View Full Version : Antenna
- [QRZ] 160m top band inverted L 38mts long should I use it on 80m.
- [QRZ] Monoband vertical choke?
- [ARRL DII] Do Dipoles Have to be Straight?
- [QRZ] OSL Calibrating off a dummy load?
- [QRZ] LDG Customer Support?
- antenneX - what happened to it?
- [QRZ] Grounding Do's Don'ts & Why Part 3
- [QRZ] Phased dipole model
- [QRZ] ID Vertical Traps
- [QRZ] Spare parts for Sommer XP-704
- [QRZ] Simple 10M antenna?
- [QRZ] Current distribution on / in NOT in center fed antena
- [QRZ] Any opinions on this antenna?
- [QRZ] Best coax choice for a portable dual band slim jim 50 + into trees?
- [QRZ] Lightning ground for loop
- [QRZ] How do I test a choke?
- [QRZ] 2 element 40m Delta Loop
- [QRZ] Lightening protection
- [QRZ] where to put the surge protector?
- [QRZ] waterproofing at the surge protector
- Wideband discone
- [QRZ] Proposed 40m Delta Loop
- [QRZ] Interesting Dipole Issue...
- [QRZ] Piezo-electric antennas--- nonsense or what?
- [QRZ] Small tribander model
- [QRZ] Help identify these estate antennas
- [QRZ] High SWR on 80 m
- [QRZ] Multi-Band HF Delta-loop Antenna
- [QRZ] 20 meter vertical
- [QRZ] Piezo-electric antennas--- nonsense or what?
- 6m delta loop
- DX77A resurrection?
- [QRZ] Rotor CD-45-II malfunction 110V version.
- [QRZ] Help with High SWR
- [IW5EDI] Magnetic Longwire Baluns
- Mini 600 Antenna Analyzer problem
- [QRZ] OCFD Lengths for 80-6 meters?
- [QRZ] Interesting qualities of 'hybrid baluns'.
- [QRZ] Hf very portable use
- [QRZ] 5-Band 5-element HF beam antenna
- [KD8CEC] EU1KY Antenna Analyzer CEC stabilized version - (Latest V0.35)
- [QRZ] Hf very portable use
- [QRZ] Remote antenna wire switch
- DX Flagpole OCF Antenna by Greyline Performance?
- [QRZ] Anyone have the Ciro Mazzoni Stealth Antenna Tuner Dimensions
- [QRZ] Anyone have experience with the SlinkTenna
- [QRZ] Hang 2m/70cm antenna in Attic?
- [QRZ] City Lot w/ Roof Access
- [QRZ] Halfsquare antenna
- [W5KV] RigExpert Antenna Analyzers
- [QRZ] Dipole Antenna Height for DX
- [QRZ] Measuring resonant frequency of trap
- [QRZ] 5-Band 5-element HF beam antenna
- [QRZ] Constructing a 17 m wire dipole
- [QRZ] VHF Helical Antenna...
- [QRZ] Yaesu G-450A Rotor Question
- [QRZ] HF V Antenna vs EFHW
- [QRZ] Antenna separation distance
- [QRZ] ICOM AH-4 remote tuner
- [QRZ] 5-Band 5-element HF beam antenna
- [QRZ] Antenna modeling and radio propagation resource site
- [QRZ] 5-Band 5-element HF beam antenna
- [QRZ] Right angle connector: how bad?
- [QRZ] VHF/UHF Proximity to TV Antenna
- [QRZ] City Lot w/ Roof Access
- [ZS6BNE] RaDAR - Preparing the trail
- [QRZ] Is there any point in a decent ground system with a horizontal quad loop?
- [QRZ] Ts830s antenna tuner needed
- [QRZ] Base loaded multiband vertical - how?
- [QRZ] Any how-to's for hanging dipoles in/between trees?
- [QRZ] TH7 & 40M
- [QRZ] HF V Antenna vs EFHW
- [QRZ] How can an assembled coax cable assembly be tested?
- [QRZ] Broken Tarheel mobile antenna question...
- [QRZ] Wondering why this antenna isn't more popular....
- [QRZ] 3 Hamsticks 80m 40m 20m
- [QRZ] Couple Questions Re Antennas
- [QRZ] New Tower set up
- [QRZ] Antenna
- [QRZ] Gain in a low antenna
- [KD8CEC] FAA-450 Antenna Analyzer (EU1KY) Introduction #1
- [QRZ] Been operating when Lightning struck your Ant?
- [QRZ] Low DC Voltage to Remote Antenna Tuner Caused Loss of Tune
- Re: "Magnetic Loop" Redux
- [QRZ] Should I buy a new antenna, or stay with the 70cm?
- [QRZ] 20 meter dipole low swr across entire band.
- [QRZ] Help me understand magloop vs. G5rv jr. noise difference (pt. II)
- [QRZ] RF Choke options for Loop antenna
- Re: Chain link fence as antenna
- Re: EZNEC File for J Pole
- [QRZ] Grounding Do's Don'ts & Why Part 3
- [QRZ] UTP pairs for balun homebrewing
- [QRZ] Antenna Mast Material
- How to tune an EH Antenna
- [QRZ] rg 58
- [QRZ] Help Identify this beam, here are the parts.
- [QRZ] Feed line length for sloping full wave delta loop
- [QRZ] A failed experiment in verticality
- EZNEC model -HEX Beam
- [QRZ] Parabolic Grid Antenna Feed for 1.6941GHz
- [QRZ] Mini Whip Active Antenna
- [QRZ] Short Coax Runs
- [QRZ] New end fed antenna trouble
- [QRZ] 160m dipole - zig zagged?
- [QRZ] Rotator part needed
- [QRZ] using two 1/4 wave 40 meter verticals.
- [QRZ] Trap Antenna with Ladder Line - How to Connect
- [QRZ] Andrew Heliax AVA7-50 spool end - worth messing with?
- [QRZ] Finding the impedance of unmarked coax
- [QRZ] Modeling coil-loaded dipoles in CocoaNEC 2.0
- [IW5EDI] 160m Antenna - Inverted L
- [QRZ] Antenna Placement ontop of Cement Structure
- [QRZ] MFJ -Versa tuner 949E
- [QRZ] Multi-Turn STL for 160m-40m
- [QRZ] Why dont VHF/UHF radios and antennas have N connectors?
- [QRZ] CG-3000 schematic
- [QRZ] What kind of vertical antenna is this?
- MFJ-259B touchup paint?
- [QRZ] Opinion on MFJ-1836H
- [QRZ] Antenna analyzer
- [QRZ] Adaptation for 2200m Rx/Tx
- [QRZ] Inverted L - 80m/160m
- What I'm learning (or revising what I'd forgotten that I forgot?)
- [ARRL DII] Do You Really Need a Tower?
- Maxwell's Equations; the big fraud?
- Re: Screaming like a banshee?
- Re: How is this Defamatory?
- Wide area repeaters
- 4NEC2?
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Friday 28 September 2018
- Estimating bistatic radar cross-section
- Jefimenko?
- SteppIR - any good?
- Earth rods, etc
- Earth Rods?
- RF earths, ground mats, etc
- A good RF earth? Episode 1
- [IW5EDI] Coaxial Dipole Antenna by WB4CPO
- RX distribution amp for a Mini Whip
- Mini whip ground reference?
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Saturday 16 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Friday 15 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Thursday 14 June 2018
- painting hex beam spreaders
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Thursday 7 June 2018
- [ARRL DII] Field Day Antennas
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Wednesday 6 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Tuesday 5 June 2018
- [IW5EDI] The Grid Yagi
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Monday 4 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Sunday 3 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Saturday 2 June 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Friday 1 June 2018
- [ARRL DII] RF Loss
- What actually happens?
- exporting radiating patterns (using NEC for educational purposes)
- Antennas That Don't Need Grounding For An Apt.
- The 43 foot vertical?
- Separate receiving antennae?
- [ZS6BNE] RaDAR - The new ZS6BKW Maak Toe field measurements
- CB antennae; be careful!
- Re: How to best choke a receiver feedline
- Base loading coils
- Not in keeping?
- Re: What a badge of pride!
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Saturday 17 February 2018
- Efficiency of HF mobile antennae?
- Capacity hat, cont'd
- How big a hat? 10 gallons?
- Which plugs and sockets?
- Considering a garden vertical ....
- [IW5EDI] Magnetic Loops by W2BRI
- [ARRL DII] Antenna Wire
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Monday 15 January 2018
- Scanners and Shortwave and superimposed hum.
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Sunday 14 January 2018
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Saturday 13 January 2018
- Re: NEC2 beginners question
- Re: W8JI destroying this NEWZGROUP!!!!
- Active Antennae?
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Thursday 5 October 2017
- [IW5EDI] An effective 3 Band Wire DX Antenna
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Wednesday 4 October 2017
- Single element quad antenna - anyone using one?
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Tuesday 3 October 2017
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Monday 2 October 2017
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Sunday 1 October 2017
- low transmit power, 6 meters, Diamond V2000A
- antenna /f/l/o/s/s/ project
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Monday 4 September 2017
- Who will win? :-)
- Campaign to upgrade Mike M6MGE to Full
- Droning on ... vertical wire antennae
- Ohmic losses- not microstrip.
- May be of interest?
- Antennae NOT antennas
- Antennae
- Full wave antennae on 137kHz?
- Magnetic receiving loop theory
- [ZS6BNE] RaDAR - 160m end fed half wave antenna building instructions
- 14avq won't tune up on 20 mtrs
- Re: cushcraft a3s or mosley ta-33?
- QRZ Forums - Antennas, Feedlines, Towers & Rotors for Friday 26 May 2017
- The Pixie, cont'd
- What does the field look like in 3D?
- Re: Fractenna frightens and confuses me.
- Your antennas?
- Re: Fractenna frightens and confuses me.
- Re: Fractenna frightens and confuses me.
- Fractal Antennas
- Antenna for Marine VHF
- Wild life safaris
- Re: EZNEC File for J Pole
- Vote
- [PA8E] FYM-Delta-loop antenna by PA3FYM
- Ping spike roger jim rambo fred and all other real radio amateurs
- Re: 1st CFV - Delete newsgroup
- ETH054 - Building Antennas
- Yagi Antenna Design
- Advice on mast and bracket please
- MFJ 1797 Vertical Antenna
- High power transmitter and history
- Window antenna
- [VA3QV] Busy but still finding time for radio
- Effects of ground plane in middle distance
- Looking For A Photograph
- Question about LMR-200 and N connectors
- [TWIAR] Proposed 40-foot ham radio antenna tower causing static in Marblehead (Massachusetts)
- [VA3QV] Well spent time in the shack
- Coax entry into house
- Active LF Antenna
- Modified MFJ Cobweb Antenna
- I am building an elevated vertical with 2 elevated downward slopingradials to be used for 10meters-20meters
- SGC MAC 200 tuner hash
- U dipoles
- ARRL General Class Study Guide
- Loop Antenna Polarization
- Tower Lightning Protection
- Backpack antenna for 2m
- Need manual for original Hy-Gain TH-3
- Anyone recommend a source of 36:50 ohm ununs?
- 6:1 balun
- Wireless Dog Fence
- Re: Brian Beezley still in biz?
- Re: 2 Meter Quads
- Scope of the term "Amateur"
- Talking of plurals
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