View Full Version : Antenna
- IN UK - does anyone sell old style solder anymore ?
- Resontate frequency of parallel L/C
- Low Noise receiving Loop antenna
- A novice type question
- Superposition
- 4nec2 discussion forum.
- Best wire for long wire antenna
- Re:Hygain AV-18S
- 23cm Antenna
- RSGB RadCom December 2007 Issue
- skin depth decay
- eBay: Collins 820D-2 AM broadcast transmitter (circa 1975)
- Plasma Antennas
- Active receive 4 square and others
- Simple active antennas--DIY.
- reducing chance of lightning hit on a vertical ?
- When is a balanced feedline balanced?
- Open Loop aka Dipole bent into a square
- Vertical Loading Coil
- Inverted VEE Yagi antenna update
- RE: Stefan Wolfe (semi-OT)
- Inverted VEE Yagi antenna
- Part 2 Is it possible to ask questions here?
- Part 2 Is it possible to ask questions here?
- Helix angles
- Please help
- Probably a stupid question...
- a little 4nec2 help?
- Is it possible to ask questions here?
- OWA modeling and NEC-4 information
- Scanner Antenna Lenth Tuning to 1/4 Wavelength Question ?
- Looking for South Texas Hams
- Bonding help
- Is this a loading coil?
- Mobile antennas
- Re: BPL draws more media attention ...
- turns help
- Software for VHF/UHF Magloop?
- How do you determine the data rate capacity of a channel allocation?
- test only
- Vertical antenna problems
- Distributed capacitance and antennas
- 450 ohm feedline to a multiband vertical
- Better than the fan dipole
- Ham radio herd mentality
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- Gaussian statics law again
- 80m Vertical over lossy soil
- Free Ham Screensaver
- antenna question
- Swiveling BNC To BNC Connector ?
- Watson Antennas Link ?
- quagi vs quad
- Computer programs
- Power supply question
- RE:Braid
- rf pulse width measurement
- Fan Dipole insight
- For sell: Kenwood TS-450SAT + MC-60 + VHF DJ-190 + Pic keyer!!!
- WLW - 700 kHz, 500 kW, 100% modulation, no limiter
- question about Yaesu FT-857D
- WARNING: Off Topic Post!
- Homebrew Handheld Antennas
- FA: MFJ-974 Balanced Line Tuner
- Bird Wattmeter for sale
- Life of a CIO in 2012
- Adopting Enterprise Virtualization: A Practitioner's Perspective
- Effective IT Contract Negotiations
- Cushcraft R5/R7 Matching Network (MN-7) Rebuild
- FA: S/A 1711 rcvr, 1586 xtal/bolo amp, 1580 recorder
- question about wire antenna and tuner
- Is Texas Radio Products still making Bugcatchers?
- interference antenna help
- Need pin out for Wilson WR-500 Rotor
- antenna reflector
- Distance between beams
- get kelp
- "Waves of Average Power"
- Re: Antenna earth stakes - a tricky one!
- Supposed comparison of Mobile HF Antennas in November QST
- Slow wave antenna design for top band
- Antenna earth stakes - a tricky one!
- my SWR reading
- 2-meter Preamp?
- Testing earth stake efficiency
- Stainless Hardware Lesson
- DVB-t (UFH) log periodic question
- Uses for a TVRO dish antenna?
- "Balancing" versus "cancelling"
- APRSPoint 4.4 is released
- 80m Vertical info
- Fractal 10m Antenna
- k9ay loop
- New patent application rules
- What is the antenna current path or route
- MA5B VS G3TPW CobWebb
- Help identify 3 ele beam
- Plotting antenna pattern from Sun noise
- Ferrite Chokes: What is the maximum impedance that can be obtained?
- calibration
- Question on dipole SWR problem
- Fatloss computer program
- Alpha Delta DX-CC coils
- Shunt loads on T-lines in EZNEC
- Foursquare arrays of 40M verticals
- Circuit diagram EA 3011 12V/10A power supply
- Imbalance in doublet antennas.
- Imbalance in doublet antennas.
- wanted Comet CX-805
- Equilibrium
- Looking for "mobile.exe" by AA6GL
- HP Desktop for sale!
- Watch NFL Games Online
- Splitting a Scanner Antenna's Feed ?
- Help in choosing a beam
- B&W End-Fed Vee HF Antenna questions.
- Antenna book
- The Radio List
- Digitale Leeromgeving Zend Amateurs (DLZA)-cursus gratis.
- WOW, check this out!!
- Low Noise Receiving antennas
- Space Weather
- Antenna/RF Analyzers anything other than MFJ?
- Recommendation sought: Handheld transceiver for 2 meters (& maybe 70 cm)
- New antenna
- second-hand TV distribution equipment
- Stand offs for ladder line
- Cheap n Easy Dipole Supports
- RFI Question for HF mobile
- Antenna for receiving WWV/10MHz: am I asking too much?
- Re: Receiving 2 GHz AM signals in space. What do they sound like?
- Tweaking 80 meters on multi-band dipole
- Coax: Protection from birds
- Ft-857d And ATAS 120a
- Force 12 - C3S
- NEC-4 output file format questions?
- High voltage and coupling from a vertical to adjacent coax
- Re: Receiving 2 GHz AM signals in space. What do they sound like?
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- yaesu FT-817ND without antenna tuner?
- The varmints [not the dog] chewed my ladderline!
- VOACAP/Linux. Has anyone here done this?
- Antennas guilty of RFI?
- Re: Ground rod lengths vs number
- Handheld Scanner Antenna Polarization Questions
- Need help: NEC output data and Average Power Gain calculation
- Launch of LPO Watch - New Edition
- FYI: RF Calculator
- Ground rod lengths vs number
- MIMO and AAS
- Corrosion on aluminum stake
- j-pole 5/8 wave
- I have never heard of installing a tower this way...
- Motorola ConvertaCom connector
- what homebrew HF antenna produces the most groundwave?
- Looking for groundwave propagation experience on 20m
- Trance House Techno DJs Events - Groove All Night
- Vision, Chicago Dance Club - Events
- Car radio antenna has an inline .85mfd capacitor, why?
- KB9RQZ posts his bio
- Mobile balun thoughts
- EZNEC - is there an easy way... SWR... ham-bands only?
- Chokes and QRN
- Antenna optimizer based on NEC2/NEC4
- #4, #6 & #8 aluminum ground wire?
- TA-33jr smaller element stuck in larger element.
- What you always wanted to know about fox hunt antennas
- I suspect, if Einstein were given a word ...
- Speedup NEC-Engine, using multiple CPU-Cores
- Marine 2m Antenna wanted
- Maxwells laws
- "Quarter wave ground mounted radials are a waste of wire."
- Beverage Antenna, Noise pickup
- FREE-I just found this great website where you can get a FREE Plasma TV This Is NOT a Scam See for Yourself.
- Ringo ARX-2 vs ARX-2B - What's the deal?
- Tower Space Available
- Aerial grounding and QRM pick-up: theory & practice
- Probably a stupid question, but...
- For Sale: SGC Automatic Antenna Tuner
- Random wire Receiver antenna good enough?
- Questions about a 2m J-pole
- Hustler G7-144 vs G6-144 vs dipole radiation pattern
- Propagation for Dummies
- Trying to Identify??
- Seeking New FAQ/Intro Maintainers for*
- 2m Repater intermod problem
- Complete Bollox? Or...Was: what makes it a balun????
- coaxial dipole
- Callsign hats at W. CT Hamfest this Sunday
- Coaxial cable ExtraFlex 9096IIA ?
- 10 meter antenna and radiation angles
- RE:Polyurathane or similar
- Understanding Yagi antenna
- G5RV & Tuner Question
- Testing of RF switching unit
- Update Re: "Extension" antenna ?in?sanity check, please?
- Yagi height above ground
- Slinky dipole HF antenna recommendations wanted.
- Wilson 500 rotor schematic
- Yagi in Proximity of Vertical/SNR problem..answers???
- Antenna for PCI wireless card
- W. Connecticut Hamfest is next Sunday
- Trouble with MFJ-269 and local AM broadcast station
- Dipole IN a rain gutter..
- i can challenge you that "u can earn 10000$pm" online from HOME,OFFICE,CYBERCAFE...
- Substitute wire in Trap?
- requesting reception reports NDB beacon
- Hy-Gain AV640 (Patriot) problem, or Bugs in the Antenna
- Results: Carolina Windom
- Checking Coax Connextion
- inquiry from a newb
- Re: making a common mode filter
- Re: making a common mode filter
- FS: Service Manuals for Commercial, Amateur Equipment, Test Equipment
- Ideas for Simple Homemade 17 Metre Antenna
- Re: making a common mode filter
- Re: making a common mode filter
- Re: Don't Tease Dick
- Stake pocket antenna base
- online date . internet date services . all singles best . mature date websites
- Convertible 40M vertical to 20M vert dipole
- Vertical antenna problem
- Repairing A Broken Trap?
- Ferrite cores instead of a 1:1 current-choke UnUn for a Carolina Windom
- What is the highest radio frequency used for astronomy? Is it 3,438 GHz?
- Photon vs Wave emissions from antennas?
- Enter now stronger surprise 2007
- test
- Diamond X-510N or UVS-300
- 70cm and 2mtr Oscar Antennas
- OWA yagi tapering dependency...
- How to make a Stationmaster for hf ?
- Antique 1912-1949 Porcelain teapot 528 chinaware 400 Website invitation visit
- Western Connecticut Hamfest
- LQQKing for 160m
- Sun noise
- Determining Ham-M series 1 or 2 from series 3-5
- Cushcraft Vertical Trap Consistency - Is there a trick guys?
- Source for large #31 toroids
- vertical with semicircle of radials
- kernerls
- A needed Antenna Item!
- Leaky Coax V's Wire Antenna
- Is an Antenna Analyzer an FCC violation?
- QuBits
- Off-center fed dipole, questions
- where do I look for this info???
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