruders
  104. CQ WW VHF
  105. Re: HDTV suggestions?
  106. Re: So much for creating an LJ account.
  108. Re: K1MAN Fan Club
  110. a message about tCW that Roebeson has decided to try and censor
  111. Re: K1MAN Fan Club
  112. some notes on obselete tech on topic but you have to wait for it
  113. Re: Any of y'all Ham Operators
  114. Hamfest Odd
  115. Re: Fighting PMS with Chocolate
  116. markie should
  118. TAKE NOTE
  119. Re: Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin #766
  120. Numb Nuts Radio? You decide.
  121. CW isn't preventing the modernization of ham radio. Laziness is.
  122. Re: "Liking" all women?
  123. Re: Young Boys Orgies , ,, ...
  124. Re: get help sicko
  125. White Trash Follows Mark From NimBusters
  126. Re: Why Is It?
  127. interesting
  128. If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
  129. Re: Almost heaven, West Virginia Blue Ridge Mountains, Shenandoah River Life is old there, older than the streams Younger than the mountains, blowing like a breeze
  130. the bluff is called
  132. day 210 BRING IT ON
  133. AXIS of JIZZZ
  134. day 210 dawns on the Robeson bluff
  136. day 209 of Robeson lawsuit bluff
  137. Big Black BOOTAYE !!
  138. possible cause for tard's issue with yz??
  139. chinky fellows cuties!
  140. marky's own words->Re: stevie can post nothing but libel
  141. Re: Tom jions the ranks of the forgers on Useset at least his shows the honnor of doing so openly
  142. on the lighter side
  143. PGP test message (signed)
  144. marky humping SC's leg.....WHY??
  145. Re: day 208 on Robesonsons lawsuit lie
  146. Re: ant. mast
  147. bad rash
  148. bad rash
  149. Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
  150. Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
  151. Novia Internetworking ToS?
  152. Re: Play with Betty - Free $ for all !
  153. when this group was cool--Mon, Dec 1 2003 5:18 am
  154. Re: ant. mast
  155. Re: Warning: New Usenet ModeratorTo Shut Down Abusers If Necesssary.
  156. Re: Google as a Verb
  157. Re: Wild Love & Kissing ,. . . . .
  158. Re: Twink Boys Asses . . , , -
  159. Re: Skip Heard on channel 16
  160. Re: bad rash
  161. bad rash
  162. bad rash
  163. Re: INSERTION EXPRESS , . .' .
  164. Re: Hot Arabians I :
  165. bi scat ham
  166. Re: Father & Son , . , , .
  167. Re: Israel a Terrorist State.
  168. Legal Liability of Moderators
  169. KB9RQZ Numbnuts Radio
  170. Re: woger douche bag.jpg (1/1)
  171. Re: Fartoons
  172. Re: hey sharkie
  173. bi-scat
  174. does Robeson have the guts to play the truth game?
  175. day 206 of Maj Robeson lie about suing me
  176. why does Cap endorse Maj Robeson libel of a veteran of the US ARMY
  177. more fraud
  178. Re: A plea to all who read this group
  179. the Maj contiues his posting of nothing bu t lies and libel of me
  180. grE8t LIberY Net 2-nite - Wheeeeee
  181. chek it outt!
  182. learned something form a forger
  183. SLOW CODE
  184. England makes me really,really, MAD!
  185. modular RJ11 plug.
  186. proof that Maj Robeson is mental ill
  187. proof of Stevs delsuion
  188. Maj Robeson lies some more
  189. steve it is just this simple
  190. help
  191. Re: Give up CB for Ham?
  192. help w/ GTE
  193. on the "get help" effort
  194. RESULT: rec.radio.amateur.policy will be removed
  195. Lisping Lloydie works part time down at the Kennedy Space Center!
  196. Of course this newsgroup doesn't matter. Usenet is dead.
  197. gte help
  198. Re: Unwanted Newsgroups Postings;
  199. Re: Give up CB for Ham?
  200. SAPM
  201. looking to elmer
  202. Re: Spain Drops Morse Test
  203. my personal ad
  204. Re: Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
  205. Re: Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
  206. SAPM
  207. Re: 26yo scat fan in 518ac
  208. Re: This is so weird.....free picturegallery
  209. club meetings
  210. Bi Scatology Sessions
  211. SAPM
  212. Re: Ladies Turd Taster
  213. BARF
  214. GTE touch tone desk set
  215. why are these words so frightening?
  216. whyis lloyd afriad of no code
  217. whyis lloyd afriad of no code
  218. why does the poster of a message liek ned to get help?
  219. why is "lloyd" afaird of this post?
  220. ot but interesting to RRAP
  221. SAPM
  222. Re: The Second Great Depression Starting 2007
  223. Re: The Second Great Depression Starting 2007
  224. Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
  225. Re: [Fwd: FS wood lathe]
  226. Re: The Second Great Depression Starting 2007
  227. Re: Male Slaves Wanted by Teenaged Mistress
  228. Get Help lurns to Blog
  229. Why The Tard's Mother Left Home
  230. A question for nickle Generals and Extras. Would you renew your license?
  231. K1MAN Defense Fund established
  232. Re: Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
  233. Re: Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
  234. Quick Survey. Phonies ignore. When was the last time you had a CW QSO?
  235. get help
  236. lyoid
  237. SAPM
  238. amasing has Wismen given up for the day
  239. People ask me if the retards in rrap are actually CB'ers because they like gay talk more than ham talk.
  240. Belmont Tech Distinguished Graduates
  241. Re: Lisping Davies
  242. K B 9 R Q Z I S V R I C T O R I O U S ! ! ! !
  243. Spain Drops Morse Test
  244. Re: Profane Vile Unwanted Intruders
  245. Voip in Amateur Radio,Voip Updated Howto,
  246. Re: Ignorant Proffesional No Code Techs
  247. Re: Profane Vile Unwanted Intruders
  248. K1MAN Wins Another Round Against The FCC
  249. Toad, Markie and I are starting a new venture!
  250. Re: On Tosing my salad an givingme a reech around - woger faggot.jpg (1/1)