View Full Version : Homebrew
- soldering with a lighter
- need replacement for mc3340p (or idea)
- need replacement for mc3340p (or idea)
- Solid State Design For The Radio Amateur
- Solid State Design For The Radio Amateur
- homebrew specialty paint finish
- homebrew specialty paint finish
- wanted
- wanted
- XTAL oscillator with a XOR gate
- XTAL oscillator with a XOR gate
- Oscillating 3rd overtone XTAL at fundamental?
- Oscillating 3rd overtone XTAL at fundamental?
- Need Help with ADI AT-200/AT-201 HT
- Need Help with ADI AT-200/AT-201 HT
- Wanted HF all Band Transmitter
- Wanted HF all Band Transmitter
- RF Design 90s RLB article ?
- RF Design 90s RLB article ?
- QRPers - Run for the Bacon!!
- QRPers - Run for the Bacon!!
- DBM and constant R band pass filters.
- DBM and constant R band pass filters.
- May 86 Article ?
- May 86 Article ?
- Belden 9907
- Belden 9907
- Homebrew PTO/VFO question.
- Homebrew PTO/VFO question.
- FS high level mixers
- FS high level mixers
- Has network problems ?
- Has network problems ?
- Need replacement CRT for Tek 492 Spectrum Analyser
- HP680 Chart Recorder
- HP680 Chart Recorder
- parts and tubes
- parts and tubes
- Wanted
- Wanted
- You are all welcome to take part in SPAT Design Challenge ...
- You are all welcome to take part in SPAT Design Challenge ...
- Book on Homebrew Radio -- Free!
- Book on Homebrew Radio -- Free!
- FA: Yaesu FT270R Yaesu FV101-Z Cardwell Air Variable Capacitor
- FA: Yaesu FT270R Yaesu FV101-Z Cardwell Air Variable Capacitor
- FS Teflon wire
- FS Teflon wire
- MC3340p - where or what
- MC3340p - where or what
- questions about 433MHZ modules
- questions about 433MHZ modules
- QRP Homebrew
- QRP Homebrew
- Need help to meas noise v of a JFET
- Need help to meas noise v of a JFET
- LCF Software Wanted
- LCF Software Wanted
- Heavy metal at Dayton
- Heavy metal at Dayton
- Dayton:Scott all Wave 15
- Dayton:Scott all Wave 15
- fa: QST'S,plugs, resistors, parts....
- fa: QST'S,plugs, resistors, parts....
- Looking for a Drake 50KC IF Transformer
- Looking for a Drake 50KC IF Transformer
- Digital cable boxes as parts sources?
- Digital cable boxes as parts sources?
- Homebrewing a receiver question
- Homebrewing a receiver question
- Refresh old capacitors. How to ?
- Refresh old capacitors. How to ?
- Help Finding Latching Relay
- Help Finding Latching Relay
- Homebrew crystals for transmitters
- Homebrew crystals for transmitters
- FA: Heath Heathkit SB SB-610 Monitor Scope Assembly Manual
- FA: Heath Heathkit SB SB-610 Monitor Scope Assembly Manual
- GS35B bias
- GS35B bias
- Need MAX232's and 4 pin 1/8" plug - swap?
- Need MAX232's and 4 pin 1/8" plug - swap?
- Buy and Sell Your Tube Gear!
- Buy and Sell Your Tube Gear!
- SON-Y-DIGITAL???help
- SON-Y-DIGITAL???help
- SON-Y-DIGITAL???help
- SON-Y-DIGITAL???help
- Solar cell modules
- Solar cell modules
- Need part for Tektronix 491 Spectrum Analyzer
- filter capacitor in series
- filter capacitor in series
- Homebrew dipole help please?
- Homebrew dipole help please?
- Re: A neat and compact way to generate RF harmonics...
- Car problem homebrew group
- Car problem homebrew group
- RF filters and Impedance Matching
- RF filters and Impedance Matching
- HT transformer value?
- HT transformer value?
- FA: Heath Heathkit SB SB-610 Monitor Scope Assembly Manual
- FA: Heath Heathkit SB SB-610 Monitor Scope Assembly Manual
- Making RF Chokes
- Making RF Chokes
- Need Hi-Z amplifier for RF-probe (Maxim?)
- Need Hi-Z amplifier for RF-probe (Maxim?)
- someone should snatch these up
- someone should snatch these up
- Toriod core material?
- Toriod core material?
- QRPp power meter
- QRPp power meter
- transistor
- transistor
- building a duplexer
- building a duplexer
- One Antenna from Two Coax Cables
- One Antenna from Two Coax Cables
- Air-dielectric variable capacitors
- Air-dielectric variable capacitors
- FullDuplex like 10Ghz gunn.
- FullDuplex like 10Ghz gunn.
- FA: spreaders + many other parts
- FA: spreaders + many other parts
- Chicago Transformer MOD trans CMS-1 Specs Wanted:
- Chicago Transformer MOD trans CMS-1 Specs Wanted:
- Filament Choke
- Filament Choke
- I receive voices from hell with my radio
- I receive voices from hell with my radio
- Anechoic Material
- Anechoic Material
- Antenna Tuner
- Antenna Tuner
- Frame - vs. Magnetic antenna ?
- Frame - vs. Magnetic antenna ?
- BC components 100v ceramic disk caps
- BC components 100v ceramic disk caps
- BC components 100v ceramic disk caps
- BC components 100v ceramic disk caps
- Wanted: Maintenance manual for AN/USM323 (the military version of the HP8640B sig gen)
- Wanted: Maintenance manual for AN/USM323 (the military version of the HP8640B sig gen)
- rf shieling/screened boxes
- rf shieling/screened boxes
- 4CX5000
- 4CX5000
- Magnet wire vs. enamelled copper wire
- Magnet wire vs. enamelled copper wire
- Sell and Buy your Tube Gear!
- Sell and Buy your Tube Gear!
- Transistorized "cascode" RF amp?
- Transistorized "cascode" RF amp?
- Federal Tel & Radio 7C23 vacuum tube
- Federal Tel & Radio 7C23 vacuum tube
- Link to tutorial on diplexer design
- Link to tutorial on diplexer design
- collins 30L1
- collins 30L1
- Johnson Matchbox...adding T200 inductors?
- Johnson Matchbox...adding T200 inductors?
- Curve Tracer: UPDATE
- Curve Tracer: UPDATE
- Message to Tom Bruhns
- Message to Tom Bruhns
- NEW PROGRAM - Input Impedance & SWR of resonant antenna.
- NEW PROGRAM - Input Impedance & SWR of resonant antenna.
- Low power 88-108 MHz retransmitter
- Low power 88-108 MHz retransmitter
- Can Kenwood TS-930s IF output be connected directly to scope?
- Can Kenwood TS-930s IF output be connected directly to scope?
- WTB Roller Inductor
- WTB Roller Inductor
- Shielding data lines to RF circuits
- Shielding data lines to RF circuits
- Paging Ian White (G3 SEK)
- Paging Ian White (G3 SEK)
- Convert 0 to 5 Volts DC to 0 to 10 volts
- Convert 0 to 5 Volts DC to 0 to 10 volts
- Minimum 68,000uf @ 75wv Electrolytics req
- Minimum 68,000uf @ 75wv Electrolytics req
- Omni Antenna question please?
- Omni Antenna question please?
- QUESTION: Homebrew Spread spectrum
- QUESTION: Homebrew Spread spectrum
- QUESTION: Homebrew Spread spectrum
- QUESTION: Homebrew Spread spectrum
- HBR-16
- HBR-16
- Do relay ratings apply for RF?
- Do relay ratings apply for RF?
- Re: When You Hear The Heavy Accent & The Poor Phone Connection... HANG UP!!! ------ BwEcqjRWwReks
- What's the value of this inductor?
- What's the value of this inductor?
- Rare 102 year old edison book
- Rare 102 year old edison book
- Link pasted from alt.binaries.schematics.electronic
- Link pasted from alt.binaries.schematics.electronic
- Paging Reg Edwards...
- Paging Reg Edwards...
- PA Tube Specs HELP!!!!!!!!
- PA Tube Specs HELP!!!!!!!!
- Unbuilt Heathkits!
- Unbuilt Heathkits!
- varicaps in parallel
- varicaps in parallel
- ceramic cap markings
- ceramic cap markings
- tube based power supply
- tube based power supply
- BPL: Is th ARRL making its point or getting laughed at? WSJ
- BPL: Is th ARRL making its point or getting laughed at? WSJ
- Broadband tube driver circuit needed
- Broadband tube driver circuit needed
- best architecture for a homebrewed single-station FM broadcast dx receiver?
- best architecture for a homebrewed single-station FM broadcast dx receiver?
- Re: radio receiver "alignment"
- Wire Wrap Wire (WWW?)
- Wire Wrap Wire (WWW?)
- Disk capacitor value question.
- Disk capacitor value question.
- TOKO Inductors
- TOKO Inductors
- Tank circuits: achieving maximum Q
- Tank circuits: achieving maximum Q
- A weekly guide to Ham Radio
- A weekly guide to Ham Radio
- Low-loss toroids
- Low-loss toroids
- Loads of Moving coil meters , F/A on
- Loads of Moving coil meters , F/A on
- Re: soldering coax shield
- Re: soldering coax shield
- Restoring the status quo of Ham Radio
- Restoring the status quo of Ham Radio
- Help...IF schematic for HF281 Collins
- Help...IF schematic for HF281 Collins
- Schematic for Downconverter
- Schematic for Downconverter
- Centralab 850 Capacitors
- Centralab 850 Capacitors
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- How to trace a current fault.
- How to trace a current fault.
- WTB: KWM2A Front Panel
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