View Full Version : Homebrew
- WB4SON-10 Changeover Complete
- [QRZ] Homebrew Programing Cables - FT-60, UV-5R, IC-2730A
- [M0IAX] Parks On the Air - How to
- AmateurLogic 157: Cheap Touch, Charge & Chat
- [QRZ] 600V DC Switch method question
- [WB4SON] Owning a Flex-6600M is a mixed bag
- [QRZ] Soldering SMD components
- [KB6NU] Lets expand our concept of public service
- [WB4SON] Preparing a miniPC for 24/7 operation
- [QRZ] Plate output capacitance of grounded grid amp?
- [QRZ] Post your Beginner Projects
- [QRZ] Compact WSPR shield
- [QRZ] Homebrew Signal Tracer - RF and AF
- [KB6NU] Arduinos and Picos and keyers, oh my!
- [QRZ] FT-891 PTT Line - Transverter
- [WB4SON] Trouble Setting up RMS Express with CF-31 Toughbook
- [VK2TPM] Wonderful new SDR design described by Ashhar Farhan
- [QRZ] Si5351 Quadrature VFO Arduino library?
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 77 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 15
- [QRZ] Generic "relay modules" in QRP rigs
- [WB4SON] RMS Packet Gateway WB4SON-10 Up
- [QRZ] New 2021 rig 100% home made WIP
- [QRZ] 50 MHz QRP CW kits/designs?
- [QRZ] A new transceiver KN990 made by BA6BF
- [QRZ] Ammo can Power Supply
- [KB6NU] ICQ Podcast Episode 351 - New RSGB President discusses IARU/RSGB Survey
- Hackaday Links: May 23, 2021
- [QRZ] Only Heathkit I built
- [QRZ] HB 813 amplifier question
- [QRZ] Refurbishing a Kay attenuator
- [QRZ] uSDX
- [QRZ] Magnifying / lamp thingamajig for soldering
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 16 May 2021
- AmateurLogic 156: Radiogram
- [QRZ] Schematic drawing software?
- [QRZ] Older Homebrew Scope
- [QRZ] HARDROCK-50 HF Power Amp Kit
- [OH8STN] Winlink: Who is the customer?
- [QRZ] Compact WSPR shield
- [QRZ] Post your Beginner Projects
- [QRZ] My latest obsession
- [QRZ] Big holes
- [QRZ] Magnifying / lamp thingamajig for soldering
- [QRZ] Quadrature Sampling Exciter Experiment
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 76 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 14
- [QRZ] Anything new in kits this year 2018 or beta projects ??
- [QRZ] HB 813 amplifier question
- [QRZ] super cathode driven questions moved from "circuits"
- [QRZ] Ham & SWL w Crystal Radio!
- [M0IAX] JS8Call an overview for new users
- [QRZ] XF-LPF-HF eBay kit build instructions here
- [QRZ] Adding panadapter with Iface ?
- [QRZ] Want Hi Pot tester
- AmateurLogic 155: Tower Failure Follow Up
- [M1GEO] Laser engraving metal using zinc spray
- [QRZ] SimpleSSB Maker Group - SSB Transceivers on the Air!
- [QRZ] Battery charger
- [QRZ] Tayloe detector success
- [QRZ] Next steps improving a direct conversion receiver
- [QRZ] Air variable capacitor plate material CCB/PCB vs Copper Sheet
- [QRZ] QCX, neat little rig
- [QRZ] DIY your FT-243 crystal
- [G6NHU] Accurate time keeping on an Apple Mac running macOS Big Sur for FT8, FT4 and WSPR
- [QRZ] OH NO, ANOTHER AMP...! maybe
- [Hackaday] Fun While It Lasted, Falcon 9 Telemetry Now Encrypted
- [VK2TPM] Farewell to the van
- [QRZ] IQ phase shift module
- [QRZ] Want Hi Pot tester
- [QRZ] White lettering on black wrinkle paint
- [QRZ] Wanted: Sourse Code For "M3 Cubed Semiconductor Analzyer Kit"
- [M0IAX] JS8Call Settings with IC-705 and Icom Remote
- [QRZ] Raspberry Pi Pico VFO
- [QRZ] QRPguys Transceiver II - receive question
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 75 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 13
- [QRZ] Drilling holes in tins for projects
- [QRZ] 4 State QRP Group Bayou Jumper (Paraset inspired QRP XCVR)
- [N0UN] FT8 Is Destroying Ham Radio
- [M0IAX] Powering a portable digital Amateur radio station
- [KB6NU] Interesting stuff from my Twitter feed: Open-source smart watch, FPGA-based Arduino, open-source hardware
- [QRZ] HamClock on Raspberry Pi
- SolderSmoke Podcast for Sunday 21 March 2021
- [KB6NU] KM4ACK on building the ultimate Raspberry Pi for your shack
- [VK2TPM] Arduino pro micro password typer dongle
- [QRZ] Determining appropriate system gain for receiver
- [M0IAX] Icom IC-705 174 Days Later.
- [QRZ] Fun with a 21.052 Mhz TTL oscillator module
- [KG3V] Connecting an IC-7300 to the Elecraft KPA-500 Amp and KAT-500 Tuner
- Hackaday Links: March 14, 2021
- [QRZ] HV power supply rectifier board
- AmateurLogic 154: What The Heck Are They Saying?
- [QRZ] Generating a ssb signal with si5351?
- [QRZ] Help needed to identify this transceiver.
- [QRZ] 2m Band Pass Filter
- [M0IAX] Icom IC-705 with Icom Remote and WSJT-X
- [QRZ] Ugly Balun, Do you have to use coax?
- [M0IAX] 2M Simplex
- [QRZ] My Noo Toy
- [QRZ] ten tec double L balanced antenna tuner prototype?
- [QRZ] Code Practice Oscillator Kit as a Teaching Tool
- Hot Iron homebrew newsletter by W4NPN
- [QRZ] Parts came in
- [OH8STN] Troubleshooting Computer shutdowns on transmit | common-mode currents
- [M0IAX] Setup Icom Remote Utility (part of RS-BA1) with IC-705
- [QRZ] Labelling
- [QRZ] Yet another Digital Vfo project
- [M0IAX] IC-705 Setup for Operation Over WLAN
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 74 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 12
- [M0IAX] Microsoft Surface Go 2
- [QRZ] GPSDO with Ovenized OCXO
- [QRZ] "Go Boxes" (Shack in a box) - Video/Presentation
- [AB1OC/AB1QB] Tech Night - EME II: Station Construction and Operation
- [QRZ] My "new" vintage 20M radio
- [QRZ] Power supply dummy load
- [Hackaday] Capstan Winch Central to This All-Band Adjustable Dipole Antenna
- [QRZ] uBITX Transceiver semi-kit build
- [QRZ] Cohn SSB filter
- [QRZ] 4 State QRP Group Bayou Jumper (Paraset inspired QRP XCVR)
- [QRZ] mini APRS Weather Station Project (( ESP-8266 )) DIY
- [QRZ] Yet another Digital Vfo project
- AmateurLogic 153: RigPi v2, Pico Pi, Winter Field Day
- [QRZ] Schematic drawing software?
- [VK2TPM] Built the QRPKits BLT+ Z-match antenna tuner
- [OH8STN] Portable Ham Radio Motivation
- [QRZ] Air core inductor wrapping technique
- [WB4SON] A charger for LiFePO4 batteries
- [QRZ] DIY Homemade DDS CW Transceiver! Complete STM32 project!
- [QRZ] Air core inductors for ~100MHz
- [M1GEO] An ESP8266 based Air Quality Sensor
- [QRZ] Power Distribution Critique
- [QRZ] 2m low power PA help needed
- Hackaday Links: February 7, 2021
- [QRZ] Yet another Digital Vfo project
- [QRZ] A Few Pictures of the Southgate Type 7
- [M0IAX] Icom Remote Utility
- [QRZ] Homebrew Point-to-Point over Telecom Infrastructure
- AmateurLogic: Ham College 73 - Extra Class Exam Questions - Part 11
- [QRZ] cycle 24 multiband converter kit performance?
- [QRZ] uSDX
- [QRZ] 3 projects started at the same time
- [VK2TPM] Raspberry Pi Pico
- [QRZ] Boy somebody really liked my cricket 40!
- [QRZ] PCB Milling Skill Acquired!
- [QRZ] Covert microphone and speaker modifications
- [VK2TPM] Simple end fed tuner to fit in a cheap project box
- [QRZ] A little more about the AA-30 ZERO from RigExpert.
- [QRZ] 756 Pro Easy Digi
- [M0IAX] Portable Antenna System
- [QRZ] Construction of a 70cm band pre-amp kit
- [QRZ] Terminal strips/Blocks
- [QRZ] Homemade OPC581 remote cable
- [QRZ] Reverse LPF calculator?
- [QRZ] CW keyer with no DTR pin (cwdaemon + cwlib)
- [QRZ] DUDE-Star (RX) projects and hack fix for Pi-Star DMR->YSF
- [QRZ] Curious thermal (?) behavior in amplifier
- [M0IAX] Set up MMSSTV and the IC-705
- [QRZ] Thought I would share this homemade piece
- [QRZ] W3NQN passive CW filter... new version released?
- [QRZ] Another rubbish receiver.
- [QRZ] Eyelet tool for PCBs
- [QRZ] Motorola AN762 Linear Amplifier Kit Question
- Hackaday Links: January 3, 2021
- [VK2TPM] Apple Silicon Fldigi but no sound yet
- [KD8CEC] Release DVPI Version 1.0
- [QRZ] 50 Ohm coupler type 105
- [M0IAX] ARISS 20th Anniversary SSTV Event
- [QRZ] Post your Beginner Projects
- [QRZ] Can I add a frequency counter to Pixie?
- [VK2TPM] Scratch built uSDX from VK2BLQ
- [QRZ] LDMOS amplifier cooling
- [VK2TPM] Receiving High Altitude Balloon telemetry
- [QRZ] single or split?
- [QRZ] Creating a VOX circuit for APRS
- [M0IAX] Site update
- [QRZ] Is there a device to decode CW for a receiver?
- [KG3V] A Dipole that Covers the Entire 80 Meter Band with SWR less than 3:1
- [QRZ] 3D Printed Hexbeam Wire Guides [Temporary!] STL file
- [QRZ] Kits and Parts 20 meter cw transceiver project.
- AmateurLogic 150: Christmas 2020
- [QRZ] Transistor Heat Sink Question?
- [QRZ] 60 meter
- [G6NHU] Website updates complete and a few general news items
- [QRZ] How should I drive my QRP tube amp?
- [QRZ] 1930's Vacuum Tube Transmitter for the Beginner
- [QRZ] Measuring an amplifier
- [QRZ] N7DDC ATU - high power and (or) balanced
- [QRZ] Source for 74HCT47
- [KG3V] Using External Antenna Tuners with the IC-7300 - Update 9/24/20
- [QRZ] I hate pinouts
- [M1GEO] Using CW Skimmer with Hermes Lite 2 SDR
- [KB6NU] Keysight: How to prevent ESD damage
- [QRZ] Questions about quadrature oscillator for Tayloe detector
- [QRZ] 240 Volt (3.6 kW) Outboard SoftStart Unit
- [QRZ] PCB Milling Skill Acquired!
- [QRZ] Quality electronic workbench tools
- [QRZ] I ordered some 3.579 MHz crystals
- [VK2TPM] MacBook Air M1 - not all plain sailing so far
- [QRZ] Transistor Heat Sink Question?
- [QRZ] Back to soldering...
- [QRZ] Question about those inexpensive QRP kits
- [QRZ] SW Receiver Kits
- [QRZ] Fun with a 21.052 Mhz TTL oscillator module
- [QRZ] Which soldering iron should I get?
- [QRZ] Source for 74HCT47
- [KD8CEC] DVPi plans and current status
- [QRZ] Surplus Hoyt 2.5" Analog Meters - 1 mA
- [QRZ] Tracking RF Filter "variable gain" problem
- [QRZ] MFJ Auto Tuner Extender clone?
- [VK2TPM] Soldering mat using silicon baking mat
- [QRZ] 144MHz Linear amplifier
- [QRZ] Ideal Use of PIN Diodes to Control Receive Anetnna Flow
- [QRZ] Measuring the Frequency of 50,000 Volt Sparks
- [G6NHU] How to automatically link your Pi-Star hotspot to D-Star or YSFReflectors
- [QRZ] Oxo transmitter chirp
- [QRZ] What is maximum input power of BLR188XR ?
- [QRZ] Vackar Oscillator not Oscillating
- [N0UN] Yaesu Illuminator G-450/650 3 LED Board
- [KD8CEC] DMR Talk group Status Server
- [QRZ] The glory of machining
- [QRZ] Pass transistors connected to LT1082 regulator board (SMPS)
- [QRZ] Looking For FM Modulator Schematic
- [KB9VBR] Linked Dipole Antenna Build and Parks on the Air Activation
- [QRZ] Core Material for Induction Coils / Transformers
- [QRZ] Learning about toroidal RF transformers
- [QRZ] Learning how to build a cw transmitter while I study for my liscence...
- [QRZ] My latest project AD5X 43 foot vertical matching network for 160/80m
- [QRZ] Layout of WA2EBY QRP amplifier
- [QRZ] Pass transistors connected to LT1082 regulator board (SMPS)
- [G6NHU] Ive successfully worked DXCC on 30m
- [KB9VBR] Build a Dipole Antenna Center Insulator
- [QRZ] Step 1 to a vhf station
- [QRZ] MFJ-8100K looking for somone who has built this kit
- [QRZ] New SOTA Antenna System
- [QRZ] EZ Digi problem
- [QRZ] Homebrew Separation Kit?
- [QRZ] Toko TK 2518
- [KD8CEC] DVPi schematic final version
- [QRZ] A 6m to 5GHZ Tranceiver
- [QRZ] Tayloe detector success
- AmateurLogic 147: A September to Remember
- [QRZ] Two-Tone Test oscillators
- [QRZ] Rack Mount 891
- [WB4SON] MORSERINO Home Run with "Echo Test"
- [QRZ] home brewed 2-3x 813,about 50 bucks
- [QRZ] Homemade Y-cable and PTT for FT-891
- [M0NWK] ICOM IC-7300 & WSJT-X configuration for FT-8 data mode
- [QRZ] LDMOS amplifier cooling
- [KB6NU] Adafruit on soldering
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