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  1. antenna switch
  2. Re: get help
  3. Re: get help
  4. Re: What is going on with this newsgroup?
  5. Can't find enameled copperweld antenna wire
  6. Re: 30 Steps, Monthy post. Tips for Phonies. - Thanks Markie.
  7. Working in strong 60Hz magnetic fields
  8. fan of cinema ?
  9. Antenna wire
  10. Transmit but not Receive
  11. Mismatched Zo Connectors
  12. Testing a thermocouple-type RF Ammeter
  13. Testing a theremocouople-type RF Ammeter
  14. Re: PING: Slow Code
  15. Re: Dumbing down licensing will just let in people that really don't want to be hams.
  16. jeunes filles de 18 ans perverses
  17. Viens me voir en reel
  18. Sommer design
  20. Solder to Aluminum?
  21. Two Meter FM Antenna Question
  22. KLM HF antennas
  23. Vertica multiband antenna HF
  24. Half size trapped G5RV
  25. Sommer versus SteppIR
  26. training ??
  27. Johnson KW Matchbox
  28. Vertical radiation from horizontal dipole?
  29. 9 m Monopole Analysis
  30. Test Post
  31. VHF/UHF antenna on a motorcycle
  32. New antenna find and disappointment
  33. Moxon comments welcome
  34. Dumb question, I know: RE Bevarage antennas
  35. Re: QFH Antenna and 72ohm TV Coax
  36. test2
  37. Test
  38. Caged Di-Pole
  39. Coax Connectors, Adapters & Bulk Cable
  40. Q: Name Modelltype 4 El. Quad Tonna?
  41. Antenna Support Rope
  42. Sommer antennas
  43. license renewal
  44. Cat's Eye Tuner
  45. What is wrong with Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada
  46. Back yard antenna lab...
  47. US Scheme Could Affect Global Communications
  48. with the punce
  49. Antenna question about above ground term
  50. Bio-TERROR in America: Aerosols for HARM and Torture!
  51. another free resource for HAMs
  52. QFH Antenna and 72ohm TV Coax
  53. performance of Gorge-mounted dipoles?
  54. dB Products-Type Antenna Identification
  55. how many forum members to change a lightbulb?
  56. Moving again... have to make a new antenna (sigh)
  57. 2 Meter Beam Element Question
  58. Receiving Loop
  59. heating pad<RFI?>
  60. Frequency Sensitivity of mobile HF vertical antennas.
  61. For the potential magloop builder...
  62. 'Paint-On' Antenna Test Flight Paves Way For Next-Generation High-Altitude Airships
  63. need schematic
  64. sheilding??
  65. Share with you the joy of playing golf and business
  66. FCC reaffirms BPL...
  68. 2 Mtr Beam Question
  69. Galvanized iron - a poor ground plane?
  70. Aluminum welding wire (AlMg3) for radials on galvanized metal roof?
  71. Engineers
  72. *FREE* Tours of the VOICE of AMERICA Radio & TV Studios in Washington,
  73. getting VHF channels not getting UHF channels
  74. nmo antenna mount repair
  75. Re: STATION IS ON 13.556.00 MHz. LSB
  76. HELP!! More Antenna Noise
  77. Homemade 440 yagi question
  78. Comet triband CX-901
  79. Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
  81. jeunes filles 18 ans perverses
  82. Is anyone using a Diamond BB7Y?
  83. Spreadsheet for Yagi-Uda array of loops
  84. Frequency discriminator algorithms?
  85. sat ant question
  86. Maryland-DC QSO Party - Aug 12 & 13
  87. Re: ARS License Numbers
  88. Magloop capacitor padding?
  89. Rule of Thumb for coax chokes
  90. Question on carbon fibre fishing rod
  91. Any info on this type of mobile antenna?
  92. indoor listening antenna
  93. Balun question and shielded loop
  94. Ignorance Sucks!
  95. effect of metal pipe supporting a vertical cage antenna
  96. Hi there
  97. New No-code HF Pro-Technology Exam
  98. 4:1 balun question
  99. heliax vs lmr
  100. Size of horizontal loop?
  101. broadcast automation software
  102. Sperrtopfantenne
  103. Harris RF-2601 auto remote ATU
  104. Help with Antenna
  105. adaptive beamforming
  106. Antenna suggestion
  107. base loading vertical with roller inductor?
  108. Capacitive Hat
  109. Reflection on Resistive loads
  110. ARRL Maryland State Convention this Saturday, July 29, in Hagerstown,MD
  111. Seeking advice on balun
  112. ARRL Antenna Modeling Course
  113. No See Um Antennas underground antenna
  114. grounding question
  115. grounding question
  116. batter question
  117. High voltage switch/relays for antenna?
  118. FS Antenna coupler
  119. Gem Quad
  120. Icom 746PRO
  121. Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
  122. Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
  123. Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
  124. Open-Sleeve Antenna
  125. Re: You're not a real ham if you never took or passed a Code test.
  126. Choices, Choices, Choices... CW or CB?
  127. Rotor Cable?
  128. Capacitors for HF Antenna
  129. neighborhood antenna restrictions
  130. is there anybody out thereable to operate CW that would honestly confused a JT65 sig with cw?
  131. Cutting cable length to match 1/4 wave 162 MHz antenna?
  132. QST's Louisiana Loop
  133. Wellbrook ALA 100 with Rotator - Construction Details
  134. AM car radio reception
  135. AM Car Radio Reception Problem
  136. FA: 1-Day-Left: 5 Books: HAM RADIO, Electronics, IEEE, Extra Class, etc.
  137. Length & number of radials again
  138. Re: If you had to die to save someone's life, would that person send CW?
  139. Aluminum tubing for vertical antenna
  140. Question for You Grounding Gurus
  141. Diamond X-300 poor SWR on 2M OK on 70cm
  142. Antenna installed below ridge line?
  143. A/B Switching
  144. Re: 5BTV
  145. Re: Auction the ham bands to the Highest Bidder
  146. 30m Shortened Dipole, matching question
  147. Length & number of radials
  148. Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
  149. Is It double bazooka less noisy?
  150. Re: FS: PL-259 silver plated contact & body, Teflon insulation $1.67 each.
  151. [SPAM] Some people refuse to learn from their errors
  152. Limited space horizontal loop for local 80M ops
  153. Homebrew antenna
  154. Re: CQ WW VHF
  155. Does anyone know of any AC (alternating current) 220V or 350V Shortwave Antenna circuits?
  156. hakko ?
  157. Re: Unwanted Vile Filthy Intruders
  158. Some infos about Antennas in the world web site.
  159. Re: Best Price for a Hustler 6BTV ???
  160. How do you isolate a signal?
  161. All kinds of electromagnetic activity
  162. boomless 'quad' ?
  163. FA: A KT34A was just listed on eBay for your information only.
  164. If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
  165. Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
  166. Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
  167. Antenna optimization
  168. Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
  169. Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
  170. Antennal Model? opinions?
  171. New Swiss antenna system...
  172. Radial versus reflection
  173. Sept 9+10 - ARRL MDC Section Convention
  174. Quarterwave vertical with radials
  175. Induced signal?
  176. Reflexion on ground and radials
  177. when this group was cool--Mon, Dec 1 2003 5:18 am
  178. Computer alternative to Smith Chart?
  179. Quarterwave vertical with radials
  180. using a mobile mag mount in Living room....
  181. Warning: New Usenet ModeratorTo Shut Down Abusers If Necesssary.
  182. EZNEC Question
  183. cheep sweep?
  184. Confidence limits for noise measurement
  185. MonstIr Steppir Problem
  186. E-field probe question
  187. Antennas in the World, submit your web pages.
  188. looking for 2 metre mobile radio
  189. horiz. loop - triangle shape work?
  190. --W8ji-- Faraday shield
  191. AM-FM broadcast radio/antenna in truck?
  192. Horizontal HF Loop
  193. Voltage feeding a VHF yagi
  194. I really ned help here.
  195. Fishing Pole Verticals
  196. Optibeam
  197. Thanks for the CorCom Filter! PC RFI
  198. 50 ohm feedlines for SOC's
  199. VHF signals
  200. Re: Resonant Stub Measurement
  201. Help with NASA / Canaveral helicopter yagi antenna
  202. Creating dual band HF antennas using a loading coils.
  203. Affordable way for 1MHz - 4MHz capture and analysis??
  204. looking for help with icom725 internal power supply
  205. HFTA-ARRL-Space
  206. coax test?
  207. DDRR antenna
  208. Diamond BB7V Vertical
  209. dipole made of two cb whips?
  210. Help needed with EZNEC.
  211. Please help me
  212. Anyone here think they would pay for a map like this?
  213. Voip in Amateur Radio,Voip Updated Howto,
  214. Small City-lot 160,75,40,20
  215. AMERICA IN DANGER: Secret Torture Rooms
  216. Antenna tower Grounding
  217. Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
  218. low power FM TX and multiple antennas?
  219. Need help on How to test transmission line
  220. Mobile - On Glass Antenna
  221. rf burn
  222. All Band Coax-fed Dipole ??????????
  223. Magloop and ground mat blues.....
  224. How to model a 6:1 ratio balun using NEC2
  225. antenna papers
  226. test
  227. FSM software update - V1.11
  228. Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
  229. Signal Generator
  230. Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
  231. 5/8 wave for 20 meters
  232. BNC power capacity
  233. TORTURE IN USA: Secret Aerosol Rooms
  234. i want to know the length of a 6m dipole
  235. ULF antennas
  236. old friend and MENSA
  237. Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we cancommunicatewith other.
  238. Thumbs up for KMA Antennas
  239. Voltage vs. Current Balun - OCF Dipole
  240. Offer to W8JI
  241. i n f i n i t i < ! >
  242. PVC for antenna construction ?
  243. Looking for simple antenna solution
  244. Re: 900MHz Cable Feeds
  245. Sky noise temperature - 2m, 70cm, 23cm
  246. Feedline impedance query
  247. Log Peridic 50m - 1300m
  248. Circular vs. Linear and Dipole vs. Loop. Thoughts?
  249. Antenna Drawings
  250. Ham Survey: How many Appliance Operator classes do we need after code goes away?