View Full Version : Antenna
- [QRZ] Looking for a good HF antenna
- [QRZ] VHF 1/2 watt Minimum Distance
- [QRZ] Icom AH4 tuner and 500' longwire
- [QRZ] All in one antenna?
- [QRZ] Radiation Efficiency of Vertical Monopole Antenna Systems
- [QRZ] Cushcraft A3 tuning question
- [QRZ] Low band -- 160M inv L pls
- [WB4SON] Use a 2mm Allen Wrench for HamSticks
- [QRZ] Amazing tower choreography
- [QRZ] Of 4:1 choke baluns which is the 'better': 4:1 Hybrid Balun or Guanella two ferrite core 4:1 balun
- [QRZ] Fully crimp-on BNC connectors for RG174/LMR100 coax
- [QRZ] A stupidly simple 440 MHz groundplane antenna
- [QRZ] Reparing wire antenna insulators when ripped apart?
- [QRZ] Polyphaser Issue?
- [QRZ] Native antenna impedance ranges versus 50 ohms
- [QRZ] Spiderbeam pole or mfj?
- [QRZ] cde control unit on t2x?
- [QRZ] Adding 30 meter antenna to 40 meter dipole?
- [K9ZW] Layout are for Antennas.
- [QRZ] 2 meter Yagi with T match from ARRL handbook
- [QRZ] Garage door reflector?
- [QRZ] 160m inverted L question
- [QRZ] 20m 10m dual band 3/8 wave vertical model
- [QRZ] Cushcraft A3S Trap Repair
- [QRZ] Dipole Antennas
- [QRZ] Roller inductor in transmatch
- [QRZ] Can I run antenna coax & ground through metal conduit?
- [QRZ] Winchester Ammo Sale
- [QRZ] "Modified" Inverted V help?
- [QRZ] Mystery Tower
- [QRZ] Recommendations: Beam 10-30m
- [QRZ] Is lightning protection necessary?
- [QRZ] "Modified" Inverted V help?
- [QRZ] Can I build a 1:4 Current-Mode Balun using only coax?
- [QRZ] What are HT antennas 'tuned' against at the factory, and why do people use HT 1\4 waves?
- [QRZ] Antenna Analyzer Selection advice requested.
- [QRZ] Rohn tower bolts , why 2 sizes
- [QRZ] Odd ATU SWR 2 different radios.
- [QRZ] How badly affected would an HF vertical be in woodland?
- [OH8STN] No reason not to operate
- [QRZ] Wire antenna touching foliage ???
- [QRZ] Tuner Advice? Elecraft, Palstar, LDG, Other?
- [QRZ] 4NEC Gain figures...
- [QRZ] Grounding block value?
- [QRZ] I hate Copperweld, V2.0
- [QRZ] 4NEC Gain figures...
- [QRZ] Remote Tuner and a big wire loop - what balun?
- [QRZ] Odd SWR ATU v Radios meter.
- [QRZ] Reverse feed admirably
- [ZS6BNE] RaDAR and the Icom IC-7200
- [QRZ] Now I'm 'really' confused!
- [QRZ] Ground Bar for my Radio's
- [QRZ] Antenna modelling help
- [QRZ] Wideband choke as simple as cascading different mix wrapped toroids or is this a pipe dream?
- [QRZ] Does NECv5.0 replace EzNEC/4nec2?
- [QRZ] Ground line Disconect Hypothetical question
- [QRZ] Remote Tuner and a big wire loop - what balun?
- [QRZ] Q: Design and Deploy of a 160m Loop
- Linear loading modeling
- [QRZ] antenna wire
- [QRZ] Vertical antennas for 20m
- ringo antenna in QST
- [QRZ] My first wire antenna
- [QRZ] Warm Snap On Ferrite Beads
- [QRZ] What type of antenna is the Diamond X series Base Station (X50)
- [QRZ] I need a Wire Antenna Guru
- [QRZ] Want to play with cap hats, again. Tips?
- [KE6MT] Antenna Ideas from Fred Maas - KT5X
- [QRZ] Refurbishing a Cushcraft A4S - Should I strip the elements?
- [QRZ] Let's argue about my trench! PVC conduit to receive loop.
- [QRZ] Beam Antenna over metal roof?
- [QRZ] C-pole? folded vertical OCF dipole?
- [QRZ] Relax, it's just a TV antenna...
- [QRZ] Electrically steerable array controlled to automatically optimize signal
- [QRZ] Would this mast configuration work?
- [QRZ] Side by side 20 meter yagi array
- [QRZ] How to measure SWR of ladder line?
- HELP! R7 Tuning?
- [QRZ] help on best siteing of antenna and type
- [QRZ] Hustler 5btv
- [QRZ] Commercial verticals
- [QRZ] Best Antenna For Wooden Urban Lot?
- [QRZ] SP3L's Broadband Doublet Array
- [QRZ] Antenna modelling help
- [QRZ] 80M antenna within a confined space
- [QRZ] The first new antenna thread in 100 years
- [QRZ] Antenna modelling help
- [QRZ] Move Vertical Antenna to New Location Away From Radial System
- [QRZ] Radiation resistyance and the inverted ell
- [QRZ] Yaesu G-2800DXA Alignment Marks
- [QRZ] Pee on the Ground Rod!
- [QRZ] How high can I go?
- [QRZ] Dual-band LEO FM satellite antenna questions
- [QRZ] Delta Loop feeding Gamma/Choke
- [QRZ] Need/Function of R-F Grounds for Transmit Dipoles and Monopoles
- [QRZ] RF exposure and shielding with bicycle helmet antenna?
- [QRZ] PAR EF-10/20/40
- [VA3QV] Internet in paradise
- [QRZ] The Little Antenna that could
- [VK2TPM] Operating on 20m with good initial results
- [QRZ] Home Made Rotor with OLED display controller
- [QRZ] PAR EF-10/20/40
- [QRZ] Cushcraft A4S - bought used: which hardware kit do I need?
- [QRZ] How would you "multiband"a 40M monoband vertical?
- [VK2TPM] New antenna for 144/432Mhz now up on the garage
- [QRZ] 1/4 20m Copper Pipe Vertical
- Re: Any *NEC modelling software for Linux?
- [QRZ] Request for info: W9OKA 75/80m Passband Antenna
- [QRZ] Grounding Second Floor Shack
- [QRZ] Looking for a good source for RG-8U coax
- where does the power when using an antenna-tuner go to ?
- [QRZ] Traps for 60m (and 40m)?
- [VK2TPM] Lots more VHF activity in Melbourne compared to Sydney
- [QRZ] Wideband End-Fed for 75/80 m band? It seems quite feasible
- [QRZ] Loops: Such a Big Performance Difference Depending on Which Balun ??
- [QRZ] Grounding Second Floor Shack
- MBCPF164 ?
- [QRZ] G5RV Pro ZS6BKW antenna question
- antenna around Plastic
- [QRZ] Dual Antenna Masts
- [QRZ] "Random Length" vertical vs Resonant vertical antenna
- [QRZ] 2 element delta loop using director, not reflector
- [QRZ] New ham needs some antenna insight
- [QRZ] If I cut a 72 ohm dipole to match 50 ohms, do I lose out?
- [QRZ] Rohn HDBX-48
- [QRZ] Handheld antenna
- What would 1000 Watts HF do if you touched an antenna?
- [QRZ] SWR Discrepency With QRP Guys "no tuner" EFHW Antenna
- [QRZ] Does phasing rotate receiving direction?
- [QRZ] Tower identification?
- Vertical Antenna Question
- [QRZ] I have new ma6b will not tune at all
- [QRZ] Question On using winch on tower
- [IW5EDI] 4 Element Yagi for 6 meters
- [QRZ] 1500' tower light bulb replacement !
- [QRZ] Low-mounted Rotor Idea
- [WB4SON] Six Meters Amazing
- [QRZ] Dipole location?
- Deactivating a Pi-Antenna Tuner
- [IW5EDI] Some Plain Facts about Multiband Vertical Antennas
- [K9ZW] Further work on the ZeroFive Flagpole Antenna
- [QRZ] Balanced feedline impedance transforming math
- [QRZ] Stacking Distance Between Two Yagi's Different Bands.
- [QRZ] counterpoise for long wire antenna
- [QRZ] Low-mounted Rotor Idea
- [QRZ] Identify Antenna Type
- [QRZ] Eznec Question
- [QRZ] Single Ground radial wire placed beneath a dipole, how effective is it?
- [QRZ] SO 239 dust cap DIY
- [QRZ] Any experts in running wire through existing, finished walls?
- [QRZ] Eznec Question
- [QRZ] HF Cubical Quad, OK to have elements "seeing" the rotator cage / mast?
- [QRZ] Recommends Please: for accurate Az/El rotator for Satellite/Moon
- [QRZ] Balun enclosures
- [QRZ] EFHW vs Random wire
- [QRZ] Alpha HD-FMJ, Buddipole, or Mag Loop for HOA Community
- [QRZ] Summoning the BOG-BEV Knowledge Gods
- [QRZ] proper g5rv-jr dimensions
- [QRZ] ATAS 25 help please
- [IW5EDI] 6m J-Pole by WB5CXC
- [QRZ] end fed dipole SWR changes with height
- [QRZ] Why buy Antennas?
- [QRZ] 160meter EndFed HalfWave Antenna on a 65ft tower
- How simulate a wall ?
- [QRZ] Greyline Performance Antennas - apalling service and customer support
- Real SWR?
- [QRZ] End fed wire antenna questions
- [VK2TPM] Townhouse antennas
- [QRZ] Anybody know where to find this ?
- [QRZ] Building a 220Mhz 4-element Yagi-questions for experianced builders
- [QRZ] g5rv Jr. - Coax extension before air-core balun?
- Ground and Antenna
- QRZ Spam
- [QRZ] W8AMZ G5RV 102" model
- [QRZ] can the length of coax really make a difference to your swr
- [QRZ] R7 maintenance/Fix - high swr across all bands
- [IW5EDI] Kenwood TS-850S Mods
- [QRZ] Could my ribbon fed dipole have blown my finals.
- [QRZ] Picket fencing on receive audio with J-Pole in the attic
- [QRZ] More "simple" half wave dipole questions!
- [QRZ] Vhf yagi element brackets
- [QRZ] My Cheap Coax is Junk, but Why?
- [IW5EDI] HF Mobile multiband antenna
- [QRZ] More "simple" half wave dipole questions!
- [QRZ] Question about the yagi of the 1950s
- [IW5EDI] 20 meters QRP Dipole
- [QRZ] 2 band dipole?
- [QRZ] Long Wire Antenna and RF Ground
- [QRZ] MFJ 1899t Counterpoise lengths.
- [VE2DPE] The Double Doublet Antenna for 80 and 40 Meters
- [QRZ] High voltage relays
- [QRZ] Repairing 10-80 End fed dipole
- [QRZ] Carbon fiber mast
- [OH8STN] No reason not to operate
- [QRZ] 220 VHF omni with gain?
- [QRZ] Looking for a stepper motor encoder combo
- [QRZ] home brew zero five type antenna.
- [QRZ] Folded magnetic loop
- [IW5EDI] The Handi-Tenna 70 cm Portable Antenna
- [QRZ] Which mobile antenna do I need?
- [QRZ] RFI into neighbors speakers
- [QRZ] KLM/Mirage antenna - 432-30LBX. Helph
- [IW5EDI] Double Bazooka Coaxial Dipole Antenna
- [QRZ] adding a sleeve dipole to a trapped multi-band Yagi
- [IW5EDI] How to build a tuned loop antenna
- [QRZ] Cleaning Old Antennas
- [QRZ] Using verticals below intended bands?
- [QRZ] BNC compression fitting for RG6/RG59
- [QRZ] Dipole antennas: How close is too close?
- [QRZ] Create CLP-5130-1N VHF/UHF Log Owners/users only please
- [QRZ] MFJ-998 Auto Tuner
- [QRZ] What is your 70cm Antenna?
- [QRZ] 80m loaded end fed kit
- [ZS6BNE] April 2020 RaDAR Challenge done and dusted
- [QRZ] The Development of the Directional AM Broadcast Antenna
- [QRZ] Belden 300ohm ladder line with "circular section"
- [QRZ] My first time playing with wire antennas.. how to choose a balun ?
- [QRZ] Who says Smith charts are boring?
- Have a shortwave Sony An-LP1 or AOR WL500?
- [QRZ] building a 20m/15m/10m vertical out of an old tri band 3 element yagi
- [QRZ] Collinear antenna made of coax and end fed
- [QRZ] Antenna System Radiation Efficiency
- [QRZ] Any how-to's for hanging dipoles in/between trees?
- [QRZ] Gap 20 Meter Antenna good or bad
- [QRZ] best coax
- [QRZ] Question related to imped. transformer winding in phased arrays
- [QRZ] Some questions about MFJ2289 Antenna instruction manual
- [QRZ] Question: Best way to install vertical antenna on a flat surface? Gap Titan DX
- [QRZ] 20m vertical deltaloop vs horizontal multiband loop
- [QRZ] Hy-Gain AV-18HT Mod?
- [QRZ] New to HF
- [QRZ] Skywave Radiation from Vertical Monopoles
- [QRZ] Antenna tower base
- [QRZ] Extended 43 foot vertical to 59 feet for topband
- [QRZ] 2m Slot Cube Antenna for HOA restricted area
- [IW5EDI] 7 element Yagi for 20 Meters band
- [QRZ] DIY 6 Element 2M Yagi questions
- [QRZ] Polyphaser under water question
- [QRZ] 160 meter loaded T
- [QRZ] No swr reading on all bands
- [QRZ] Coupled resonator antenna question
- [QRZ] LDF4-50 (1/2" Heliax) conduit pull
- [QRZ] Telescopic pole for wire antenna
- [QRZ] DIY 6 Element 2M Yagi questions
- [QRZ] Coax cable.
- [QRZ] Cascaded Hybrid Couplers
- [QRZ] Looking for vertical HF antennas to submit to HOA
- [QRZ] vertical energy pattern
- [QRZ] 2NEC4 modeling transformer
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