View Full Version : Antenna
- Randomwire .vs. Endfed Windom
- solder vs clamps
- dipole center space?
- High Impedance Feedlines = Lower Loss - Why ?
- Antenna for the new HAMSAT?
- Balun = Power Loss?
- 300 ohm TV Twinlead
- My programs, Linux, Dosemu
- Re: Best feed for surplus dish?
- Get into the real arena
- HF Yagi With Elevation Rotor ??
- New program - 1/2-wave vertical
- RF/Microwave Design Software
- Student Rocket Part II
- 4 band Hustler parts?
- Used 80-6 HF Antenna - What Do I Have?
- Re: Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. Iwant to ask you the most important question of your life. Your joy or sorrow
- Re: Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. Iwant to
- eznec 4.0
- RF Grounding and Shorting a G5RV for use on 160 Meters
- Easy to file FCC complaint...
- 4BTV Vertical
- FS: LDG AT 100 Pro
- how to feed a planar monopole antenna using ie3d
- Reflector Vs Director
- wanted odd ball designs for 2mt
- FM splitter or FM tap
- FS: Cushcraft AR6 6 meter vertical! $40.00
- FS: Diamond Dual Band base antenna X510M (used in good condition) $125.00
- Satellites
- extra length?? 2 dipole
- Deep South 2 Meter SSB Net - NOW 1 Month Old
- Yaesu Duplexer AD3
- vert vs dipole
- What tool to measure SWR at 910 Mhz?
- Making aluminum tubes telescope smoothly, with good electrical conductivity?
- Help with Student Project.
- Stacking Big Wheel Antennas ?
- "Slotted" Line
- Slightly OT. DIY Car Aerial splitter
- Re: Deep South 2 Meter SSB Net
- impedance of end fed half wave antenna
- Another article posted
- FREE Coaxial Connector & Adapter Catalog
- Greek Double Rhombus
- Reg: Here is the SWR bridge I attempted to describe...
- new italian group
- Current baluns & longwire
- multidipole adjustment
- Re: Good morning or good evening
- is 700$ TO MUCH FOR AN ICOM 735 .used of course
- hamradio information
- Re: Good morning or [SNIP]
- Tennadyne Antennas
- Balun 4:1
- Newbie Ques.
- balun recommendations
- Re: CB Radio is MUCH more valuable than Amateur Radio...
- Re: Beware of hams planting dis-information...
- GAP Eagle DX-VI manual
- Free news servers, newsgroups!
- Isn't my antenna a balun, or would that be UnUn?
- Are all these arguments revolving around a common point?
- Designing and naming a prototype(?) antenna...
- Stacked Yagi 2m over 70 cm
- Grundig Satellit 800 Forsale!
- Re: 30m 1/4WL vertical on 10m
- A Quantum Antenna?
- Yet another BALUN questions
- All wire the Same? Maybe not in future.
- Yet Another Radial Question
- Novel idea to turn an antenna
- Using Balanced-Twin line as Tuned Circuit.
- Antenna Engineer
- Antenna Building Materials
- A Real Antenna Test Range
- FA: 6 Vintage Ham Radio Books - Handbooks, Antennas, Quads, RTTY, etc.
- !3.8 V DC in series.
- K9 email filter--EXCELLENT & FREE
- Window Line Connectors... ???
- 600 ohm ladder insulators
- advice needed as to G5RV 160m use
- "Symmetrical double-L matchbox tuner"
- Prototype Antenna?
- Lightning/static
- HFTA and NED data
- New 4nec2 website
- G5RV vs. Half Square on 20m
- What brand of "Hamstick"
- Re: Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. I want to ask you the most important question of your life. Your joy or sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good
- Antenna
- ISP WAP Polarization
- Another question regarding single point grounding
- Re: Heil Clear Speech Speaker
- Re: Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. I want to ask you the most important question of your life. Your joy or sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good
- Accuracy of Antenna Testing Ranges
- Motorola Spectrum series
- My homebrew 432 Quagi results
- 3 element 2M V beam
- Op
- Bunch of antennas cheep
- Re: Good morning or good evening depending upon your location. I want to ask you the most important question of your life. Your joy or sorrow for all eternity depends upon your answer. The question is: Are you saved? It is not a question of how good
- ant cabel and dc/ac wires
- Why Not Try This....Have you wasted $5.00 before?
- AEA CIA/VIA antenna analyzer modification help please
- House ground rod question
- Folded Dipole Antenna
- Coax Length for G5RV and Center Support for Ladder Line ?
- ladder standoff help
- Help with Eznec on WinXP
- Radials on my screwdriver
- TX-455 Bolt Size
- This is smaller than a MRA antenna...
- UV Resistant Insulated Wire for G5RV ?
- sloping ground surface
- 3/2 wave dipole
- Trying to build an antenna for cell phone
- Need Heath SB-401/303 aligned in Canada.
- UHF penetration & path loss Q:
- Naming an antenna...
- Am I wasting my time? Maybe...
- Coax used as tuned circuit
- Re: Two Element Beams
- Fw: New Internal Rls...
- help errecting my tower
- S/N ratio question - have I got this right?
- Another Outbacker question
- Hustler 5BTV Radial Question...
- Question on bi-conical antenna
- Outbacker Joey questions
- noise reduces when shield connection broken
- antenna matching ??
- 1000 watt HF amplifier: what about nearby antennas?
- coax
- Please some advice
- 2m beam antenna with 45 degree coverage?
- Is this possible? Theroy question...
- MRA Antenna
- 6 meter antenna choice
- video amateur
- Newbie needs help understanding coupling loops....
- The Great Transatlantic Cable
- FS: GAP Voyager 160/80/40/20 meter vertical
- New HF Vertical Antenna - Skyranger Pro
- NON-copyright material
- cable belden H1000
- mast support question
- Characteristics of sloping G5RV?
- A thought exercise about guy wires
- International Museums Weekend 2005
- Help with swr point?
- Signals Fading From Shortwave Bands
- Test #910
- Test #82
- Test Post
- Test Post
- Mosley TA-33 question
- Single-conductor transmission line?
- Anodized Alumium for Antenna Elements
- Adjust a Comet GP-6?
- H.F. Mobile Antenna Help needed
- can you tx.on a tv antenna
- G5RV Balun ?
- VF, low-loss line, high-impedence line - relationship
- M54929 or M54466 ic data?
- Double Bazooka?
- Ground plane vertical fed with twin lead?
- Gain of Isotropic (continued)
- Gain over an Isotropic
- Gain of Vertical Antenna
- Gamma-Match formulas--design?
- Re: Last rites declaration of Ioannes Paulus PP. II (Karol Wojtyla)
- halogen rf?
- Quad...
- test
- K9AY loop
- Anyone : Sinclair folded dipole
- Antenna wires and ferrite
- Looking for RG393 coax
- Top loaded antennas - Lances
- Variation in modeling predictions between software
- dual diversity FM ant on cars
- radios for sale check out my links
- Velocity factor of an insulated antenna wire.
- Velocity Factor GT unity
- Have I got this right? 10m antenna question.
- Help
- local citgo store.selling export cb.
- Sharing one antenna among two transceivers?
- M2 2M SSB 9element / 15ft boom installed - Photos
- Me and my Harley Road King
- Anyone have Ham Radio Mags with K2BT articles?
- Good antenna read/reference?
- A Cool Place To Hook Up!
- Tower Info (Still Looking)
- Different VLF antenna question
- Re: Putting up a small mast, need the basics
- Palomar noise bridge
- Off topic but read, software warning
- How to killfile Richard Clark (or even me if you choose )
- yagi boom question
- Insulated Wire Velocity Factor: How to . . ??
- vlf antenna question
- Flagpole verticals
- Walter Maxwell's Missing Posts
- antenna tuner
- Where Did My Web Page URL Go?
- Narrow lobe of a yagi
- Feeding a 3 element end fire array ?
- 28mhz ham radio best keep secret.not any more.
- New group
- 1/2 wave vertical Impedance ???
- Helical wound slim jim?
- Ladder line loss through brick
- New Program RJELOOP4
- ok survey time.what will be your dream ham shack.or antenna setup
- Using 2 antennas as a repeater
- Re: best 6 meter??
- what does fsk mode mean
- NEC Section 810 Online?
- NEC Section 810 Online?
- WARC Bands Dipole
- More articles and new program now on web
- Want Money? Try This
- water proof swr's?
- Loading Coil Q
- Compact 40m gain antenna
- (yet another) transmission line question
- Fresnel Zone Reflector
- Phasing verticals
- The Magic Herbal Treatment for Leucoderma
- The Guaranteed treatment for Leukorrhea (Leucorreah)
- See the miracles !!!! Repairs skin and eliminate eczema
- Most Effective Herbal Treatment For Acne Control
- Get Rock Hard Erection With .... PANADEX
- 4SAT is no longer for sale
- High Gain antenna for mobile phone
- Re: Parabolic reflector for Wi-Fi?
- physical 1/4, electrical 1/2 wavelength
- Armad
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