View Full Version : Homebrew
- common phase DDS?
- FS: HB cabinets de W7ZFB
- W: datasheet to NEC LD4389A TWT
- HamPoll Polling Station
- Defibrillator caps for ham use?
- Permeability tuned inductors
- WTB: M32(A) Module for Wavetek 3001
- wanted: Cardwell-Johnson capacitor
- Thanks RRAH and Communications Concepts
- Re: FAQ
- A, An, or The FAQ
- A, An, or The FAQ
- BFO, CW, sideband question
- looking for toughts on protable SSTV units
- For the Collins collector who has everything:
- VNA and tank circuits?
- Problem with soldering gun
- Re: FAQ
- Closing station, PCB shop, going QRT
- HF Power Amplifier
- 20meter propagation question...
- 4CX250B amp, with lumped output tuning
- Wideband RF blocking
- MPS6543 Transistor
- EAS decoder..
- Curtis 8044 keyer chip
- Looking for 1296 MHz beacon project
- Using a Y5V dielectric capacitor for tuning
- test
- High Q caps for 60 Khz loop antenna?
- How to receive out of band signals..
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- impedance of 2x 4cx800a ?
- Ham radio kits
- Link to QST/QEX files
- WTB:Heathkit parts
- Re: Ping N8WWM dogie adair the section eight sissy
- Putting the "Real" back into _REAL_ Ham Radio
- Boy's Books Of Radio And Electronics
- ND2M EQ5 Equalizer schematic wanted
- Check it Out!
- "Miss Moskita" who hurts me...
- Shunt feedback in broadband RF amps
- best material for turning a closet into a Faraday cage
- poor man's network analyzer ??
- power formula for vswr?
- Free: Radiotron Designer's Handbook, 4th Edition
- 40/50 Mix toroid specs?
- I seem to have forgotten the weekly FAQ, don't panic, here it is!
- Complete Heathkit Station
- MFJ homebrew parts?
- Prompted by Leigh Preece M5GWH - The weekly FAQ
- FA:GONSET 201 Amp Huge Diagram+ mo parts
- High Voltage Caps for Plate Supply ??
- Homebrew repair of Standard C110 Help!
- et al, a FAQ
- Pulsing LEDs for higher efficiency
- Wanted PL519 valves
- For Sale
- Choice of iron powder toriod?
- FA: JENNINGS FixVac Caps 250,2000pf + mo
- Wanted: KAM All-Mode EPROM
- Receiver bandwidth
- EMTECH Kit Users...Opinions? Ideas?
- "What is Ham Radio?" - The Daily F.A.Q.
- Ceramic filters and IF transformers
- 4cx800a hf amplifier?
- The weekly F.AQ
- need 73's article from '98
- need millen bandswitch
- wtb 400v rms transformer
- epoxy instead of solder?
- wtb 8122 matched set
- Antsoft Best domain software
- How to feed a long half-square?
- solder paste for SMT?
- SB-220 Parts
- WTD: Powerpole 180A Connectors
- DX
- DSP, DRM and other Mods for the DX-394
- FM SCA adapter?
- Preamp
- Manual for HP 1707B Oscilloscope
- Vectron pinout ?
- AM-1180/GRC manual/schematic?
- sig gen plans
- FA:Uniden BC-350A,MFJ-208+.....
- For Sale.. OR Swap.. Bearcat 155XL 16 channel scanner.. FOR 2 meter HT
- Electronic Component Spare Parts ..
- WTB: Heathkit Circular Dial
- Buffer Amp IC suggestions plse
- Low power homebrew test equipment
- Ratcheting Crimp Tool Question
- Building the Ed Romney Handbook regen
- Problem of nearby transmitter breakthrough
- Quad 837 Grounded Grid linear amplifier
- Quad 837 Grounded Grid linear amplifier
- VHF cavity resonator w/ regeneration as IF for HF RX ?
- transformer basic question
- A lot of good diagrams
- This Just Released - Science News
- Recommended Reading for Homebrewing Radio Amateurs
- Recommended reading for _REAL_ Radio Hams
- Re: The FAQ
- solid state 6m amplifier
- Online PCB manufacturers
- FA:Jennings JCS-250PF fxd caps + more
- Triggering the HP 3585A spec analyzer
- Sir Douglas Hall Dec. 1943 article
- DDS and phase noise.
- Big old-fashioned IF transformers for tube-type homebrewing?
- Big old-fashioned IF transformers for tube-type homebrewing?
- A GREAT way to get FREE cash !!
- The easiest way to get free cash!
- switching power mosfet as RF amplifiers
- Use microwave oven chassis for a radio?
- Free eAudio
- More layoffs at your workplace?
- Fire Your Boss..!
- Amphenol Microphone Connectors (Heathkit, etc.)
- Butterworth bandpass filter question
- Re: The FAQ....
- lf to HF preselector design needed
- Help identify tower manufacturer
- Dayton
- FS: Coax Connectors, Adapters, & Bulk Cable
- F.S. AEA PK-232MBX
- Old Part Needed
- WTT Bearcat 155XL Desktop Scanner/FOR Broken Winchester 94 rifle
- PLL troubleshooting experience
- Old Fashioned SS QRP CW TX ?
- oscillator problem: pulling crystal abt 500 Hz in LT2S SSB Electronics -transverter
- RF-circuit board
- Ham Radio (sic) NotFAQs
- zener in HP 6111A D.C. power supply
- What Is Ham Radio?.....A Weekly F.A.Q.
- Help finding equivalent diodes needed
- Philps/Magnavox D2999 help needed
- phase angle and impedance of resonant circuits
- APRS Question
- NE602 Primer article?
- Philips/Magnavox D2999 service manual, schematic needed
- FA:HUGE GE/Westingh. Meters,+ tubes+stuff....
- Homebrew Web Site, New Homebrew PODCAST
- FT-1000D - 4th IF notch & prod det - frequencies? function?
- Yaesu FL-7000 : what's the right price???
- 15-tube homebrew receiver for sale
- HP141T Repair
- A Weekly F.A.Q. - What Is Ham Radio?
- Homebrew radio
- Manual for MFJ-1276 TNC?
- The Perfect Ham Store?
- Help on 4CX1500B Data
- fa: Last hours: Vac Fixed Caps...
- Motorola RF Power Transistors???
- Re Broadband Amplifier
- Broadband Amplifier
- Stable Regen Receiver--Does it Exist??
- WTD: Powerpole 180A Connectors
- HP 8558B Analyser Problem - Help Needed
- MB3763P - where to buy?
- Yahoo RF Amplifiers Group
- FS/FT: Motorola Base Station/Repeater?
- Phillips EE Kits
- Op amp supply-rail question
- The Weekly F.A.Q.....
- Re: Stan's Parts Shop
- Microwave transformer HF PA Powersupply
- Brag Page
- 73' mag article "TV/VCR TUNER APPLICATIONS by W6WTU
- Homebrew AM transistor radio
- RadioShack Catalog
- Linear wideband power amp
- Tuned MFJ-1024 Active Antenna
- Re: Lattice-wound RF choke replacement, 50 years later
- Spectrum Analyser from Cell Phones?
- Make your own transistor?
- K9YA Telegraph - September 2005 Issue (FREE)
- New Program. L-match Networks.
- Foxhole Radio
- Radio problem
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- motormovies
- FS: 500 Watt solidstate HF linear amplifier....
- Bigfoot sighting & photo
- What Is Ham Radio - A Weekly F.A.Q.
- Sony kitchen radio
- Lattice-wound RF choke replacement, 50 years later
- Desperately Seeking ...user\service manual for Farnell LS-30
- Marconi RC782 TX
- Can 6146B tubes be used in GG (grounded grid)?
- FS: Lots of homebrew amplifier parts
- Qst Jan 1990 article
- FA: Heathkit Station Monitor SB-614 Oscilloscope
- FA: El-Key Paddle - Very Rare Morse Code Key
- FA:Tubes:6JB6,6V6Y,6V6GT,Catalogs+....
- 600 plus METERS for sale
- Gain of 2N3866 at Lower Voltages
- WTB or FS for parts Kenwood TM-701a vhf/uhf tranceiver
- Re: New Sync AM Special Interest Group
- RACAL filter impedance
- SSB voice keyer from MP3 player?
- mc145170 pic programe
- FA: Original Manuals:TWE 500+1000, HRO-50-1, 1 day
- Rules-of-thumb for RF variable cap plate spacing?
- 6m or 10m CW RX Kit
- My Homebrew gear
- Anyone Can Do It! Make a Substantial Income!
- Old Miller IF Transformer Data Search... Anyone with an old catalog?
- PSpice help needed
- Crystal Shortwave?
- Parts at Hamfests
- Exam Question.....
- Postage-stamp sized radio?
- The body of knowledge held by Hams?
- Pool leak detector?
- VFD as an audio/RF amplifier?
- A F.A.Q - What is Ham Radio?
- homebrew car antenna
- FA:NOS 572B x2 <$11!
- need scheme of 300Volt Fet HF linear
- MSK Demodulator
- TS-120
- Inadvertant mixing -- what was I hearing?
- Variable Capacitor Software
- BF0 Circuit
- FS: Lots of tubes. Hams, collectors?
- FS: Meters, and lots of them
- Reviving 12V Gel cells
- FA:Heath: SQ-1, SG-7 (not SG-1),VY Nice
- Re: Reposted due to thread hijacking by CBers....A Ham Radio FAQ
- anyone know about kit modifation to CW rigs for RTTY or other digital modes
- A F.A.Q. for Ham Radio
- FA: NIB 6JE6C Tubes, Linear Amp
- FA:VY RARE/NICE McMurdo Silver 5C+'Buy it now'
- FA: Last few hours for Collins/Heath 6146A's(Syl)
- QUESTION: Logarithmic Amplifiers and their Uses
- QUESTION: Homebrew Near Field 3Ghz Frequency Meter.
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