View Full Version : Antenna
- Difference between models of MFJ-931
- with the punce gotcha I indeed hav curage
- How much can the impedance of coax vary from its characteristic impedance?
- "Buddistick" and MFJ-1622
- Practical HF Digital Voice
- Thus it exist ?
- Filtering BPL from powerlines
- Quantum Tunneling
- Cushcraft A4 Owners
- Re: my knew blog
- BPL strikes another win ...
- R7 or similar antennas Eznec model?
- Coax traps
- 2-element SteppIR model 202
- W8JK station on the air
- VSWR Meter and reactance
- What is this???
- Franklin Antenna (Collinear) for 2.4 GHz with 20.5 dBi of Gain
- 2/70 mobile antenna construction details?
- Cruise Enthusiasts
- Can A Patch Ant. be modeled in EZNEC?
- KLM 40M-2B Opinions Please
- Baluns - Type 43 vs. Type 73 beads, etc.
- antenna parts - superjpole
- Will these rotator control boxes work? (was Can you help identify this rotator?)
- Need an easy VSWR meter for that wifi antenna project?
- recap
- Can you help identify this rotator?
- Patch antenna Polarization?
- Rope instead of wire for guys
- Two Good Days Spent with Quads
- Help me please!
- improvised ground system
- LPDA in Western Europe
- Building a T2FD antenna
- "Extension" antenna ?in?sanity check, please?
- measuring cable loss
- Vertical Whip Antennas And Gain Question ?
- Blame the Flooder, KB9RQZ
- Iron Powder Toroid - weatherproof?
- Indication new knowledge could have an impact on future antennas...
- What is an Explorer Tower?
- Question, Colinear design Error?
- Real happiness...
- Jumpers across tower sections
- Any homebrew auto-tuners?
- Looking for advice on CAP/MARS antennas
- T-match question
- non-antenna question: where should a newbie go...
- Questions about mast mounted pre-amps.
- cutting end slots in aluminum tubing
- FA: Last Day for these Items
- Verticals: Earth-Mount vs Roof-Mount
- 2L Steppir or 2L Cubical quad
- Subwoofer/Amp project...
- Hammer drills and ground rods, followup
- Berryville Hamfest
- Re: King of America speaks out publicly [Press Release] - Live broadcasts out in the fields, trumping evil demons by the power of the Word - We, as the People, demand you allow US, the human species to openly discuss the public evidence on who funded
- Re: your rant
- Time to brush up on 700Mhz Antennas ...
- Mark Morgan/s Abuse
- antenna attachment on wifi adapter
- Help, phasing 2.4Ghz Double quad
- Homebrew wifi antenna coax adapters
- ring capacity calculation?
- Near field vs Far field measurements at 2M
- Need Copy of Manual for Dymek DA-9 and Antennas
- Off-center fed dipole, fed with ladder line?
- What is the BEST ladder line tuner?
- using myself as an antenna
- 80+40 MTR Dipole
- Wants to poke out strong signal
- Grounding systems -- need the help of some good elmers
- Request EZNEC computation
- Gap Antennas - Help!
- OT Message: My Disability
- Your antenna is working great
- Most accurate loading coil calculator on the web
- Mind Control and Directed Energy Weapons
- Test
- Wind Noise
- RF Exposure from Small Transmitting Loops
- Open wire feeders and proximity to other metal ....
- Need Manuals for McKay Dymek DA9
- Grounding parallel feed (ladder line) ?
- Advantage in cancellation of radials?
- Question re: 1/4 Wave Ground Plane Measurements
- Help with Wifi antenna
- matching masts as vertical antennas.
- Screwdriver controller
- TH3 vs A3S
- Antenna combiner/joiner question
- Gaussian antenna details DIY
- Malfunctioning homebrew field strength meter
- Re: How I would like to change the *digital* cell phone industry.
- Please keep out the OT crap! [was Re: How I would like to change the *digital* cell phone industry.]
- How I would like to change the *digital* cell phone industry.
- Building a marine type HF whip
- dipole antenna design question
- Cocktail Condoms! What next?
- Yagi Antenna
- A more rational approach -- how I would like to change the cell phone industry.
- Connecting coax shield to tower near top
- Where to order Polyphaser lightning arrestors?
- Odd problem with 6/2/70 triband vertical
- Do hammer drills really work for driving in ground rods?
- Cellular yagi help needed
- How I would like to change the cell phone industry [was Re: AM electromagnetic waves: 20 KHz modulation frequency on an astronomically-low carrier frequency]
- Connecting ground wire to ground rod
- beginner co-ax problem
- extended double zepp
- George Dishman says Karl Uppiano is wrong about AM radio, carrier-frequencies, and aliasing. Who should I believe? Why?
- Ameritron RCS-4 Remote Coax Switch Question
- What if "single point ground" isn't possible?
- Using a copper water pipe in place of a ground rod?
- Texas CB Forum
- Tarheel pricing too high?
- micro--waves
- Linux and NEC codes?
- Please don't trivialize [was Re: Do magnetars emit audible LW AM radio waves that can be heard on receivers?]
- How to drive the ground rods in
- Need assembly instruction for Diamond CP6 vertical
- Question on ground rods at base of tower
- RG-142 or RG-303 Stranded?
- But we're built on a ledge! (was "Question on grounding rods")
- Butternut ,9 bands antenna ,Model HF9V
- Phase lines
- Segmentation question, + Eznec
- Interesting patent
- 60m mod for TS440S?
- Surface dust on the orbiting Universe
- Need help... End-fed, long wire or ????
- multiple transmitter dilemma
- aircom coax?
- noise antenna?
- Vertical above Beam interaction ??
- Question on grounding rods
- 20 Questions - Redux
- Inverted V - Steepness VS Height
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Is RG/6 center conductor copperweld?
- High Sierra hs-1500 Manual
- ADF NDB beacon antenna change seeking comments
- Joining two antennas question
- AM Radio Receiver based on Spin Exchange Relaxation Free mechanism
- Shunt feed tower for Aircraft NDB beacon Help
- Anybody tried 4nec2 on Vista ?
- Horizontal Attic Loop Feed
- Anti-climbing shield for tower
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Length of Dipole / Inverted Vee with Ladder Line
- Enlighten us about your Tips on Managing Home & Family
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Re: How can such a small device -- a wrist watch -- receive such long-wave radio signals?
- Front-to-back ratio for UHF antenna
- Alpha Delta DX-EE Help
- beverage antennas for transmitting?
- Spacing side-mounted VHF / UHF verticals away from tower
- mumbo-jumbo
- Spacing between tribander and higher antennas
- Line-Of-Sight Question
- Rohn 25G without guys, how high?
- Antenna for Sony ST-JX220A
- New Ham Radio Website
- MA5B Newby's misunderstand of Beams?
- Mumbo jumbo allegation
- AM electromagnetic waves: 20 KHz modulation frequency on an astronomically-low carrier frequency
- W2DU home from hospital
- HT antenna problem
- Log periodic antenna design
- very interesant
- AM electromagnetic waves: astronomically-high modulation frequency on an astronomically-low carrier frequency
- CD's as director-reflector units?
- Danger to antenna test range?
- Looking back
- 20 gaussian questions for art
- Discone, etc. Questions
- Pictures of your antennas in the Antennas in the World directory
- Multiple FM tuners to only one antenna
- Should I use a balun?
- Wire Antenna
- hum in receiver from rotator
- N- double female feed through connectors
- Calculation of received power in the far field
- what's difference between waveport and lumpport boundary conditions?
- What is the best software to model HF Quads 4el and larger
- Fed up!
- how to generate a rectangle face by drawing a rectangle?
- how to generate a rectangle face by drawing a rectangle?
- Screw NBC/Universal
- Re:Coupling nut
- Ugly Balun
- blocking radio waves
- To James From Robert11 Re Yagi, etc.
- getting radio communication into a metal building
- NEW EZNEC v.5.0 and EZNEC + 5.0 - Anyone...anyone ???
- Yagi Question: Freq. Coverage Range
- End-feeding dipoles
- ARISS antenna selection?
- Suggestions please - portable antenna for camper van
- rotor cable voltage drop
- Yagi Question: Where To Buy ?
- Guy from university physics dept. makes claims to incite/provokeamateurs!
- Minimum photons-per-second [amplitude] required for 150 KHz?
- Random ground measurements
- Self capacitance/inductance ...
- Turnstile question
- Belden RG-8X
- Antenna programming tool/language/compiler/preprocessor?
- Optimal radiation angle.
- Modern Art Antennas?
- Ham license Archive
- when does a vertical become vertical dipole?
- Antenna Suggestions, Please ?
- Multi lobes
- Help with EZNEC
- glass mounted antennas..
- New Antenna Worth Trying ?
- one way propagation
- MFJ 17758
- Beverage Ant. at ShortWave freq.
- Mystery Antenna?
- Dryer Vent Lead In
- Cleaning an aluminum antenna
- Long wire help
- Teslas Ideas Resurrected
- Holt melt glue as potting agent ?
- Need help designing Flag antenna EZNEC
- Shortwave Antennas
- Newsgroup education
- FS: 300' Rohn 55G Communications Tower, Complete package
- Design for matching network for end fed whips?
- Ground reflection
- power on random wire antenna
- Electric fence wire for rf ground radials
- Flag Ant. reduced size, higher freq.
- Real time proof of Poyntings vector
- Old ferrite rod antenna article
- HP 8640B External Freq. Doubler?
- Advice on long wire for 20, 40, 80 meters.
- Radio reception, fm,am
- RE: HELP! Mystery Antenna ID!
- 6 Metre Conundrum
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