View Full Version : Antenna
- Ham Radio Test
- does any design arrow antenna by using mmana-gal?
- Vertical Yagi?
- Antenna progress
- copper transmission lines with polumer insulator
- Software for measuring S/N and signal strength through soundcard?
- Solar cycle: normal
- Ryhmän sfnet.tiede virallinen kuvaus
- Part of Too Many
- series circuit for fractional WL antennas
- ipod case
- Ryhmän sfnet.harrastus.autot.tee-itse virallinen kuvaus
- car antenna cable
- ART - re: Your Many Posts
- Antenna
- Part three of many
- HF Tuners on back of 4x4s
- Part two of many posts
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Ham radio AO-51 satellite antenna by web7days
- Part one of many parts...again, unless I get rude comments which showlack of interest!
- my yiga 2.ghz antenna
- hot images
- Has anyone here actually built a Lazy H for 10 meters?
- Why does the Lazy H antenna suck in the real world on 11 meters?
- PUFF 2.1
- Question about Measuring and cutting coax length
- Radiation and dummy loads
- Test Preparation Software
- HF Biconical Antennas
- anyone looking for truck tool box antenna mount?
- Open Wire fed lengths
- Optimised antenna
- Re: Jo 100 000 eronnut kirkosta
- Re: Evolutionistit nolasivat itsensa tiede.fiissa
- Loop antenna success story
- TO download latest songs and images!
- wireless rotator
- Need help with first HF antenna
- Parabolic Dish Questions
- Naruto 405, One Piece 504, Bleach 327
- Re: Serial Port BASIC?
- Transmission line choke - re:Richard Clark
- Re: Mopokypärän lainaaminen
- Article throws "more light" on wave and particles ...
- Does a HF vertical antenna need a balun?
- interesting format for a new antenna
- Ham Radio License Software
- feeding an 80 meter loop question
- Rebuttal to Richard Clark's comments on my Chapter 19A
- RoomCap Antenna - last results
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 13 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Steps 11 & 12 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 10 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 9 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 8 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 7 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 2 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step 1 response
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III" - Step Reviews Overview
- SWR changes on VHF/UHF Log
- Why don't every American have this aerial ? It is beyond Big !
- PALSTAR AT1KP Meter 1200 Watt Antenna Tuner
- Yagicad 5.2 problem
- Help us save usenet news for Time-Warner customers
- 40m centre feed dipole, I want to add 80m
- ham antennas
- re: Big
- BIG Brothers' attack on USENET--i.e. our forum here ...
- How to calculate wind load area?
- TV Antenna.....Please Help....
- ladder line??
- Stainless Steel Tube for Yagi Directors
- Balun 1:1 with FT 240-61 toroid
- 80 Meter End Fed Eire
- Chapter 19A from "Reflections III"
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Efficiency and maximum power transfer
- Unwin antennas
- What effect does a tuner have at the antenna?
- Re: HAM to PC
- What would you check - A4S 10 meter problem
- Transmitter antenna help
- OT Atmospheric Instruments
- Sunspots and Sporadic E
- Bandwidth impact of a gamma match / NEC2 calculations
- Renting amateur tower space
- Ladder line Vs. Coax
- WANTED: 75/80 Meter Coil for Spider Mobile Assy
- Triband Mobile Vertical
- RF continues to look "like the answer." Yes, OT!
- Re: antenna construction
- Saw new magazine "Antenna" at the bookstore, but it's not about radio
- Motorola antenna question
- Sunspot cycle more dud than radiation flood
- antenna construction
- Serious Skin Care Tips For Women Who Take Their Skin Care Seriously!
- Rigexpert AA-200 antenna analyser
- 75m/30m, 40m/17m Dual Banders
- Why is my dipole low impedance?
- Entertainment value
- 1Hz click external noise?
- Full-wave coaxial loop?
- W4RNL mirror-site
- Mounting a 1.25" mast to a wooden fence ...
- Wrist Rocket Height
- Scanner VR-500
- FS: MFJ-902 tiny Travel Tuner (eBay)
- will it work?
- Quake
- Dayton
- 6mile longwire
- have u seen this
- Coils getting hot in antennatuner. Is this normal ?
- RG 174
- How to calculate power handling capability of a gamma match capacitor
- Field day station isolation
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Antenna Patern db over distance
- Yagi near ground high lobe pattern...
- Palstar ZM30 or Kuranishi BR-210
- To Find Your Soil's Electric Conductivity
- Ground gain on real ground
- Items I would like to trade
- Re: Disadvantages of using AM for DSSS/FHSS Spread Spectrum?
- Sharmans Diamond clones
- 75 meter hamstick vs low dipole
- Re: Disadvantages of using AM for DSSS/FHSS Spread Spectrum?
- LDG Z100 to TS50s interface
- 2M yagi
- PL259 Thread standard
- resonant coil with high phase stability
- Stacking beams
- LMR 400 LLPL
- RE:Octopus a real Doosey
- Antenna analyzer schematic
- Horizontal Vee Beams
- HDTV antenna
- Atomic SEO
- 20m 1/4 wave portable vertical
- Antenna Stacking : HF / 2M / Dipole / Directional HDTV Antenna
- Balun question
- Public Service - NWS
- Re:Tennamast cage, how to elongate the holes
- L.B. Cebik, W4RNL, SK
- Ferrite Bead Installation Guide
- SG-230 problem
- Use of type 31 ferrite as coax common mode choke
- Grounding Possibilities
- Homebrew RF chokes
- SGC-230 wire endfed or traped endfed
- Ground conductivity's effect on vertical
- G5RV Half size
- 20m whip on 30m?
- Database of 72 Windom radiation patterns for different antenna heights
- Database of 72 Windom radiation patterns for different antenna heights
- Database of 72 Windom radiation patterns for different antenna heights
- 1/4 Wave on 28.500MHz
- Who sells glass/ceramic insulators/standoffs anymore?
- I need to share the Secret to Power
- Open form coils for sale - reprise
- Effect of twisting on twisted pair impedance.
- MFJ969D Tuner
- Linear decoupling traps
- Yagi Beam Antennas for sale
- An alarming reason to ground
- Multiband no-radial vertical?
- Sloping doublet
- Line Of Sight Question
- Optimum wavelength % for a stick antenna?
- techical note from the kosher HaM
- antenna ccr site?
- Constant impedance response to infinity with point radiation
- Dayton Hamvention
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Efficiency of 200-ohm hairpin matching
- W9INN Dipole
- W2AU Balun - 1:1 or 4:1
- Horn antenna simulation
- Polarization Questions
- Suggestions for Intermittent Antenna?
- through glass coax coupling
- roof ground plane
- A Bit More On My Reception "Problems"
- Re:MFJ-259Z
- Pan and tilt
- Antenna Switch Problem; Thoughts On Please
- 2 opposite parabolic reflectors in a single directional WIFI antenna?
- external-antenna wifi for handheld/handtop?
- Strong Local FM Broadcast / MFJ 259b
- BNC Crimp Tool and crimp-connector
- Icom AH-4 Tuner question
- Re:Homebrew traps
- FS: Open form coils
- Hamstick dipole for 80m
- vertical antenna
- CHECK THIS OUT! (Superb)
- 160m vertical
- Double dipole better than YAGI 5 elements??
- 80m inductor kit or a pair of 80m traps?
- Wrapped Antenna Feeding
- "V" Dipole Antenna
- Strange Antenna challenge Memorial Day - need suggestions
- Re:Cobwebb feeder question
- Stealth Loop antenna
- �2.5 D
- Directional antenna in the 215 to 218 MHz band
- For those with antenna restrictions
- Re:coax question
- Antenna computor programs( AO PRO )
- "Splitter" Losses
- High Sierra Antennas
- improve fm reception on transistor radio
- The N8WWM archives
- Incoming radio wave polarisation
- Re:Cobwebb Homebrew
- Do receiver antennas need matching or not?
- proposal for new group!
- Re: Narrow band antenna.
- Broadband HF vertical antenna
- Question about Length of Antenna and Loading on Circuit
- From NEC2 to the real world with accuracy
- My naughty Profile
- My naughty Profile
- Several-octave balun?
- MA5V vs. MA5VA
- Attenuation Questions
- Shape
- The Rust of the Story
- WA5VJB "Cheap Yagi"
- Unused Antenna Port ?
- "F" Connectors ?
- will it hold up to an amplifier?
- Antenna physical size
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Sample point for scope
- Re: Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Software
- antenna impedance matching on small TX
- Hey Everybody
- Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Software
- Amateur Radio License Exam Preparation Software
- have a good time
- The Rest of the Story
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