View Full Version : Antenna
- Base Antenna for CB Radio
- Modification of G5RV - need help on this
- George
- Loop Antennas, Medium Wave - 120m Band
- Fox Tango International, Yaesu Users Groups
- Using a Loop Antenna
- How to print G4FGQ's program results.
- Re: tnx/tvi??Transmitting from hotel bedrooms.
- dipole rfi/tvi reduction
- Body Worn Antenna UHF Range
- Antennas vs Antennae
- 20M 4 elem antenna for sale !
- 20 Meter 4 element Mono bander for SALE
- Choosing mobile HF antennas.
- J pole vs yagi for base
- Would EMT be good for antenna?
- Why Match ?
- Newbie antenna help
- Loop vx Folded Dipole noise factor
- dc grounding on 25ft trap vertical ant 10m-80m
- Ladder line in a rotor loop?
- New Call
- eScrew zen story
- Radiation angle vs turns count in a coil
- d
- small dipole help
- What is a good Screwdriver Antenna?
- 80/40 Antenna Recommendations
- Outbacker ML-130 160m antenna question
- Free iPod
- My radio always fights with my toaster !!!!!
- need construction articles for 2M/440 quads
- [6M] Dipole vs Jpole
- New Version of the Plotting Package for SmartSmith
- Ferrite loaded vertical antenna???
- Antennae of Yesteryear
- How to know if I'm being bugged
- Re: Too Far
- come look at art
- Feedline for RCVR antenna
- HF Mobile for Honda Element?
- 4:1 coaxial baluns
- Wireless Innovation Contest - Get your innovation noticed!
- HF Vertical - ground mounted or 10-30 feet in air what works best for 20m-80m tx/rx
- 2 antennas on 802.11 device?
- just got moonraker evx5000 vertical on ebay can anyone advice me on counterpois
- Antenna humor
- Slot Antenna
- Intriguing antenna...
- Help: Carolina Window 80
- Re: For Sale: Kenwood TS-870 Station
- Merry F'n Christmas
- V: Antenna Software
- H.F Dish Antenna update
- Vertical antenna recomendations
- Amateur Antennae
- How good is the 2.4GHz video sender/receiver?
- Newbie low-brain question re: fm stereo broadcast antenna
- W4RNL?
- higher-gain eggbeater-2 omni?
- Loop Antenna
- Re: Strange question about SWR on HV lines
- AM radio reception inside passenger planes?
- Plotting Package Available for SmartSmith
- Re: hey, look!N8WWM Doug is microphallic
- Loop Antenna as Triangle?
- Leader LPM-885 In-Line SWR/Pwr Meter
- Simple, cheap antenna for portable use.
- Balun/Unun help please.
- Feeding 30 Mtrs into a 40 Mtr Dipole - Losses ?
- Browser
- Antenna Tuner
- 80 Meter Loop
- SmartSmith1.6.2 deployment
- TV antenna question..........
- W9OKA 80/75 Dipole
- SmartSmith1.6.2 Packaged for Windows ME
- 6 meter Ringo wanted
- help me hack mailbox alert
- Iridum and weather msg on /mm ?
- Looking for ATV Repeater Equipment
- SmartSmith1.6.2 Now Available as Free Download
- Changing design frequency of K2RIW 432 MHz yagi
- New version 4nec2 freeware antenna optimizer
- wanted: schematic for KDK FM2030
- PS
- Celebrations !!!!
- Question re: running balanced line
- WTB IC-735 mobile bracket
- Loft Antenna's
- Converting the Antron 99 to 40m
- Wheel Antenna Plans
- Test- Do not read
- Lafayette 99-25835 swr & fs meter
- Satellite Radio Antenna
- Low Power Communication Book
- Open wire source?
- feeding vertical dipoles
- Attach antenna to FM radio
- smallest wire gauge for dipole: full kW?
- Question on antenna
- Radials and HF2V
- You have been warned !
- Happy Holidays and thanks to the group
- Oddity of ground mounted antenna's.
- how about a maritime mobile station?
- links
- Indoor AM Ant
- Is this jack wired correctly?
- What causes this?
- Sucoflex and wireless adapter
- FS: Cushcraft 17B2 BOOMER 2 meter
- Will Accept Any Reasonable Offer
- QPak tuner comments/reviews?
- Icom TS-50
- What happened to the Nec-List ?
- Who has got any experience with InfoRelation and can advice me.
- New version of APRSPoint available
- randome wire or MP-1 antenna with FT-980
- Question on Dual Band Larsen Antenna
- Painting ladder line?
- Trifilar winding -- twist or plait?
- FS: Cushcraft Vertical HF MA5V Antenna
- Trucker babe antenna topper
- Trip to Disney
- Inverted V Noise Problem
- Dumb Question Dept. - Antenna Angle
- S-meters (copied from the Homebrew newsgroup)
- SWR meter calibration question - hooked up backwards?
- Need Telrex Manual
- Kenwood KAT-1 auto ATU - help?
- HF Antenna Pickup Truck
- UK DAB homebrew aerial
- Short anchor bolt problem
- TX Distance question
- FS: sma-to-bnc custom fit rubber covered antenna adapter
- Re: Mismatch Uncertainty and an EZNEC transmission line sudy
- Additional Line Losses Due to SWR
- need parts Wilson Rotor WR-500
- Hex Beam
- Lahlum method of phasing?
- Test Post
- Re: OT- night out on the town
- Kenwood 850 w/power supply
- surveillance receiver aerial
- Zo and Ro
- Beacons with a G5RV
- FS r trade 70' Tri-ex Tower
- Test
- It works! Sort of......
- HE3RSI: An antenna simulation challenge
- DIY - Anyone built one of these - KIT : Deluxe Receiver HF Multicontroller (Multicoupler) Kit
- Answer to Dipole Double-Resonance Problem
- FS: Sommer XP807
- SAM 10
- FS: Cushcraft Vertical HF MA5V
- Corrosive protection for ground radial plate?
- Cobra UltraLite Multi-band Antenna?
- LOGPERIO.XLS Antenna calculating EXCEL spreadsheet.
- Home brew antenna for FCC Part 15 screening?
- 2meter jpole question
- What's the best Source of Info On Rhombics?
- random wire antenna
- 4NEC2 under Linux Wine
- TEST Do not read
- I passed
- tes
- KLM 10-4
- test
- Single ground
- Radial connections
- Reflected Energy
- Just a test. Do not read.
- 5/8 over 5/8 over 5/8.. On 2m - Looking for ideas
- Colinear 2 meter antenna question
- Antenna Length for Two Metres
- Re: 6 mtr antenna
- Need help identifying an antenna connector
- test
- Test3
- test2
- test
- 2mt Antenna
- HF antenna for boat portable?
- New Program - Coaxial Choke
- Champagne on Top of 100" Tower
- 6 mtr antenna help
- Homebrew high gain FM broadcast antenna ??
- Practical Wireless Magazine (UK) collection on ebay
- Is my antenna working?
- FCC Amateur repeater database - if any
- Propagation forecasts
- Test Post
- 6 meter stacked halo ?
- Ringo Ranger II
- WANTED: Mosley Mini-33 Tribander Yagi
- Some notes on UKWtools GPL RF coverage software
- in answer to tam/ WB2TT
- Putting a Ferrite Rod at the Far-End of a Random Wire Antenna ?
- MP-1 or 2 as mobile antenna?
- Antenna trap rubber caps...options
- Amateur & PMR
- Items Wanted
- Need Near Field equations problems
- Who has got any experience with InfoRelation (for Tim Kelly)
- 4 element?????????
- Shielded loop antennas, one last time
- Re: cloverleaf anenna?
- Need Info - Vintage Hy-gain 4 Element Tri-band Beam
- Best Home Base Work
- Please send me your opinion about my project as placed on
- Announcing SmartSmith version 1.5.3
- w.t.b icom 70 cm rigs ic-2340 ,ic-2350, ic-2400a ,ic-2400 ,eic-2410e ,ic-2410h
- EM field og GSM and microwave oven in V/m ?
- Is it worth it? Will I notice?
- Re: Stupid Americans! -- Stupid... Stupid... STUPID!!! __________==___pemluzov
- Fishing pole element construction facts
- FS: Comet Duplexer CF-4160 1.3-170mhz/350-54-mhz
- Reflectors For H.F. use
- FA: Diamond 144/220 base antenna - X2200A
- Transmission Lines & Electrical Code
- PL-259 loss rate?
- PL-259 loss?
- please need help with delta loop antenna better matching system than gamma match
- Facts
- ARRL 2005 Handbook, still need the article
- Loop antenna electrostatic shields
- New Version of SmartSmith Program Available (Ver 1.4, Nov 5, 2004)
- amaeteur radio
- Project Argus
- Using a Pool Cage As an Antenna?
- test
- Use a Pool Cage As An Antenna?
- Help - with 2026
- Rabbit's ears as drivenelement in Yagi?
- GMC Speedometer RF Interference
- 32 ft end tuned vertical or??
- Hopefully not a dumb question per CATV
- 80/160 trap dipole question - last one I hope
- Ground rod or water pipe?
- CATV splitter question
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