View Full Version : Homebrew
- CW filter/notch filter
- want to build 30m xtal lsb rcvr
- Anderson 'Powerpole' Connectors
- Software tool for XTAL checks: xtalfind 2.0
- coupling loop for loop antenna
- Linear amplifier input mathcing circuit
- FA: 71A, 6146A, 5Y3/6087 TUBES
- antialiasing filter for undersampling
- Want to Build HF Amp using 3-500z Tube
- TCXO Clipped Sine Wave
- Silver Mica vs Mica Caps
- Resistor frequency response
- Is there affordable software I can use to map out circuit traces for a printed circuit board?
- Collins 618T tube lineup
- Homebrew clubs in Oregon or Washington?
- build a variable capacitor
- Heater voltage for Avantek YIG?
- Finishing Aluminum
- FA:'S' Mmeters for HQ-110,Sx-42 + more stuff
- reverse logic
- MOV protection of 120vac circuits with high freq content
- What would cause the SWR to go up drastically when I turn my amp on?
- Class C amplifier
- Coax Cable, Connector & Adapter Catalog
- Stornophone 4000 Conversion
- QUESTION: Cheap Accurate Shaft Position Encoder
- Murata Ceramic Filters
- QUESTION: Spectrally pure DDS Output?
- QUESTION: Fun with Svetlanas or Staying alive with kV power supplies
- Frequency multipliers: Usable modulation formats?
- High Voltage Techniques
- Why does a change in jumper length change amplifer outout?
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- Simple questions on receivers
- How to build an amplifier chassis????
- SP-600 Transmitter project
- How can a wire wound reisitor be non-inductive?
- Help with AM receiver circuit
- Help needed to id components
- FA:5691 Red Base,2-pin mic plug + more tubes
- FA:Tubes:6L6,6V6Y,807,12AX7,6JS6C.....
- tektronix storage scope for sale
- TV Tuner IF level
- Synch AM Special Interest Group Started
- Why don't many high power RF transistor amplifiers use emitter stabilizing resistor and AC by-pass capacitors?
- A DRM converter for Icom RTX
- New program. Two SWR meters
- Ham radio beginner?
- Polarity of 2SC1970 and 2SC1971
- Looking for Specialty Crystal Filter, Please Help
- Unknown Component
- FA:TUBES Added: 6SN7GTB, 6V6Y, 5691
- How do you measure impedance a broadband transformer?
- recharable soldering iron
- FREE Subscription to Ham Radio e-Zine - K9YA Telegraph
- FA:TUBES:811, 572B,5U4,12BH7..+MO
- SB-200 transformer(new) $75 + shipping
- SB-200 QSK Mod
- IF question
- PIC SWR meter - help!!!!!!!!!!
- Yaesu FT-8800R
- CB -->6M Conversion?
- WTB "The VHF/UHF DX Book Edited by Ian White, G3SEK"
- Data acquisition with Tektronix 492 ?
- FM conversion article in HR or QST or 73's
- FA:Last Day:McMurdo Silver 5C(RARE),Sig Shifter..
- FA: 100 SMA Male Connectors for RG-58 coax
- JOHNSON PART Nš 520-9 8-76. CRYSTAL? HELP !!
- Tuned Preselectors - Looking for info
- 2400 Baud modem chip
- Amateur Newbie Questions: Homebrew RF Test Equipment?
- Question-Ramsey QRP20c(30c, 40c) and Bands
- ??
- Lightning and sporadic-E
- N2PK's Vector Network Analyzer
- FS: Tube Sockets
- CX-1209/U
- How big has Somerset, PA hamfest been in the past?
- NEEDED: Stainless steel retainer rings for 3/16" rod
- FA:Delux Signal Shifter Meissner + Coil Sets
- Looking for 40 uf 450 vdc ecltrolytic cap
- Looking for John Roy Worthington EP2RW/GW3PNZ
- YIG filters (and oscillators): How do they work?
- Looking for 12V tube Rx project info
- Looking for SAV16L datasheet
- FA:Mcurdo Silver 5C,Extremely rare.later today
- sound override from 2 way radio into car radio speakers?
- TS 539S
- Need schematic / documentation on 2 Heath items
- Need schematic / documentation on 2 Heath items
- Square Opening in Aluminum
- Inventor of Ionospheric Bounce RIP
- FA: 4 new SMA coax adapters
- FA:WE Filter?,Galena xtal/holder + others stuff...
- Programming a Kenwood TK-690 VHF Transceiver
- 6m and the 4-400A
- 12VAC to 24VAC Transformer -- Ideas?
- Front panel patterns
- WTD Scan 1959 Hints and Kinks
- FA: VARIAN TOOL SET: < 1 day + more
- MOTOROLA Micom-1 HF receiver
- ch3 video to uhf upconversion
- FA:Breadboard Transmitter,Meissner 80M Coils +more
- Amateur Radio Webpage
- Spectran
- Identify High Current Power Supply Transformer
- How to turn a radio into a time-bomb???
- FA: BNC to SMA adapters
- Clean Transmitters
- Heathkit frequency counter
- WTD--Source for LM325H or SG2501 dual voltage regulator IC
- website
- ADI Parts
- Intriguing story about undersampling
- 2C39's for 144 MHZ?
- Interesting tube for a linear...
- dBm and Voltage
- Free coaxial cable & connector catalog
- WTB: Homebrew items
- How make UNconnected PC power supply operate?
- New program
- FA: Vintage "CRUD-o-ject" CW filter.
- nc302l?
- FA: Coming June:McMurdo-Silver 5C/spkr working
- FA: Silver Marshall Literature later today
- Garmin GPS to TinyTrak3 problems
- Tulsa Oklahoma
- FS teflon wire at Rochester Hamfest
- FA: HRO50 & 60 SAMS:1 Day left
- FA: Breadboard Recvr 3 Tube
- cash
- Re: Just $19.95 to start -HOME BUSINESS
- FA: ends Sat - Slope-faced Project Box - Aluminum N.O.S.
- WTB picastar
- NEWFLASH: Nero fiddles--Rome burns!
- N2PK VNA cool control program
- Daft question about a Pi tank matching circuit
- IQ demod / IF or Direct conversion
- AGC Design?
- Nuts for a project 1/4-32 = 6-2 but 1/4 inch across flats Where?
- Xtal oscillator.
- FA: New Aluminum Slope-faced project box.
- Collins 62S-1 VHF Transverter FA
- WTB: n2pk VNA
- freq doubler -> 1GHz - 2GHz (Mixer?)
- WTB: 4CX/4X Series 2 Meter Amp
- AEA vsb-70 transceiver Schematic
- dsPIC audio processor PCB
- s.a.r.b.question
- FS: Coaxial Cable & Connectors - high Quality, low cost
- High Quality incredible low cost PC-to-phone and broadband phone services
- Pointers for a homebrew 2-meter XCVR
- 400Hz Servomotor
- FT980 PLL Problem help pse
- white rose receiver project
- Help identify RF Power Transistors/PA
- Need specs on PHI transistor RF2212
- Desktop metal shielded PC case?
- harris rf-3200
- harris rf-3200
- VHF homebrew transceiver design?
- My programs, Linux, dosemu
- WTB: Homebrew items
- FS: Coax Cable
- Need Murata CFJ455 K12 filter
- New program - 1/2-wave vertical antenna
- New program - 1/2-wave vertical antenna
- GDO sensitivity
- Joe Dixon's speread spectrum books
- 800,000's IC DataSheet Search Site !
- Homebrew PSK interface
- Suggestions for VHF-AM Transmitter?
- FS Teflon wire at Dayton
- ceramic transformers ?
- RF/Microwave Design Software
- A basic shielding question
- I cannot pick up WorldSpace satellite anymore !
- 706 MK2G on 222 MHz?
- WTB Homebrew items
- No progress in decades...
- HB projects in London
- No Kits To Build ?
- Stacking Big Wheel Antennas???
- FM Tx antenna options
- VHF TX/RX switch w/ pin diodes
- DC-DC up converter 12v-->24v 500 mA
- Articles of interest
- piezoceramic transformer/piezitransformer
- Large PCB source for dead bug homebrewing?
- need CRT
- Yig connector pinouts ?
- StereoZoom microscope repair
- HBR 16++ ??
- dsPIC audio processor
- Free Coaxial Cable, Connector & Adapter Catalog
- Carrier Null Adjustment on Icom IC-251A???
- [FA] TIL 306, TIL 308 LED Displays
- FS: Mil Spec RG 223/U Coaxial Cable
- Balanced-Twin Line as a Tuned Circuit
- Searching for custom quartz producer.
- Help! uWave xistor bias oscillates!
- FS Teflon wire
- Shielded inductors -- why do they work so well?
- FS HF150&PR150
- Replace 6CW4?
- FS: Ryan Communications 30 meter CW-QRP transmitter.
- WTB: NEED SX-9 (S-9) Hallicrafters manual
- Dip Meter with MFJ 259b
- FS: RF Connectors & Microwave Components
- FS Icom RF deck
- dsPIC AF filter
- Wanted - Tube base pins
- lubricating drive on ts 520
- Help Identifying RF Power Transistors ?
- FA: ANTIQUE NIB Swinging choke,1 day left
- Energy storage
- LCD adapter ?
- Need help with aligning Racal 6217
- Need Heath SB-401/303 aligned in Canada.
- Need Serial number for FT-847 supercontrol version 2.5
- Baluns
- Variable Transformer Dial Plate & Knob Needed
- Any sources for TDA1572?
- FCC / FM Tx
- FA:Aero Coil('27) & Taylor Tube ('40) Catalogs....
- Vacuum Variable Capacitor Cross-Reference..........
- ANC-4 principle?
- Measuring current with LM3914 ?
- Tenma oscope ??
- OHP transparency dielectric...?
- macgyverisms and brainstorms.
- Great News Turn the Entertainment industry into your personal Cash Cow!
- The REAL Turnkey Solution to NetMarketing Success
- push-pull in output..
- STOP MARKETING. Get 1000 Paid Sign-up's Without Advertising
- Ambit DFM7 circuit
- Special Events Station, WWII Equipment, April 15-17th
- Hacking long distance cordless phones to 2m transciever
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