View Full Version : Homebrew
- Listening USA Country music from Istanbul - Turkey
- New program - Antenna Counterpoise
- clevite filters
- wanted 3cx1200d7
- Another power supply project
- stripline@ 75 Ohm
- Software-only USB driver for AVR
- Help finding suitABLE torroid core.
- Get Rich
- OM3CPH frequency counter doesn't work?
- Cheap AM chips
- YM400 receiver
- 21.855 or 20.945MHz Xtals - who stocks them - corrected
- 20.945MHz or 21.845MHz Xtals -who stocks them...
- pO* ***Hot stuff - check this out !!! pO*
- BWD826 scope operation manual
- Emtech???
- Interested? Start here with the weekly FAQ!
- Use a Heathkit phone patch for recording phone conversations?
- Coax Cable, Connectors & Adapters
- Rotor soggestion
- Gunnplexer connected to antenna
- FS: pr 813s and 1625 driver in 3-ft rack
- Tube type 10 MHz VFO controlled xmtr - ideas?
- liste
- WWV receiver
- Anyone built the 6146 cw/am transmitter in the 1966 Handbook?
- Question about Tektronix SC501 scope
- Highest RF Satellite receiver schematic- diy passive sar radar
- FA: Some nice HP gear from my home lab....
- Fair market value of salvaged parts.
- Amateur Radar
- FAQ (Was : Re: Who is childish enough and obsessed enough? Brian Reay? Mike Gathergood? Nathan Hull? Gareth Paley? Eric Williams? D.Lawson?)
- FS: Expanded Spectrum "Time Machine"
- Value of the capacitor Cx in wireless microphone SM0VPO
- how can a casette deck receive a radio program
- FA:100p+A****er-Kent Service Manual+ more
- Astron Power Supply problem
- Re: Radio Shack Electronic Kits
- FA: Dow Relay, air variables, VLF converter, meters, etc.
- anybody has barebones superhet schematics (QST june 82)?
- LF Dip Meter
- FA: Dow Relay, variable caps, meters, VLF Converter
- Standard Micronic Ruby radios
- Re: Radio Shack Electronic Kits
- RadioPirates Forum Check It out
- Any CDR's known to work with old CD drives???
- GOOGLE SECRETS ..earn easy money
- Re: Soundcard Application development.
- Re: Radio Shack Electronic Kits
- Crystal Filter Matching
- Re: Radio Shack Electronic Kits
- FS: Heathkit Manuals
- 50s Band Converter ID
- Crystal ladder coupling constants.
- FA: More air variables added
- For the newly interested - The Weekly FAQ, "What Is Ham Radio?"
- SMT 40m + 20m qrp
- JFET for dip meter
- Increase lelectivity by a Q multiplier
- WTD: Resistor
- Ceramic filters for FM....
- RF Connectors, Adapters & Cable Assemblies
- FA: Globe 46+ air variables+stuff
- Spanish at Home
- glass-mount omnidirectional antenna?
- Hewlitt Packard 606A Sig gen..
- Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
- Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
- Dual jfet
- APRSPoint new version available !
- Compensating frequency response of wideband amplifiers
- LMX2322?
- Whatever happened to
- Consti-google-pated?
- NE602 replacement is NTE7164?
- PIC Based Freq Readout
- 1N4007 varactors
- Doppler Radar
- SPRAT #125 - The Saviour of Ham Radio?
- FX5000 external frequency input?
- SPRAT 125 - G-QRP Journal - Winter 2005/6
- Welcome To Ham Radio! (And Don't Get Misled By CBERS!) - A FAQ.
- SolderSmoke #12 -- A Show for Electronics Homebrewers
- Re: Building a "Robinson Crusoe" Battery
- Building a DAB radio
- yahoo rfamplifiers group
- Any Experience?
- BF981 substituting BF964?
- Rockwell GPS recievers
- Reliable Inexpensive Electronic Weather Instruments
- Weller parts closeout Washington DC area
- Re: RARE admission by Radio Mart L@@K
- FA: 8 Air Variables + other stuff too
- Sell your Tube Gear!
- Identifying a mystery diode
- Ground Plane construction vs pre-printed "protoboards"
- Knob for Hallicrafter S-53?
- Nice tool set from Newark
- What's it all about? - FAQ
- Re: Comcast Info
- APRSPoint holiday special
- OT need HX-50 schematic please.
- Antenna gain vs. isotrophic (teorethical) one
- 6v & 90v DC Power supply
- No link attitude!
- EPSON LCD Module
- Re: MY BASE CB - VK4EGE basestation.jpg
- Amidon Cores??
- Halicrafters S-40B
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- يا جماعة فى منـ* تعليميـة مجانية فى مجال برمجة الكمبيوتر
- My amateur radio stations - make requests for songs and many more!
- Re: Disgraceful behaviour today - what do you think?
- HV transformer
- FAQ - Repeated because the issues are too important to let the Mongolian Hordes of CBers shout them down.
- A Merry Solstice To All Our Readers
- Re: FAQ - Repeated again because I can't accept that I need professional help
- Re: FAQ - Repeated again because I can't accept that I need professional help
- help with a transformer
- To build or not to build Part II
- Disciplining Airwave Nuisance
- website
- FAQ - revised version
- APRS users
- If the answer's, "M3", it must be a bloody silly question!
- FA: Nice Homebrew SSB / CW Transmitter - 80, 40, 20 meters
- Still looking for a Tripp Lite PR-25 (or similar) DC power supply schematic
- FS: Filter capacitors
- FS: Filter capacitors
- HP 11593A specification?
- AM to FM?
- Re: Hi Just Saying Hello
- Annc: New release of KE5FX GPIB Toolkit
- Need a UHF tube - link
- BF964S noise - alternatives??
- Aluminum Tower Wanted
- Re: Tool Talk
- Re: Tool Talk
- damaged collins filter?
- Question regarding the AADE L/C meter
- Re: Tool Talk
- Re: Tool Talk
- Re: Tool Talk
- Pepper And Salt (Seasoned Greetings) to all our readers - the Xmas FAQ
- To build or not to build
- Help with Heath SB200
- new car
- new car
- How high Q can we expect from a coax?
- can a picture tube be used as an RF amplifier?
- Test Equipment F.A.
- HF Linear
- Intermod problem on OHR Classic
- Is magnetic field affected by metal conductor?
- Linear amplifier chain choices
- Marker precision on a HB8592B (HP859xb series)
- Tripp Lite PR-25 Schematic wanted.
- FA:TUBES:5Z3, 811A, 45 +MO STUFF TOO
- The Boatanchor Classifieds
- A Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) (At least, by me, for the benefit of novices)
- electronics/rf coursework for hobbyist
- Reading data back from HP4195A
- G10 fiberglass rod needed
- 96 chevy truck radio location
- Alinco radio problem
- yahoo rfamplifiers group
- broadband transformer
- FS: Plate transformer
- MESA Quartz Crystals
- Ground resistance tester
- Circuit for Telemobile TRX ?
- FS: Bud equipment cabinets/enclosures, unused
- Short coax interconnections - phase implications??
- voltage drop of a old silenium rectifier
- FAQ - Important because of the CBers on the RSC Council
- FA: Various items including some for homebrewers
- Need to build 100 mW UHF power amp
- Toroids coating
- OFF TOPIC, but how do y'all read these news groups?
- FREE: RF Connector, Adapter & Cable Catalog
- Knight Star Roamer II manuals needed
- FA: Tubes: 811A, 572B,6V6Y,45+stuff....
- Good general purpose TO-92 p-channel FET?
- What's in a battery, these days?
- freedom and independence
- AWA Contest- Caution
- Crystal VCO
- FAQ - Is anyone interested in _REAL_ Ham Radio any more?
- Crystal VCO
- 12 vdc distribution network?
- For sale
- Conductive plastic/cermet pots
- Unusual functions of cheap parts
- CRT tubes
- Free Old Tyme Ham Radio Calendar
- Simple triggered sweep.
- "Standard parts" for rf amps?
- Uses for Old UPSes
- SLA charging question.
- WANTED! Mostar Intrerface Box
- Wtb: Hp-23
- Cleaning Tektronix TM500 series cam switches??
- FRIEND: as are You, Brandon is Awesome.
- Homebrew radio show
- Best FAQ for the whole universe, and all contemporaneous (parallel) universes
- choke input voltage doubler?
- Best FAQ in the Western Hemisphere
- Trickle Charge Battery
- FAQ - Interested? Start here!
- A much, much better FAQ than Polymath's
- Wanted Patcomm service manual
- Need location of zener in Swan 350
- Bridge Rectifier Info
- Availability of DS1689S
- Confused on diplexer issue.
- Need help with Swan 350
- FA: NOS Western Electric Command sets + mo...
- Help wanted
- Question on Drake TR-4 restoration project.
- Coax Connectors, Adapters & Bulk cable
- Source for DV2840S MOSFET?
- Is "ARRL's RF Amplifier Classics" book any good?
- A better Ham Radio FAQ than Polymath's
- FAQ, just what is Ham Radio?
- Call for Entries: Home Meadmakers Competition, Feb 2006 IMA Meadfest
- FAQ, just what is Ham Radio?
- 1936 vintage rig
- Trio TS-780 Repair
- Calling all TV repair men - VSP9427 wanted
- Controller for handheld scanner
- Tube Bench Supply
- Naval connection? You qualify for RNARS membership!
- Sentry projects in Elementary Electronics Magazine.
- High-insulation 1:1 wideband transformer?
- odd variable capacitor ?
- Pulling crystal
- A different FAQ
- The FAQ - because no-one has an alternative one.
- Battery PS for Shack
- Battery quality/life/efficiency/MostBangForTheBuck/whatever
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