View Full Version : Antenna
- antenna switch
- Re: get help
- Re: get help
- Re: What is going on with this newsgroup?
- Can't find enameled copperweld antenna wire
- Re: 30 Steps, Monthy post. Tips for Phonies. - Thanks Markie.
- Working in strong 60Hz magnetic fields
- fan of cinema ?
- Antenna wire
- Transmit but not Receive
- Mismatched Zo Connectors
- Testing a thermocouple-type RF Ammeter
- Testing a theremocouople-type RF Ammeter
- Re: PING: Slow Code
- Re: Dumbing down licensing will just let in people that really don't want to be hams.
- jeunes filles de 18 ans perverses
- Viens me voir en reel
- Sommer design
- Solder to Aluminum?
- Two Meter FM Antenna Question
- KLM HF antennas
- Vertica multiband antenna HF
- Half size trapped G5RV
- Sommer versus SteppIR
- training ??
- Johnson KW Matchbox
- Vertical radiation from horizontal dipole?
- 9 m Monopole Analysis
- Test Post
- VHF/UHF antenna on a motorcycle
- New antenna find and disappointment
- Moxon comments welcome
- Dumb question, I know: RE Bevarage antennas
- Re: QFH Antenna and 72ohm TV Coax
- test2
- Test
- Caged Di-Pole
- Coax Connectors, Adapters & Bulk Cable
- Q: Name Modelltype 4 El. Quad Tonna?
- Antenna Support Rope
- Sommer antennas
- license renewal
- Cat's Eye Tuner
- What is wrong with Hawaii, Alaska, and Canada
- Back yard antenna lab...
- US Scheme Could Affect Global Communications
- with the punce
- Antenna question about above ground term
- Bio-TERROR in America: Aerosols for HARM and Torture!
- another free resource for HAMs
- QFH Antenna and 72ohm TV Coax
- performance of Gorge-mounted dipoles?
- dB Products-Type Antenna Identification
- how many forum members to change a lightbulb?
- Moving again... have to make a new antenna (sigh)
- 2 Meter Beam Element Question
- Receiving Loop
- heating pad<RFI?>
- Frequency Sensitivity of mobile HF vertical antennas.
- For the potential magloop builder...
- 'Paint-On' Antenna Test Flight Paves Way For Next-Generation High-Altitude Airships
- need schematic
- sheilding??
- Share with you the joy of playing golf and business
- FCC reaffirms BPL...
- 2 Mtr Beam Question
- Galvanized iron - a poor ground plane?
- Aluminum welding wire (AlMg3) for radials on galvanized metal roof?
- Engineers
- *FREE* Tours of the VOICE of AMERICA Radio & TV Studios in Washington,
- getting VHF channels not getting UHF channels
- nmo antenna mount repair
- Re: STATION IS ON 13.556.00 MHz. LSB
- HELP!! More Antenna Noise
- Homemade 440 yagi question
- Comet triband CX-901
- Re: Dick Smith Radio Direction Finder
- jeunes filles 18 ans perverses
- Is anyone using a Diamond BB7Y?
- Spreadsheet for Yagi-Uda array of loops
- Frequency discriminator algorithms?
- sat ant question
- Maryland-DC QSO Party - Aug 12 & 13
- Re: ARS License Numbers
- Magloop capacitor padding?
- Rule of Thumb for coax chokes
- Question on carbon fibre fishing rod
- Any info on this type of mobile antenna?
- indoor listening antenna
- Balun question and shielded loop
- Ignorance Sucks!
- effect of metal pipe supporting a vertical cage antenna
- Hi there
- New No-code HF Pro-Technology Exam
- 4:1 balun question
- heliax vs lmr
- Size of horizontal loop?
- broadcast automation software
- Sperrtopfantenne
- Harris RF-2601 auto remote ATU
- Help with Antenna
- adaptive beamforming
- Antenna suggestion
- base loading vertical with roller inductor?
- Capacitive Hat
- Reflection on Resistive loads
- ARRL Maryland State Convention this Saturday, July 29, in Hagerstown,MD
- Seeking advice on balun
- ARRL Antenna Modeling Course
- No See Um Antennas underground antenna
- grounding question
- grounding question
- batter question
- High voltage switch/relays for antenna?
- FS Antenna coupler
- Gem Quad
- Icom 746PRO
- Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
- Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
- Re: Newbie Question: HELP!! Antenna Noise
- Open-Sleeve Antenna
- Re: You're not a real ham if you never took or passed a Code test.
- Choices, Choices, Choices... CW or CB?
- Rotor Cable?
- Capacitors for HF Antenna
- neighborhood antenna restrictions
- is there anybody out thereable to operate CW that would honestly confused a JT65 sig with cw?
- Cutting cable length to match 1/4 wave 162 MHz antenna?
- QST's Louisiana Loop
- Wellbrook ALA 100 with Rotator - Construction Details
- AM car radio reception
- AM Car Radio Reception Problem
- FA: 1-Day-Left: 5 Books: HAM RADIO, Electronics, IEEE, Extra Class, etc.
- Length & number of radials again
- Re: If you had to die to save someone's life, would that person send CW?
- Aluminum tubing for vertical antenna
- Question for You Grounding Gurus
- Diamond X-300 poor SWR on 2M OK on 70cm
- Antenna installed below ridge line?
- A/B Switching
- Re: 5BTV
- Re: Auction the ham bands to the Highest Bidder
- 30m Shortened Dipole, matching question
- Length & number of radials
- Re: Email this to your Senators and Congressmen. make the FCC do the right thing.
- Is It double bazooka less noisy?
- Re: FS: PL-259 silver plated contact & body, Teflon insulation $1.67 each.
- [SPAM] Some people refuse to learn from their errors
- Limited space horizontal loop for local 80M ops
- Homebrew antenna
- Does anyone know of any AC (alternating current) 220V or 350V Shortwave Antenna circuits?
- hakko ?
- Re: Unwanted Vile Filthy Intruders
- Some infos about Antennas in the world web site.
- Re: Best Price for a Hustler 6BTV ???
- How do you isolate a signal?
- All kinds of electromagnetic activity
- boomless 'quad' ?
- FA: A KT34A was just listed on eBay for your information only.
- If you had to use CW to save someone's life, would that person die?
- Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
- Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
- Antenna optimization
- Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
- Re: Need help on QRM rejection ( WITHOUT A BEAM !!)
- Antennal Model? opinions?
- New Swiss antenna system...
- Radial versus reflection
- Sept 9+10 - ARRL MDC Section Convention
- Quarterwave vertical with radials
- Induced signal?
- Reflexion on ground and radials
- when this group was cool--Mon, Dec 1 2003 5:18 am
- Computer alternative to Smith Chart?
- Quarterwave vertical with radials
- using a mobile mag mount in Living room....
- Warning: New Usenet ModeratorTo Shut Down Abusers If Necesssary.
- EZNEC Question
- cheep sweep?
- Confidence limits for noise measurement
- MonstIr Steppir Problem
- E-field probe question
- Antennas in the World, submit your web pages.
- looking for 2 metre mobile radio
- horiz. loop - triangle shape work?
- --W8ji-- Faraday shield
- AM-FM broadcast radio/antenna in truck?
- Horizontal HF Loop
- Voltage feeding a VHF yagi
- I really ned help here.
- Fishing Pole Verticals
- Optibeam
- Thanks for the CorCom Filter! PC RFI
- 50 ohm feedlines for SOC's
- VHF signals
- Re: Resonant Stub Measurement
- Help with NASA / Canaveral helicopter yagi antenna
- Creating dual band HF antennas using a loading coils.
- Affordable way for 1MHz - 4MHz capture and analysis??
- looking for help with icom725 internal power supply
- coax test?
- DDRR antenna
- Diamond BB7V Vertical
- dipole made of two cb whips?
- Help needed with EZNEC.
- Please help me
- Anyone here think they would pay for a map like this?
- Voip in Amateur Radio,Voip Updated Howto,
- Small City-lot 160,75,40,20
- AMERICA IN DANGER: Secret Torture Rooms
- Antenna tower Grounding
- Field day was great, even the phonies had fun and learned from us dinosaurs.
- low power FM TX and multiple antennas?
- Need help on How to test transmission line
- Mobile - On Glass Antenna
- rf burn
- All Band Coax-fed Dipole ??????????
- Magloop and ground mat blues.....
- How to model a 6:1 ratio balun using NEC2
- antenna papers
- test
- FSM software update - V1.11
- Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
- Signal Generator
- Re: Email this to President Bush, let's make the FCC do the rightthing.
- 5/8 wave for 20 meters
- BNC power capacity
- TORTURE IN USA: Secret Aerosol Rooms
- i want to know the length of a 6m dipole
- ULF antennas
- old friend and MENSA
- Re: Elimination of CW is a loss in the number of ways we cancommunicatewith other.
- Thumbs up for KMA Antennas
- Voltage vs. Current Balun - OCF Dipole
- Offer to W8JI
- i n f i n i t i < ! >
- PVC for antenna construction ?
- Looking for simple antenna solution
- Re: 900MHz Cable Feeds
- Sky noise temperature - 2m, 70cm, 23cm
- Feedline impedance query
- Log Peridic 50m - 1300m
- Circular vs. Linear and Dipole vs. Loop. Thoughts?
- Antenna Drawings
- Ham Survey: How many Appliance Operator classes do we need after code goes away?
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