View Full Version : Antenna
- how good or bad are van gorden ant
- Tri-Ex HS471 instructions?
- Antenna tuner
- Cushcraft R7
- Q: DC motor for MFJ-1786.
- Horz Loop vs Half Square
- Great Dangling Dipoles!
- Toroid! Toroid! Toroid!
- Back to the drawing board....
- Trees as antenna
- W8JI "shines" at Hamvention
- Really Inefficient Antennas
- Antenna Suggestion Requested: Receiving Only, Up To 30 MHz, & Omni Directional ?
- Cobwebb Antenna
- Re: How good or bad is the B&W antannas?
- Test
- I use my genital hair as antenna !
- Anyone Using MFJ-1538 QUAD BAND VERT ANTENNA(6/2/220/440)
- F-connectors
- seen of EPOD
- Who has an ideal horizontal dipole for HF?
- Ya gotta check this one out! Talk to aliens with this antenna on Ebay...
- TVI/ W3EDP question
- 80 m short end feed
- FS CHEAP!! tribander,monobanders,trap verticals,heavy duty rotor
- Re: Parabolic dish gives weak performance increase
- HP 8405 probe repair
- 40m Endfed vertical QRP question
- UHF Yagi Ant construction Question
- cable selection for Sat. internet (6Ghz send, 4Ghz receive)
- antenna deal of a lifetime
- 5/8 wave ground plane
- shorted 1/8 wave transmission line
- FA: Palomar PFS-1 Field strength Meter
- voltage fed vertical question
- Re: Phone line as SW antenna
- FS: Collins Radio KWM-2 Parts and More
- Fractal antennas
- Dipole keeps melting?
- Optimizing for Loop Length
- Stubby car radio antennas?
- Tektronix oscilloscope
- 50 ohm - 5 foot long - Slotted line.
- Antenna bandwidth and learners.
- Titan Vrs Gap Sigma 5 Multiband
- Shorting the Loop
- Understanding Ground.
- Elementary question:
- Wanted Info Antennas by Smithe 15m Broomstick
- Wire thicknes versus bandwith
- vertical dipole array
- EZNEC v. 4.0 at Dayton
- SteppIR 3 el Yagi vs. Force 12 XR5
- Hustler mobile antenna
- FDTD in Matlab or C
- Stacking Antennas
- rca 7213 tube
- Need Radial Wire
- SteppIR Antennas
- Loop Antenna for Class-E amplifier
- easy way to refurbish tarnished copper wire?
- Wire antenna - dipole vs inverted vee
- coax type traps
- Screwdriver Antennas!
- cell antenna options for remote area???
- Antenna wire proximity
- Thoughts on the use of water as ground screen
- Telescoping Masts
- Channel Master choices
- Help -- Need Installation Advice for Vertical Antenna
- Adding lengths to bare wire antenna?
- KLM manuals needed
- Spectrum Analyzer
- kenwood ts 450
- test
- DB420 for ATV
- fm trap
- Kenwood HF ts-450s
- (Aluminum?) Sprinkler Pipe in Southern California
- newbie question, grounding
- NEC2 and J-pole?
- Does this Shorty Forty Antenna work?
- Murch Antenna Tuner
- Anyone have a 6BTV without radials?
- Receiver dipole vs 23 ft wire for HF
- Anyone have an EZNEC Windom Model
- Antenna radiated spurs
- PCB costs
- Measure Z with Vector Voltmeter properly
- How to model the house
- really long control cable on a screwdriver
- Feed Through Insulators?
- A call for help with antenna pattern EZNEC
- DCTL Antenna
- Help: Need Kansas City Tracker software / KC Tracker driver
- [ANNOUNCE] --- new arm board philip LPC 2106
- vertical dipole array
- Any real fans of ladderline?
- PCB Loop antenna using Ensemble Sv
- Carolina Windom Problem...any suggestions
- FS: UHF Base Antenna (430-490mhz) Ham/GMRS
- F.S. NIB KLM 28-30-6 beam
- DJ4VM Loop
- Capacitive loading-How?
- Anyone have back issues of Ham Radio Magazine Need Oct 86
- cushcraft A3S Tribander HF beam
- 1.2Ghz Antenna Construction Design required.
- End Effect on folded dipoles/monopoles?
- A Lattinate Design
- Who writes this stuff ?
- Ladder line question ????
- 1/4 wave mag mount ground?
- Power cable routing, Ford Taurus
- Re: Maintenence Management Professional
- Help srewdriver antenna...
- Re: Dipole Length Question
- 30ft Tower uprooting
- Mid coil loaded CB to 2 meters.
- Homebrew VHF/UHF mobile antenna question
- Is My Johnson Big Enough?
- Omni D
- Transmission line radiation
- What material for antenna?
- How does rain effect antennas
- Folded monopole dilemma
- Folded monopole dilemma
- FYI antenna links
- G5RV.... feed
- Help! Can't find trunk
- Weather Satellite VHF antenna
- Need info on antenna issues in Minneapolis area
- Re: Radio Conversion
- Antenna Joke
- RF Design 90s RLB article ?
- Re: Best antenna for an Icom T90A (rig and car)
- May 86 Article ?
- grounding half size g5rv
- 160M antenna for a very small garden?
- Re: Micro Vertical
- Window clip mount - last one FA
- Guy wire vs. guy rope
- RE; r-7 antenna feedback...
- Help for R7 verticle
- Portable Satelite antenna for FD
- Digital Sat dish
- Comparative Reference to Internet Resources for Antennas and Other Related Topics
- Wanted
- Gold plating antenna elements?
- Folded Dipole
- Experience with Cushcraft R7 vertical HF antenna?
- What is a traveling-wave antenna?
- Antenna at p. 95 of April QST?
- Maldol HVU-8 antenna
- Antenna too long??
- Element Design with Loading Coils
- Never mind mercury - Plasma antenna
- 2 meter 5/8 wave mobile
- Using a metal roof as a ground plane
- DC shorting a Screwdriver antenna?
- Help Getting a PK-232 to Key a TS-570 in CW
- antenna books
- Mercury as an antenna?
- moving two UHF TV antennas about the lawn till in phase
- Stolen Tower and Antenna - Las Vegas, NV - April 10, 2004
- Lattin antenna patent info/query
- screwdriver tuneing 2m ?
- FS: CU-168/FRR
- Low Pass Filter ??
- UHF Load Design
- SEM QRM Eliminator... Help Required
- long wires around the farm
- Impressive Expertise Here, but What Antenna Should I Use???
- Recommend Antenna Book?
- make a loop out of a screwdriver ?
- HF Antenae, any help here!!!
- HELP: Icom IC-RP1220 (1.2GHz) repeater drifted.
- Homebrew dipole help please?
- Normal Mode Helix Antennas
- Beginner's question
- B&W AP-10A tuning question
- 80M camping/portable dipole
- 35 ohm coax question
- What is the *impedance* of the 5/8 wavelength ground plane
- 6m vert dipole
- Earth loop somewhere- humming sound
- Horizintal loop with two feed points?
- BCB station listing by freg.
- EzNec Demo simple Example sen me please! :-((
- Homemade Antennae, help
- NEC2 modeling question
- Radio Wave strength
- Re: need extra cash? Learn how to earn it online, legally
- Air America
- Receive antenna question..
- Open Letter
- quad question
- slightly OT? auto AM/FM antennas & AM
- Optimized G5RV
- One Antenna from Two Coax Cables
- FS: Larsen KD150HW 2 meter half wave for handheld
- MFJ Screwdriver Antennas
- Tower Climbers / Riggers in northern NEVADA
- ICOM rack mount handles ???
- Beginner's question
- Vertical Antenna suggestions?
- WTB 2 meter AEA Isopole
- Cell phone through-glass antenna on ham bands?
- Through-Glass Antenna/Ford Taurus
- Outside Rec. Only Antenna Compared To Present Attic Setup Quest's.
- COLUMBUS OHIO, where to stay and be near OSU and still have a littleDX?
- Antenna tuner
- aerial coupling and nec2 - I do not understand my results
- S: Rubber Whip Antenna
- 2 meter/440 dualband mag mount?????
- MFJ-921 tuner question
- Lattin antenna.............more info sources
- Ansoft Ensemble SV
- Re: Coax choke, losses and ferrite
- Windom antenna
- a dipole made of two great sheets of metal?
- ton of wire to apply at 90 Mhz
- Responses to my question of the Lattin antenna
- not cutting excess wire beyond antenna
- cell phone antenna question
- NMO or UHF Mobil Mount?????
- Plans for a 5/8 wave 2M ground plane
- Re: Hi, bwallpapers, darling
- Half square
- Sources for Inexpensive RG-8??
- Doppler RDF Antennas
- ARRL Handbook 1988 Article
- 2 meter and 70cm turnstiles
- collins 30L1
- Latton antenna question
- Tuning a Discone and SWR's
- test
- FS: TA-33 - Cheap
- Help retuning 2 meter Diamond f22a to aircraft band, please
- NEW ARm board
- Lightning Protection
- ZL Special
- NEW PROGRAM - Input Impedance & SWR of Resonant Antenna.
- Another Lightning Question
- US Tower/Yaesu 800 rotor problems
- ideal shape of Yagi elements
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