View Full Version : Homebrew
- [QRZ] Wifi controlled LED display
- [QRZ] Tracking RF Filter "variable gain" problem
- [KD8CEC] DVSwitch Builtin on DVPi (DVPi standalone setup) using DVPi Manager
- [KG3V] Tornado Near-miss on 8-4-2020
- [QRZ] I put together a very small amplifier today
- [QRZ] Homemade Y-cable and PTT for FT-891
- [QRZ] Why isn't this filter filtering?
- [QRZ] Really basic LED/breadboard question
- [KB9VBR] Yaesu FT-891 Setup for Digital Modes
- [KB6NU] Build your own resistor load bank
- [QRZ] A WIFI Enabled Manual Antenna Tuner
- [QRZ] Noisey little amp
- [KG3V] 160 Meter Inverted "L" Antenna
- [QRZ] Choosing Transistors is Bewildering
- Re: 30 Years Ago: Has anyone made any homemade valves (tubes), semiconductors ...
- [G6NHU] How to update and upgrade your Pi-Star based hotspot
- [QRZ] KG-640 Meter sensitivity
- [QRZ] ME2700 : Orphan EPROM Programmer
- [QRZ] Magnetic wire
- [QRZ] a 15m CW transmitter project
- [QRZ] Unexpected Antenna
- [QRZ] 600 watt HF Linear Amplifier Project
- [QRZ] super cathode driven questions moved from "circuits"
- [KD8CEC] I am planning a project using Raspberry Pi.
- [QRZ] Tayloe detector success
- [G6NHU] Broken hexbeam - Worst aerial damage Ive had
- [QRZ] Labeling project boxes
- [QRZ] Interesting story here
- [QRZ] Cat Ranch Electronics: OVERKILL ON STEROIDS!
- [QRZ] Generic rack mount case vendor recommendations
- [WB4SON] Renaming Audio In/Out in Win 10
- [KB9VBR] Building an Off Center Fed (OCF) Dipole Antenna
- [QRZ] Audio Amp Shutdown Control?
- [VA3QV] Well we got it
- [QRZ] Recommendation for cutting holes in aluminum?
- [QRZ] Common Gate JFET amps
- [QRZ] Giant Battery... 400Ah LiFePO4
- [QRZ] Crystal Calley Brator
- [QRZ] Bit Off More Than I Can Chew.
- [QRZ] MFJ Auto Tuner Extender clone?
- [QRZ] A new transceiver KN990 made by BA6BF
- [QRZ] 74HCT240 transmitter, picky with crystals..
- [QRZ] Unshunted Meter Question
- [G6NHU] How to enable cross band repeater on an Icom ID-5100E
- [QRZ] Help with kit assembly
- [QRZ] band pass filter problem?
- A simple HF/VHF/UHF Noise Generator
- [QRZ] HamClock on Raspberry Pi
- [QRZ] Antenna Selector Switch DIY Boat
- [QRZ] ICOM LED Backlight Kit Version 2
- [QRZ] Presentation on the NanoVNA
- [QRZ] Measuring Q of an Inductor
- [QRZ] Build Drake L-4 PS Test Panel for L4B Linear Amplifier Power Supply
- [QRZ] Tiny tubes
- [QRZ] Cheap Oscilloscope kits - do they work?
- [G6NHU] Digital audio noise on receive when using WIRES-X
- [QRZ] Homebrew Programing Cables - FT-60, UV-5R, IC-2730A
- [WB4SON] BlueDV Running with DV 3K Dongle
- Re: Quadruple Sideband?
- [VK2TPM] Virtual audio cable for macOS
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] PTT Switch for Remote Operation
- [QRZ] MFJ Cub 40m Alignment
- [QRZ] Fresh from the parts bin...
- [QRZ] sideswiper/cootie key parts
- [QRZ] Antenna splitter that shuts off 1 path on transmit?
- [QRZ] A stable 6AK5 local oscillator for the Meadowlark receiver
- [QRZ] 600W+ homebrew amplifier using low cost LDMOS devices (2x MRF300, ~US$35 each)
- [G4AKC] Balloon Antenna
- [VA3QV] Its smaller than I thought
- [QRZ] Homemade Tube FM Receiver
- [QRZ] sideswiper/cootie key parts
- [QRZ] Impedance matching transformer doesn't measure as expected
- [QRZ] FT-857D - How to cable out for Digi Easy
- [QRZ] PTT controlled antenna switch.
- [QRZ] FT991a external tuner control
- [QRZ] Making a dummy load
- [QRZ] Getting control of the Furlough 40
- [QRZ] NE602 modulator questions
- [QRZ] Tx/Rx Switch Kit - Modification?
- [QRZ] Stepper motor recommendations?
- SA612 better alternatives!
- Best Switching Mixer
- Alternative Fundamental Squarer
- [QRZ] Designed a RF probe and RF differential probe
- New updates for my GPS controlled oscillator
- [QRZ] Homebrew without soldering iron: Knobs for my SDR
- [QRZ] Can't learn CW for beans, looking to make a decoder...
- [QRZ] MFJ-8100K looking for somone who has built this kit
- [QRZ] Making it up as i go
- Superregenerative receivers
- [KE9V] Designer Sourced Retired Kits
- [QRZ] MFJ Cub alignment trouble
- [M1GEO] Folding AT Home with CPU and Nvidia GPU on Ubuntu
- [QRZ] MC799P Square wave generator
- [G6NHU] UTC clock for macOS
- [M0NWK] Offset satellite dish for QO-100 Eshail-2 project
- [QRZ] 1964 Handbook Link Coupled Tuner
- [QRZ] Homemade OPC581 remote cable
- [QRZ] Astron 35 - Meter LEDs
- [QRZ] Build a Dual Coaxial Stub Notch Filter
- [QRZ] So I just finished this...
- [QRZ] IF Filters for AM/voice reception
- [QRZ] Yaesu FT-60 USB-TTL DIY programming cable
- [QRZ] EU1KY Antenna analyzer with STM32F7Disco (DH1AKF mods)
- [QRZ] simple arduino keyer
- [QRZ] Homemade OPC581 remote cable
- [QRZ] QCX 40 Meter Transceiver
- [QRZ] Cheap Oscilloscope kits - do they work?
- [QRZ] Info. on building 20m transceiver
- [QRZ] Vacuum Tubes at an estate sale
- [QRZ] Low power AM screen modulation design
- [M0FOX] RS-BA1 Version 2 IP Remote Control Software
- [VK2TPM] How to see LoRa on an RTL-SDR waterfall
- [QRZ] Need Help Finding Panel Marking Ideas
- [QRZ] Nixie Clock
- 27 mhz jammer
- [KE9V] Turn the Page
- [VK1NAM] Raspberry Pi - PiAware ADS-B Antenna Location
- [QRZ] Balun for 40 meter band
- [QRZ] EU1KY Antenna analyzer with STM32F7Disco (DH1AKF mods)
- [QRZ] Kester "44" 63/37 Solder .031" (20 AWG)
- [QRZ] Upgrading the SKCC Cootie Key
- [QRZ] Artificial ground tuner from random wire tuner
- [G6NHU] How to set up a Yaesu System Fusion reflector (YSFReflector)
- [QRZ] Panadapter tap for SDR - on an IF stage or frontend?
- icom 718 splatters
- [QRZ] Help ID: super regenerative, short short wave, vintage home brew
- [QRZ] Best tooobe oscillator for HC-16 rocks?
- [M1GEO] Experiments with Phase-Frequency Detectors
- [QRZ] SSB Transmit Offset Frequency
- [QRZ] PIN Diode Question
- [QRZ] ArFO - Arduino Remote "Frequency Oscillator"
- [QRZ] 6ag7 -> 2 x 1625 is slowly coming together
- [QRZ] Codan 8525B_USB/LSB switching. No crystal
- [WB4SON] Configuring SatPC32 for an Icom IC-9700
- [QRZ] Help with W8TEE/K2ZIA Arduino Antenna Analyzer
- [QRZ] Circuit Diagram for 30 amp 12volt supply
- [KB6NU] 2020 Extra Class study guide: E5A - Resonance and Q: characteristics of resonant circuits; series and parallel resonance; Q; half-power bandwidth; phase relationships in reactive circuits
- [QRZ] EU1KY Antenna analyzer with STM32F7Disco (DH1AKF mods)
- [M1GEO] Numitron Clock Update
- [QRZ] Balanced Modulator Output
- [QRZ] Kiss packet radio serial software
- Si4735 Arduino Library
- [WB4SON] Using a TYT MD-430 with a pi-star Gateway
- [WB4SON] DX Labs working with WSJT-X
- [QRZ] Turning FT-991A into a real SDR.
- Clip leads
- [QRZ] Anything new in kits this year 2018 or beta projects ??
- [QRZ] Best cases for home brew projects?
- [QRZ] Building a REAL Heathkit!
- [M0IAX] IC-705 News
- [QRZ] Yaesu-compatible TX timer/counter
- [QRZ] Circuit Board Design Questions
- [QRZ] IQ Design Question
- [QRZ] Crystal radio for ham listening
- [QRZ] Best Open Source SPICE, PCB Layout, CAD, Schematic Capture Software?
- [QRZ] High speed mosfet drivers
- Problem_with_SB-220_RF_Keying
- [KG3V] Loop-on-Ground, the simplest Receive-Antenna you will ever Build, and it Works
- [QRZ] 50jy6 push pull CW tx
- [G6NHU] Building an MMDVM hotspot on a budget
- [QRZ] 6SK7 equivalent?
- [QRZ] How to buffer the output of the SI5351A clock generator?
- [QRZ] New ICOM Projects for 8 voice keyer memorie and ATAS controller
- [QRZ] Anything new in kits this year 2018 or beta projects ??
- [G6NHU] 1090 MHz ADS-B PCB antenna from eBay
- [QRZ] Removing Secondary Winding From A C/T Transformer?
- [QRZ] Hmmmm....what shall I build?
- [G6NHU] A personal, non radio related update.
- [QRZ] Homemade OPC581 remote cable
- [QRZ] NE612 universal project breadboards?
- [G6NHU] Rebuilding and raising my ADS-B receiver
- [QRZ] Field-Portable Drill Battery Power
- [QRZ] 600W+ homebrew amplifier using low cost LDMOS devices (2x MRF300, ~US$35 each)
- [QRZ] Dsp speech processor
- [QRZ] Coil winding turns counter
- [QRZ] Any K2 gurus here? Rx sensitivity on higher bands
- [QRZ] 432 MHz low power LINEAR amplifier
- [QRZ] Anything new in kits this year 2018 or beta projects ??
- [QRZ] A New 250-W Broadband Linear Amplifier
- [QRZ] Wanted: Schematic for Kenwood RM-1
- [QRZ] 600W+ homebrew amplifier using low cost LDMOS devices (2x MRF300, ~US$35 each)
- [QRZ] Yaesu-compatible TX timer/counter
- [QRZ] Q meter
- [QRZ] Regenerative receiver advice....
- [QRZ] Kester "44" 63/37 Solder .031" (20 AWG)
- [QRZ] Mini Circuits Lab ring modulators
- [VK2TPM] Beware of macOS malware
- [QRZ] XF-LPF-HF eBay kit build instructions here
- [VK1NAM] Antenna Project - Rabbit Ears 2el 2m Telescopic Yagi
- [VK2TPM] ESP32-CAM notes to self
- [QRZ] Mod MFj-849 or Nissei DG-503
- [QRZ] ubitx v5
- [QRZ] Power Pole Protector
- [QRZ] Homemade OPC581 remote cable
- [VA3QV] A few changes here
- [QRZ] WWVB 60 kHz BPSK Receiver Kit
- [G6NHU] Building an MMDVM hotspot on a budget
- [QRZ] Wanted: Schematic for Kenwood RM-1
- [QRZ] Using a small CNC mill to cut and letter panels.
- [QRZ] VCC : Portfolio of Light Pipes
- [QRZ] VNA-o-mizer now has a jogwheel and fixtures
- [QRZ] Xtal oscillator issue
- [QRZ] KeDei LCD / TFT module version 6.3 SPI blues
- [NT7S] Updating the NanoVNA Firmware
- [QRZ] Make a 100 Watt linear amplifier from a kit
- [QRZ] Disassembling the Weller WESD51
- [QRZ] Homebrew RF Design Challenge - NXP 100 W MRF101AN or 300 W MRF300AN
- [QRZ] Need new soldering station
- [QRZ] Experiments With A 6AR8 AM/SSB Modulator
- [QRZ] Question about a fan control circuit
- [G6NHU] Installing a dipole for 30m
- [QRZ] Update on ModularTuner
- [QRZ] Fake parts on Ebay
- [QRZ] Rotary switch for radio selection
- How to start experimenting with Lora?
- [QRZ] Kits and Parts 20 meter cw transceiver project.
- [QRZ] XF-LPF-HF eBay kit build instructions here
- [QRZ] mfj cub alignment
- [VA3QV] Over the Air #OTA TV antenna
- [QRZ] Mod MFj-849 or Nissei DG-503
- [QRZ] Prescaler Accuracy
- [QRZ] Series capacitor on coax shield in receiver
- [QRZ] Building a Ham Radio Tilt-Tower
- [QRZ] Fake parts on Ebay
- [QRZ] Neat little device
- [QRZ] Question about a fan control circuit
- [QRZ] Q. FST3257 CMOS Multiplexer as a DBM
- [NT7S] OpenBeacon Mini OpenBeacon 2
- [QRZ] CNC router
- [QRZ] LED Swap
- [QRZ] A New 250-W Broadband Linear Amplifier
- [QRZ] Experiments With A 6AR8 AM/SSB Modulator
- [QRZ] Preamp Problems
- [QRZ] Replacement for UC3906 SLA Charger IC?
- [QRZ] Sizing heat sink for dummy load
- [QRZ] Programmable Oscillators
- [QRZ] Fm 100/170W Watt Power
- [QRZ] Filter design help
- [QRZ] A new transceiver KN990 made by BA6BF
- Living in the past?
- [QRZ] Ceramic capacitor kit on e-bay - comments please
- [QRZ] Turning FT-991A into a real SDR.
- [QRZ] Single vacuum DPDT relay for antenna switching an amp project
- [QRZ] Tarnished Silver as a Crystal Radio Detector
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