View Full Version : Antenna
- [QRZ] how close is too close balum and pole
- [QRZ] My 55 foot vertical on top band experience
- [QRZ] Why isn't my antenna working?
- [QRZ] Hustler 6BTV
- [QRZ] EFHW 40-10m Vertical vs L
- [QRZ] Adding 17 and 12m band to TH-2MK3 yagi
- [QRZ] Can an unun/balun deteriorate with age?
- [QRZ] Speaker wire antenna to pl259 connector?
- [QRZ] Quad band (2m, 440, 6m and 10m) portable / mobile antenna
- [QRZ] Lightening and SteppIR
- [QRZ] Want to play with cap hats, again. Tips?
- [QRZ] Dr. Jekyll Dr Hyde Antenna
- [QRZ] Receive Antenna for Small Space
- [QRZ] Fan antenna - attach elements directly to balun?
- [QRZ] 160m inverted V
- [QRZ] Gamma match theory / calculations minus Yagi antenna only ?
- [QRZ] Ground Setup
- [VU2NSB] Urban Antenna Height above ground - Facts & Myths
- [QRZ] 10 HF receivers on an antenna
- [QRZ] W3edp construction question
- [QRZ] New coax re-tunes my antenna
- [KB9VBR] Does Snow Affect Vertical Antenna Performance
- [QRZ] Eznec Question
- [QRZ] Simple common-mode test
- [K9ZW] Building a Portable FT-8 Vertical Antenna
- [QRZ] G -WHIP GPL259 Mobile Antenna
- [QRZ] Question on 6m Halo
- [QRZ] Adding 160M to an 80M dipole
- [QRZ] Question about MMANA-GAL
- [QRZ] Experiments with PVC pipe on 80/40m with FT8
- [QRZ] Anyone have a camera on their tower?
- [QRZ] Telescoping Aluminum tubes
- [QRZ] Elevated multi band HF vertical antenna recommendations
- [QRZ] End Fed 8010 130ft as inverted V
- [QRZ] Can I make a 6&10m dipole
- [QRZ] protection for outside runs of COAX
- [QRZ] Loop-On-Ground Antenna
- [QRZ] want some ice with that antenna ?
- [QRZ] Two-element yagi, generic dimensions?
- [QRZ] High SWR on Antenna
- [QRZ] Sky Wire Loop Antena Question ?
- [QRZ] Beginner seeking help on antenna etc...
- [QRZ] End Fed antenna.
- [QRZ] SWR and tuning: Antenna Optimization
- [QRZ] Look ma, no counterpoise! An evaluation of a EFHW-8010
- [QRZ] want some ice with that antenna ?
- [QRZ] Antenna height
- [QRZ] Staking Antennas
- [QRZ] EFHW antenna update
- [QRZ] Grounding Do's Don'ts & Why Part 3
- [QRZ] NEC2 EX Card (Source) Phase to V
- [QRZ] End-Fed Half-Wave antennas, Grounding & RF Chokes
- [QRZ] Shortened antenna , loading coil vs tuner
- [QRZ] Antenna "mechanical" question
- [QRZ] I need to know the exact name for this insulator please
- [QRZ] Are there captive pin N crimp connectors?
- [QRZ] Modifications of KT-34
- [QRZ] R-9 vertical on a tower
- [QRZ] Antenna wire in attic or stapled to roof overhang? Best type?
- [QRZ] Suitable wire for 40 m dipole
- [QRZ] 'SSB Aircell 5' coax cable
- [QRZ] 4 ele Steppir FTP's (fibreglass telescopic tube)
- [QRZ] Yaesu Rotor
- [QRZ] How do you physically measure antenna wire length
- [QRZ] Bolts or lag screws
- [QRZ] Inverted L vs. manufactured vertical antenna
- [QRZ] Roseclips
- [QRZ] Antenna Proximity
- [QRZ] Carbon fiber mast
- [QRZ] 135' Doublet is noisy on 12 + 10 meters
- [QRZ] Anyone know Radiation pattern, gain of this type of open stub Jpole vs 1/4 gp?
- [QRZ] Need help Identifying this device
- [QRZ] Is a 1:1 vswr allways the lowest loss on a transmission line?
- [QRZ] Cutting an OCFD, equal lengths both side or not?
- [QRZ] Random wire - any thoughts on my set up?
- [QRZ] Antenna Fail
- [QRZ] HF ENDFED Vertically polarized 20 Meter Mono Bander
- [QRZ] HF vs. VHF/UHF manual tuner questions?
- [VK1NAM] Airband Antenna - 118 to 136 MHz
- [QRZ] Trying to make 1/4 wave 2m ground plane directional
- [QRZ] where is the ground plane in wifi router antenna?
- [QRZ] Mobile antenna location considerations (roof rack & moonroof)
- [QRZ] your reaction to this phase
- [QRZ] Multi-Band Moxon Antenna
- [QRZ] 80M Inverted L for 160?
- [QRZ] 6m slot-cube antenna
- [QRZ] Radial length
- [QRZ] ZS6BKW / G5RV dipole with a cage element
- [QRZ] Making a radiating feedline or leaky coax.
- [QRZ] Multi-Band Moxon Antenna
- [QRZ] 50 FT Rohn 25G with or without Hazer?
- [ARRL DII] Big Wire Antennas
- [QRZ] Improving my EFHW
- [QRZ] 6BTV 80M broadband idea
- [QRZ] 20ft fiberglass plastic fishing rod antenna
- [QRZ] Antenna wire breaks due to wind
- [QRZ] Cascaded Hybrid Couplers
- [QRZ] EZNEC update available
- [QRZ] Above ground Coax from shack to tower
- [QRZ] SWR Meter Linux Software
- [QRZ] Mosley 40M Kit for a dipole?
- [VK2TPM] MLA-30 active receive loop antenna
- [QRZ] Cascaded Hybrid Couplers
- [QRZ] Questions about building a short 40m yagi
- [QRZ] Anyone Seen This HT Antenna Connector
- [QRZ] Strobe for commercial tower
- [ARRL DII] Antenna Switches
- [QRZ] Explain antenna analyzers to me..
- [QRZ] Collapsible HexBeam
- [QRZ] Trimming fan dipole close to ground
- [QRZ] Two parallel dipoles 20m & 40m
- [QRZ] Time To Install In Your Attic!
- [QRZ] 80M Inverted L for 160?
- [QRZ] WLO Antenna Farm (STL Array) near Coden AL
- [QRZ] Mounting the Butternut HF9V
- [QRZ] Does changing the coax length effect SWR at the rig?
- [QRZ] Long wire - which cable, iron?
- [QRZ] Antenna TX testing
- [QRZ] Temporary 6-el wire Yagi with 14.5m boom at 120ft. 10db gain. Worth it?
- [QRZ] NanoVNA for about $50
- [ARRL DII] Beverage Antennas
- [QRZ] How to remove fiberglass rod from aluminum pipe?
- [QRZ] My pal is using 75ohm coax poor match with analyser.
- [QRZ] Help me nest 2 yagis on MMana-gal, please
- [QRZ] Flushing out dirty trap
- [QRZ] Radial-less HF vertical
- [QRZ] Help me decide - OCF dipole or random wire?
- [QRZ] 2 meter Slim Jim antenna - various dimensions
- [QRZ] Wall-Stud Vertical
- [QRZ] Anyone still running large HF multi-band quad antennas?
- [QRZ] Yaesu G-5500 - expanding max azimuth angle
- [QRZ] Utility pole vs. Tower
- [QRZ] RTV Silicone, RF?
- [QRZ] RTV Silicone, RF?
- [QRZ] Best mast composition?
- [QRZ] 40M vertical to 80M inv-L conversion
- [QRZ] Cobweb antenna first impressions
- [QRZ] MFJ Telescoping Masts
- [QRZ] HF antennas for 20 and 40M
- [QRZ] Static vs induced voltage
- [QRZ] A4-S trap cleanup
- [QRZ] G0KSC LFA Antenna 'Insulator' Strength
- [QRZ] Rohn SSV-HD Bolt type & torque
- [QRZ] Has anybody used a TAK-Tenna? How well do they work?
- [ARRL DII] Coaxial Cable Connectors
- [QRZ] New Book about antenna modeling using EZNEC & AutoEZ
- [QRZ] What to expect from a MyAntennas EFHW 80-10m antenna?
- [QRZ] Antenna on SUV other than drill and lip mount?
- [QRZ] Can a Zepp antenna benefit from a reflector and become a yagi?
- [QRZ] Diamond SGM-507 Mobile vhf/uhf Antenna
- [QRZ] Not a bad antenna actually
- [QRZ] are baluns magic ?
- [QRZ] Help identifying a tower
- [QRZ] Buried under aluminum. Alaskan hams are missing in action. What to do??
- [QRZ] Impedance of open wire line
- [QRZ] Inverted vee problems
- [QRZ] New ham , planning for antennas
- [QRZ] How to optimize the MP-1 Superantenna (or any other similar)
- [QRZ] Holy buckets, I think I solved my noise problem on 40m
- [QRZ] My vertical 160m, 80m, 40m experiences
- [QRZ] What antenna is better for DX ?
- [QRZ] Review of Greyline Performance 20 foot OCF Flagpole Antenna
- [QRZ] Placement for SWR meter and ATU tuning issues with SWR Output Power
- [QRZ] 80M Horizontal Loop - Pattern?
- Gain vs boom length
- [QRZ] Apartment dipole plan
- [QRZ] Need ideas for outside enclosure for enclosed wires for antenna
- Dynamic Tuning VLF antenna tuner
- [QRZ] 3 or 4 element Yagi for VHF SOTA?
- [QRZ] Hf skeleton slot antenna
- [QRZ] limited space antenna for HF
- [QRZ] Feedback on building a BOG antenna.
- [QRZ] 40/80 trap dipole build questions
- [QRZ] What did I do wrong!?
- [QRZ] D40 Cushcraft balun
- [QRZ] Yaesu Rotor power
- [ARRL DII] The Legendary G5RV Antenna
- [QRZ] end fed wire antenna
- [QRZ] When you can't see the forest for the trees!
- [QRZ] Whats the name of an antenna that uses ribbon line as the horizontal elements.
- [QRZ] Measuring the antenna radiation pattern with a drone - feasible?
- A question about two coils on one form
- [QRZ] MD-75 gearbox oil and cable replacement
- [QRZ] How is my doublet doing.
- [QRZ] ZL Special 144MHz Yagi 12 elements
- [QRZ] Who made this 16 el. 2 mtr beam
- [QRZ] SWR issues
- Re: Rothammels Antenna Book ...
- NWT-7 Network Analyser ??????
- [QRZ] Mystery Antenna
- [QRZ] Magic Lengths for doublet ???
- [QRZ] Operating from a balcony on the 18th
- [QRZ] 40M cobweb element dimensions
- [QRZ] Running coax through a wall.
- [QRZ] Ladder Line or Coax - Antenna construction
- [QRZ] roller inductor ?
- [QRZ] Antenna Advice for First HF Base Station?
- [QRZ] Dentron Super Tuner--where to get parts?
- [QRZ] Crossing antennas question
- [QRZ] End-fed wires--install wisdom, anyone?
- [QRZ] Tree mounted vertical antenna advice
- [QRZ] Comparing two end fed options
- [ARRL DII] Antenna Polarization
- [QRZ] Hex Beam Push Up Mast Question
- [QRZ] DXE-MBVE-1 ?
- [QRZ] Can anyone identify this component - SO-239/eye bolt?
- [QRZ] Grounding Roof Tower
- [QRZ] parallel circuit for voltage feeding a half-square 20m band endfed
- [QRZ] How is my doublet doing.
- [QRZ] MFJ-1788x tuning
- [QRZ] Why is 450 Ohm ladder line VF such secret?
- [QRZ] 40 meter Beverage receive antenna Question
- [QRZ] 2.5mm 14AWG Multi-Strand Loud Speaker Cable
- [QRZ] Aluminum Tubing for VHF/UHF Antenna Elements
- [QRZ] Pine tree antenna mast
- Re: 75 ohm CABLE coax usable w/dipoles?
- [QRZ] R7 vertical
- [QRZ] Is antenna upgrade worth the expense?
- [QRZ] Cushcraft A3S - seeking 30 Meter antenna conversion ideas
- [QRZ] what determines coax impedance????
- [QRZ] Building a Dual Band Vertical Question
- [QRZ] Ground or Elevated Counterpoise?
- [QRZ] Installing my first HF antenna, sanity check?
- [QRZ] Newbie! What antenna do u recommend according my situation
- [QRZ] Installing my first HF antenna, sanity check?
- [QRZ] 160 meters and tarheel question.....
- [QRZ] One last antenna question(s)
- [VE2DPE] Folded Dipole Homemade Ham Radio Antenna
- [QRZ] THHN has that clear plastic coating :-(
- [IW5EDI] Wonder Whip Antenna
- [QRZ] Choke location
- [QRZ] Look ma, no counterpoise! An evaluation of a EFHW-8010
- [QRZ] Tilting a vertical antenna up from an inverted position on a structure and extended bracket?
- [QRZ] Stuck Antenna Elements
- [VK5STU] Inverted L Experiment and New Mobile Install
- [QRZ] Ladder Line Calculator
- [QRZ] Antenna/Feedline selection for Mobile Install
- [QRZ] Voltage measured on antenna output and feedline?
- [QRZ] End fed wire antenna cut for 160m...why bad to use on 80m.
- [QRZ] Good locally available antenna mast material
- [QRZ] Pattern of 17m on a 20m 2el yagi
- [QRZ] Glen Martin Self Supporting Tower Parts
- [QRZ] Need help with new antenna
- QFH vs Turnstile
- [QRZ] Can a 1/4 wave vertical also be a dipole?
- [QRZ] Using 40 mtr loop on 80 mtrs
- [QRZ] Has anyone played with the idea of adding 40m to a Hygain 3JRS?
- [QRZ] 12m/17m added element for Hy-Gain TH2-MK3
- [QRZ] Harry Johnson's 3 element 6 meter hex beam
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