View Full Version : Antenna
- Velocity Factors
- Mono Vertical to Multi-band
- Phase shift through...
- New program. Input Z of a loaded line
- DELTA LOOP Antenna calculator
- Thin & Fat Yagis
- elevator noise?
- Want a Maxcom Antenna Matcher (stop laughing please)
- Antenna RF choke questions
- Question about auto antenna cable and connectors
- Phase shift and translines.
- HDTV Antennas
- New website for AC6LA software
- FA: 8 Books: HAM RADIO, SIX METERS, VEC, Electronics, Antennas, etc.
- RF/microwaves over Fiberoptic cable???
- swldatabase
- What this, The Jim black balun ?
- Tower?
- how to reduce ghost from a wall mounted uhf antenna
- Cobra Ultrlite Senior
- Coils and Transmission Lines.
- paint antenna?
- What is an EH antenna
- Vertical Fibre-glass antenna for 10-12-15-20 meter ??
- Any recomends on a Auto tuner
- .pcb and .sch layout files help
- Elivated vertical
- A multi ferrite choke BalUn
- Amother look at a choke balun.
- The Seven Warning Signs of Bogus Science
- <%><%><%><%>HOW TO BE FUNNY!<%><%><%><%>
- >@>@>@>@>GET MORE CHICKS............LEARN GUITAR.............
- <><><><><><><>The Net's #1 Joke e-Book!<><><><><><><><>
- <%><%><%><%>HOW TO BE FUNNY!<%><%><%><%>
- >@>@>@>@>GET MORE CHICKS............LEARN GUITAR.............
- Amnesty for illegal immigrants will not happen this time.....................
- Will illegal immigrants get deported?.........Of course not.....................
- Illegal Immigration, the Non-Issue of the Week??????????????
- tower/transmitter ownership
- Adjusting a colinear antenna
- Comet CHA250B HF/VHF Vertical Antenna
- Crossed Field Antenna Performance
- transistor/diode-based MIXER help!
- Homebrew 20m 3 element Yagi
- Need info about Pyramid antenna and it's performance
- what a 1:1 choke balum used for
- Coax Connectors & Adapters, new catalog now available
- Capture Area Vs Aperture
- layout import/export for Orcad to ADS2004a
- Signal Strength Meter for Mobile Phones
- Spam and worms
- need 2EL RDF help
- A Small Indoor FM Antenna
- adapter help needed
- FS: Motorola Spring Base antenna mount.
- New Program. TRANCOIL
- ads2004a help
- I need help Cecil
- What kind of antenna is this?
- Antenna Phase (Kraus)--Interferometry with Two Antennas
- Aprspoint version 3.1 available
- Any good antenna design software
- Current across the antenna loading coil - from scratch
- Lets try this one
- This is the one I was referring to.......
- OOOooooohhhhhhhhhh, Get to my Question
- ground impedance quantify
- V Beam, do they work?
- Current through coils - BFD
- Radials
- Multiband Dipole Angles
- which is best?
- "Silence of the Gurus"
- SMT Inductor(RF choke) with SRF about 3GHz
- Wideband Folded Loop Construction Details
- building a yagi
- New Program. Transmission Line Transformers.
- Quad Antenna
- Reading SWR with low power
- Dual rhombic antenna
- i need help
- 2.4ghz inverted V?
- MFJ-207 projects
- Antenna Height?
- SWR Tells Me??
- Looking for the right connector
- vert vs dipole gut comparison
- antenna theory for idiots?
- Reducing number of elements in this design
- Diamond antenna repair parts
- aluminium element segment corrosion & weather proofing... ?
- First Attempt
- Need help
- APRSPoint new version released and sale
- Coil Current Summary
- Looking to contract someone to design antenna
- Coils are transmission lines
- Capacitance-of-a-wire conundrum
- learning how to use ladderline
- ham ruhmours?
- Where to purchase YO by Brian Beezley
- To ground or not to ground
- Corner Reflector Questions
- force 12
- Element correction for through beem Yagi elements
- compact antenna for short range direction finding
- Balun Question
- Good coax for WiFi (2.4 & 5 ghz)?
- Modeling question
- Powerline trap
- Re: Phase shift circuits
- RTV Silicone And Coax Outer Jacket: Safe ?
- Coax To Coax Noise transfer ?
- Yagi Antenna Question
- NEC 4.1 Anomaly
- Loop In Coax Help Prevent Lightning Induced Surges ?
- Radiation Resistance
- KLM C-3
- E[;0F Great Deals Here E[;0F
- ScrewDriver Antenna Article in February Antennex issue
- Soil dielectric constand and conductivity for East Texas
- Dipole Extension
- Safety ground versus RF ground for a 2nd Floor shack
- Re: Current through coils
- SMA Connector Follow up
- yahoo rf amplifiers group
- Military ships fan antenna
- FS: RF Connectors & Adapters
- Impedance with T-connector?
- Re: 1n21 diode housing
- Q. about height of the ends of a doublet
- OT for Cecil or any other ex RRAPers
- Bend in xmission line
- Square cross-section elements?
- 2.4GHz transceiver with FM detector ability
- doppler problem
- ferrite balun grades
- Sun's next 11-year cycle could be 50 pct stronger
- does doppler systems work only for unmodulated continous wave signals?
- Vertical vs Horizontal shootout part one
- Compact loop question
- measuring impedance through a balun ?
- Current through coils
- SMA Cables
- Where can I get a new telescoping Antenna for a Grundig FR-200
- 1n21 diode housing
- Current in Loading Coils
- Twinlead antenna
- Reflection Loss
- NBFM transceiver @2.4GHz
- Errors in Wilfred Caron Smith Chart Book
- ftp 2m rig?
- Repacement Motor for MFJ-1788
- Caronlina Windom characterisation
- Non-theoretical, practical and probably stupid question
- Heavy Duty Antenna Wire - 500ft #8 19-Strand - - NEW
- New program CONNECT
- 2m omnis and radiation takeoff angles - importance
- 3 Monos or a Tribander?
- Coax help
- pse info balun
- Help colinear building problems
- Re: Younger Sister Caught In BathTub With Hidden Cam... 4295 [1/2]
- Question regarding MFJ-1714 antenna
- About dipoles and current/voltage nodes
- 80m mobile antenna question
- antenna impedance - calculated 10 - 20 Ohms - measured 36 Ohms??
- The DELTA LOOP Antenna calculator is now online !
- need help with H antenna
- HAM II Rotor Template ?
- 75 And 50 Ohm Connectors In Same Listening Chain ?
- 50 Or 75 Ohm Coax For Receive Only Application ?
- Cage Dipool
- Technical vertical question
- orchard wire mesh Beverage?
- FS: Coax Connectors, Adapters & Cable assemblies @ great prices
- 80 m compact loop - progress report
- Q about balanced feed line
- Re: nec simulation - unexpected result ??
- Big push for the government to sell more airways...
- ?? anyone have plans on how to build a usb gps antenna for laptop
- Connectors
- 20 Meter Dipole - instant DX!!!
- Is there any simulation software of antenna?
- Fiberglass roof on FJ-40
- Looking for aluminum tubing/rod in DC/MD area
- 2m/440 antenna Q's
- New program OPANGLE3
- Coax
- Re: Under Eave Antenna
- Smith Chart vs JAVA
- Under Eave Antenna
- Accuracy of Q meters
- Ping: Roy
- What the?
- using coax shield to create a loading coil ?
- Remote Amateur Radio Stations group
- Aux Antenna for Wlakman FM radio?
- Radials for a table mounted MP-1
- New Program: OP_ANGLE
- Orthogonality relation between modes in Dielectric-Lined Circular Waveguide (or with concentric dielectric layers)
- 300 ohm folded dipole from ARRL Handbook, early 1990's
- Stealth antenna question
- WinCAP Wizard - VOACAP - freeware interface and tools
- Re: For Roy Lewallen et al: Re Older Post On My db Question
- FA: 1-Day-Left: Book: SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS: An Advanced Electronics/Math Book
- Smith chart/SWR/multiband dipole
- wtb 30-50 amp power supply
- For Roy Lewallen et al: Re Older Post On My db Question
- diff in coils between c_poise and vertload ??
- Coax Sources ?
- Re: Why is my car radio acting strangly?
- how to build a high Q low loss counterpoise coil
- Coax Losses ?
- db Question
- Coax Connector Question
- help appreciated with unusual j pole feed
- Some info needed!?
- ZM30 analyzer
- demodulator & detector
- Another Car Radio static question
- FA: Book: SPREAD SPECTRUM SYSTEMS: An Advanced Electronics/Math Book
- folded dipole
- 4nec2 on Windows-XP ?
- Antenna analyzer- no MW?
- Noisy Antenna
- Behringer T1953 Tube Ultragain Mic AMP Processor
- unbalance indicator
- Travel aid
- 160m antenna
- Rocket Antennas...
- Coax Cable & Connector Catalog
- Passive Repeater
- Beldon 8214
- Anti-oxidant grease question
- antenas
- YO!
- 4nec2 and linux ??
- Hi Q TAD Question
- FA: HV ceramic insulators for wire antennas
- More ATAS-120 problems
- Thru-Wall Coax Feedthrus
- Another ATAS-120 -- FT-857D question
- Pulley Arrangement For Horiz. Antenna ?
- Mobile antenna mount
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