View Full Version : Homebrew
- Searching overtone Butler type xtal osc info
- FA: B&K 707 Tube Tester
- WTB : Beam Traps
- Large capacitor question
- Top coupled resonators (more bandstop filters)
- A broken SSB Filter or an Off frequency Oscillator ?
- Wes Hayward's "other" book...
- Replacing xtals with nano-tubes (Nature)
- Rusty bolt effect
- yahoo rfamplifiers group, now without spam
- XR-50 coil form
- ham humor
- [Annc] New V1.6 version of GPIB utilities including HP 7470A plotter emulator available
- 4CX1600U
- Mod for Major M588?
- GPIB-ENET control software
- Re: Newbie J-Pole.
- New program TRAP3.exe
- Re: Why do WiFi basestations use two antennas?
- re: Electronics surplus / ham shops Boston ?
- Spectrum Analyzer vs. Field Strength Analyzer
- Noise Figure Measurements
- 500MHz wideband filter design
- Parts Sources OnLine
- Re: Need help with VHF transmitter kit
- 2 Meter Preamp for SSB use
- fast cash
- Frequency stability in vacuum tube VFOs, how do you do it?
- Electronics surplus / ham shops Boston ?
- Need tip for Ungar Princess 6918 Pencil Iron
- Reg's programs and Windows-XP
- What's this inductor doin'?
- EB63 Amplifier Kit again
- FS Siemens electrolytics
- Amateur radio is fake !
- Class-D RF PA
- FA: HP 8620A sweeper 10-1300 MHz
- 18nH Inductor
- TC9174F source
- 2754P problem
- FS: Andrews LDF 4-50 & LDF 5-50 at Leicester Show
- Re: My Sister Loves Champagne ! 364 [1/2]
- power output formula
- KC8AON Iambic Paddle Project
- Tesla toob on E-bay
- Newbie ?: I've Built A Simple 1/4 Wave Dipole for 2 Mtrs. Could IMake a1/2 Wave?
- Tube amp questions
- wierdass brickwall angle or amplitude filter, could it be usefulto hams?
- Are there any good EE/Ham programs for the Pocket PC?
- K9YA Telegraph eZine
- Getting RF amp stable
- cw adapter htx-10
- Car Radios: Why is the reception so good...
- Re: New program "Not a trap"
- PA 100W amplifier - help me
- Requirements for Signalink SL-1
- 1958 JULY QST magazine
- looking for 1958 QST magazine
- New program "Not a Trap"
- Need copy of Documentation for BK 3020 Sweep Function Generator
- Had to fix my TS440SAT, cracked solder joints on a transistor
- Battery question
- FETs: measuring Vgs(off)
- FS: 39 pieces>All sorts of Potentiometers, Most Philco marked, w/Pics
- FA: Weller Soldering Station
- Pre amps
- Not homebrew -- but can u recommend a rig for Peace Corps volunteer
- Re: FedEx loses points with me
- Spec for NDK TXCO
- LF: PC bandscope plans/info
- MS1307 and IRF520 rumors
- WANT: Kenwood TS450 Junker or boards
- tandem-match wattmeter
- Re: NEED: Schematics for building a broad band frequency jammer (FM 88M-108M)
- British Intelligence's SuperBug
- FS Ad - TIL311 & DIS1417 Hexadecimal Displays
- 833A Question
- Repairing Kenwood TS-820 (PA)
- Help fixing Weller EC2002A Soldering Station
- Toriod winding
- Modifying KL-40 for higher input
- Miami area Ham or Radio Tech/Engineer?
- HF amplifier with PNP
- Linear HF amp using 807's
- Tek 2754P
- WTB 8877 amp
- Inviting Entries to Electronic Design Contest to win cash $100
- re Battery voltage indicator
- New Web Forum
- CB "Swing"? (proper AM modulation)
- Looking for Baycom Packet modem
- Wattmeter Location
- FA:Heathkit Variable voltage bench power supply
- 24 volt power supply schematic needed
- modify an AN tuner part 3
- Intermediate Licence project
- WTB: Collins 32S3 mechanical filter
- Data for MRA 280 UHF power transistor (50W 600-1000MHz)
- Re: Is it possible to modify this radio? kenwood tr-7850
- FS: 3 Spools of 36'ea. of #18 DCC Wire>Vintage w/pic
- That pesky 7238 kHz CW signal
- Help me choose a tv/video capture device
- Amateur Radio contribution on 9/11/2001
- RM Italy RM3 transistors
- FA: Quality RF components
- test only
- More Parts for sale
- Tayloe detector and undersampling
- ALC problems HF radios.
- modify an AM tuner to go on 4mhz!!!
- Is ours the most technical hobby in the world?
- Amplifier Oscillation
- For women:
- Another hopeless text: spot the errors...
- books wanted
- FA: Quality RF components
- wireless intercom
- FA: Unbuilt Heathkit: Aux Serial Port
- Amp Supply LK-450 on 10 meters
- Re: Measureing Q of a pi tank circuit
- FA:MISC Manual Clean out
- Ham radio and 9/11 - BBC R4 programme
- Q: cleaning old Potentiometers
- Question: HV Variable Caps from Printed Circuit Board
- Good Cheap Soldering Iron
- Battery voltage indicator
- Modify a tuner to receive outer frequencies
- Texas Instruments renames SN74107/CD4027
- Surplus stores in NJ
- Parts for sale still
- Re: 100 MHz Crystal
- WANTED: Info on VHF Portable
- FA: Mobile mics, manuals, tubes, parts...
- NBFM from DDS chip
- Electronics Club - Time to "pass the knowledge torch"
- Houston surplus parts store ?
- Need Recomondations on Some Equipment
- My Radio Shack DX-375 problem
- FS: Now w/ new Pictures - Home Brew HF Linear Amplifier 80-10 meters, single Eimac 4-400
- WTB: EV-676 connector
- looking for schematic making software
- Grid Dip Meter Circuit Found
- Polishing and drilling marble slabs?
- Doubling a reference frequency
- How to bias a MOSFET amp?
- Surplus for sale
- DIODES: 1 KV AT 1.5A
- QRP receivers: LM386 as audio filter + amplifier ?
- RF parts and equipment
- Tek 2792P
- Noisy trimmer pots
- RF Xistors Available
- Replacement Transistor
- Vertical Antennae matching
- Trimmer capacitor queries
- Colorado
- Surplus 19" equipment rack available in/near Toledo, OH?
- Farhan's Final
- 5/8 square fiberglass tubing?
- Parts for Sale
- need help finding info on TE systems 1410g
- scanner \ cellular phone question
- DTV disk on ham?
- Re: Hi
- 20 Meter FOXX3
- Looking for griddip meter circuit
- NCL-2000 Amplifier parts
- FA: RF Power Transistors BLX67/BLY53A
- Need ADI contact information please.
- mrf141g/d1028/blf248 amp question..
- How does this "cold heat" soldering iron work?
- ARRL Radio Designer
- Norcal 38 Special Info needed
- Re: Receive NDB beacons ?
- FA:MANUALS (ORIG) Eico,Ameritron,Sencore + stuff
- ICOM R-71A for sale
- schema for a power amplifier
- Ham Radio For Dummies
- Soldering Suprise
- Desert Rat Dilemma
- Florida Contacts
- High Current Horror Stories
- D104 and the 706
- CTCSS Tone Encoder
- Re: Neato! Cheap VLF converter!
- FA: 1923 1946 Radio Handbooks
- easy to made cb reciever
- development of the "Desert Ratt" regenerative receiver design
- Re: Throw away your network analyser and use Spice!
- QST 9/04 Xtal Osc Phase Noise ?
- Re: KLM VHF power amp
- Re: Another HB VNA - opinions, please...
- Error in textbook?
- Re: Focus on Tek 2236 Scope
- FA: ITC Cart Machine Service Manual
- FA:Vibroplex carrying case + more....
- FA: Older Vibroplex 'bug' + more....
- QRS - new song
- Metric PL259?
- Re: Analog tunining dial templates
- Re: Ft for RF transistor
- 3CX800A7 vs 4CX800A
- Plumbing techniques on VHF
- PL259 Query
- WTB: Heath 104 knobs, black
- Measuring transitor impedances
- Motorla RF module info?
- Re: rich cw for qrpp on hf
- Re: Solar-Powered Repeater Stations
- Re: The Best Low Power AM Transmitter?
- Re: Schematic and routing programmes
- Re: S - Y Parameter conversion with Smith Chart
- Ground Radials - a new look!
- Re: Need data for Siemens varicap diode BB113
- For Sale: Tubular Tower MA55, SteppIR, Yaesu G-800DXA, K-2
- Re: VN88 Fets as linear amp
- My Unbelievable story is translation
- Re: S - Y Parameter conversion with Smith Chart
- Re: Stability of huff & puff.
- Re: Home Brew Bug key?
- Early PSK-20 manual wanted.
- Rexon RV100 schematics ?
- FA: Gates 1Adc choke + more parts.....
- Measuring IP3
- mfj 422 keyer mod
- The bi-polar transistor at RF
- FS: Everybody needs Ceramic Trimmers>25 FS w/pic $35ppd!
- FS: 6 Mystery Grab-Bag>1-1/2lbs of Components & Box w/pics!
- Help PRM80
- Want to make a passive SWL preselector
- ForSale Philips Prm80 and power Supply
- Converting Vectronics HFT 1500 to L network?
- Elements for Cushcraft 2m Yagi
- VHF receiver (finished work inside)
- FA: AC Line filters,chassis punch 1.125" + more
- 440 Low-Noise PREAMP
- FS: 6 Mystery Grab-Bag>1-1/2lbs of Components & Box w/pics!
- htx-202
- AD9874 IF system/ADC
- Capacitance Meter Project
- wanted air-403 wind gen
- Battery capacity needed?
- Cell phones dot matrix LCD display
- Re: How to calculate VCO gain ?
- Sweep tube
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