View Full Version : Antenna
- Confused how I2 gets coupled to the dipole element
- will a 10 meter fm antenna work on SSB
- Antenna Stirs Up Controversy :-)
- Re: i punce in agin on hloiday
- Barium Titanate powder problems
- 9 to 1 balun
- Proximity effect of 2 different vertical antennas
- distortion of the antenna pattern
- To W2DU
- the bends
- Question about 20-meter monoband vertical (kinda long - antenna gurus welcome)
- SWL - Random Wire - What Lightning Protection???
- Hemispheric coverage CP antennas
- test
- IMD products from VSWR meters
- FS: Coax Cable, Connectors & Adapters
- Simple FM Antenna, C. Crane, Radio Your Way (Pogo) and Radio Shark(RS)
- Rotor Doc's RL-1100 good, bad???
- Modeling, beginners luck
- just what sort of anttnena modeling software is out and (de)merits of them
- 10 Meter J Pole& Ladder Line
- Determining if reactance is capacitive or inductive.
- uniden 3500 xlt
- Rectangular waveguide
- Yaesu Rotor chattering
- Propagation Characteristics Of the 60 Meter Band ??
- Re: MORKathon
- Gaussian law and time varying fields
- folded dipoles
- looking for 2-meter yagi
- Re: A moment of silence my friends for a silent key.
- 2 meter yagi
- Manual for Douglas Microwave Company Wattmeter
- Hustler 5-BTV
- OK. It's DONE. Pack up your things and go home.
- A request for guidance from chefs
- Re: A moment of silence my friends for a silent key.
- A bad day for Mr. SC
- Antenna LowDown's
- Re: A moment of silence my friends for a silent key.
- A Moment To Appeciate a Good Thing.
- Go ahead and cry, we understand Slow Code :(
- RRAA connection to Agent through Earthlink
- Critical Frequency and MUF
- A request for guidance from academics
- Inductor operation
- 1296 eggbeater
- E/H in a waveguide
- Tuning angle of groundplane antenna.
- Capacitive coupling of magmount
- Image theory
- Radio
- VLF Antenna?
- hello
- hello
- Angle of radiation
- Mystery antenna problem
- Crankup Antenna as Vertical
- You people still haven't told me why you're against skilled operators.
- Re: A different view of the code test option
- Re: FCC suspends Felon's Amateur License
- Democrats just want to attack the Bible, they don't want to attack terrorists.
- Re: CW is ham history. It's what binds us and makes us unique.
- Re: Call for Action-CW Advocacy organization
- Material of wire: does it affect a loop antenna's performance?
- ~~~~~~~ Wet T Shirt Contest ~~~~~~~~
- Anyone in the market for a tower??
- 30 helpful hints to help new and No-code hams. Monthly post.
- proper antenna installation
- Landlords
- Rain Static ?
- 2m Big Wheel Plans - Again
- mobile screwdriver antenna
- How does that meter work?
- FA: Coax 1/2 inch hardline 50 ohm Prodelin RF connectors
- Big Wheel plans
- New Large Wi-Fi Antenna
- Re: CW IS ham radio. You earned buddy, enjoy it.
- FS: Antenex 900mhz base/repeater antenna NIB
- Multiband Wermager
- Re: A QRZ Trivia Question That Smegma Radio May Find Educational
- Stub Matching software ?
- Radio Waves help!!
- OE-254 Versus COM-201B Antenna Comparison
- A cheapy all band antenna
- Simple AM Loop Antenna?
- Space modulation
- Need a new website?
- A gaussian style radiating antenna
- I have a doubt in smith chart
- Speaking of I2R losses
- Auto tuners & verticals
- FYI: New Radio Website
- Challenger DX opinions?
- two stacked yagis vs one long yagi
- Zero Sidelobe Antenna Design
- Dipole with inherent directional capabilities?
- Re: CW IS ham radio. bull****
- Re: Classic Computer for a Ham Shack
- Re: Funny Videos
- Re: i punce in agin
- 1938 GE antenna
- Guide Lines for this news group
- Yagi efficiency
- Re: KTN4GN inviting people to monitor FOUO, was: Re: K4YZ have told CAP you intend to violate FOUO frequncy info?
- loop vs dipole
- test
- Does icom w32e work well with optional antenna
- Mounting antennas atop rowhomes?
- what are you using for dipole supports
- Texas CB Forum
- Re: Aren't any of you going to help me?
- Tower height question (moved thread from tower pro NG)
- (OT) Military tactical comms: Harris v. ITT
- 20m vertical dipole
- More Origins Of Ham Speak
- Another Antenna Question
- Feeding a 4 bay vertical folded dipole
- FM Transmitter for CD Players?
- Re: Who has done more harm to the black community Michael Richards or Flavor Flav?
- Computer problems
- In search of the "Tesla Antenna."
- More on T2FD Antennas - RLM Electronics MN100-1
- Shunt fed vertical?
- How to secure your network
- How to build a 45 degree hybrid?
- antenna
- Re: Laziness is no reason to destroy quality radio.
- Re: Hey slow code... (and WTB 500 kHz xmtr)
- Re: an ontopic post about code
- 137Mhz antenna
- Requirements to talk?
- replacing plastic parts of beam
- fan w/sgc?
- Just listen to CB if you want to know what ham radio will sound like.
- Lets be RUDE and INSULT each OTHER for a change
- CP nearly spherical
- Re: If CW is eliminated.
- I just start the threads, you people have to keep them going.
- Re: CW Exams / Examples Wanted
- Happy turkey day you no-code turkeys.
- Questions on broadband antenna design (e.g. T2FD)
- Re: i punce in agin
- Looking for reference: modifying CB whip for lower bands
- WTB Bug Catcher Antenna Coil 80 meter large dia and Cap hat Large dia
- glass mount antenna
- FS: Coax Switch
- danm pipes frose agian last nite
- Replacement seal for antenna rotor
- AT Auto FS
- Ping Roy
- OT Operating question
- more input and info on coax traps
- I'm like Moses.
- Re: I don't know why I keep posting to people that hate ham radio.
- Coffee grounds and cookie crumbs make good teaching aids.
- Best 2M antenna for atv ?
- Operation of bootstrap coax traps
- Wouff Hong for antenna newsgroup (filters)
- Digital oscilloscopes for FM waveform capture?
- Wanted collins 30L-1 round
- rf bandpass filters 2.4GHz
- matching 50 ohm line to 75 ohm antenna
- Johnson Match Box
- Terminating a Rhombic
- Re: i punce
- Re: Rumsfeld Resigns!
- 4:1 Current Balun Common Mode Impedance?
- Explain picture of antenna
- TS-440SAT vs. AT-180 tuners
- HOW do "dual-band"VHF/UHF antennas work?
- rf leaks
- Group poll.
- Re: (OT) Veteran's Day.
- Need design info on coax traps for dipoles
- Unwritten policy, or "It is a Class service.
- 2 theories on groundplane vertical antenna
- What is RF ground?
- Re: Trane furnace radio/TV interference
- Only "Would-be-Einsteins" need apply...
- hello every1
- Re: Rumsfeld Resigns!
- Never under estimate the power of stupid people in large groups.
- Protection of 23cm / 13cm antennas - what paint or coating?
- Looking for a base antenna for a Yeasu 8900R
- Re: recap
- Handheld transeiver
- FCC took 11 meters from Hams and gave it to CB'ers.
- Whip Antenna Formula
- Recommendations for 800 Mhz cell phone Yagi antenna
- If you vote for a Democrat you're helping the Terrorists.
- Re: ARS License Numbers
- recap
- Stripped off coax velocity factor
- Fix up your NEC2! (Bug fix)
- my dad
- Re: recap
- Re: i punce in agin
- receiving HF antenna for urban conditions
- Am I "silly" thinking this.....
- Common courtesy
- Request for information on phase matching and set / batch matching
- Antenna Incorporated
- WTB 80/40 Mor-gain or Antennas West PM Antennas
- Mag mount capacitive coupling
- Until lately this would be off topic here
- MicroMatch
- Phasing Verticals
- N1LO HF mobile antenna part question
- Re: Influenced by human rights and other new political concepts, plus the integration trend in
- Show some respect.
- 3/8 - 24 coupling nut
- two topics one OT and one not
- Re: Michael Jackson's Chimpanzee
- Ain't no point in having any tests if code is eliminated.
- guy wire for the ground wire
- Identifying coax cable.
- 160 meter antenna pros and cons
- recap
- i punce in agin
- Having to learn CW torture.
- random wire auto tuner vs 4:1 Balun
- tunerpower v loss?
- Possible NEC2 bug
- Coax Crimp Tool Recommendation?
- Response to SC
- Stamp collecting doesn't require taking a code test.
- HB9CV 2m Antenna
- Any interesting antenna projects?
- Radial wire
- Large Wire Antenna for 17m
- VE's should be allowed to use a cattle prod to make people take a code test.
- RF gets into computer
- Horizontal Coaxial Dipole?
- Cushcraft Antenna Query
- fuel cell battery buffer or cap?
- Re: What is the ARRL's thought on having good amateurs?
- Re: 5 wpm hams need to move if a 20 wpm Extra wants the frequency.
- Re: SC
- Timewave ANC-4 question!
- Re: Hf Antenna Question - so what's the conclusion?
- To all ham radio ops.
- I remember when there was a sense of pride in passing the 20 wpm CW test.
- NEC-1.2 compile error with g77 FORTRAN
- helical vs beam
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