View Full Version : Antenna
- Starting out. . .
- Vertical on metal patio cover
- Another 2M antenna question
- HF Antenna Options
- HF Antenna Options: Need Advice
- Re: FS Heath HM-2102 VHF SWR power meter
- FS Heath HM-2102 VHF SWR power meter
- BCL Receiver
- Rawbolt size for standdoff bracketts + ali pole
- J-pole question
- Using speaker wire for a dipole
- Automatic antenna tuners
- AB-952 Antenna Mast parts
- FDC FD-880 Dual Band 136-174/400-480Mhz FM Radio
- Re: Antenna Magic
- Antenna Magic
- 80 meter dipole
- Cut length on antenna made from coax cable
- 20 meter delta lop
- Best Self Supporting Vertical Multi-band Antenna for Restricted Neighborhoods
- FS Heath HM-2102 VHF SWR power meter
- Re: Anybody following the Dallas Files
- Re: Broadcast Tower Hoogersmilde (Netherlands) down due to fire.
- Re: Anybody following the Dallas Files
- Broadcast Tower Hoogersmilde (Netherlands) down due to fire.
- Anybody following the Dallas Files
- Why do balun builders always use "enameled" wire?
- Does anyone have plans for a 4:1 air core balun that actually works?
- Dipole question
- Re: 43 foot verticals
- YAGICAD question
- Re: 20m FD Dipole
- Moses 1-27-00
- Curtain Quad - Real gain or antenna snake oil?
- 43 foot verticals
- Re: 20m FD Dipole
- 20m FD Dipole
- Re: Which is better, 2 separate toroidal cores for a Guanella 4:1current balun or 1 toroidal core?
- Which is better, 2 separate toroidal cores for a Guanella 4:1 currentbalun or 1 toroidal core?
- Quite an interesting development ...
- Re: Yagi boom question
- Re: Yagi boom question
- Yagi boom question
- Burgers and coke at your next antenna party?
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Antenna advice/suggestions needed...
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- Re: Antenna advice/suggestions needed...
- Antenna advice/suggestions needed...
- Need Antenna Advise...
- odd coax connector
- Reflection coefficient for total re-reflection
- AIM4170 Presentation -- open-wire feeder TDR scan
- Clarification requested for resonant feed line verses non-resonantfeed line
- Re: Ground loop as a big AM/FM antenna?
- Re: Standing waves on antenna, doubts!
- EZNEC and near field datas.
- Standing waves on antenna, doubts!
- Re: The Lazy H does not seem to exhibit any gain over a dipole in thereal world
- Any ideas on the screen reflector size for a Lazy H antenna?
- Re: Why do WiFi basestations use two antennas?
- Re: The Lazy H does not seem to exhibit any gain over a dipole in thereal world
- Re: balcony railing mount for DBS dish
- Re: balcony railing mount for DBS dish
- Vertical on metal patio cover
- Butternut HF6V bending problems
- Re: The Lazy H does not seem to exhibit any gain over a dipole in thereal world
- importing (modified) path profile data into Radio Mobile propagationprediction SW.
- Relation of radiation resistance and terminal resistance
- Dianne is dedicated to providing high quality services with integrity.
- The Characters Of Children's Birthday Party-Fairyland
- FS Heath HM-2102 VHF SWR meter
- Nested hentenna
- looking for a 2 meter 70 cm beam
- Re: NVIS and VHF?
- A3S with 40 meter add on kit
- NVIS and VHF?
- Quadrature Modulation Tutorial
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: CDE AR22R
- The Dallas Files
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- It's how I want it
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: Transmitter Output Impedance
- Re: The Lazy H does not seem to exhibit any gain over a dipole in thereal world
- Re: CIA Official Reveals Demon Mr. Bush Knew No WMDs and LIED to Kill America
- Re: Horizontal Loop for 2m SSB
- Re: Horizontal Loop for 2m SSB
- Horizontal Loop for 2m SSB
- In need of a large NMO base.
- FS Heath HM-2102 VHF SWR meter
- Transmitter Output Impedance
- LF Engineering H-900 antenna
- OT? Wireless Xmtr/Rcvr For Sports Scoreboard
- Cheap, stealthy, quick AM Antenna
- Tower hinge, would this work?
- Simulating spiral antennas with AN-SOF
- Re: Cleaning out QEX magazines
- Several Saints 12-5-06 at 12:17 P.M.
- Re: Cleaning out QEX magazines
- Re: Cleaning out QEX magazines
- Re: Cleaning out QEX magazines
- Re: Cleaning out QEX magazines
- Your opinion on QST propagation article
- New releases of TLDetails, Zplots, and more
- Re: 40/15M dipole question
- Re: 40/15M dipole question
- PV Inverter interferance
- 40/15M dipole question
- flex arm mount for indoor antenna
- Fiberglass flagpole as antenna support?
- Re: Helix / helical polarization
- Helix / helical polarization
- Antenna Modification Advice
- Re: A3S/A743
- Re: A 5/8 λ mobile whip for 2m
- Re: Helically-wound Monopoles
- Speed of waves
- A3S/A743
- Helically-wound Monopoles
- the hands of the sword could
- Skin effect question
- Need Diamond X50a ground radial dimension
- Ping amdx
- Re: Band Pass Filters.
- Band Pass Filters.
- New blog from Costa Rica, mostly on wire antennas (new dual EDZ posted)
- Radio waves faster than light
- Re: Trap Vertical Antenna Questions
- Trap Vertical Antenna Questions
- Vertically Oriented Loop IN and Supported By A Tree!
- Information about my experience with Magnetic Loop antenna's on my homepage
- SILENT KEY: An Dx'ers Eulogy for Tom C Gleeman (KE6YNH)
- Re: Expectations for 135 foot dipole
- No comment
- Marine vs. telescoping tubing antenna
- Anybody assemble a HyGain AV-640 recently?
- Re: Loop fed yagi
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- Re: Amateur Radio Respect, and Warning
- Loop fed yagi
- new antenna
- Re: trunk lip mount for HF
- Antenna in the Attic
- Relative strength: single-wall or nested aluminum tubing?
- Re: trunk lip mount for HF
- trunk lip mount for HF
- Re: Quarter-wave matching coaxial cable
- My first antenna "design"
- Wind survivability of HyGain AV-640?
- Quarter-wave matching coaxial cable
- A small riddle, just for fun
- SW antenna for Grundig Satellit 750?
- Math help characterizing Antenna, Please
- Software for antena rotators control
- Re: ESD Protection ?
- Magazine article "For the L of it".
- Inverted L for AMBCB listening
- Updated List of Solutions Manuals & Test Banks 16, JAN, 2011
- Rubber antenna for Airband Handie ?
- Improving clock radio FM reception
- Understanding Parallel to Series conversion
- any way to put a mobile antenna on an element
- Unblock blocked websites, Access, Bypass any blocked websites easily
- ESD Protection ?
- Antennas for Kenwood TH-F6A
- Expectations for 135 foot dipole
- Re: Wireless at the speed of plasma
- Using RG58 for antenna element
- ANSOF antenna software (not ANSOFT)
- Christmas present for the group
- 4:1 BalUn
- Balun for a yagi
- vs.*
- Fractal Sleeve for Monopoles?
- Sidebands
- Versatower 24 meter
- Ground level question
- Marine Auto-tuner (any advice? made by MTI Ltd)
- Cushcraft, HyGain build quality?
- Antenna measurements with 8405
- Patch Cable Source ?
- USB Stations ? (a bit OT)
- Any compact HF beams worth considering?
- Common Mode Noise Question
- double insulation symbol
- need antenna!
- What does this mean?
- Re:
- Balcony Antenna for Shortwave Listening
- Too Quiet!
- Rigid, unguyed dipole end supports?
- Half delta loop antenna: more...
- Folded Dipole Antenna
- homemade balun question
- grundig satellit 750 antenna replacement store
- antenna physics question
- SWR meter as power meter
- Heath VHF SWR meter for sale
- Hy-Gain BN-86 balun for sale
- WTB: Force 12 Relay Switch Box for EF-180B Rotatable Diploe
- Common Mode Choke ?
- Grounding A BNC Coax Cable End ?
- feeding random inverted V for RX
- Noise Reduction Questions
- Matching antenna to crystal radio
- group appropriate photos
- For Sale Motorola TDD6034A VHF Vertical Collinear Antenna 23ft.
- J pole feed
- Lightning Question
- Newbie Questions
- Which is better: 5/8 wave vertical or J pole?
- Random wire vs ANLP1
- Hy-Gain BN-86 for sale
- Heath VHF SWR meter for sale
- feeding random inverted V for RX
- Glen Martin Engineering = Rooftop Towers
- Re: Convert to moderation?
- how to hang a 120' / 40m drop in foamed RG6 ?
- Distance to Fault
- Converting terminal strip to watertight connector.
- Heath VHF SWR meter for sale
- Hy-Gain BN-86 for sale
- Gaussian patent
- "Cristal" radio with a battery.
- Military Antenna information
- Remote tuner
- Maco 103HV Circular Polarization
- 160m Vertical Questionas
- Hy-Gain BN-86 for sale
- sharing antenna between ssb and weather fax
- Antenna separation
- Impedance of open wire feeder using multi-strand wire?
- 300 Ohm Ladder Line Issues
- Help High swr
- Swan antenna
- Why do we short coil turns ?
- AIM4170 antenna analyzer -- updated presentation
- Loading Coil query
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