View Full Version : Homebrew
- [QST] VHF amplifier push-pull 2c39
- Quadrature Hybrid Construction
- FS Motorola motrac crystaled up for 29.5MHz 10 meter FM $20
- New program - PROPGATE
- FME "paper clip" antenna
- MA110 specs?
- FS: UG-58A/U Type N Female Panel Mount Connector
- Help on Professor Fantasky
- Help with Reg's programs
- UPDATED - Parts for sale
- Crystal
- Need further info on network analysis terms...
- New program - SKYTRIG
- power transformers
- Simple Tone Detector?
- Coax & Rotor Bulkhead
- 1N23W source?
- 13.8V high current power supply
- Thermistors! Ah!!
- Eavesdropping Video Receives 5 Stars Review
- test
- Checkin' out dummy loads with a VNA...
- Transistor Deal
- Regen Question
- Amp Supply AT 1-6 Tuned input board Dentron FA
- SolderSmoke #20: 80 mtrs, '602 circuits, Wee Willy, Seeing Rhea from London
- how to test MC1350P based if amplifier?
- Class C engineering question
- Feedback!
- The New and Improved 'Islander'...a 7 Watt FM Transmitter
- Best way to build fixed 1.6GHz locked oscillator?
- Homebrew connectors
- low distortion antenna amp
- antenna
- FA Kenwood Station Monitor
- Favorite low power receiver ICs?
- Motorola manuals FS
- HB VHF low-pass filter
- Microwave Projects?
- If you've nothing better to do just now !
- shielded multiway connector
- Finding short duration interference?
- Fading signals
- Buildig block IF amplifiers?
- The Perfect Gift: A Tool Box
- SolderSmoke#19: Expreimenters, FET amps, soundcards, software, Beginner projects...
- FA:VIBROPLEX BUG,amp parts,tubes,+stuff
- MILLIONAIRE showers with LADYbug!
- Damaged resistor - what happens?
- Accurate voltage calibration
- APRSPoint special
- freeware for determining mixer products?
- Does cured Epoxy absorb microwaves?
- New program. COAX_VLF
- Source of info on old transistors
- UG536B/U N-plug Instructions ?
- Lowering the noise figure in a preamp
- Need: Panel Meters
- Parts for Sale - Updated
- Interested? Become a Healthy Adult Male, ("Ham", M9ZZZ) and not a Coughing Bird ("CB", H5N1) - here's the FAQ for you!
- Hi power diodes
- New forum around radio and transmitters
- HP 3709B
- cover sheet
- penetrating glass with rf
- IC756/TL922 keying - Any Suggestion?
- Drake Panel Meter
- Plexi, Lexan or ???
- ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday April 16th Cambridge MA
- New program. Input Z of Twin-lines.
- ECG736 or NTE736
- Radio-Electronics Sept 89
- How get RF through a sealed window?
- icom ic-t2h tx expand diode 18 removal mods and findings
- making a uhf bandpass filter using semi rigid or hardline?
- 20A 24v to 12v DC voltage dropper
- New program. Input Z of loaded line
- filtering of LO signals
- home made pcb
- FA: COLLINS 270G-1, 302C-1, SM-2 +PARTS+MO
- Want a Maxcom Antenna Matcher (stop laughing please)
- Codar
- Question about auto antenna cable and connectors
- SWL Database
- SWL Database
- 1MHz oscillator modules
- QRP 5W HF linear amp transistors and design
- kinda off topic, 450000 uF caps on e-bay
- Expanded UTC Page
- Z Match
- New program. Coils and Transmission Lines.
- FA: Two 6 position coax switches & other stuff
- Parts List Correction
- Another Parts Update
- The weeekly FAQ - What Is Ham Radio?
- BJT MIXER QUESTION: should it be used as non-llinear mode or switching mode?
- Illegal Immigration, the Non-Issue of the Week........................
- Chokes on digital supplies
- Surplus Junkbox Parts
- single-ended BJT MIXER design help!
- single-ended BJT MIXER design help!
- Ovenaire 1MHz crystal oven. Model sierra-A02375100
- "Fan" capacitors for microwave RF design
- HP8443A Tracking Generator Counter
- Heterodyne Mixer for FFT Spectrum Analyzer
- Need info about pyramid antenna and it's performance
- Simplified G2 Regulator for a 4CX250B amplifier
- DSP Speaker
- Re: 1000+ Members - Group for Radio Shack DX-394 Users
- FS: COMMERCIAL & AMATEUR Service Manuals
- Coax Connectors & Adapters, new catalog now available
- FS: Microphone Element for Working DX
- D104 distortion
- Info needed on Motorola 2 tube RF deck
- Connection for clock distribution
- New program. TRANCOIL
- New program. TRANCOIL
- Freq selective VM
- SolderSmoke#18: AB amps, HW-8, LTSpice, Aurora, Antennas, Mars, Saturn
- Homebuilt NBFM Receiver
- Aprspoint version 3.1 available
- FA: XR IC's, old parts, Sprague caps, builders stuff & more!
- 45 MHz IF breakthrough
- Eddystone dial
- Eddystone dial
- 45MHz crystal filters
- Dual gate mosfet
- SK-506 chimney clips
- New Program. Transmission Line Transformers
- Amateur Radio Control Shifts
- FA: Lots of old and new parts for BA gear
- MHW707-2 is it linear ?
- Any receiver IC's?
- Return Loss Bridge Accuracy Questions
- Interested? Here's your FAQ!
- APRSPoint new version sale
- Data needed on RF2065 MMIC - similar to MAR-3
- sb-1000 tuned input coils or al-80a
- FM S:N and C:N relationship?
- Crystal replacement
- mini-DX-60 status report.
- More Parts for Sale
- focus group question for new products
- Transformer
- Winding coils
- UHF, RF Power NPN - CM10-12A datasheet
- Solid state vhf and UHF amplifier designs?
- RF power transistor - CM10-12A datasheet, and stock
- GG Tetrode/Pentode QRO
- need bandswitch
- 4CX250B 2m linear circuit? (Class C ideally!)
- Wainwright Mini-Mounts
- In the interests of historical accuracy: Case White
- The smallest Baird Televisor?
- yFIf yFIf
- APRS Armageddon !!!
- What does it mean to be a _REAL_ Radio Ham? The FAQ is here!
- 7/8 wave antennas?
- What do you call these devices?
- Diode Deal
- True a.m.
- how to wind 10mH inductor for AF diplexer?
- yahoo rf amplifiers group
- Low distortion HF rcv preamp?
- FS: RF Connectors & Adapters
- kpg-43 schematic pls
- Picket-fenced ground gias next to microstrip traces
- R4C QEX project tansistors
- SN 602, SA602 etc. for an R4C
- ICOM SC-1132 data ?
- ICOM SC-1132 data ?
- Coherent CW
- Service Manual Dressler D200s
- kenwood tk-690 anyone have a schematic they can post for the kpg-43 ? same txd rxd data line
- 6J6 convertor
- Radio tracking a tortoise - help!
- SolderSmoke #17: NE602/LTspice, K1, Enigma, Saturn
- Buy and Sell Vintage Gear!
- Question about 4-400 tube socket/mounting
- Permeability of steel filled epoxy?
- Radio Hammery - The Weekly FAQ
- Re: now here sumfing funee
- New program CONNECT
- Looking for a GPS disciplined frequency synthesizer
- mixer: DBM or dual gate mosfet?
- test
- FA-Custom 4CX1000 modular linear amplifier
- New Ham Radio Group
- Need H antenna help
- Alice Cooper joins Philly's #1 Classic Rock Station for Nights
- +7dB from BFO to diode ring mixer?
- Ten-Tec 1054 Shortwave Kit
- Impedence mismatch into FET preamp
- The Weekly FAQ (Reposted after thread was hijacked by the very Childish Broadcasters (CBers) warned against.)
- FS: Copax Connectors, Adapters & Cable assemblies @ great prices
- Interested in _REAL_ Ham Radio? (As opposed to Complete Buffoonery (CB)?) Here's the FAQ for you!
- A really basic question
- Input stage for VHF frequency counter in an FPGA?
- Cost-Effective Fast Data Acquisition, and the LT5506
- antenna coaxial switch
- WTB: Triad M-4Z
- Inexpensive small shield enclosures from square tin cans
- The Great Strip-X Substitute Hunt, Part 2
- Crystals wanted
- APRSPoint president's day sale
- 4 ginnplexers 10Gig
- New program OPANGLE3
- Interested? Don't get sidetracked by the Cry Babies (CB) - a FAQ for you, the intending _REAL_ Radio Ham!
- seek LED's in "T-5 telephone slide" base
- Making up coax connections
- Which Crystal Oscillator circuit has lowest jitter
- rozbuczał mi się thomson tv
- New Program : OP_ANGLE
- Want: 73 & Ham Radio Magazines
- Test
- Dead bugs!
- linex fm transmitter mods
- TEN TEC KIT 1253
- stud sizes of terminal boards, matching spade lugs?
- FS: 0-60V/0-20A DC pwr supply with constV & constI regulation
- Russian GU-46 tube for KW amp?
- 'Radio Spares' High Power Voltage Regulator spec ?
- FT-757 GXII alignment....
- Query on phase shift in Network Analyzer Interconnects...
- Re: static-grounding of meter movements?
- The Weekly FAQ - it's more important than ever to stand up for what is right
- HP8553B mixer diodes
- Re: Crystals
- Charger for field day lead acid batteries ?
- Travel aid
- Coax Cable & Connector Catalog
- Crystals
- SM Inductors As BP Circuit
- FA: NOS Fivre 3D6 old electronic tubes
- Software Defined Radios anyone?
- FREE HAM Tips & Software
- Re: ?Interested? Start here with the weekly FAQ!
- EZ Tuner
- Cushman CE50 help needed
- FS: Plate transformers
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