View Full Version : Homebrew
- RCA Receiving tube manual RC-30 download link
- WTB: R-14 Headphones
- How to make a triode
- New Triad Transformer online archive - official!
- Homebrew Triode !!
- Man-made noise: why vertical polarized?
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Re: inexpensive analog audio pitch (frequency?) meter or schematic/ plans for one?
- Re: seeking schematics or plans to build a stereo analog volume meter (to plug into pc speaker headphone jack)
- Re: seeking schematics or plans to build a stereo analog volume meter (to plug into pc speaker headphone jack)
- Re: inexpensive analog audio pitch (frequency?) meter or schematic / plans for one?
- Podcast: SolderSmoke #73 Special New Year's edition
- FA: Manuals: Collins, Halli etc +
- is Communication Concepts Inc. still alibe
- Yeasu Portable Battery Schematics
- Yeasu Portable Battery Schematics
- Mounting Toriods
- Selecting power Fets for 500 KC transmitter
- Peter Dahl going out of business...
- Receiver design book - suggestions?
- Paging: Dave Platt
- Homemade QRP Transmitter 40-20-15-10 meters SSB for Digital Modes, isit possible?
- FYI - [email protected]
- VHF/UHF (and above) to HF Downconverter pointers/ideas?
- Hi to all
- Kenwood TH-D7A/E Radio Modification - Want The Radio To BePermanently in an PWR ON State
- Hi to all
- Meter FL-2100Z
- New issue of SolderSmoke
- 'Tenna Tuner kit clarification
- FCC and CE EMC Certification
- (6) vintage tube radios-all-$25-CHRISTMAS SALE
- potting - hot melt gule and two part epoxy
- Hi to ALL. I just join this group.
- Radiokit
- Hi to ALL. I just join this group.
- T/R sw for power amp
- potentiometer tic marks
- FA: ETEK FR-4tr Readout for Drake TR-4 Transceiver
- 3.3V version of SA602?
- 3 tube am 75 meter mobile
- Free Classifieds for Parts and Tube Gear!
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- DSP ideas wanted AND opinions on DSP software
- 2SB545A
- I need an XR-215 PLL chip
- Soldering surface mount etc, new set of videos
- "MARTHA" RF/Microwave CAD Using APL -- Free!
- B&K precision scope model 1470
- Need LA1600 AM Radio IC
- Where can I get aluminium foil (0.5 cm thickness) for HomebrewButterfly Capacitor
- Does anyone need a Turns Counter for a Roller inductor?
- Avatar Magnetics-- Transformers
- For Sale -Home brew balanced line tuner - Twin Roller Inductors
- Tube 7403
- homebrew automatic antenna tuner
- WTB 2.5" Millen Dials
- Antique Transmitter Yahoo Group
- Beat modulation of IF by Product Detector?
- Opening crystal filter can
- Radcom April 2007
- Long range portable transmitter
- PCB Layout S/W Recmondations?
- SMT replacement for BF244/BF245/BF247
- RF replacement diode for Boonton detector ?
- FA: Homebrew Radio Items
- Looking For South Texas Hams
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- BF981 classic preamp
- SolderSmoke -- A Podcast About Electronics -- #68
- When at last you do seem to succeed...
- VHF Super Regen
- Microwave oven transformers.
- tuned circuit, anyone?
- Looking for best pre-amp RF device, for HF
- FS: Amateur & Commercial Service Manuals
- Where can I get KK7B rx?
- Unable to get sensible readings on Vector Network Anaylzer
- Assuming "homebrew" includes "modify a commercial product"....
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- Denco Coils Anyone?
- ARRL Homebrew Challenge
- FA: New Clemens SG 83C Rare Vintage Signal Generator
- FS: New Clemens SG 83C Signal Generator 50 KHz - 54 MHz
- SolderSmoke 67 Podcast
- How do you make RF circuit boards?
- UHF ATV converter
- Clemens SG 83C FS on ebay #290175082850
- M2528 RF transistor
- More on the Kenwood 820s.
- More on the Kenwood 820s.
- FS - Homebrew stuff
- help with RF amplifier concept please
- FT-707 picture
- Duplexer
- TEA5757 radio design
- ATTN Homebrewers!
- APRSPoint 4.4 is released
- 811 home brew
- Schematics for Tektronix 11A34 / 119-2000-03
- answer - permanent ICMP Pings during Echolink operation -
- Fatloss computer program
- System level design tool ?
- HP Desktop for sale!
- Watch NFL Games Online
- Color-matching knobs, banana jacks, wire etc.
- SolderSmoke... now from Rome
- The Radio List
- How far will your dollar go?
- SWL'er question - Reciever costs
- A better battery case?
- Long Range Wireless Network
- Heathkit CT-1 problem ?
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- FS: Servcie Manuals for Amateur & Commercial Equipment
- VT-4C 211 test ?
- 370 AC capacitors
- DDS VFO with AD9850 / AD9851 and PIC16F877A
- Galaxy R-1530 / R-530 PLL alignment
- Help with H89/H19
- The looming disaster in over-the-air TV
- i am new
- direction finding antennas
- Xtal calibrator, 1980 ARRL Handbook
- Has anyone ever removed an antenna tuner from a radio and...
- Kenwood TKR-750 Type K Repeater
- FS: Amateur & Commercial & Test Equipment Service Manuals
- FREE-I just found this great website where you can get a FREE Plasma TV This Is NOT a Scam See for Yourself.
- Instrument Case For Transceiver
- Coil Calculations?
- How to get -89.5 dBM in this IP3 calculation
- Kenwood TS-820 problems.
- LT2-S transverter power module problem
- Telstar Electronics VoiceMax IS GARBAGE!
- Re:Telstar Electronics VoiceMax IS GARBAGE!
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Wireless Engineer, September 1936
- Test
- FA: MO' TUBES/STUFF: 6LQ6. 71A....
- WTB TS-617 Q meter manual
- Re: Worldwide Feedback Pouring in..Telstar Electronics VoiceMax is GARBAGE!
- Re: Worldwide Feedback Pouring in..Telstar Electronics VoiceMax is GARBAGE!
- QRP: broadband HF driver & PA - hints?
- Antenna for PCI wireless card
- Finals Neutralization
- Need o-scope manual
- Re: Worldwide Feedback Pouring in..Telstar Electronics VoiceMax is a Huge TURD!
- FS: Service Manuals for Commercial, Amateur Equipment, Test Equipment
- Lisa And Ed (Show #4 on Meth)
- Kanga flooded and closed for time being.
- Re: Worldwide Feedback Pouring in... Telstar Electronics VoiceMax is a Huge pile of steaming feces
- Re: Worldwide Feedback Pouring in... VoiceMax is a Huge PILE OF STEAMING FECES!
- select meet . locaion meet . locadionselect meet . locadion select meet
- Single Tube Modulator
- FS: Marconi / Spilsbury / Icom / IDA Service Manuals & MORE
- Kenwood TS-820s finals.
- TO-3P leads
- What's This Guy Smoking?
- Replacement for Carbon Comp resistors
- Experimental AMPS Micro Base Station project
- Micro Amp Meter Source?
- My vacuum tube homebrew transmitter
- Howes DFD5 Counter help
- Low & Medium Frequency Scrapbook 1983 edition
- 1500w Mobile
- Ramsey AR-1C vhf airband kit
- Mixer Data?
- Digital Readout for TV Rotator
- FS: HB stuff de W7ZFB
- SMC (YAESU) 545L1
- VSWR Meter and reactance
- IBOC decoder?
- TS-530s Finals neutralization
- Re: VoiceMax has Arrived... Introductory Priced on Ebay
- How do I change my tube type am car radio to solid state am fm radio?
- need old pop electronics article
- scheduled for sporge flood
- New HRO Receiver group
- Any suggestions for good way to store loose tubes?
- If the plate choke changes value how does it affect the plate tuning capacitor?
- FA: Last Day for these Items
- I0CG new AD9912 1GHz DDS
- Subwoofer/Amp project...
- A new use for dental floss
- Radio reception gone wacky
- Off topic .. what's the best reception portable am/fm for Camping...
- HF finals from PC monitor boards?
- VK5BR VLF receiver.
- USB (the other one!) A2D converters?
- Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons
- 20 Meter SSB Transceiver?
- HomeBrew Round Up
- Tube Power Oscillator not working properly
- Smokey 807
- microwave oven power supply
- FT2600 and APRS
- making money
- flush mount plastic 9v battery holder/compartment with cover?
- I need the help of a PIC programmer
- Texas CB Forum
- Need sources for pot with planetary drive
- Buy + Sell your Tube Gear!
- question on LP filter
- PCR1500, with or without remote head?
- Homemade piezo earpiece
- Re: ** FLEA at MIT ** Sunday July 15th Cambridge MA
- New Yahoo Group
- Putting the Ham back into Ham Radio
- Naming your projects
- Trying to identify receiver.
- Re: Learn How VoiceMax Increases Your Transmission Range...
- Naming the title of your webpage
- VoiceMax is Coming July 22nd... Are You Ready to be Heard?
- NASA Extends Bioastronautics Contract with Wyle Labs
- FA: Nice Variable Capacitors
- Mixing high side versus low side and (f1 - f2) versus (f1 + f2)
- Pioneer SX-2000 AM/FM tube receiver-MINT-best offer-needs nothing !
- New Ham Radio Website
- IF Freq for SDR sampling
- RF newbie has a ? RE: Armstrong oscillator in Q multiplier for receiver
- Looking for a specific circuits
- Demodulator
- Pioneer SX-2000 AM/FM tube receiver-MINT-best offer-needs nothing !
- Novel source for copper antenna wire
- ? on feedthrough caps
- Unlock in cw in the TS-140
- good source to buy very small tin boxes/containers?
- Collins mechanical filters for sale
- SolderSmoke #64
- Software Defined Radio DSP choice / sizing
- micropower cheap LNA
- HY1417LP datasheet/info?
- FS: Midland 70-340 VHF APRS/Packet Radios
- Service Manuals Available
- FA: 20 Loktal (Loctal) Tube Sockets, NOS
- About a narrow filter at 10.7 MHz
- Online Homebrew HF Receiver
- AGC problem - ad600/ad8307
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