View Full Version : Antenna
- Microphone help
- Heath HD-1481 Antenna Switch
- Morse code teacher
- Sources of SWR in Florida
- Re: Bob Cain Goes Down And Out In Defeat
- End insulators -- purpose?
- I/O TAP for 1,5 MHz?
- Mic question (sort of)
- Drawings on A W3DZZ Antenna
- The exciting world of APRS
- Copper antennas:
- antenna formula needed
- Htx-100 Mic
- Feedline
- shunt inductor for 1/4 wave ground plane
- Cushcraft AP8A vertical - SWR problems
- Bkuetooth headset mic combination info wanted.
- WTB: Cushcraft CRX-450B
- Multi band scanner antenna
- test
- Analyzer evaluation
- Stainless steel antenna wire
- Direct TV question?
- QST article on the halo
- hope last test
- ##
- test
- Copper Clear Coating Options
- fiberglass rod
- Yo-Yo-Tenna's
- circular radiation!
- Linux Stuff
- Tower stand offs for 160 Meter Inv-L
- Found - Source for 72 Ohm Transmission Line
- Source For 72 or 75 Ohm Ladder Line ???
- Beverage Antenna Used in WW2
- Beverage Antenna Used in WW2 (0/1)
- Colorado
- loop/dipole
- Stainless Steel Wire - OK for antennas?
- Noise and Loops Question
- unable to tune doublet at higher freq.
- Tuning Schumann coil?
- Isotron 6 meter
- G5RV vs. G5RV Jr.
- El Toro antenna -Anyone remember it?
- Preferred antenna location
- More W8JI "wisdom"
- Butternut HF9V
- Induced ground currents
- Antenna Switch
- ladder line position wrt conductors?
- radiation angles
- A4S with A744
- Adding/Splicing Ladder Line
- T2FD: keeping the spreaders in place
- Antenna for 160 meters, Any Ideas?
- Help! Amateur Requesting Antenna Assistance.
- vertical ant construction tips
- HP 8405 and negative resistance of antenna?
- Wok antenna - UHF /microwaves !
- Tuner/balun efficiency
- Reflector - reception
- Wizard Radio in Seven Corners, VA, to receive WHFS in Annapolis-followup
- EZNEC Help
- Lopp antenna Question-Re-Post
- ICOM R-71A For Sale
- Xium TV dish type antenna
- Dipole and Icom AH-4
- Efficiency of radial system
- NJQRP Squirt 80M antenna
- Is AM Radio Harmful?
- "SteppIR" patent application
- BCB DX Web site ??
- Random length wire antenna
- Potting a balun: wax vs. epoxy vs. urethane foam?
- Serious radiation questin
- chain link fence
- What is RF current?
- Side by Side dipoles
- Ideas for a home built 2meter/440 dual band base antenna
- QUAD Spreaders
- Coax and Dipole
- Attention: BCB-AM DX'ers
- "Miracle" DLM RI short vertical
- Vertical dipole, helically wound - comments?
- Re: phasing harness question
- William Fanckboner, W9INN, SK
- AM BCB Long Wire
- AM BCB reception
- testing only. tnx
- Icom 229H help
- VSWR Question
- Problem with Gamma Match?
- Resonant frequency
- Re: AEA 10-30 ISOLOOP Antenna Parts
- Re: Gain measurement
- Dead Serious T2FD: HV Insulation, EMP Arrestors, extra Coax Choke?
- Transmitter power output
- 8 over 8 slot-coupled Yagi-Uda
- Signal Strength Suggestions
- Cushcraft MA-5B matching problem
- Re: 40 meter detla loop radation angle
- 300 ohm underground feedline
- Re: Grounding Tower & Shack (Advice Needed)
- Re: EMI Supression Required for Satellite Receiver
- Re: Q R S song - new!
- "Diamond CoLinear"?
- Re: Antenna feed wire question
- Radial Wire
- SWR meter kaput?
- Re: 2M 5/8th, "Mirage Antennas", MJ Components, HCC Pro-Am
- w5gi
- moxon vs quad
- Multiband HF Antenna Nipping | Bottom Up or Top Down?
- Being confused with two designs of Collinear Antenna
- add on 80 meters for cushcraft r7 ?
- Airy R Bean- A warning
- Re: Sometimes a light bulb just goes "on".... duuuuuuhhhhh
- Re: Sausage Co-Linear
- Re: Two dipoles on one feed line?
- Buried Radials - a new look!
- Re: Steppir antenna
- Re: S - Y Parameter conversion with Smith Chart
- Re: Identify old Hy-Gain Vertical
- Re: Speed of light slowing, retune your antennas.
- Re: NEED HELP installing GSM antennas
- Re: a gin-pole breaking...
- Re: AM Antenna
- Re: What about digital radio?
- Re: parallel transmission lines
- Why does my antenna need grounding?
- Antenna height vs roof height
- TGM MQ 36SR deserves a try ?
- Performance of a system of Ground Radials
- Connecting 2 Antennas to 1 Feedline
- FS: Full run of COSMIC SEARCH
- Muilti band quad with a single loop?
- Internet Shared Station?
- Shock Spring for ATAS-120?
- Variable diameter antenna
- W8JK Passes
- Distance between outer ends of buried radials
- dual cb antenna is it worth the trouble
- cushcraft R7
- Wunderantenna
- Alternative to BPL?
- fm not receiving
- direct TV ant and ham radio
- T2FD
- 80 Metre mini loop
- htx-202
- Buried ground wire, insulated or bare?
- Circularly Polarized for LPFM
- Contact Question
- 5 foot long (VHF) slotted line
- Stealthy 'dual-CP' emissions (more TV channels)
- ISOTRON Antennas.
- Wireless doorbell enhancement
- LMR 400 sources ....
- CD Player Receives FM Station
- Wanted
- Long wire antenna
- New Program - XTL_SET.exe
- Log antenna mounting questions
- Shielded loop for RCVR
- News: 'Hi Tech Zapper to Stop Car Chases'
- Attenuators - 50 Ohm*GAAS MMIC 50Mhz*3GHz
- Antenna for 80m and limited space
- ground plane for a magnetic mount cellular antenna
- MFJ-945B Versa Tuner II
- Outlet to TV broadcasting
- Re: Something to break the monotony!
- Something to break the monotony!
- Metal guy effect on 6m beam?
- ICOM IC2100H .. Any Info?
- Finally!
- Computeradio DR1 in a carry-on luggage.
- vertical design
- dallas amateur radio club 2m antenna
- antenne eh
- MFJ 1786 magnetic loop
- sell
- Yaesu Rotor Repair
- Delta Sloper Question
- Long Vee Beam question
- US Mail order ham outlets ?
- mfj 969
- 2 Meter Beam 4 element design wanted
- What are the ODDS?
- Computeradio "Dream Radio One" revealed
- 2m 70cm dual band homebrew?
- Strange Antenna in old 73 magazine ?
- Mechanical Help needed on 32 foot vertical
- Building a 51 mhz inverted V - feedpoint question....Help!
- Salt Water Canal antenna question
- wierd wire on my hands
- wierd wire on my hands
- Looking for source of 1.5 inch copper in NC
- Looking for source of 1.5 inch copper in NC
- 300 Ohm Twin Lead Antenna Wire
- 300 Ohm Twin Lead Antenna Wire
- butternut and 17 meters problem
- butternut and 17 meters problem
- BPL goes dark in Cedar Rapids Iowa
- BPL goes dark in Cedar Rapids Iowa
- 50 ft Rohn 25G Tower FS
- 50 ft Rohn 25G Tower FS
- 2 meter GPS antenna?
- 2 meter GPS antenna?
- Extended Double Zepp
- Extended Double Zepp
- QUESTION & REQ: Real Audio Radio Recorder with Schedule/Timer
- QUESTION & REQ: Real Audio Radio Recorder with Schedule/Timer
- Can i work 7~28 MHz with a 10 mt dipole?
- Can i work 7~28 MHz with a 10 mt dipole?
- Looking for information on VHF impedance measurement
- Looking for information on VHF impedance measurement
- Any tips on GPA-50 hf vertical?
- Any tips on GPA-50 hf vertical?
- Sensifivity of 2000-ohm Headphones
- Sensifivity of 2000-ohm Headphones
- Packet Radio Bulletins
- Packet Radio Bulletins
- Antenna in mountain
- Antenna in mountain
- FS: Dualband 2m/70cm yagi and 6m yagi
- FS: Dualband 2m/70cm yagi and 6m yagi
- Signal interference with nearby aluminum reflectors?
- Signal interference with nearby aluminum reflectors?
- Outbacker Perth grounding question
- Outbacker Perth grounding question
- F911 sure make that dumb hayseed Bush look stupid
- F911 sure make that dumb hayseed Bush look stupid
- what justify so high price... nothing
- what justify so high price... nothing
- Klein formaat IRC's nog inwisselbaar ?
- Klein formaat IRC's nog inwisselbaar ?
- DXer needs help imroving fm recption
- DXer needs help imroving fm recption
- Re: ATAS-120 balcony mount
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