View Full Version : Homebrew
- FA: An item for everyone, even homebrewers.
- FA: An item for everyone, even homebrewers.
- FA: R.S. Components New
- FA: R.S. Components New
- Effect of Amplitude Modulation on FM reception...
- Effect of Amplitude Modulation on FM reception...
- Damping Higher Harmonics on a parallel LC-Oscillator? (1 port Low-, High-, Bandpasses?)
- Damping Higher Harmonics on a parallel LC-Oscillator? (1 port Low-, High-, Bandpasses?)
- WTB Heathkit IB-2A impedance bridge
- WTB Heathkit IB-2A impedance bridge
- WTB Heathkit IB-2A impedance bridge
- WTB Heathkit IB-2A impedance bridge
- How do you use an LCC SMD device - holders or carriers or ??
- How do you use an LCC SMD device - holders or carriers or ??
- Tektronix 2235 Intensity control Problem
- Tektronix 2235 Intensity control Problem
- Frequency multiplication
- Frequency multiplication
- Futaba VFD 2x16 display
- Futaba VFD 2x16 display
- Oven oscillator spec's?
- Oven oscillator spec's?
- HP 456A ??
- HP 456A ??
- An excellent site!
- An excellent site!
- An excellent site!
- An excellent site!
- Anexcellent site
- Anexcellent site
- VN66AK Pin Out Needed
- VN66AK Pin Out Needed
- Connectin a TO-92 hall effect sensor to wires
- Connectin a TO-92 hall effect sensor to wires
- adjustable coils
- adjustable coils
- t
- t
- Component search
- Component search
- Do we have the technology to do this?
- Do we have the technology to do this?
- Freq-Mite on regenerative RX?
- Freq-Mite on regenerative RX?
- Do these things exist?
- Do these things exist?
- B&W 850A coil
- B&W 850A coil
- WTB: 3' or 4' rack Mount Cabinet
- WTB: 3' or 4' rack Mount Cabinet
- meter sensitivity versus internal resistance
- meter sensitivity versus internal resistance
- Radio noise
- Radio noise
- Vavle type rfc's
- Vavle type rfc's
- HV oil cap
- HV oil cap
- HV oil cap
- HV oil cap
- Cavity LNA for 144
- Cavity LNA for 144
- LED PIC based counter?
- LED PIC based counter?
- Re: Suggestions for painting aluminum
- More about mounting VFO coils?
- More about mounting VFO coils?
- test post, ignore
- test post, ignore
- Phillips/Manavox D2999 receiver schematic or service manual wanted
- Phillips/Manavox D2999 receiver schematic or service manual wanted
- Recomendations for a VNA
- Recomendations for a VNA
- Carmatic card questions
- Carmatic card questions
- PT9783 spec??
- PT9783 spec??
- G5RV is the closest you can go
- G5RV is the closest you can go
- Simple Frequency Counter?
- Simple Frequency Counter?
- Cardmatics again
- Cardmatics again
- homebrew VHF SWR meter
- homebrew VHF SWR meter
- Help with dipole please?
- Help with dipole please?
- For Sale - 12 VDC Supplies
- For Sale - 12 VDC Supplies
- bird dummy load question.
- bird dummy load question.
- does "Bird" have a homepage??
- does "Bird" have a homepage??
- W: CT-29B schematic
- W: CT-29B schematic
- Bandwidth vs. Noise,,,Take 2
- Bandwidth vs. Noise,,,Take 2
- Free Demo shows you
- Free Demo shows you
- messing with a car radio
- messing with a car radio
- Buy and Sell Tubes , Parts, and Gear!
- Buy and Sell Tubes , Parts, and Gear!
- mc13135
- mc13135
- Will this circuit work for controlling a power relay.
- Will this circuit work for controlling a power relay.
- BFO freq how far down SSB filter skirt?
- BFO freq how far down SSB filter skirt?
- What use is an 829B tube?
- What use is an 829B tube?
- FS: 2000: 50V 7.5pF Ceramic Capacitors :: $ 16 SHIPPED
- FS: 2000: 50V 7.5pF Ceramic Capacitors :: $ 16 SHIPPED
- Re: RG-133 coax
- Re: RG-133 coax
- Bandwidth vs. Noise???
- Bandwidth vs. Noise???
- Cardmatic update & ?
- Attn: Crystal Filter Designers
- 433MHz tracker
- Looking for a K2 builder
- 4CX5000A
- homebrewing on perfboard, how to connect components
- FS: New: 24 Pin Sockets and 40 Pin Sockets
- Testing ceramic tubes
- NARSA Rally - is it is on ? YES !
- panasonic CF-V21P laptop question
- PLL Interface
- FS: Resistors (new, MILSPEC)
- 2 - tube UV - Light box for pcb makers ( for -sale )
- circuit equations for Pi & T networks
- rf antennas
- max gain for a given boom length on 2m
- Re: best magnetic/clip-style retaining screw/nut drivers?
- 13.8 V power supply question
- Salvaged Computer Power Supplies
- install a99
- Kenwood TS-700A Power Help please?
- Making PCBs
- Best way to cut holes in aluminum panel? Label controls?
- bird dummy load construction..
- Parts or broken rigs wanted
- 30 meter beacon run this weekend
- Who had info on F-150 TSBs???
- FS Ad - Electronic Components including TIL311 Hex Displays - LEDs - TTL Chips
- help motorola msf5000 uhf repeater
- pink top trimmer cap info req.
- pink top trimmer cap info req.
- Submariners, Loran C question
- field strength formula/program
- field strength formula/program
- FA: Zenith L515-W AM Telechron Clock Tube Radio
- EMI-RFI Banned for sale?
- DDS daughter card
- Anyone know of a source for a computer controlled vfo?
- Designing a directional coupler for 2m & 70cm
- NPO cap markings?
- Re: 1SS99
- Parasitics in amplifier chain
- Time to update some datasheets
- KIWA Air core Am loop details wanted
- amateur radio/astronomy Web Site Updated
- Need help decoding rtty signal
- 2m Amplifier Designs
- Need info: Varian 212MS microwave YIG filter
- 2A3 Tubes (3)
- distance of radio transmitter from receiver
- Fluke 27 display problem
- FR4 Laminate RF losses
- Urgent-ish favour required
- UHF tank circuits
- How to cook my zeners properly ? :)
- FS: TV Sweep tubes
- FS: Xmtr Tubes
- Language Translator (Was La chance de votre vie)
- ZL2BMI DSB transceiver
- am loop
- winding sheilded coils
- advice on how to cascade directional couplers?
- Specification for Antena tuners-radio interfaces
- How to operate an LCR Bridge ?
- WWV Receiver Schematic Needed
- ransey pa1 amp question
- How good is ferrite 75 material for crystal AM radio?
- Tantalums and test eqpt.
- Coil Spring Solderless Terminals
- High Inductance Toroids
- Homebrew related
- How do I eliminate noise from a pc monitor?
- Tantalum caps.
- Datasheet info wanted
- Dipole centre cap
- WTB: HP/Agilent 346A (or B) Noise Source for HP 8970A Noise Figure Meter
- Eagle Library Files
- High Gain Directional Slotted Antennas
- Re: what will plug into a Fluke 87's test-lead jacks?
- Eagle PCB layout question
- All EE's; Need help solving circuit equations for L-net, Pi-net and T-net
- Smith Chart Plotter
- Keep your fingers off my collectors!
- Automotive GPS Radio Interfacing for APRS use?
- simple synchronous detector?
- FS: Motorola Dummyload & Testset
- tuba data and manuals @
- FS: mobile amp cases/heatsinks and variable transformers
- Ten Tec 1340 problem
- FX828/MX828
- Labeling a Chassis
- Marconi TF-2650/Conway Masteranger FET m/meter
- Signal-to-noise meter
- Your pocket portable PLL non-DX AM/FM radio these days
- 50 MHz transverter ( was : rx for a 10 year old)
- Free Roland XY Plotter
- Calculate when an RF amplifier will block (desense)?
- Space-Related Ham Activities
- FRG-100 What power connector ?
- Isolating shorted PCB component ?
- power transformers
- Good Receiver for a 10-year Old
- Would it be worthwhile starting an on-line parts ordering house?
- Would it be worthwhile starting an on-line parts ordering house?
- new rf amp yahoo group
- new rf amp yahoo group
- Drake TR-3 transceiver synthesizer upgrade
- Drake TR-3 transceiver synthesizer upgrade
- Binocular ferrite cores
- Binocular ferrite cores
- Legal limit from a FT-817?
- Legal limit from a FT-817?
- The Pickett N-16 ES Slide Rule
- The Pickett N-16 ES Slide Rule
- Noise in Ford F-150
- Noise in Ford F-150
- R&S SA infos
- R&S SA infos
- Calibration Cable for a TS-440
- Calibration Cable for a TS-440
- PIC Basic Programming
- PIC Basic Programming
- Need help to ID this keyer
- Need help to ID this keyer
- SMPS and noise
- SMPS and noise
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