View Full Version : Policy
- Prompted by Leigh Preece M5GWH - The weekly FAQ
- Green Blue Yellow
- A Quote
- Amateur (And ARRL Staffer ta-boot) Appointed to IEEE Programs...No Mention Of Lennie Anderson Serving Anyone or Anything But Himself....
- Lennie Climbs Out From Under His Rock, Comes Out Mudslinging
- Re: Licenses for Internet Broadcasts
- et al, a FAQ
- Roger Wiseman attacked his mother
- Re: Licenses for Internet Broadcasts
- Cross-Linked Repeaters?
- For Sale
- a few thoughts
- Is there a REAL HR Discussion group ANYWHERE ?
- Goodbye K1MAN - Soon Gone Forever
- New VE callsign rules
- Re: Need 73's article
- reminding stevie again of his past words
- Re: Why can't I even pass the test or learn 5 wpm morse code??????????
- Re: Gary "Pat" Stevens WB2DBH
- I kicked my moms ass
- Helped needed
- Re: Why can't I even pass the test or learn 5 wpm morse code??????????
- Re: Licenses for Internet Broadcasts
- Why did they make me take the test again??????????????????
- My Jingle
- Porta-Potty Glory Hole
- Does this stuff really work?
- Re: please grow up
- Re: MIRAGE B 5030 VHF AMP - youwhinebaby.JPG (0/1)
- Helping hand
- "What is Ham Radio?" - The Daily F.A.Q.
- Eh, Todd?
- Newsgroup decommissioning
- Licenses for Internet Broadcasts
- FYI KB9RQZ/ag (after R@O
- Re: Last Date?
- Another day at the salt mine
- Re: Nirvana
- Nirvana
- The weekly F.AQ
- when is the Stevie Dictionary coming in print
- I lost my pic
- Re: FS: Yaesu FT-530 - 350/obo
- Interesting Thoughts
- an open Invite to those that fell that teling ones kids to lie on the net is child abuse
- Re: If Authorized by a Legal Licensed Amateur
- ME AND DR ACE WH2T HAD A BALL LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!
- Re: What's the problem?
- BTW Stevie were watch the news lately about NASA
- PAQSO Party this weekend!
- Roger's the problem
- Stevie admits again to stalking
- Re: What's the problem?
- Re: FS: Yaesu FT-530 - 350/obo
- What?
- Re: What's the problem?
- Baxter: Life Imitates Art
- signs of life for Morse Code
- Re: What's the problem?
- Antsoft Best domain software
- Re: Great Liberty Net 3.931
- Re: What's the Woger problem?
- FCC Extends Some Deadlines, Suspends Vanity Call System
- Re: What's the problem? - youwhinebaby.JPG (0/1)
- Great Liberty Net 3.931
- Beware N5ZTW will take your money and not ship!
- What Amateur Radio Emergency Communications?
- Poetic Justice...
- New License Requirements
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- Anyone up for a SKED on Saturday?
- Pecuniary Interest Pt. 2
- Status of mailing?
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- Who Says Nobody Builds Any More?
- Re: "Hams to the Rescue After Katrina" MSNBC News Article
- News:Gothic Singles Photos!
- Craftsmen and subcontractors needed
- The view from VE
- Re: The FAQ
- ARRL Testimony on Hams' Katrina Response
- Complete K1MAN update
- Astron RS-35M Power Supply Schematic
- Transmitter and Signal Tuner Great Ham gear
- TOS'ing Wogie made easy
- Re: Savage negro beasts abduct TX 14 year old
- Re: Savage negro beasts hospitalize Houston school children
- Carl WK3C: Not "Eligble" to Become a Menber of the ARRL Board of Directors
- Re: Savage negro beasts hospitalize Houston school children
- K1MAN's Psychology, according to his Wife
- I wonder where they'll start the search to fill their needs?
- For everyones reading pleasure - Hams involvement in Katrina
- Some notes on Stevie usenet activities and his lying
- Stevie admits he find lying more offenseive than Child rape
- Re: Why Does K4YZ blow in public?
- Re: An appeal to k4yz
- REC Networks filed a Petition for Reconsideration of K1MAN NAL
- Look at this 'an old friend'
- Latest from ARRL about Emergency
- Proof of the Necessity of Amatuer Radio
- Re: The FAQ....
- Katrina Quotes
- Today is Saturn's Day
- Power Company Interference and the Law?
- what singular things does the ARS bring to the tabel for something like Katrina
- Hams to the rescue after Katrina
- K1MAN Has a Case ...
- Today is Freya Day
- Roger's four dozen posts
- dave you have bigger issues
- Re: A Most Humming Experience
- Re: I like sucking things
- Classical Japanese Haiku For White Trash
- I feel another song coming on!
- I'm afraid
- checking on a matter of dates
- Re: The Showdown at the Save-A-Lot Corral
- The Showdown at the Save-A-Lot Corral
- lonely
- I feel a song coming on!
- off topic but I sware it is god for a laugh
- Re: Herr Dave Heil Himmler says
- Solar Flare
- day 28 of Stevie's action MIA
- Hurricane Katrina Posts
- Fraudulent Websites for Hurricane Katrina Victims
- As Telecom Reels From Storm Damage, Ham Radios Hum
- A Most Humbling Experience
- Gulf Coast Communication Restoration Group-
- Pecuniary Interest????
- Great Liberty Net 3.953 on now in rare form!
- I'm Baaaaack...
- The Bar
- in regrad to protect bandwidth for CW and Katrina
- Savage negro beasts rampage in lousiana
- Katrina Freqs
- test
- Docket Scorecard
- Ham Radio (sic) NotFAQs
- What Is Ham Radio?.....A Weekly F.A.Q.
- Re: Nigs shooting at CG helicopters in NO
- Washington Post Article Mentions Ham Radio in Katrina Disaster
- Re: Illinois a lady in distress (Hurricane Katrina)
- Brief blurb in Fox News on ham emergency comms for New orleans
- day 21 of Stevvvvvviesss Bull**** about michigan and mental health
- NPRM has been published in Fed Register 8/30/05
- Stonewalling WT Docket 05-235?
- Stonewalling on WT Docket 05-235?
- Profit Stair 9.320 LIVE on Katrina - gravedancing ???
- What is the difference between control signals and broadcasts?
- It would be funny, if it was not so sad...
- Hurricane Katrina approaches New Orleans
- Re: Why does Toadie N9OGL look like one of the "Proclaimers?"
- posting 20050827
- If CW is dead....
- FCC SHUTS DOWN the 'Boy Broadcaster" from ME
- Is the Axis Of Evil of Blair/Bush/Windsor destroying Ham Radio?
- State of the Stats
- Va gur urnqref
- A Weekly F.A.Q. - What Is Ham Radio?
- New AMATEUR RADIO POLICY google group
- Free guide on how to make your website rank high in Yahoo, Google, MSN...
- N9OGL comments on K1MAN taken from QRZ
- Day 14 when will Stevie deal with his lies
- "Policy" Question
- Laying Waste to Frank Of Silliland's Silliness
- Stevie lies again
- Sumery of Stvie missteps 22aug2005
- Stevie admitts to lying to the NG and to the state of Michigan
- day 12 when is stevie going to stop with the bull****
- Legislature to Rescind Comments?
- Gee, it's awfully quiet in here.....
- another Blast from the past
- Another Stevie lie uncovered
- Stevie confesses to mental dischage from Marines
- How long are you going to contiue with your bull**** about Michigan
- a balst from the past 1998/09/08 form robeson stevie death in the origainl or only a copy off
- Stevie admit to lying
- NewsFlash stevie action may no longer be MIA
- why doesn't Stevie contiue to lie about the sate of michigan
- when will stevie stop lying about his actions
- Day 11 Stevie Action is MIA
- Past Gems from Candidate Carl
- Day 10 Of Stevie action MIA, when you going to fess up to your LIES
- Random surfing (OT alert)
- Just exactly what is the "Problem" with Pactor
- 05-235 FCC URL???
- Day 9 Stevie when you going to fess up to your lies
- The Weekly F.A.Q.....
- just cleaing up my screen pay it no mind
- AB5S WT 05-235 Comments to FCC
- Proof of Stevie Double Standard, if proof were really needed
- Stevie tries to be clever
- When is Stevie going to fess up?
- day 8 of Stevie Promised action, still MIA
- Re: Sing a song of Lardass, the 31 year old VIRGIN
- HF modem
- Carl WK3C Runs for ARRL Directorship
- day 6 Stevie action is still MIA
- FCC issued wrong license
- Sing a song of Woger, NIM Buster's favorite Joo
- Re: Greasy Haired Wiseman is "Just a Reggae Performer"
- free news server
- here is an issue, Operating and the Rules
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousand Americans"
- day 6 Stevie Action is MIA
- The ****Can Man Can Do
- NPR "Morning Addition" article paints BPL as rosy solution for rural broadband.
- Any 1x2's or 2x1's left in Region 4?
- Re: "Bill Clinton and his administration killed three thousand Americans"
- day 5 Stevie Action is missing
- K1man Blog
- day 4 of Stevie promised action
- A Bit Of News Markie Is Not Going To Like To See.......
- IEEE C95.1-1999
- Stevie Still think the NG revolves around him
- Stevie Still think the NG revolves around him
- Gee Stevie your promised..
- Dancing on Reagan's grave, ****ing on Nixon's grave
- We need an issue to argue about!
- Stevie Claims "action" more like missing in action most likely
- I Gonna Get You....
- where's the Great Lib Net?
- Re: Secwet Hairy Woger makes yet another boneheaded statement!
- WOGER ALERT: ****CAN ****CAN ****CAN ****CAN ****CAN
- loooooser
- day 3 of Stevie the coward
- day 3 of Stevie the coward
- day 3 of Stevie the coward
- put up or shut up
- Bigfoot sighting reported & photo
- K4YZ "brave" Marine Supreme Nurse Betrays the safety of the Nation
- Hey Toad, this is for you
- What Is Ham Radio - A Weekly F.A.Q.
- Stevie, Coward and Bully, put up or shut up
- K1man-loser
- Cops arrest UK ham for "Incitement to Racial Hatred" on 20m
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