View Full Version : Antenna
- Circulators, reflectometers, scatterometers, isolators, waves, etc, etc...
- Quad length ???
- re: test
- We Have Loopage!!
- Re: Racist Amateur Radio Operators (trimmed)
- Looking for Ameco TPA pre-amp/active antenna
- To trust which SWR meter
- Where to find microwave (10-25 GHz) phased array help?
- 45 degree polarization??
- Dealing with off topic
- Best all round antenna?
- Constructional details
- Looking for a Screwdriver-type Hf antenna at an affordable price??
- FS: Cushcraft Ringo 6m antenna
- FS: Five YO-YO-VEE prototypes...
- An Hentenna project
- Screw-Driver Antenna
- Mosley TA-33
- Force 12 and Hex-Beam
- 2m Yagi K3PF project question
- AEA Isoloop: Stepper Motor Repair
- Magloop woes
- Gap voyager DX antenna schematics?
- Curl-Free Transfer of Information
- FS: Cushcraft MA5V Ham Radio Vertical antenna
- Device By An Antenna: Patent WO0245210
- 1.2 Ghz antennas -- inexpensive designs?
- BALUN ??
- HELP: Will a TH3-JR HF beam load on 17m?
- T2FD modded to add LF, no switching, AM BC rejection
- FA: Bird Componets / MAXON Radios
- To Bob Miller; re Your Answer To My Balun Quest.
- Re: Help IDing this antenna base or brand please?
- Any Good Or Useful For Listening Only ?: WiNRADiO WR-LWA-0130 Long Wire Antenna Adapter
- Question on HS Screwdriver land installation
- ant coupler & silver mica ?
- A prototype Skeleton Discone for 3G and GSM
- Trying to Locate Push Up Mast Brackets
- Newbie Question - I need something between 18" and a tower
- T2DF + diplexer = HF + LF coverage, AM BC rejection
- Re: Racist Amateur Radio Operators Daniel L. Jeswald (W4NTI) & Charles
- IF
- SMA to TV Coax connectors hard to find?
- Attention hammies, I contact UFOs on freeband
- Antenna Safety Question
- Need Hamstick ZL-Special (or similar phased array) help
- Penn State fractal antenna reduces unwanted lobes
- Numbnut Dumbass 8 Vomit
- Re: MFJ or Autek
- MFJ 993 Auto Tuner
- "Non-Evasive" Antenna Mount for 2003 Chevy Blazer
- Methods for ladder line feed on rotatable antenna?
- MFJ-993
- JVP Argentina antennas - performance?
- Wanted: 23cms preamp and linear amplifier
- FS: Manual for Racal RA6790GM Receiver
- FS Vy Low Cost - TA-33M - UPS Shippable
- Re: Need recommendation: 2M antenna for motorcycle
- 40M+80M dual band delta loop?
- Larson glass mount question
- Re: Caution to message supposedly coming from Microsoft or the like
- No-codes and no-nos
- ALERT: Aurora happening NOW
- Ionosphere charge
- harness
- 100 w, Automatic Ladder line HF tuner
- Whaow : educypedia, java simulations online
- Homebrew tuner
- Freeband Antenna Help
- hints for quasi-professional cage antenna anyone?
- LDG RT-11/AT-11MP
- Should I unplug my HF antenna during solar storm?
- Current in antenna loading coils controversy
- Parasitic question
- MFJ-974H Balanced Line Tuner
- What Exactly is a Radio Wave?
- concorde last flight audio 12mins
- Antenna Design Programs
- G5RV on 160m. Where goes the signal ?
- 1.2GHz Antena projects wanted
- ECO-antenne...
- cushcraft R7000 CT-1
- array of magnetic loops?
- water well ground system
- Two Bands from One Dipole
- FREE Quad HF antenna Portland OR area
- Re: Space Weather - disaster
- packet in south texas??
- Balanced Tuner for Balanced Antennas?
- Check my math please?
- Program PADMATCH
- W5GI "Mystery" Antenna
- OCF Dipole vs. G5RV vs. Carolina Windom ???
- dressler
- BPL!
- Clean Roller Inductor
- Help Me Out On This!!!
- WANT: Rohn 25
- Help for Ultra Wide Band Antenna
- WZ3AR charged, released without bail
- Re: Here it is-BPL full rollout in Va (MANASSAS Va - BPL RED ALERT!!!)
- cushcraft 17b2 information
- rotor yaesu G-650A
- RHCP configuration for Tonna Yagis
- Here it is - BPL full rollout in Manassas, VA
- UHF, Microwave Propagation
- Sommer Antenna
- tm-411a
- Impedance of a printed circuit board antenna?
- Directional antenna wanted.
- Rohn 45
- 40m QRP antenna - best choise?
- Log Periodic 'singing' in the wind...need to suppress
- Burying Coax
- horz/vertical 2 meter spacing?
- ??antennn spacings.??
- FM Reception Static Problem
- How to connect external antenna to GE Super Radio III
- K3PF 5 Element 2 Meter Yagi (Radio Shack) SWR Bandwith??
- Adjustment of simple balanced tuner
- 5 Band 2 Element Cubex Quad Install - Pictures
- Horizonatl loops > 1 wavelength
- Dipoles & Tuned Circuits
- Help antennn spacings.
- Shortwave Listener antenna ???
- ISS project ET Shadow needs VHF amateurs
- Bug in Antenna Optimizer v6.5 ?
- To slope or not to sloper?
- Inverted ground plane antenna: compared with normal GP and low dipole.
- Sapphire TSB-3305
- horz/vertical 2 meter spacing????? thanks
- Opinions on Yaesu "ATAS" Mobile Antenna? (from experienced users, please)
- Re: Opposing BPL
- Comet B-10 VHF Antenna Question
- Need PolarPlot v1.6
- How can I eliminate TV interference on shortwave?
- APS-13 Antenna question
- Another EZNEC question
- ISS project ET Shadow needs VHF amateurs
- Potted 900MHz PCB antenna
- Tuning Twinlead Fed G5RV
- Plans for B&W BWD-65 & BWD-90 Folded Dipole Balun & Terminating Resistor
- FS: Hard to find Bristol Wrench sets
- 102" mobile antenna
- off-center dipole
- fm.
- BPL questions??
- Voltage/Current at the end of a dipole?
- Question about Teeter Towers I've seen on I-5
- DK3 screwdriver antenna and artificial ground
- Pls comment on this dipole
- Taking apart Hustler mobile mast?
- HFpack Events Pacificon 18 Oct (Shootout, Forum) California
- Current Issues Article Archive
- need help-info on grounded antenna-Marconi
- 2m vertical dipole for FM
- J-Pole Problem: Great at Low Pwr, No-Go at High Pwr
- QST Article: An Easy to Build, Dual-Band Collinear Antenna
- R7000 replacement trap
- BPL a reality in my area now!
- Aktivantenne ADDX-AT2
- TSB3305?
- Suggestions on rig/antenna installation/wiring in 2003 Ford Explorer
- What SWR range is acceptable?
- Hexbeam vs. Cushcraft MA5B
- REQ: Antenna suggestions
- Degen Designs Update
- Adding external antenna to clock radio?
- Understanding Variometer
- Old QST article needed!!
- Please identify this Coax.
- NEW: On-line HF Propagation website
- EZNEC question
- antenna seperation???????thanks
- Shakespeare HF/SSB Marine Antennas
- Solarcon I-Max 2000
- Seperation question???? thanks
- Omni homebrew for 23cm? Who helps?
- AC978 Tower for Sale
- Series-Section Xmission Line Impedance Matching
- Combining antennas
- new use for a Direct TV antenna?
- FS: Cushcraft 4 ele. yagi
- 6 Meter Cushcraft ARX-6
- HB9CV based antenna installation
- HB9CV antenna installation
- calculate front/back ratio of Yagi antenna?
- Update on antenna situation
- Diamond HV7CX
- Re: what is the kind of antenna with this pic, can u point me tosi...
- Trap end caps
- APE touted as Pope's successor
- Antenna Range Testing.
- Ladder Line or Coax For Reception only?
- Hy-Gain TH3
- Radiation from wire
- FS: Antenna Engineering Handbook
- Are We Active?
- Quarterwave line
- Using repeaters linked to the internet
- Quad Loop
- test
- verticle?
- 70 ohm dipole to 50 ohm feed line question
- Yagi / Beam antenna theory question...
- New Type of HF Shootout (antennas, pedestrian, bicycle)
- Vertical HF antenna
- NYC, NNJ, EPA Radio Octoberfest
- HF9V9
- Discone ant on 144/440?
- Colinear vhf/uhf from QST
- free antenna located in Michigan
- Re: Converting a 2M antenna to 224MHz
- element 1
- SteppIR antennas
- 144/440 ground plane
- WTB; 10M thru 20M log periodic
- 300 ohm Feeder SG-230
- VHF on a shoestring budget
- EH antenna, FCC certification is arrived
- Re: Complex Z0 Consistency
- Help ID an Antenna
- WTB: 2" spreaders for open wire line
- 80M antenna Help
- 160 Inverted L and tall tower
- Re: Important news For all webmaster,newsmaster
- Name That Antenna ?
- RF chokes and baluns: black magic or experimentation?
- shortened dipole loaded
- Test Post, don't bother reading.
- Slopers and TTFD
- Porting NEC2 Fortran->C, need help
- Yaesu ATAS 120
- info on tower installation
- Porting NEC2 Fortran->C, need help
- How the SWR meter works.
- 2-440 on AM/FM antenna question
- please help.........
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