View Full Version : Homebrew
- Cascading Cheap Ceramic IF Filters?
- Steel Chassis
- problems?
- Eagle Library for LM386 anyone ?
- New old heath kits
- RF probe
- FA: 50 watt dummy load termination (35 watt also)
- Wanted
- Epiphyte
- 6m qrp all mode
- speaker impedance transformation
- FA:Collins knobs,RF-550A,B&W coils(40-10)
- Question on Picokeyer & Paddle
- HP Spectrum Modules Available...Parts Only
- New Program - XTL_SET.exe
- PO for 1500p of Attenuators - 50 Ohm*GAAS MMIC 50Mhz*3GHz
- FS/FT Composition Resistors
- ascom translator
- WTD: HF Dummy Load for servicing
- Is JB Weld Electrically conductive?
- HP crystal Osc
- Very low cost PCB prototypes
- Data
- VHF Prescalers?
- Need data sheet for a NE2369 transistor
- DTMF Software??
- Strange Redifon highlevel mixer (+20dBm)
- Announcing 'hifi-am', to discuss High Fidelity AM tuners and hobbyist transmitters
- Announcing 'hifi-am', to discuss High Fidelity AM tuners and hobbyist transmitters
- PLL for VHF receiver (see attached files)
- 7213 tube data sheet
- sell
- Help with A.R.R.L 1960 Handbook Project
- magic band and baby monitors
- Hot etchant
- Latest project
- Wide Freq Range?
- '73 Magazine'?
- shields+knobs+ more
- QRPp Magazine Spring 2003
- how to meas Zo of FT caps?
- RCA 7213 Toob datasheet wanted
- What sort of enclosures do you use ?
- EMI problem...
- Help with Vintage crystal unit
- FA: RCA 7213 AF UHF Microwave Transmitter Tube
- Re: Surplus Service Manuals & EF Johnson Parts
- FA: 01A'S Ceramic Base + more items
- FA: R-390 Small+Medium Knobs + more
- AD9854 DDS VFO
- R2Pro
- Packet Radio Bulletins
- BPL, the ARRL and the UPLC
- Supplier of project boxes and/or cases
- "Carl & Jerry" series from Popular Electronics
- Alexanderson generatoor transmits on 17.2kHz next week-end
- Help coax
- one tube xtal tx
- Direct TV disk and LNA
- W7ZOI/K5IRK High Performance RX
- Bypass caps to Vcc?
- how to make a 50::100 balun?
- T-Kit 1054 Regen Schematic?
- FT-101ZD problem.
- looking for 2sk2975.pdf or RD07MVS... do you know a good vendor?
- C-MAC 1.44MHz BandB. Looking for In-/Out-Inpedance
- extra power cabe through auto filewall
- looking for 2sk2975.pdf or RD07MVS... do you know a good vendor?
- Free: "DoppleScAnt" system
- Re: Wanted: the definitive RF equivalent model for a resistor!
- _Interesting_ antenna: the "RUZ"
- Free: RF magazines
- question about cell phone boosters
- FT 480R fault - 147.000 MHz on TX
- Trade Kenwood for Tuner
- FS: New Porcelain Feedthrough Insulators
- APRSPoint announcement
- Kenwood TK701S help
- High Voltage Components from microwave ovens
- Free: HP8444A tracking generator
- Free: HP8444A tracking generator
- Free: HP8444A tracking generator
- Free: 150MHz mobile FM amp; LM13 freq meter
- XR2206 sweep generator problem
- Receiving DRM with the DX-394
- WTB: McMurdo Silver 5C manual/info
- Ic-7800 2nd mixer design question
- Free: HP1743A scope "for parts"
- Re: RCA 7213 Transmitting tube + Duplexors
- DCF-77 receiver, any ideas?
- TS-520 Oscillator Problem
- help identify: Varian VMC-1680 (5.5 GHz oscillator; Magnetron? Klystron?)
- For magnet lovers...
- Free: Seattle area; QST and old microwave and pulse gens
- FA: Collins & Antique Bakelite knobs+more
- Low current crystal oscillator
- Who you are sens about this
- What you sens about this
- I`m Sorry, I Have Rectification
- I`m Sorry, I Have Rectification
- OCXO module Spec's and Pinouts?
- My email is full blocked, I can`t receive ours mail, else are empty
- For all I have Mail Delivery Subsystem
- Double gate FET
- Solder-Mount breadboarding parts
- FM BCB Rcvr. design...
- FA: Tektronix 497P 100 Hz-21 GHz spectrum analyzer
- adjust circulators down to 144 and 432MHz bands
- Preserving the "Real" in _REAL_ Ham Radio?
- My story is opend for publish
- My story is opend for publish
- Antenna Preamp
- Antenna Preamp
- New Programs for Homebrewers
- New Programs for Homebrewers
- Capacitance Meter ????
- Capacitance Meter ????
- Motorola power supply
- Motorola power supply
- Need a low noise VXO for narrow sweep
- Need a low noise VXO for narrow sweep
- Needed- Blank PC boards
- Needed- Blank PC boards
- BITX20 Superhet Transceiver for 20m SSB
- BITX20 Superhet Transceiver for 20m SSB
- Unbelievable a My story
- Unbelievable a My story
- Please I' need Help because Im in Ghetto.
- Please I' need Help because Im in Ghetto.
- looking for design assistence
- looking for design assistence
- schematic wanted
- schematic wanted
- FA: MORE MULTIPLE LOTS of Various Electronic Components
- FA: MORE MULTIPLE LOTS of Various Electronic Components
- WJ TWT pinout?
- WJ TWT pinout?
- 90 degree phase shifter
- 90 degree phase shifter
- superhet rx homebrew
- superhet rx homebrew
- Electronic Component Spare Parts
- Electronic Component Spare Parts
- "JDM" pic programmer 2
- "JDM" pic programmer 2
- FA:Collins S-Line knobs x2 + more stuff
- FA:Collins S-Line knobs x2 + more stuff
- superhet schematics
- superhet schematics
- N2PK Vector Network Analyzer
- FA: EIMAC 3 - 500 (2)
- FA: EIMAC 3 - 500 (2)
- three stage battery charger
- three stage battery charger
- NEW - Choke Balun Program
- NEW - Choke Balun Program
- Where to get project box for USB/Serial Cable?
- Where to get project box for USB/Serial Cable?
- any spice models for 1S5 or other battery tubes?
- any spice models for 1S5 or other battery tubes?
- gibert cell in glass?
- gibert cell in glass?
- Coil
- Coil
- FA: 6SK7 - New in Boxes
- FA: 6SK7 - New in Boxes
- EXCELLENT price for 1-4 Layers prototype PCB
- EXCELLENT price for 1-4 Layers prototype PCB
- Jameco and substituted parts
- Jameco and substituted parts
- Pinlayout/Datasheet of E89382 LCD wanted
- Pinlayout/Datasheet of E89382 LCD wanted
- Re: LSB problems with IC706MKII
- Re: B&W HF Wideband Folded Dipole and Isotron
- CricuitMaker Student Software Flawed?
- CricuitMaker Student Software Flawed?
- Kenwood TS-940 & TS-930 Repair Service
- Kenwood TS-940 & TS-930 Repair Service
- WTD: 74AS192 or 74S192 counters
- WTD: 74AS192 or 74S192 counters
- Re: B&W HF Wideband Folded Dipole and Isotron
- Re: B&W HF Wideband Folded Dipole and Isotron
- easy pc question (pcb cad prog)
- easy pc question (pcb cad prog)
- FA: Heavy Duty 20m (14mhz) Dipole Antenna
- FA: Heavy Duty 20m (14mhz) Dipole Antenna
- Awesome app note
- Awesome app note
- NDI HC-1400
- NDI HC-1400
- wanted seme lab D1001/2uk
- wanted seme lab D1001/2uk
- WTB: Manuals for 2 signal tracers
- WTB: Manuals for 2 signal tracers
- Harry's Homebrew homepages.
- Harry's Homebrew homepages.
- WTB: manuals for 2 signal tracers
- WTB: manuals for 2 signal tracers
- can valves be used in class E?
- can valves be used in class E?
- various qrp projects
- Radio Shack DSP use SCFs?
- Radio Shack DSP use SCFs?
- Fluke meters?
- Fluke meters?
- Effect of substituting ferrites with ordinary resistors in PA circuit?
- Effect of substituting ferrites with ordinary resistors in PA circuit?
- Recomended mid-range shortwave set-up
- Recomended mid-range shortwave set-up
- Regenerative Tube Receiver schematic
- Regenerative Tube Receiver schematic
- dds + pic
- dds + pic
- An easy to build SSB transceiver
- An easy to build SSB transceiver
- various qrp projects
- HP-606a TEK 535a parts
- HP-606a TEK 535a parts
- Metcal RF generator
- Metcal RF generator
- Regenerative Tube Receiver
- Regenerative Tube Receiver
- FS: Custom Cloclks with your Call, Picture, etc, Cheep>Neat-o
- FS: Custom Cloclks with your Call, Picture, etc, Cheep>Neat-o
- Looking for spare parts for HP 8558B Spectrum Analyzer
- dds + pic
- dds + pic
- FA: MULTIPLE LOTS of Various Electronic Components
- FA: MULTIPLE LOTS of Various Electronic Components
- fs or trade IC 718
- fs or trade IC 718
- MHW 612 "data-sheet" wanted
- MHW 612 "data-sheet" wanted
- FS: Old Radio Related Books
- FS: Old Radio Related Books
- FA: 1947 CALL BOOK
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