View Full Version : Antenna
- CATV splitter question
- Looking for TA33 or TA32
- Now- back to serious antenna question ! (EZNEC)
- Telescopic to coax adaptor?
- Dynamic dipole
- Balun description: who is right
- Does anyone have the 2005 ARRL Handbook??
- Powdered Ferrite
- Help!! AM Radio Interference
- Help designing trap dipole - ARRL Antenna book no help!
- Microstrip PCB antenna for 2.4 GHz WLAN
- WTB Really Skinny Whip Material for 1/4 wave two meter
- Opinions on 4NEC2 and 4NEC2X?
- anyone have any info on "BOBCAT CURTAIN" antenna???
- Coax antenna for aircraft, help.
- Power antenna question
- Skywire coax cable vs. regular coax cable
- WANTED: Mosley Mini-33 Tribander Yagi
- So what happened to Mr Fractal?
- Any experience with a NB6ZEP antenna
- 75 OHM hardline on VHF and UHF
- New Smith Chart Program - "SmartSmith"
- half antenna better than full??? How is this possible?
- One band tuner?
- w7dxx remote base in baghdad soon
- 15m Vertical Matching help
- Is there such a thing as "Best Omnidirectional FM antenna"?
- what dish to capture a geostat. sat shifted of 75 deg long ?
- New Butternut question (tunung stub)
- Sabin
- Any opinion about the Terk AF1 antenna?
- L-match tuner with off-center dipole
- Help 6BTV
- Re: Is that a radio wire?
- Small VHF/UHF TV Broadcast Ant. (Channelmaster vs. Winegard)
- New Radio Forum
- Antenna links on the web.
- Beam antenna for satilite question
- Re: Antenna Design Information
- antenna patch
- The "TRICK" to TV 'type' Coax Cable [Shielded] SWL Loop Antennas {RHF}
- Butternut HF6V question
- Re: Fractal Antennas - Who?
- Grounding Question
- Ladderline switch
- An easy experiment with a coil
- Gas lines and ground rods
- Re: Test, don't read.
- How reject QRM from the fence ?
- Re: Ham Radio Embarrassments
- Re: WiMAX 802.16a specification
- How to tune UHV-6
- 1200 and 2400 MHz antenna design
- Hy-Gain 18AVT/WB-S
- Help conductive anti ox paste source?
- (OT) BPL Alternative
- want to learn more about antenna designs
- Schematic Uniden UH040XR or UH042XR?
- ARX2B Ringo Ranger
- 2,6 & 10 Mtr Vertical?
- HELP with 220 KLM antenna
- Tower Help 50 ft Rohn
- The Best of All Worlds???
- WiMAX 802.16a specification
- Another BPL link - with an interesting tidbit
- Fractal Antennas
- New On-Line Hamfest
- help with partial reception
- 60 meter dipoles
- Is lighting nuts?
- Funky CNN Story...
- 4:1 balun advice sought...
- Why?
- Re: another lie
- Here's what some think of BPL
- Gain per unit length of boom
- So, where does one get aluminum tubes for antenna construction?
- Thermal and EM images of antenna ?
- Fractenna lashes out at hams using BPL
- Trap dipole design 160/80m
- Current in loading coil, EZNEC - helix
- Discone antenna & antenna tuner?
- logper
- Pipe antenna mast
- For Sale Cushcraft XM240 2 element beam for 40m
- HF2V roof mounted
- Where does the power go?
- 10 meter quad loop ant ?
- radial question
- Discone and quadrifilar helix ?
- Stupid question of the day (SQOTD)
- Trimmed Van Gorden All Bander - suprise!
- Re: balcony railing mount for DBS dish
- look how these guys put up a cb ant look at these picture
- Half sloper mounting
- physical/intuitive understanding of RL/RC time constants?
- Using AC Adapter in place of Antenna.
- Repairing a tri-band Co-linear 50/144/430 MHz
- EH-antenna: sensation or fraude?
- Incorporating a Terk TV-5 as part of a beam?
- Self made antenna for CB
- Knots in antenna wire?
- solid or stranded copper best ?
- New program TRAP3.exe
- Yagi Balun designs
- Re: Why do WiFi basestations use two antennas?
- Loop Question
- High Efficiency Mobile HF Antenna?
- cleaning antennas
- EMC Handbook
- Antenna & Tower package
- Looking for ant measurement software/hardware
- HFANT antenna data file for Windom
- Xerox TDR ??
- fast cash
- Coaxial folded dipole (was: Natural balun/Antenna on 9/26/2004)
- Windom vs G5RV : 1-0
- Linear Loading Loop Antenna
- OT but this is great plitical satire
- Reg's programs and Windows-XP
- Radial installation method
- Owner's manual for the discontinued Radio Shack 15-1853 loop
- Re: President George Bush Assasinated <--- VIRUS
- Free Software
- Mobile HF antenna melting....
- Superskyhooks antenna scam
- test
- Ground connections to a tower
- Re: Superskyhooks antenna scam
- 18nH Inductor
- Already 4 years !
- Checking antenna traps
- FS: Andrews LDF 4-50 & LDF 5-50 at Leicester Show
- FS: Andrews LDF4-50 & LDF 5-50 at Leicester Show
- longer antenna for a Cell phone
- My Secret Camera 4862 [1/2]
- Giant Cu Cactus antenna
- The Problem of Mixing Religion and Science
- Tower / Antenna package for sale
- 88 ft + 66 ft fanned doublet?
- Re: My apologies to the group!
- Help:Best vertical for low bands ? advice
- DIY Omni TV receiver antenna challenge
- Outbacker on a tripod - will this work ?
- Newbie ?: I've Built A Simple 1/4 Wave Dipole for 2 Mtrs. Could IMake a1/2 Wave?
- jo gunn 10/11meter ant. look at there web site
- 6 and 2 meter homebrew????
- Transformer for longwire antennas to reduce noise problem?
- FS - FORCE 12 ZR-3 Vertical on eBay - for pick up in Denver, Colorado only
- Coiled coax balun
- Natural balun/Antenna
- Rohn tower as vertical
- 88 ft. Doublet Question
- Yeasu ATAS-120 trouble
- Half slopers for 160 and 75 on one tower
- FS: 40ft tower in SE, Pa. $150.00
- New version of APRSPoint available
- Tohtsu coaxial relays - anyone using?
- REQ: Question: Looking For Plans For A Mag Mount Gain Ant At 100mhz,tnx
- Random Legth Receiving Only Ant.; Close Into A Loop ?
- WTB Crank up mast
- infos needed for isotron-antenna
- inof needed for isotron-antenna
- 30 meter qrp vertical
- Re: Making a simple antenna
- N8WWM the felon cries when confonted
- 'Mini' Coax
- Antenna analyzer?
- Printing wire list from EZNEC?
- New program "Not a trap"
- Iam in the prcess of putting a 80 mtr inverted V up
- Remote longwire & counterpoise?
- Max power into 26 ga. longwire?
- CB antenna
- Any experiences with inverted L and elevated radials
- Help Needed - Climbing Belt
- J Pole for 40
- Felon N8WWM Doug Adair has a court ordered Psychiatrist
- Re: Felon N8WWM Doug Adair has a court ordered Psychiatrist
- Balun Testing
- NEWS - Researchers invent antenna for light
- Qst article
- LF: PC IF bandscope plans/info
- half-wave dipole in the forest
- test
- Clemens match modelling
- horizontal and vertical antenna on one mast
- carolina windom vs dipole
- Good Antenna for Attic
- Phasing for Delta Loop
- Radio astronomers build huge antenna farm 350km across in Netherlands
- Fan dipole in attic
- dBW in S-unit and power strenght
- [OT] Rcvr antenna input impedance
- Log Periodic yagi?
- 4nec2 simulation of a pvc sheet?
- Wattmeter Location
- Horizontal Omni Antenna
- new 2m repeater on space station
- non-inductive resistors: metal-film vs carbon ?
- Dumb question?
- Yagi antenna for FM/AIR reception
- Supporting 450 ohm feeders across an open area
- Newbie question about FM aerial and portable radio
- Amateur Radio contribution on 9/11/2001
- Antenna Design Book
- Msg for Reg, G4FGQ
- 4NEC2 and ARRL Antenna Modelling Course
- Suggestions on earth grounding open feeder
- WANTED: Mosley Mini 33 Tribander
- WANTED: Hi-Q-Antennas Website
- 160 thru 20 meter homebrew vertical system
- AH-4 Tuner and Attic Wire, Comments Please
- 106.9MHz notch filter
- Chain link fence interactions?
- Available power from an RF field
- Place the GPS antenna directly on the ground plane?
- Ladder line with end fed wire
- free standing pole for antenna to receive broadband access
- What ground arrangements should I make for my 20 metre long marconi antenna.
- PRINGLES CAN ANTENNA FOR 2.4 GHz 802.11(Wi-Fi) ?????????
- WANTED: Hi-Q-Antennas Website
- For women:
- Hy-gain ant query
- CX-1051 Coaxial relay
- horizontally polarized antenna over ground plane
- Real antennas
- Egg insulators
- Re: Antenna matching 433MHz
- Station Grounding
- Mag Mount ant.
- Cell Phone Hardline
- twinlead question
- SWR meter vs TLI
- Antenna modeling software
- Cheap yagi articles wa5vjb
- wireless networks/ham radio interference ??
- Re: Antenna Ground
- Heavy Duty Antenna Wire.. for sale
- dipole feeder 300 ohm
- [email protected]
- Antenna ground - how can you tell if it's good
- unOfficial NEC Archives update
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