View Full Version : Policy
- Apalled
- a question for steve
- Reality check!
- Glenn A. Baxter K1MAN
- Re: What a surprise! Woger deletes his picture!
- The majority--well, ok, if that is the way you want it!
- Don't Forget To Write/E-mail Your Elected Reps. re. NPRM WT 05-235
- Everything Old Is New Again
- Re: Roger Wiseman is like a Slinky ...
- Re: Roger Wiseman is like a Slinky...
- One more opinion of mine
- A reply to Blapster (K1MAN)
- Re: nice day
- strange thing from the ARRL
- Reality, "Slippery Facts, and Myths
- "Heeere's Cecil W6RCA/W5DXP!"
- The Majority
- Re: Roger Wiseman is like a Slinky...
- Echos from the past, code a hinderence to a ticket
- Interesting reading from NCI
- Roger Wiseman is like a Slinky...
- Dead Horse Drops on ARRL Headquarters
- N9OGL to comment on K1MAN RENEWAL
- Re: The first echo box.... ( plus AN IDEA FOR HAMS)
- RRAP Regulars A No-Show for WT05-235 Comments
- A Sample Of The Supporters Pro-No-Code WT 05-235
- Comments to the FCC on WT 05-235
- Docket 05-235 Scorecard
- The Chosen
- 3.840 was a riot earty this morning!
- More Markie Foolishness Proves Him An Idiot
- Status of WT Docket 05-235
- FCC proposal = CB'ers with ham licenses.
- What is Ham Radio coming to?
- Codgers and Surgeries
- New Morse training tape
- We can end it all right here
- Secwet Wogie Wecovering Well
- RAC Bulletin 013-05 Industry Canada Introduces Alternatives to Morse Requirements for HF
- request for follow up lenn
- Re: K1MAN PA means **** Ant, what happened Blapster ???
- Test
- Most Trusted Man in America Doesn't Trust Baxter
- PGP encryption of data on amateur radio?
- So Much For "Digital Is Better"
- Re: K1MAN PA means Pending Action, what happened Blapster ???
- The Pool
- Re: K1MAN PA means Pending Action, what happened Blapster ???
- Re: K1MAN PA means Pending Action, what happened Blapster ???
- Still Waiting, Markie
- Important Political Info
- the pool
- New title/license for the "new breed" of ham...
- So Bill.....
- Moving Markie Mularkie To Make Way For His Misdirects and Mayhem
- Italy drops code
- Armed Forces Day Crossband QSL Card...
- What The NPRM Isn't
- Lennie Knows More
- Extra study guide...
- More Muddled Markie Mularkie to Mess With Mature Men's Minds
- Does ham radio license include GMRS?
- new Amateur radio group on Google
- MARKIE: Show Me The Proof...Where's The Myth?
- Question pools and answers...
- We need no Licenses anymore.
- 25 kw station
- A Possible Solution?
- Busting Lennie Rants..."It's a Year Round Thing..."
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- Monitoring Sample
- Johnny Smith says...
- Re: There are no legitimate arguments for CW.
- Re: Time Lords always win in the end
- anyone know doofus?
- NPRM - "Pro" Comments for Dropping Code
- anyone know about kit modifation to CW rigs for RTTY or other digital modes
- Knuckle draggers rejoice, the HAM CB SERVICE is here
- Im so Glad I dropped ARRL, now maybe the
- Knuckle Draggin CBplussers need to start a New
- Observations and predictions on the NPRM
- a point of order, and info
- Re: THIS IS MY BEEF!! For Da Helluvit!
- A Sad Day
- Re: CW'ers
- Breaker, Breaker, Is this a flame group now?
- ARRL Admits Mistakes in Regulation By Bandwidth Proposal
- stevie ****
- Lennie Posts Drivel Again...
- Loser Len finally tells the truth
- Secwet Woger outs his MSN account again
- And It's a *Kit*!!
- a question for Steve
- Which one of these?
- kinda of topic) A lession in Manners for Hans
- New Threats from a Steve Want-a-be or perhaps it's from Slick Steve Roberson guess
- Re: Looking for new "owner" of the previously announced Yahoo! Group
- F-16 Noise Complaint in Arizona
- a cmoment about Part 97
- a Blast from the past or Stevie Obsession with me
- Two unrelated far-fetched questions
- Where was Blapster during Dennis???
- New BBS
- Thanks!
- Who needs the ARRL, anyway?
- Why does the ARRL seem to NOT want hams to join?
- Todd, meet me on Echolink
- Len remains undeterred by lack of responses.
- Democrat Hamfests
- Re: Woger gone missing?
- on topic given Stevie interest in my affairs
- HP Tech Support now gone overseas (ot)
- Re: Please forgive me
- No more white noise
- And You Wonder Why I Consider KB9RQZ An Idiot...?!?!
- K1MAN cuts a deal
- DeVry Correspondence Degree
- Great Liberty Net 3.956
- Re: Winlink and QRM
- Re: Re: Winlink and QRM /Nice long rant
- another point of Info
- When your posts are NOT your posts...
- SAQ On The Air This Weekend
- Best Behaved = Largest Band Allocation
- Best Behaved = Largest Band Allocation
- 100th Anniversary of KPH - Night of Nights VI - Inauguration of KSM
- need help proving old call (copy of callbook page?)
- K1MAN Info Request
- Another Restructuring Proposal
- 10 Meter CB ?
- Re: realize this
- Internet testing
- Dance, Roger, dance.
- Stagger Lee has Roger dancing like a maionette
- Connect the dots, Woger
- Rookie of the Year!
- Morse Code and Cellphones
- Question for the Morse code Haters
- I Stand Corrected On N9OGL/KB9RQZ Wedding...It's N0IMD/KB9RQZ...
- Re: The Paranoia remailer was investigated because
- Secwet Woger 'ahows' again he doesn't know how remailers work.
- My new home page
- Field day article
- point of info
- Riley Hollingsworth speaks...
- how did folks do on field day
- Is Interpol helping track down Woger posts?
- Post anonymously
- Re: Petition to Deny Renewal to K1MAN
- Re: 5.050 (k1man??)
- A Message
- Gearing up for Field Day & Promoting Ham Radio
- Re: 2610852105431874
- Re: cmsg cancel <- Google account #2 gone?
- Re: cmsg cancel <- So long, Woger
- What are folks doing for Field Day?
- Todd's Hero Backed Into Corner, Act's Like Caged Animal He Is...K1MAN's Radio Days Numbered
- RED ALERT! to all alzheimers victims...
- Happy Father's Day
- Grown men are running in terror from Woger
- Re: 5'4" tall Lardass says "IKYABWAI" and the crowd roars with laughter
- Mexican-American Radio Relay League
- Extra, extra--older hams dying to make room for younger amateurs!
- "Typos", Wogie???
- K1MAN The crap has hit the fan.
- Re: 5'4" tall Woger is popular in Wheeling gay bars
- Arnie Macy...are you around?
- Is Tom Sneddon going to pay the bill for tryin to extort Jackson?
- Navy Radiomen
- The Great Liberty Net Presents: !
- Ham Radio Music Video
- Glendale Lavender Lads Monthly Meeting
- Of course Michael Jackson is innocent, what a stupid question:
- The Pool
- SO2R Policy?
- Should we have a poll?
- RSGB ham radio videos - download
- Of Asteroids and Dinosaurs
- How things are here...
- Haynie admits to problem, alzheimers victims respond with, "What problem?"
- And Incase Lennie Doubted that MARS and Amateur Radio are a "Service to the Nation..." MARS Chief Says Otherwise
- "Professional Engineer" Lennie Gets MARS History And Present Day Mission Wrong
- "Professional Engineer" Lennie Gets His "Professional" History Wrong
- FYI: NOAA Lightning Safety Awareness Week
- Wiseman finally kicked off NIM Busters
- Great introduction to HF techniques and practices
- Re: Repeater back up on 27.620
- FA: My Stuff on E-Bay...
- I had to get my date drunk first before the fun began last night!
- My uncle-daddy
- More on Lennie
- Re: "Back off, Paki, and don't call me again",
- Sky is falling!!! Everyone has alzheimers,unable to save even themselves!
- MY Repeater back up on 27.620
- test - please ignore
- What makes a real ham?
- An idea for the toad show
- New BPL system by Motorola desgned to mimize interence per ARRL
- River of Light
- Hams having fun
- Thanks for the humor, Lennie.
- Memorial Day 2005
- Thank you to the Vets--and Civilians who help
- cash
- the toad show causes illegal malicious interference
- Why not more young'uns in Ham radio
- Before Len nit picks...
- High Tech Todd?
- The ARRL Lies
- Physics according to toad
- Warning to the Toad
- Dayton...much ado about nothing.
- Toad was a pirate 10 years ago?
- Re: CMD Butt Cornholer of little boys
- Re: Old farts like Robeson, Len and bb have ruined this group
- The toad is gone.
- News From Japan
- BroadcastDB - Live Radios and TV database: Just added:
- TWO DAYS TO GO (to teh most important day in Ham radio History)
- Re: Old farts like Robeson, Len and bb have ruined this group
- today live on echolink/irlp ISS qso with School in California 17:21utc
- Re: Old farts like Robeson, Len and bb have ruined this group
- Re: Old farts like Robeson, Len and bb have ruined this group
- Re: Old farts like Robeson, Len and bb have ruined this group
- COLLINS 62S-1 VHF Transverter FA
- Obsessed Gay Lid
- Why no Yaesu Prizes at Hamvention?
- Armed Forces Day 2005
- The Great Liberty Net - 3.860
- Question on web spiders
- What makes the toad a better person?
- Re: The End Game: Baxter Thread of 2003
- NEW POLE for N9 Obsessed Gay Lid
- Didn't see Robeson at Dayton
- Obsessed Gay Lid pole
- Toads other hero.
- Mopathetic making hams laugh at his sissiness
- DX Activations
- Just for grins - CW
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