View Full Version : Homebrew
- WTB: KWM2A Front Panel
- Blowing NE602s.Why?
- Blowing NE602s.Why?
- FA:Collins/Drake mic plugs + ....
- FA:Collins/Drake mic plugs + ....
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Polystyrene capacitors for filter networks?
- Polystyrene capacitors for filter networks?
- Eimac's new 3CX1500D7
- Eimac's new 3CX1500D7
- A Simple Harmonic Generator.
- A Simple Harmonic Generator.
- FS: BA/HB parts de W7ZFB
- FS: BA/HB parts de W7ZFB
- Need G8870 DTMF decoder
- Need G8870 DTMF decoder
- WTB NE561B PLL chip
- WTB NE561B PLL chip
- SEMI- PROFESSIONAL transistor tester for auction
- SEMI- PROFESSIONAL transistor tester for auction
- Measuring small inductances
- Measuring small inductances
- 100W linear PA: output matching
- 100W linear PA: output matching
- Icom IC-251A Low Power Mod?
- Icom IC-251A Low Power Mod?
- VCO Questions
- VCO Questions
- FT-41R HELP please?
- FT-41R HELP please?
- Extracting the 5th Harmonic - revised design
- Extracting the 5th Harmonic - revised design
- WTB-4 pin E.F. Johnson tube skts
- WTB-4 pin E.F. Johnson tube skts
- FS: Peanut Whistle Two
- FS: Peanut Whistle Two
- TS850. Want 300mW output by use of ALC.
- TS850. Want 300mW output by use of ALC.
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- ZipperFish talk radio
- ZipperFish talk radio
- FRG-8800 Circuit Diagram
- FRG-8800 Circuit Diagram
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Money in your mailbox...Only $6 to start!!
- Money in your mailbox...Only $6 to start!!
- Extracting the 5th Harmonic
- Extracting the 5th Harmonic
- Microwave PIN switch
- Microwave PIN switch
- Adding components with Ansoft Designer SV
- Adding components with Ansoft Designer SV
- Ameco AC-1 problem
- Ameco AC-1 problem
- CalTech amp in Jan/Feb QEX?
- CalTech amp in Jan/Feb QEX?
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Looking for TDA7330B chip
- Looking for TDA7330B chip
- Hands electronics, are they still going ?
- Hands electronics, are they still going ?
- Elpac schematic
- Elpac schematic
- MFJ balanced line tuner efficiency?
- MFJ balanced line tuner efficiency?
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Re: WWVB decoder circuit
- Device identification
- Device identification
- What does "73" in hamspeak
- What does "73" in hamspeak
- Question about toroid vs. air core coil.
- Question about toroid vs. air core coil.
- Increasing range of rf remote
- Increasing range of rf remote
- QST article
- QST article
- Using a power mosfet to select from various power sources for HFrig
- Using a power mosfet to select from various power sources for HFrig
- transverter 2m - 70cm (pmr)
- transverter 2m - 70cm (pmr)
- Kemet mil-spec cap ???
- Kemet mil-spec cap ???
- test
- test
- 1N414B
- 1N414B
- Hand soldering QFN package?
- Hand soldering QFN package?
- FA: Antique Radio Belts+RF Switch.....
- FA: Antique Radio Belts+RF Switch.....
- F.S. Vintage Tubes/Valves, Radio Parts, & equipment
- F.S. Vintage Tubes/Valves, Radio Parts, & equipment
- Astronomy / Space Newsletter
- Astronomy / Space Newsletter
- wtb large inductor
- wtb large inductor
- vfo question
- vfo question
- FA:Chge-over relay 115v, Plugin coils+
- FA:Chge-over relay 115v, Plugin coils+
- Help required info on HiMARK DM1461 PLL chip
- Help required info on HiMARK DM1461 PLL chip
- Contest Group PA6F Website
- Contest Group PA6F Website
- FA: Eico 667 Tube Tester
- FA: Eico 667 Tube Tester
- Elecraft
- Elecraft
- Wanted: bandpass filter design
- Wanted: bandpass filter design
- One Tube Superhet
- One Tube Superhet
- 1N414B
- 1N414B
- 455 KC oscillator = CB jamming device
- 455 KC oscillator = CB jamming device
- request for introduction
- request for introduction
- Using Multimedia Headsets
- Using Multimedia Headsets
- Shaft Coupling Source?
- Shaft Coupling Source?
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- Buy and Sell your Tube Gear!
- designing a 1240-1300MHz VCO
- designing a 1240-1300MHz VCO
- 433MHz or 916MHz ?
- 433MHz or 916MHz ?
- ARRL bamboozled by FCC -- BPL Lives, big money talks
- ARRL bamboozled by FCC -- BPL Lives, big money talks
- slow process
- slow process
- AADE Filter Design SW now free
- AADE Filter Design SW now free
- Antenna Tuner
- Antenna Tuner
- magazine article sought after
- magazine article sought after
- Freeware/shareware ADIF?
- Freeware/shareware ADIF?
- Space/Astronomy Newsletter
- Space/Astronomy Newsletter
- Kenwood VFO-820 schematic
- Kenwood VFO-820 schematic
- FS Ad: Electronic Components including TIL311 Hex Displays - LEDs - TTL Chips
- FS Ad: Electronic Components including TIL311 Hex Displays - LEDs - TTL Chips
- Homebrewed remote antenna switch.
- Homebrewed remote antenna switch.
- Cap Codes
- Cap Codes
- [Annc] Hybrid DDS/PLL synth project page updated
- [Annc] Hybrid DDS/PLL synth project page updated
- Surface mount ?
- Surface mount ?
- Re: Quindar Tones (NASA roger beep)
- Which DDS chip?
- Which DDS chip?
- recommended radio kits
- recommended radio kits
- Kenwood SP-430
- Kenwood SP-430
- Reciprocal Detector
- Reciprocal Detector
- I sell 8875
- I sell 8875
- WTB: 73 Magazine 5/65-5/66
- WTB: 73 Magazine 5/65-5/66
- One Tube Superhet
- One Tube Superhet
- FA: Glenayre RCL-54C Repeater Card
- FA: Glenayre RCL-54C Repeater Card
- PSK31 article on ARRL website
- PSK31 article on ARRL website
- Post follow up
- Post follow up
- WTB : eaton ailtech singer antennas
- WTB : eaton ailtech singer antennas
- Converting sig gen to solid state
- Converting sig gen to solid state
- A general test of oscillator stability?
- A general test of oscillator stability?
- Have you seen this oscillator?
- Have you seen this oscillator?
- safeguard against brownouts
- safeguard against brownouts
- DDS 50 ohms buffer ?
- DDS 50 ohms buffer ?
- Soldering Tips that Heat Very Fast
- Soldering Tips that Heat Very Fast
- FS:HB cases de W7ZFB
- FS:HB cases de W7ZFB
- Collins 30L1 Round
- Collins 30L1 Round
- FA: Something for everyone - LAST DAY!!!
- FA: Something for everyone - LAST DAY!!!
- Sample-and-hold product detector
- Sample-and-hold product detector
- AGC - why delayed? good properties?
- AGC - why delayed? good properties?
- e
- e
- Looking for source for surplus teflon hookup wire.
- Looking for source for surplus teflon hookup wire.
- TS-118A/AP, RF Wattmeter/Dummy load
- TS-118A/AP, RF Wattmeter/Dummy load
- Power Inductor Optimization...
- Power Inductor Optimization...
- FA:25K 200W BLEEDERS + Other stuff
- FA:25K 200W BLEEDERS + Other stuff
- Sky-wave Trigonometry - New program
- Sky-wave Trigonometry - New program
- Want to buy - 20 feet of #12 or #10 Teflon coated wire.
- Want to buy - 20 feet of #12 or #10 Teflon coated wire.
- Storbe light when phone rings
- Storbe light when phone rings
- looking for rf design book
- looking for rf design book
- FS
- FS
- Avantek YIG osc data?
- Avantek YIG osc data?
- Re: Designing Frequency-Dependent Impedances?
- Source for Polyvaricon Caps
- Source for Polyvaricon Caps
- ICs
- ICs
- FS: Nice Homebrew HV Supply With PICS... $40+UPS!
- FS: Nice Homebrew HV Supply With PICS... $40+UPS!
- high quality graph of nice 0-100 analog scale?
- FT707 ALC!
- FT707 ALC!
- HELP with finding ARRL Handbook Filter circuit please
- HELP with finding ARRL Handbook Filter circuit please
- Frequency Division
- Frequency Division
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