View Full Version : Antenna
- coax measurement anomaly ??
- Soldering and Antennas
- Efficiency
- One word answers...
- Best HF Vertical
- Totally OT, yet very relevant
- Another Recall for u West Coasters
- Vertical above the ground-plane
- Antenna Performance
- VSWR doesn't matter?
- Wire span design tool
- Crosstalk from ground?
- Tower design
- Best way to clean elements before assembly?
- WANTED: SGC SG-230 or SG-237 Antenna Tuner
- Nominal Impedance of Loop Antenna
- APRS with Microsoft Streets or AutoRoute
- Re: Gaussian statics law
- Isolation of guy wires
- Antenna optimizers
- Gaussian statics law
- Antenna computor programs and pitfalls
- Modeling the effect of a tower
- Mininec antenna computor programs and Gaussian arrays
- Power Dividers / Co-Phasing Harness question
- Antenna grounding help
- Connections to an antenna
- HFV-5 antenna opinion
- HFV-5 antena manual
- Using a tower as a J-Pole for 20 or 40 Meters
- PVC pipe for spreaders
- antenna spacing
- Smith chart
- Sat tracking program
- Verical antenna with elevated radials when receiving
- radiation pattern of log-periodic antenna
- mobile antenna ground loss
- Measuring Antenna Efficiency
- Windom antennas - down to earth
- 4nec2 optimiser or equivalent
- Fun -- From the Unexpected
- chokes?
- J-pole 144/432
- Mobile Antenna Installation
- Technique to bond (rf ground) Van sliding doors
- How odd thinking came about
- Congratulations Art
- Is it possible to estimate any losses due to an unmatched antenna?
- SWR and common grounds
- What Type of 2M mobile antenna is this?
- Four square antenna and Roy
- Antenna recommendations for160-10 Meters
- Effect of raising vertical antenna higher
- The power explanation
- Microwave dish blockages
- screwdriver vs. tuner
- NEC computor programs
- Radials
- Now theres a reciever I'd like to homebrew an antenna for ...
- Gaussian equilibrium
- Re: ibeams? skyscraper grounds?
- ICOM 706MKIIG & SGC SG-237 Smarttuner Cable Setup
- Issue with antenna causing instabillity
- anntennas athe top of fenceline
- tuner - feedline - antenna question ?
- Johnson Matchbox 250-24 VSWR Bridge Head
- 80m+40m dipole
- Is Dominator/Predetor(~6dB gain) competent to CP antennas for LPFM?
- Fiber transmission question
- smith charts and network analyzer ?
- Cushcraft question
- Radiosisma
- Antenna to cover AM broadcast to 999 mhz?
- Best antenna to cover 500 khz to 999 mhz?
- Now that CW is gone there will be more ham to non-ham conflicts.
- Aluminium for antenna design
- ar3500 ebay relist ebay took it off again
- Random-length loop antenna for 160-40?
- "Noise" antenna for MFJ-1026 "Noise Canceling Signal Enhancer"
- 60m mobile operation
- Shielded loop operation
- News Flash: Henry Eats Teflon... film at 11
- AM band Field strength predicton?
- tuned vertical vs center loaded ant
- I Built the 10m Sleeve Antenna
- Gaussian antenna aunwin
- Mobile antenna Placement
- Butternut HF-9V as elevated-feed groundplane
- "Combiner" For Two Antennas Into A Radio Single Input ?
- Ferrite rod antenna for ne602 mixer
- EZNEC and Linux
- RESULT: will be created
- Field strength - S plane summation
- Non-ham antenna help req., plz?
- Radiation Pattern Measurements
- Another deep question regarding the universe
- skyscraper grounds?
- Good sound card & software ?
- Parelectronics OA144 antenna
- Is the toroid on CRT monitor cables good for any ham-thing?
- Freq Wavelength Question.
- Trimming 2m 5/8 wave antenna for 156 mhz ???
- Very deep question regarding true polarization
- Aprspoint 4.2 released!
- Looking for good antenna design software
- Re: Are you related to Gandalf Grey?
- Re: Are you related to Gandalf Grey?
- Re: Are you related to Gandalf Grey?
- Europe Tests Established Chemicals on Millions of Animals
- HF random wire antenna
- Antenna Modeling Software
- Antenna Axial Ratio RHCP LHCP
- Ranger AR3500 100 watt Ebay
- 3rd RFD: moderated (LAST CALL FOR COMMENTS)
- killing cars with high RF?
- W8JK Memorial Station
- Queston on Yagi Antennae
- velocity factor???
- Wiring SMA connections
- MW Loop Antenna Source Book
- free antenna mount
- mobile antenna mount for free
- Need Ideas for HF Antenna at Fire Station
- Antenna Pattern Distortion due to 2 antenna placed in near vicinity
- APRSPoint 4.1 available
- SteppIR Stealth-mounted flush with the roof of a house
- J-Pole vs Slim Jim?
- Asking for advice
- For Sale MMB-72 nest for a Yaesu FT100D (New), Seperation kit part
- Science Fair Project
- antenna hight
- Re: DK Johnson's books on mobillering
- test
- Re: DK Johnson's books on mobillering
- howto measure the freq of a received signal
- antena conertposie
- Free Pc To Phone Calling
- Yagi antenna design question
- antenna with out of line elements
- On 144MHz J-Pole vs EDZ - Some mad ramblings.
- element 4 test
- Advice for 75m Mobile Field Strength measurements
- help- Mobile 10meters on a jeep
- Best Books/Websites for Antenna Theory and Building Recommendations
- Matching Issue ........... I think!
- Mosley mini 33
- Wis. Selling 100-Foot Fire Lookout Tower
- Center-fed dipole wifi antenna
- FS: Service Manuals for Commercial, Test Equipment & Amateur Equipment
- Optimum length for ladder-fed dipole
- Schlecks' Schlock!
- SteppIR - FT-920 interface
- Prophecies fulfilled
- Good quality coax stripping tool
- Thevenin and s-parameters...
- L/Series network tuner
- The blog on Pc trouble shooting skills,Networking,Linux
- Retrieve S parameters set of a Murata inductor
- Strongest signals received via skip?
- 2nd RFD: moderated
- FYI: Homebrew Antenna Round Up
- Resonating and Matching To A 476 MHz Yagi Antenna
- radioshack UHF corner reflector outdoor antenna feed point impedance
- Shooting a wire over a grove of tall trees. What works?
- FM Transmitter in a hot air balloon?
- QEX Magazines WTB
- Mobile antenna question
- Re: i punce in agin
- Local station bad harmonics on 80 meters
- Urgent need of top level Building Construction expats for India
- Musical analog to transmission line/antenna issues
- Converting From mV/m To Decayed mW (ERP)
- Strayed thinking
- Antennas led astray
- regarding grounding
- receive only ferrite antenna
- LQQKing For Some Info
- Slim Jim vs. EZNEC
- Re: Antenna Simulation Parameters and Folded Dipole Antenna Question...
- HT 2 meter antenna
- FA EICO 710 Grid Dip Meter circa 1959
- Yagi question
- Dummy load power rating
- SG-235 Antenna Tuner WANTED
- W9INN 40/80 Dipole
- Re: PING: Max Grrl
- Reflection xfmr for two wire beverage?
- Re: Ping Metro, Can you ride my rail ? No carfare is required :-)
- FYI: Subscribers to this NG
- Icom910H and Fsk modulation
- What happens to a cage (fat) dipole with trap and extension
- do I have my antenna fundamentals right?
- Re: mork on gay RRAPage
- GR-1606A Mantenance Questions
- Re: i punce in agin
- Toroidal 1:1 balun third 'magnetising' winding - trifilar or separate?
- GPA vs Vert dipole
- Balanced line switcher?
- FA: Heathkit HD-1481 Remote Coax Switch
- Better for DX: Vertical or dipole?
- Vertical, radial, modeled with NEC4
- woger on RRAPage
- Rotor mast through the roof.
- Coax choke balun
- Re: HOMOham on ManChowder
- Antenna preamplifier
- Rediscovering ether?
- Rohn 25G question
- Trap dipole
- A 'few' antenna links!
- MMDS antennas
- dipole coiley?
- radiosisma
- help with mounting on-glass ant on 2005 Toyota 4Runner
- Re: Hi mork
- GO AHEAD, you can transmit voice SSB NOW!
- Re: New Forum for in punce
- Re: Were the moderated newsgroup proponents just blowing smoke?
- Re: Happy New Year to all
- glen-martin roof-top tower
- Re: Change in ARS numbers Pool - Guesses added 12/31/06
- 2-meter horizontal omni recommendation
- Re: So who won the "when does NoCode happen" pool?
- Interesting 144 foot Dipole
- Even a Caveman could do it
- Acceptable Lightning Ground?
- Visit Nighthawk's Forum
- A real ANTENNA question
- Discussion points on a long term Prognosis for AMATEUR RADIO
- glen-martin roof-top tower
- Delta Loop Ideas Please
- Better use of electric supply lines
- Why doesn't the FCC put the bands to a better use ?
- Remembering some past antennas (CB related)
- How to measure RF Ground improvements - mobile
- Distance between antennas
- Welding Rod J-Pole Possible?
- IMD products from VSWR meters
- Attention Out-of-the-Box Thinkers...
- Code Free "It's part of the dumbing down of America," according to CDC
- Dual-Polarized Wifi Antennas
- Mechanics of AC current flow - ?
- [Off Topic] QRA? QCX?
- QSL Cards
- Re: i punce in agin on hloiday
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