View Full Version : Homebrew
- SolderSmoke -- A visit to the New South Wales Homebrew Group
- quick-connect jumper wires / plugs ("daisy chain jumper wire" or similar) ?
- daisy chain jumper wire?
- small variable capacitors (measured in uF)? measuring capacitance?
- Poor fm,am radio reception--solutions?
- Tube reccomendation
- WTS Hammarlud HXL-ONE
- Shack Sale
- SolderSmoke -- A Podcast About Electronics
- ECHOLINK - attacks by P2P connection ?
- Question for the group...
- RF Phase shift
- variable HF oscillator
- motherboard LED connectors and posts?
- radio shielding?
- Car and Deep Cycle Battery FAQ
- Where there's smoke.....
- FS: UTC S-74 de W7ZFB
- A Homebrewer's Blog
- Varactor dipper
- SolderSmoke #60: Eric of Elecraft on the K3. AGC. Noise and power meters
- Need 2SC1971 transistor in TO-220
- AD9912 SFDR measurements
- Wanted: Dead Band Module TM-742A
- Re: Self Osc Problem
- Re: Self Osc Problem
- Rocket Telemetry
- Self Osc Problem
- High School looking for IRLP contacts VK, ZL or Asia-pacific
- .5-600 MHz AD8343 vs LT5512
- .5-600 MHz LT5512 impedance matching
- Shameless plug for yahoo rfamplifiers group.
- SolderSmoke Podcast
- VFO.... Zero TC caps
- FS:Motorola Transistors
- BY1-1 and 01-043A RF Transistors data need
- Check Out Texas CB Forum
- 6BE6 vs 6BY6
- 6BY6 vs 6BE6 in product detectors
- External VOX
- Homebrew Keyer
- Bluetooth
- Need help to identify a dual modulus PLL IC
- 6146 amp
- How to reduce two-way radio's power output?
- Buy and sell tube gear!
- Tropo DX on east coast! low VHF, 6m likely hot
- WTD: EAGLE library model for GALI-series MMIC package
- High School Radio Club looking for IRLP School contacts in Asia
- Roller inductor question
- I made $1.25 million last year alone, I'll show you how!!!
- where to buy some chassis?
- I made $1.25 million last year alone, I'll show you how!!!
- Tektronix 7603 scope behavior when readout board is missing
- MFJ-259B coils
- Balun Construction :: Did I do this right?
- do YOU have this?
- 6m amp
- Grundig YB 400 component locations
- help with multiplexers
- IIR or FIR or IF DSP project?
- Advice on the art of radio design, local oscillators and filters etc
- Help for old homebrew ?1930s
- Computer Grade
- Introducing New York Near Space Research (NYNSR)
- FS: NORTEL NTAX96PA 902 MHz Amplifier
- What happened to the SkyWave?
- How to set tuning on Sony car stereo from Japanese to US tuning...please help
- Viking Adventurer
- Freebie: PCB Etch Tanks
- ? on tuning caps
- Check Out Radio Pirates Forum
- help needed on hi-V power supply circuit
- 3SK73GR ??
- Homebrew 11 tube CB receiver info wanted
- This idea of testing a trap
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 04/17/07 News for Freedom Lovers
- FYI: 100+ Kit Project Companies
- Mechanically aligning old variable caps?
- Power Rheostat Question..
- Book (and software) sale
- Putting the Ham back into Ham Radio?
- Yard sale find
- RFID FAQs - RFID Companies, Equipment, Medical ...
- Need help identifing IC.
- Sanyo LA1205 Datasheet Needed
- The Harry Thomas Special Report on The Dumbing Down Of America
- Help with antenna extensions
- Broadband fixed gain antenna line amp
- PSPICE frequency ananlysis
- Iwatsu SS-5710 O'Scope Manual
- Smith Chart program
- How to make DDS AD9854 output Phase-Coherent ?
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 04/11/07 Small World , Big News
- Best ARRL handbook editions?
- IR adapter hack
- Pointers to (or on) block downconverter construction?
- simple(?) question...
- WTS Heath SB101
- The Harry Thomas Show-week in review 04/04/07 better sound now in mp3
- UTC ls 55 transformers
- 811A's, Dual Grid and Class B triodes
- Timonium hamfest observation
- SolderSmoke -- A Podcast for You
- Jackrabbits Problem
- Question about Switch
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 03/28/07
- FAQ - - "What is Ham radio"?
- workbench radio projects
- VoiceMax Speech Processor Moving Forward...
- Converting AM signal to FM signal
- Anyone used the SA607 or SA608 chips?
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 03/21/07 back from hiatus
- For the newbie, a FAQ, "What is _REAL_ Ham Radio?"
- Turn portable radio into transmitter- can it be done?
- The Harry Thomas Show - week in review 03/21/07
- LC Oscillator Questions
- Schematic for AN/APT-4 military jammer/xmitter 15-1100Mhz?
- Magnetron as RF transciever
- What'a a rotostub tuner do?
- Aldi 720 watt 230v AC/12v portable genrator.
- My Introductory Post..
- Need help identifying CSdc diode block
- ? on neon light as static discharge device
- (( صــــور )) إيراني يفعل الفاحشة بالأطفال .. أنظـرو ما كان جزاء فعلته
- Microwave magnetron as a rectifier diode.
- Old microwave
- VCXO frequency isn't high enough
- Re: VoiceMax Speech Processor Module...
- Wall Plate
- Two metres mobile..Is it ok with airbags?
- SA602A oscillator
- Detecting Ultrasound
- Hams versus CBers and whatnot
- APRS with Microsoft Streets or AutoRoute
- 813 modulators
- Re: VoiceMax Speech Processor Module...
- 8558B YIG Oscillator - Not Field Repairable?
- Help identifying connector
- One crystal with several mixers?
- G3SBI H-Mode Mixer as tested by PA3AKE
- FS: 17 isues of Communications Quarterly
- Europe to Test 1000s Chemicals on Millions of Animals
- Long range rural wireless high speed data options...
- Buy and Sell Tube Gear!
- Paralel resonant circuit tuning range calculator program.
- PowerSDR, SDRADIO etc - demodulation possible using only I or Q, why?
- VoiceMax Speech Processor Module...
- lownoise fm preamplifer design help reud.
- PHOTO OF THE WEEK, Project Complete
- How-to question...
- Racal RA6790/GM GPIB Codes
- Need Toshiba radar components data
- Electret Condenser Mic Question
- Need help with antenna issue
- 8558B
- midland 70-165-16b
- Amp design question
- Now that CW is gone there will be more ham to non-ham conflicts.
- Dish Network "500" dish with two LNBs
- EZNEC Question
- opinion about MAR mimic
- 813's as Modulators
- RESULT: will be created
- Hammarlund HX-50 choke question.
- Good sound card & software ?
- Need audio coupler xfmr National S101 or similar
- Aprspoint 4.2 released!
- German suppliers of components and wire
- Kanga kits in UK
- Re: Ship's Tour Of My Universe To Begin - Call To Arms! Duty Stations! Fire When Ready! Cease Fire Procola! Pt. I/III
- 3rd RFD: moderated (LAST CALL FOR COMMENTS)
- Simple wideband audio amplifier circuit?
- killing cars with high RF?
- CW Bands
- navtex receiver/AM receiver sensitivity
- Continuous Phase Modulation
- Help with BF998 preamp
- Cobra 148GTL for 10 METER
- licence classes
- 10.9 MHz IF?
- Doerle Twinplex
- Testing a mixer..
- Wanted - "Hands-on-radio" articles from 8/06 & 10/06 QST
- aprspoint 4.0 available, with improved tracking
- C.M Howes AP3 Speech Processor.
- WJ 8718 need parts
- SMC ?
- zenith transoceanic battery packs
- FA: Items of Interest for Auction
- Aluminum can eclosure
- power resistors
- 3P41 Transmiting Tube Data Need
- MC1350 IC's
- various power resistors, 5 to 26 watts, to get rid of.
- FS: NOS Thordarson 12 Henry Choke T-17C00-B
- When is a hybrid not a hybrid?
- Vista compatibility with APRSPoint
- Cutis Keyer CK-200 Vectronics Schematic Request
- Wanted: coil stock airdux
- test
- Wanted: Airdux Coil Stock
- Mid Course Quiz
- almost free: Thordarson transformers T-70R61
- FS: Service Manuals for Commercial, Test Equipment & Amateur Equipment
- rfamplifiers group on yahoo
- almost free: 10 Henry choke
- almost free: Thordarson transformers T-70B61V or T-70R61V ? ?
- almost free: 6.3 VAC 10 amp filament transformer
- almost free: Thordarson transformers T-70B61V or T-70R61V ? ?
- FS: Home brew 4CX-1000 amplifier.....
- Two QRP questions, one easy, the other, tricky...
- Cell phone for homebrew ?
- DC RX PCB wanted
- Re: Schlecks' Schlock!
- Schlecks' Schlock!
- FS: transmitter tube plate RF Chokes
- FS: 5 position band switch, Mallory p/n 1345L
- Triad F-93X power supply transformer info. ? ?
- off topic: DCG kit
- Buy and Sell Tube Gear!
- FS: NOS, Stancor transformer P-4045
- FS: NOS, Stancor transformer P-6009
- FS: Thordarson Choke T-17C00-B
- L/Series network tuner
- Where does part 97 end and part 15 begin?
- Kenwood Base Station schematic
- QEX Magazines WTB
- Bad Colpitts osc Waveform
- double balanced mixer ?
- FT-1000D internal coax plug
- Remote System for handle FM Radio
- Where to buy large area copper clad boards in Canada?
- Advance CT-472 circuit schematic required.
- White Rose Receiver by G3TDZ
- Low Noise VFO
- FA: Kenwood VFO-520
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