View Full Version : Homebrew
- FA: 1947 CALL BOOK
- FA:ARRL + CQ Surplus conversion
- FA:ARRL + CQ Surplus conversion
- What Tube to use???
- What Tube to use???
- Phase frequency Detector
- Phase frequency Detector
- Millionaire pays you for giving away his ebook for free!
- Millionaire pays you for giving away his ebook for free!
- Retro HB: home-made projection type tuning scale (+ slow motion drive) ?
- How determine pin-outs of car radio?
- How determine pin-outs of car radio?
- Do You Need Visitors
- Do You Need Visitors
- Do You Need Visitors
- Do You Need Visitors
- Non-directional tracking solution?
- Non-directional tracking solution?
- ICS501
- Radiowillem
- Radiowillem
- WTD: Yaesu FT767GX PSU board wanted
- WTD: Yaesu FT767GX PSU board wanted
- SSB AM FM Detector IC
- Jennings UCSXF 1500 variable caps
- wanted s/h or new motorola 2n4427's
- wanted s/h or new motorola 2n4427's
- Hot Price for Prototype PCB
- Hot Price for Prototype PCB
- Earthquake alerting by low-cost radio monitoring
- Earthquake alerting by low-cost radio monitoring
- HP 8750A normailzer on 141T ?
- HP 8750A normailzer on 141T ?
- Jennings UCSXF 1500 variable caps
- ICS501
- SSB AM FM Detector IC
- Retro HB: home-made projection type tuning scale (+ slow motion drive) ?
- DC saturation for ferrite cores
- DC saturation for ferrite cores
- $50+ speaker boxes ... why do people buy these?
- $50+ speaker boxes ... why do people buy these?
- Bi-directional amplifiers
- Bi-directional amplifiers
- Help - My Amp Supply LK-500ZB Linear got Zapped by Lightning!!
- Help - My Amp Supply LK-500ZB Linear got Zapped by Lightning!!
- Calibratable Field Strength Meter?
- Calibratable Field Strength Meter?
- FA:J. MILLEN Plug-in xmtr Coil set + more
- FA:J. MILLEN Plug-in xmtr Coil set + more
- FA: 6JS6C X2, VT-25/10Y X2 + MORE
- FA: 6JS6C X2, VT-25/10Y X2 + MORE
- FA: NAT. Velvet Vernier Dial + more
- FA: NAT. Velvet Vernier Dial + more
- Yaesu FT767GX bits required ?
- Yaesu FT767GX bits required ?
- WTB: Electronic Workbench
- WTB: Electronic Workbench
- Medium wave pre selector
- Medium wave pre selector
- Measuring Zin
- Measuring Zin
- FS: Lots of 120: VRN KS-21859-L10 DIP Switches : $ 17 Shipped
- FS: Lots of 120: VRN KS-21859-L10 DIP Switches : $ 17 Shipped
- Digital phone on 2m?
- Digital phone on 2m?
- Loose connection inside D cell battery
- Loose connection inside D cell battery
- DC saturation for ferrite cores
- DC saturation for ferrite cores
- FA: Something for everyone including homebrewers.
- FA: Something for everyone including homebrewers.
- Roll your own QSL cards?
- Roll your own QSL cards?
- FS: 5876 / 5876A pencil triodes
- FS: 5876 / 5876A pencil triodes
- Microwave Software
- Microwave Software
- WTB: P/S unit for Henry 4-k amp
- WTB: P/S unit for Henry 4-k amp
- Improve handheld audio?
- Improve handheld audio?
- QUALITY SINGLE CLUB! Right place to meet someone special!
- QUALITY SINGLE CLUB! Right place to meet someone special!
- ISO Manual for Telephone Interconnects. Zetron and IDA System 2
- ISO Manual for Telephone Interconnects. Zetron and IDA System 2
- FA: Electronics Engineering education course - CIE
- FA: Electronics Engineering education course - CIE
- Jumpy Silver Mica Capacitors ?
- Jumpy Silver Mica Capacitors ?
- Heathkit service or operators manual help?
- Heathkit service or operators manual help?
- My radio works with uranium ....
- My radio works with uranium ....
- pulse transformers
- pulse transformers
- Problems with LSB on IC706MKII
- Problems with LSB on IC706MKII
- 455 kHz CW filter for ICOM
- 455 kHz CW filter for ICOM
- Need QST article from February 1990
- Need QST article from February 1990
- Dolby Digital decoder
- Dolby Digital decoder
- Kit for Making PCB for SMT component
- Kit for Making PCB for SMT component
- Filter Design/Analysis program FREE with powerful crystal ladder designs
- Help identifying devices
- Help identifying devices
- Voltage calibration source needed
- Voltage calibration source needed
- DDS chips
- DDS chips
- frequency counter
- frequency counter
- Epiphyte
- Epiphyte
- Rough guess at these impedances...
- Rough guess at these impedances...
- calculate RF choke?
- calculate RF choke?
- FS: Collins Radio Partrs and More
- FS: Collins Radio Partrs and More
- FS Ad - Electronic Components including TIL311 Hex Displays - LEDs - TTL Chips
- FS Ad - Electronic Components including TIL311 Hex Displays - LEDs - TTL Chips
- Frequency counter
- Frequency counter
- Ultiboard 7.0 -- anyone using it?
- Ultiboard 7.0 -- anyone using it?
- FS: Homebrew Radio Goodies
- FS: Homebrew Radio Goodies
- Re: Ham Software ???
- Capacitor Series question
- Capacitor Series question
- Wanted Info Antennas by Smithe 15m Broomstick
- Wanted Info Antennas by Smithe 15m Broomstick
- Spice Toroid Model
- Spice Toroid Model
- crystal ladder filters
- crystal ladder filters
- surface mount transistor identification..
- surface mount transistor identification..
- FYI: Linear Amplifier Projects
- FYI: Linear Amplifier Projects
- Dayton items:Scott,Westinghouse++
- Dayton items:Scott,Westinghouse++
- VCO noise - update
- VCO noise - update
- most facile way to move heavy toolcase up/down stairs?
- most facile way to move heavy toolcase up/down stairs?
- Wanted: Manual for WaveTek 3000-200 Signal Generator + Deviation Meter
- Another unusual waveshape...
- Another unusual waveshape...
- Selecting oscillator harmonic on multi-mode line for ultra-widebandVCO?
- Selecting oscillator harmonic on multi-mode line for ultra-widebandVCO?
- AL Magnet Wire?
- AL Magnet Wire?
- Searching a transverter
- Searching a transverter
- Superfast Power MOSFETs for a Linear Amp?
- Superfast Power MOSFETs for a Linear Amp?
- NE/SA602 VS NE/SA612
- NE/SA602 VS NE/SA612
- NE602 Oscillator
- NE602 Oscillator
- audio filter and the MAX295
- audio filter and the MAX295
- Test
- Test
- Iambic keyer with MSP430 chip??
- Iambic keyer with MSP430 chip??
- Re: Electric Fence Energiser
- Wanted: Manual for WaveTek 3000-200 Signal Generator + Deviation Meter
- Radio & Electronics World Magazine RF Articles
- Radio & Electronics World Magazine RF Articles
- Spectrum Analyzer - VCO Results
- Mortorola MC13458L 14-pin DIP Pinout needed
- Mortorola MC13458L 14-pin DIP Pinout needed
- Need Opinions Please....
- Need Opinions Please....
- DAB Receiver.
- DAB Receiver.
- FS: HALLICRAFTERS logo quartz wall clock!
- FS: HALLICRAFTERS logo quartz wall clock!
- Measuring RF output impedance
- Measuring RF output impedance
- URM 120
- URM 120
- ARRL CD ROMS under linux.
- ARRL CD ROMS under linux.
- VHF / UHF PA 30mWin / 10W out
- VHF / UHF PA 30mWin / 10W out
- Heat sink sources
- Heat sink sources
- Alternate parts
- Alternate parts
- 433MHZ modules followup
- 433MHZ modules followup
- ladder filters
- ladder filters
- MW antenna signal coupling
- MW antenna signal coupling
- RFI Problem With Lamp
- RFI Problem With Lamp
- FA"Parts + CQ, WST mags +++
- FA"Parts + CQ, WST mags +++
- 250+ degree meter movements?
- 250+ degree meter movements?
- DCTL Antenna
- DCTL Antenna
- Quadrature mixing from 2xLO PLL?
- Quadrature mixing from 2xLO PLL?
- unknown part labeled SGH 02
- unknown part labeled SGH 02
- seek lamp changer
- seek lamp changer
- 4 pin VRs
- 4 pin VRs
- sm rf power transistors??
- sm rf power transistors??
- Icom 730 Preventative Maintenance Questions
- Icom 730 Preventative Maintenance Questions
- Need SM-20 Mic. schematic
- Need SM-20 Mic. schematic
- surface mount soldering..
- surface mount soldering..
- How to Short Circuit Diodes
- How to Short Circuit Diodes
- This electric utility has brass balls, and needs someone to CUT THEMOFF!
- This electric utility has brass balls, and needs someone to CUT THEMOFF!
- i should speak too loudly into the mic to get more output power!
- i should speak too loudly into the mic to get more output power!
- First time using ladderline??
- First time using ladderline??
- psk31 cable and ic718
- psk31 cable and ic718
- Radio control transmitter - interference problem
- Radio control transmitter - interference problem
- FA: RF sw, spkrs, tubes,..more stuff
- FA: RF sw, spkrs, tubes,..more stuff
- ladder filters
- ladder filters
- Toroid ID question...
- Toroid ID question...
- DDS building blocks....
- DDS building blocks....
- soldering with a lighter
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